V i: flar. H 1023. wYonvorroww ; I Alright I Ifl a mlU. tubla UkiIt to H ' B frl rallava Coottlfwtlaa and Dill- m Iuwwm and keep th tllcmUv. ami 3 .uaaoatlT. Junction normal. H r1 !itk.WeJ for omt BT Mz3Wmr BT Chips off the OM Block I rfcr' Ultl M m VM Jbta c04)r te4. ir j Summer COAL i ,- ,t xnf mfartlon! Hepeal ! being filial every lay for Nanaimo-Wellinglon Nut Coal x r l.nn linger! -atr m other X jI C al. Phone 116 or 564. Albert & McCaftery LIMITED BARGAIN TWO LOTS in Section 1, $625each Terms arranged Sec us for particulars. OINer Typewriter. Cary Seres. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Summer Shoes Men's All White Tennle Shoes, (Tonil iionvy nolo S2.75 Bwn Canvas Shoes, from $1.35 Mn's Fine Shoes, from S4.50 LECKIE SHOES, from $5.00 i' pair. SHOE REPAIRING. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Third Ave. l'P C.X. Ticket Offlor We. lu-jj in announca llio lining of (,ur new Garage and Service Station n 3rd Avo. East, In Uio former Paclflo Cartage Stable and Warehouse Buildings. mnpeleyi mechanics nro !" charge, and you are nn-s"ed of prompt and courteous aervlcH nnd reasonable prices. Tires, Tubes, Accessories, f,l"l full lino of genuine ' "I'd I'arln carried In slock. I'liono dree n 31)2.. lYen Air. Phone Qreen 302. Free Air. S. E. PARKER. Ltd. I i X THM DAILY WEWH 'r" ORIENTAL QUESTION IS DISCUSSED BY MANSON ADDRESS TO LABOR MEN (continued fntiri page one) """" r 'ioimiii.il- llml n.c. wa nnl Prepared . -;,crifired on he altar of lmrial relation. Canadian must ,ae rP(far, )o their limiif even f wa neres- Miry in involve -in-li relation. Canada had nn quarrel wild me oricninl n. n-li ami llier good qualities ,.( ni(llrP(t hip stamiard or living n,e fltl.t,,l..l 1. ....... . -landnrd l.iil wa much b.wpr irmiiKii with rhaiiK.. of en- itirOIIHKMlt It llllil nr.. I 1.1 .... I ""I. HI Oil- Td.MK.K'.iiy nj.rovc. Objection wa to he nun to tli-r rnndi ri.in ..r living which prevented ivliilc hit'ii man competing with ; !ipim nidn-lrially. There wh mm i.icii.iini.,11 ri-lns: among Hip while imam-1 -ome claes of wri, toil jf Hip while raril), j le-pi-e work there would ,p n sorry -itiialimi indeed. i,,r, work ami sarrifirp wa Hip ' .IIMlfl.l Utfl of .li-. Ethnolooleal DlfTerence Tlin r.-al .lijiTln.i, naaini.1 Hip UihmiIuI wu Ki pilmr.loKiral 1iff.'ipt.rp Mwn him and Hip wliilp rare. '(Tip I.IihhI- woiiI.I ""I a-iiiillair and il wa not in-lrmlp.1 thai Hip) Ikiii ,o mitp.1 in hii mp mil l.v AH tif4a ' in i.ur nkp. TIip uliilp racp 'IkmiIiI I.p jinil)l aiTMiiiit h, ip.-riu.'uluiK rffprl of iiilormiiixl-iiu with Hit OnriiluU. Sim.v liil.r tini.i iw fiiuml In -iitianl tipiiImI Uln.r. IT in.lu.lry w.Mil l hoi tic i,i nraiinB It w.niM ..... il.l.- to ii.. whlfp lalu.r ami afT.nl Hip romljllon Dial tiic!i laln.r ipiian.pl. Tu ilu Hii-, m.irp iin-pfi-lnr-, fair wniip-j aii.l .r..jMr Iiviiik' r.Mi"lilMii iiiimi n irnnlm hy lnliilrl. TIip Oriniul iliiaium wii ttn 'viiim.p nf a tinicnKp mpiiaro. 'I "limiii flrftl M- n l;iiiinlrvtii:ir Hi.- OiiiiHinxn Iial (Iii.piI un- now l.u.jiipn. an1 (nilii-lry .i- lui jfHv I'.inlriillcil liy tiriput ! '' I Iipv had iipqiiirNl ini I i i iy iui.l hiid pnlrrr.l Hip liu-i-, .mil iintuirml wtirl.l. l-'or .,nijil-. 34 jirr ri'iii f lli .h ' "(' jHiijiiu rnn van tww in-.inr.-! ii Oru-nUi-. tncr ih jciii.ip tiii.l 9nr In lliPn1, tin-iquMlity of Hip Aufcrroft .lal.w-jli.i'l gimp iluun iinltl IliPtP prt . hanlly any tnw llial rp no.' '.I,.. (,.,. I. TrutPlhnK iinl'r Hip QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND Application to Lease . Lands. Foreshore In Quern Charlotte Land Dis- triel. IteConllllK !MlrlCl II f I'niwe Itupert. and xitiiAto al the niouili of Malechuck Crrrk. Kagan Hay, Ski.lrgate InlcL Hrahain Man.!. H Take Xotire that 0. Mc-M orris, of Vancouver. U.K. occiu Ipalion miner, intend to applv Ifor nermlsMon lo !aae lh fol- louinir dPtcrlbei! foreshore laml.i: timmeiiring al a pol planted nil i.i. i. .... . feet west or or the southeast cor ner nost of Lot I: thence 10 i i t . . The Secret of Its Success q THE SALVATION ARMY not only believed that there wa hope for the wort, it went after the wont in the slum, in the gutter; in the pn'ton It is still doing this all over the world CJ YOUR contribution to The SALVATION ARMY Annual SERVICE APPEAL U a wite investment in practical Christianity. Annual Service Appeal Adjutant Kerr, financial ren- reaeniaiive, ask only that he be pivrn the funds with wliicl. to 8ne the community for another year. rciMjInliiiii of an old p-lablilip.l pnNlurl. Hip Oriental-., wtp n'm-Hip lietlpfil of Dial reiiila-Hon and wprp MimeHnip- tinwlt- llnul) patronized .y alt rlae-. Knowing Hip fael.-, Hie -iieaker a.llii Dial prodnet of Hii- ili-Irlrl wiiei knew no Orienl.il- l.e alway- irien Hie a.lvanla?e, p.. Hie hirth rale of Oriental had inrrea-Pil liy leap- and Ih.iiihI- in All a-loimdilir decree. On ar- rt.uni of Hii nnliiral inerpa. Hie ineiwHi wa in no meant !- -etiPif lieraue of' a tllprlil derrea-P in inimfpralfoti. Oriental- lnnil.l twl only t ptrludp.1 from (Ian ada hut -oiiielhmg should he dune to rimkp Hipiii leae Hip iMHinlry, Here wa- Hie only -olii. I 4n of Hip prohlPiu. . fpw year- a?o, lahor lia.l -Iimm alone in Hip ffclil asainnt Hip OrfpntiiN lull a- I hoy had loiM'tiPd Hip pnifil of other elei inenln so did Hio-p oilier ele. 1 Iheu had route Hie mendianls. It teemed lhal lin.l been the only HII ll.ir IIIIIIM Mil !.. n.-fc ......n . . . main soutiieasieriy; iiicnce to -n.... i.. ii... r;..i.i in. chain northeasterly: thencn chains northwesterly, thence fol Inutile tiluli water mark to nol nt r eommenretnenl. and containing to acres more or less. William oi'onni: mcmohhis Dated May 2ft, 1023. For the WARM DAYS Swimming Suits. Summer Underwear, Viking Union Suits, rtc. Hals and Caps. Socks in nil weights. Dress and Work Shirts. The Latest Styles In Summer Suitings. Order Taken Tor Made.to- Measure Suit. OILSKINS "l'rlnco Huperl" llritnd. Home Manuracture. Thor Johnson Next to Post Office. MR. FISHERMAN! ii i - with Hip menace. Preaching and Practising II was no good lo preach one thing and praelie another. Thn (Oriental imi-l ahtolutely l.e no) Ipalronired. II had been proven ! thul Iheir employment was not an ecnitoinie necessity. If one plant could get alnnir willmu eiuhloying Orienlal mere was TIMBER SALE X 6267. Tlier will te orrrrwl ror Sal it riibllr (urtl.m. it ii'sin nn th fist itay of July, I If J, In the orrii-f or Ihe piMrlrt Korflr, O.iiirl lliinse, I'rtnre llnpert, thn Urrnrti X Mil?, lo nit 7&.no( reft l.M. nr Sjrure. Iiil.nni. Ilrmlork. ami Crilar. ami al.o lio.iino Teet II. M. or fflled and Burkoil Snrurr. Haluini, llemlin-k ami Odar, nn an iri'a llualnl oil liefr anil Dear UakfS, Princess lu.yal llaml, lianire 4, Coat l.anit niorlrl. Twu ( yrara will imj allowil for rn-in.xil of iliniii r. i 1'iirllier liarllruUri of the Chlff For!' inr. Victoria. It.t:., or District Korcsu-r, rrlm-a miert. n.c- NOTIOK. Taki .Notice Uiat on innnili aflcr pill) llrallon r till notice, I'aciric Carlate i ii.iii-.i tii-ittf.-i iii iniilv t.i tin llprlomr 'nt John Slock Companies, at Victoria, for leave in change us name in t., r.Mi kill I.IMITKIt." I'AI.IIII i;.MIT.MO. 1.1 Ml I Ml. Per Williams, Manson K ilomalcs, . a solicitors, Your life often depends upen a GOOD TANK Wc have been muking lunks for boats during the past leu years and we have yet to get a complaint of faulty workmanship. WHAT WE HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS WE CAN DO FOR YOU. ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS Second Ave. Phone 340. no rpason why thr onp npxt door should not. II ahould he made Hip mol rarpfnl lniine. of eevryotip imi lo palronizp the OriPtitaN. Tim I hey could he driven out. II watt deplorahle thai I here should lie ip -pee- Inelp of relurned aoldiprii unpm liloyed with OriPiitaN working. If Ihprp wa any unemploymenl' il ahould le among the Oriental. Tim provincial gMvernnient wai pi-pjiared lo fight Hie (iielion lo Hip uliiHi-l. In the pal (here had lieen a lot of polilieal hy. poerixy with i-Pgard lo Hip pip. Hon Imi at thJla-l -e.-tion, for onee In the Jlfarory of H.c .Hip wIm.Ip Hoiip' had huen unaui- mou- in n riiea-ure againt Hip Oriental- and he believed that ppry memlier hail been .-ineern. II waa I.mi hig a nup-lion lo bi kfeked around like a nnlifie.it football. IJnlean Hie ouotion wa deall wild now. Hip Orieulal- wvoihl penelrale furllier into Cannda. The ritountainn would he no harripr and the irairi- wouiii toon know Ihcni arid from Ihenrp onwaiil- Ka-I. The fiaiit a ... a l( would hp liml unlet Hip rot (.aiiada ramp lo Hip a-itan ppialy m view of Hie fart thai lpilalioii arainl Cliinep Hip ipialily wa o nilirli -ulter ior. Birthrate TIkmikIi inimigraliiHi of Orienl- nU had ilecrpa-ed, vli(!lilly ulieu rotnpnritur Hip ypnrn llHfl and y'l. Mr. .Man-on .1'flare.l thai tiienl- join m Hip fight. AgrU tor lalr. of ;inre of ll.r.. llrilMi dumbiana iiiti-l unite lo prr on Ottawa Hip -eriomnp''- of Hip ajluatiou. Mr. Mau-oii derlared dial Hip lapanee -houhl nol .p natural- i.pd. It had ippn laliH j tint Hipy never lo-l Hieir original nationalily. Before Privy Council lleferenee wa made lo Hip win of I he provincial internment before the priy rounril in Hie mailer of Chinese on crfiwn limber licpnPt. TIip pielion of eliminating the .lap- here would come up nexl. If Hie cae wprc won j would Ip a grpat virlory for I lie provinee though not hy any meant a complete one, Ottawa had already pa-ed ami Hip Oiine-p ron-iil 1i.nl prole-led. Tlial wa a goiMl sign and il wa- deairahle that legislation -lioiibl be patted lo keep them kiekinc. .Ml that It.C. atked or Ollawa wat .-omelhiiig rea-on-ahlp and prarticnl that would do -omelhing o tolve the ipie-tion. In rlo-ing hit ail. Ire--. Mr. Man-on -laird dial Hie Department of l.alnir over which he pre-ide.l wa- always prepared lo 2ive itP.ulatioii of labor M fair hearing and ju-liee. If Ihey had -omelhing reaaonahle. lo ouVr in ii lea-nnalile way Hip department would always be ready o lovepl I hejr -upire-Hont for rorreeliont. He fell lhal Hie lirovinri.il .leparlinenl of labor vt parrying on in a quiet but Pllicienl manner, doing a good work In providing fair leratiiienl. fair wauet and snlitfaclory condi- Thoiigh il was rullurallls who al first had not "' coiimlelp Ihey had made a -aid a won!; had joined in h. fair measurp or -uccpss which -IruiOJlp ngnin-t the immure and something to be proud or. Address Appreciated Pretidenl Macdonald ex-pressed way lo enlist Hieir uiporl. In npprecialii.n lo .Mr. .Manon for of Slateelmck Creek, about 1.50i "" rap- rx"'nsion oi uio nit nuurpss. ine council un actiliiet or I uneniai- in hup nouiiieilly realir.ril Hie -eriou- years lia) ennsieii I lie wiioiejiip- or llie .tuualiou now miire than Ihey did before, Atlornpy Oeneral Manson was dealing with the Oriental situation in .-riout manner (jtnd was entitled lo Hp MipporJ ' of (he working ela-s of Jjhe pmviirce in his ef forts. It wits . apparent' that he had emlpiivorpd to io more than any ollipr attorney general ha'! ever jlonn toward a solution of the question. II was only fair lhal :approval should be shown of his efforts. J. J. Hillis, in moving a vole of thanks lo .Mr. Afanson, deelar ed lhal if he pursued along the present line, kept the fuel be fore hint and did his best he would Iip entitled lo all support regardless or political mailers McKay Concurs T. Host Maekayi in seconding llie vole of thanks, , said il was no always his privilege In eon- cur wilh llie acls ami statement of Mr. Manson and his govern ment but he had great pleasure in doing so on Ihis oceasion. All polilieal dilferenres should he r.irgollen in fighting the Orient al iiienaee. (iisirge Oney a-ked a question regarding the employment of men on Hie University -ile at Vancouver last winter al what fie alleged was a starvation rale of pay. Mr, Manson staled thai Mr. Casey had been misinformed. II was true lhal 35n, tut hour had hern paid but it was for relief work and it had been round impraclieahle to pay a higher rale wilh on drawing in men who left other Jobs for, Hie relief. Six days a week work had been been given.'" It was true that nothing but a bare living could Im obtained out of Hie rale given but on the whole it had On the Mountain Top PKOE PIV1 CLIMB tfie mountain stand on the peakand before there unfolds a panorama extending as far as your eye can reach. Stay in the valley, and your view is restricted by the surrounding hills. This newspaper, properly used, will guide you to the mountain top. Read it and your vision is enlarged. You get a bird's-eye view of world events. You glimpse the doings of the day. Fail to use it, and your view is limited f you remain in ignorance not only of events at home and abroad, but of much that concerns . you even more vitally news of the very things that have to do with your personal, everyday life. Some one might be selling a new, better and more economical food; or a utensil that would add im-measureably to comfort and your well-being: or some better material for shoes or clothing Jaut you would never know, because of your restricted view. You may read every line of the news columns', but if you overlook the advertising, you are still living in the valley. You remain uninformed about many things you ought to know in order to live a happy, useful, profitable life in this age of progress. Climb out of the valley to the mountain top. Read the Advertisements. l.ppn a satisfipif camp and Ihere'p'l such national advertising and had been only Ihree or four kiek-ihad been u-e.l as a vehicle for a ers. The city or Vancouver, great deal i.r personal advert is-whirh had pmtpsled, had given ing. two days a Nveek re!hr work al The Farmer had used the llie same lime paying !IOe "an Hank Act as a means tor seH-hour. The government, had taken ! aggrandizement, Tliey had in- care orrnmt tioO fo H00 -men, a ml hai) speiil 00,00rt. 'rf 1 , . - Fred Stork " f Fred Stork, in giving his ae- done so. Mr. Stork rererred lo (he ricullies attending a governmeirt that had no) control in Hie llous.j, Willi such a situation il was iinu tosjhle to bring aboiil all the legislation that might be desired. Many revisions were, necessary to Ki'l anything through at all. Criticisms lhal the government had nol lived up lo il pre-election promises were uiifair since it had been impossible lo do sir. The session had been drah and Ireary and devoid or anything outstanding or spectacular. litis-iiiivss Uial' had taken fixV inonllW, he rell, might well have been dis posed or in Iwo ir Hie disposition had been business like. Bank Act Vital Ceneral opinion would be that the Hank Art had been the mo.-U vital lliing dealt with at the session, had been a perfunctory measure with no romance, drama or uimieaval of opinion. The importance attached to II, how ever, had been because It recelv- sisled on a rural r redid elattse being placed in it and had wasted much lime in committee never missing llie opportunity to oh- count or the parliamentary .e.-,tain wide advertising about the sioir, lold or Hie' diverse duties gallant right Ihey werw puHini that rell upon llie private mem. !up. They seemed to be more her. lie. had lieen appointed lo'salisried with having a grievance several committees and had been than settling it. They had druni- al Ollawa the entire five month nie. up the failure or (he Mer- ses-Hin willi the pxeeplion of chants' Hank when after all it the last I wo weeks when he hail hud been a failurp caused simply come home lo be here when Str!by Hie criminal acls or men in Henry Thornton paid hi visit. .Uler what had transpired, he had been delighted that he bad had 4 eonlrol something which no Hank Act. could eer regulate. lion ..Mr. Copp, seerelary or sLtte. had sought reform in the Naturalization Act and would have had naturalization in future adnrlulslf red through his own nfllce hut Ihis had been faced wilh such opposition, on the grounds that II gave (he minister loo much power, lhal it had to eh withdrawn. Iniquitous Amendment Hon. Mr. Stewart, minister of llie interior, would have had Oriental immigration controlled hy having a representative of Hie government al Hong Kong, and allowing in only large business men with means, thus limiting Immigration to a dozen or so a year. This, .Mr. Slork, thought was the most up-to-dale measure lhal could hae been eon-ceived but it had been milled by a uniquitous amendment in the Senate which provided that! any evader .might he allowed lo remain In Canada ir they paid the legal ree or entry. The fisli commission, Mr. (continued on page sir) Stove WOOD We have just received l car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. bite cut to order. Also Kindling In Sacka. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 880. Service and Quality our Motlo. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading RestauranL A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. FRESH MILK DAILY From Our Government Tested Herd of Guernsey Dairy Cows, KTTER MILK. BETTER SERVICE. STANDARD DAIRY Phone Blaok 51.