! m m ill!!. J ;K I 'I f run rang BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMan Uf Halloween U 3At ONt THINK TMEtJE. COt KUH VJtNO KOJ WERC RiCMT MUCfy II WHATQ 5Hu3l HOLY BBLl I READY MR JlCCt) NOW I'M DOWN THE MieT3o MONEr palter imam the cot. tovjtao roar .teuu JS MOk TV- "T J WEVE TOTMt COT TO OOtuD A. QOVERriwENT KIM PH'iNT iT- HOUtE AND PoURn i T TO l v -COOO FU?E r-1 FKW MOOtC THAjf tcer4e:; 1 ' I v UP; SUPPERS For the Parties am! Dances for this time of year we have a full range of Indies Slippers in Kids. Suede and Satin at prices ranging from $5.00 up to $10.50. We will be glad to show you these ai arty lime you call. Family SHOE Store "The Home of Real Shoes." Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at "Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservation for I hat Christmas visit lo Ihe Old Land parly. For Tickets, Rates Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. and Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. . The Home of Domestic Bread Brad is your best fond. Eat more of if. Kept by (he leading grocer. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD Ve have just received i car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. Sire cut to order. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 5S4V Service and Quality our Motto. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP 8UEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Prices Reasonable. Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVING. Eliminate the draught around your windows and use less coal, 8EE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows. Glass and Mirrors of all kinds. T. R0S8 MACKAY. Phons Blue 166. ENTERTAINED BY TEACHERS Trustees and Members of Rotary Club Guests at Hollow E'en j Party II won LI lw iliuVult to conceive of a nmre enjoyable hollow - een party than that given last night in Ihe Booth School where the president and member of the J'rinre Rupert Teachers Association entertained the sehool ruMees and members of the Notary Club. - Not only was the 'assembly hall decorated tiecom-insly with the emblems of the seann but Ihe ditiingrooui. ibe halls an. I everywhere- about, ihe .building had art-air of ntyslery. ; Witches pervaded tbe very air. black rats were everywhere-, and an'' jfairies were seen by many of the visitors. ; On arrival visitor were con- This was followed by ?rapb content. Five Groups When all had arrived suesls were diviiled inlx. The oilier' stroupij composed Iheir sonjes well 'ami sanK Ihem with much expression. One pro duced a delightful ballad entitled "Lizzie Ford" and nan? it lo Hie I line of Yankee Doodle, another composed an ode entitled "JigtfS ami Macpie" ami this sun? lo the tune of "Sweet and Low" was 'just loo sweet for anything. The palliPlic ballad "Sea Sick ness nuoie a nil necause ni us realist ie nrfiduclion to the mel low tones of "Obi Hlack doe,' sunp Willi appropriate action This was Ihe prize winner, "Deer lluiltius;" lo Hie tune o I 3acfI u I.sembly hall where they were re-; we was won by tbe trust reived by the President and vice- and some of Ibe ieclalors w president of Ihe i Misses Maednnald Tbe jruesls were then eacji' pre-i''- 11 wa sented with a beel uf ;CrepeparicipaiJs paper, a packet of pins ami ,kuil-l,,wrr,l ballmui vaHlo-were weird -isions, vaiif-bin? Sweet by and by" was the only encore of tin' evening and it i Hiouarhl I was due lo the soar intf lenor. A sketch enlilled "The Wronp; Flat" showed a jealous lover pIhiIs, creaminir sprites, ralll- iti? skulls and similar horrors Iheibul all passeil Ihe test witllou five; any casualites and the scene that .'roups according to llie color or(awane,i mem in uie supper nan lltir bats and each sroup wasjwa aniple reward for any uf Hie assigned a duly. Que was given jlrial. an.1 tribulations exper-a bundle of dollies ami was (old'lenced in sreltinjr'l here. The tables lo prepare a charade whib each! of Ihe other four was sriven a sons to write which hail to le simp by theui when cnmplelcd. The results yre. very wonderful. The charade was llie piece de resistance. Kacb of the -group W3i rigged out as a eh'ol pupil and lliey showed marvellous bioJrionic iMiwersin Ihe three impromptu sketches they put on. At the cb.e s. J. "McLemi, was awardeil Ihe prize for Ibe best sustained character, rue frrnun was captained ny vv . r.. v II liams. were appropriately decorated and at each place was a magic caudle from which Hie xues wa, u his own fortune. Six bib schools girls dressetl in while a II R TORONTO 51 m In Centre of Shopping g ; g and Business Dtttikt M la 250 ROOMS 3 IX 130 .t PMi Mi m jm ELiKOPEAH PLM XI . "!" lHoanon. wait, am. M The res ere SLi . r 1 1 1 inci .uiiaiuu iaruwii bib irnmia i iiiii i ami ,iltne.:was because lliey were polilic- a race in which the bad In blow a abuiv a coppen able bat trimminc' and fold it:"i- was the first duty to mate the. Supper was announced, bul hat to he wocn UiroUsrtiout tl(e'before racbin;r Ibe supjwr room. eveAm?. XeeJIes'4 lo ay, snm!'he vuilr "ondiit'te.l wonibrful creations resulted.Murouxb Ibe d;irk halls where an' acled as waitresses and Ihe lainly delicacies served were uu ndicalion that some of the eachers, at any rale, have mis ed their calling. II was sug gested by Hie visitors Hint there might be raids oil the ranks be fore long if the. abilities, of Ibe teachers aloiiz Ibis line became penerully known. Prises Presented After showing the men the pelrified mummy all assemble! mum more in the hall where Hie prize were presented, commun ity sinjfing was led by Jiuimie Milcbelf and addresse were given. Principal Itrady of ihe high school eemM theT welcome of the leacbers lo Ihe. visitors and replies were made bv Ih. Kerarin and lr. liranl on behalf of the Triislees ami Ihe Hntary Club respectively. The iirize winners in various events wen?: Hest trimmed men's hat, Sid. lolm.snn. Hest trimmed ladies' but, Mrs. S. K. I'arker. Hest croup sng, groiip led by Fred Slork. . Hest aclnr, S. .I. McLeo.l. Throughout llie evening there jwere- many rninient. on the Jftood Ihs) and ahilily .bwn in "tin ileonrallin aud the ecel-Unr of the siipixr and general arrangement. After the sin?inir of the uational anthent the vtie re-lt n- fully dispersed. 'SAVED FROM PNEUMONIA BY VICKS Manitoba Mother Fenders Unusual Tribute Mrs. A. J. Jenner. o0 9lh Street. Hrandon. Manitoba, writes: "f ramioi say etionjth for Virks Vapoltub. II saxed u7 little boy from pneumonia and my . .. . J hu-bamt fnim a reactioo of pleur- sbiHitinj: his rival and after hs wi'h a friend of mine had kilie.1 bun dtscoeritijr that ne evening and she put Vlcks be had "nlereil Ibe wronx flat VapoHub rm'her six-nmnths old hoi the wnnu person. ami ii sae.i us me aiier an Balloon Race oilier minjr na.i iauei. iteneve One of Ihe excilins part f me. I never want (o be without " house. I haxe fixe Ibe entertainment was a baloon 7 i r k a .1 ducted to the dressing WKins by n whidb representatives nf r.n'",rr" imepibers of the witch's band and ltH sCli(KltHiani, llie learners and Imarrhed upstairs to the hi as--Ihe HoSan- Club look. part. a am always nee.jm lr. 0ler say pneumonia ha taken Hie place of tuberrtilni a llaplain of Ih Men of lath." 'not far behind. The jremts of twdh ilieaes are constantly with 'us. The only reliable protection lugafflst HienV come from giK.l health. T avoid these dangerous dicaes in winter, don't le yourself gel rim hiwn anil almve alt never negfi-et.B cild. Hreak it up in its early stages with Vieks Vapoflub. Hie external vaMiiizing frealmenf for cold.' AI all drug slore. SOe a iar. For a fre let size package, write Vk-k Cliemieal Co. 3tl St. I BOARD. Paul St.. W.. Montreal. I'J). Though Vicks is new in Can ada it has a remarkable nle in the Stale. Over 17 million jars ued yearly. JOHN DO RE ACTING BRIER SUPERINTENDENT OF YUKON TELEGRAPHS Permanent Appointment Will be Made by Civil Service Com. miction, J. T. P net an States While John lore of Prince Rupert is acting ditricl- super intendent of Yukon Telegraphs,' a permanent appointment ' will have lo bn made by the civil service commission staled J. T. Phelaii, superintendent of Hie svsleui. this morning on being H iucstioiicd as (it who would sue ceeil F. W Iricl, II may be some, lime yel before llie anuoiuimcni is au- uounced. Asked as to the position of the rumored amalgamation of lh Canadian Nalioual and govern ment Hues in Ihe north, Mr. I'helan eaid Ihe project had yet reached mi definite aspect. There would have lo be inucli negolla- Hun lMfore anylhing was done Mr.:Pbelaii ia just completed au in.speclb'in iof Hie government lelegraph arnl telephone in the interior. Daily News Classified Ads. 8 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. Nu AcirsrtiMinant Takn for L tkan SOe UVARTEO WANTEU-Men and women to learn barbertns. Paid while! Marninz and tool iree. wnie for calaloue. M"ler Harder College, Vancouver, H.C WAXTKH. Ktperieneed jrirl a w ail res, and chambermaid in country ImteL Apply Hooiii it. SI. K.I mo Hotel. J5 V..M'KI.- Woman or xirl foi 7inert houework. No wnb-insr. I'boiie 165. If FOR SALE FOR S.W.K. 34 h p. Kerro F.n- pine. Snap 0.on. Will demonstrate any time. Northern llxrlmnse. U FOR REMT STEAM Heated Flat for rent Hesner apartment. M. M. Stephens. a. . k I ..1 !( II h V I FOUR HOOMKIt Steam heal. Mallei!. Housekeeping moms 110 Sixth Avenues Kal. Phone lllue 217. tf The Second Avenue. FIAT t Hent. Apply Smith & If FOH HKXT. Mislern house, five nxims and bath. Apply Mil nr., Hro. If MODERN four room flat for rent. Weslenlntver Hro. tf BOARD. Inlander, Phone 137. ROOM AND BOARD PALMER HOUSE (Oft 23. Let Tommy do ill LOST 830 tf Beventh Avenue Wet. Phone Red 149. Furnished suites. MISCELLANEOUS. TAXI and Light IHIvery. Phone LOST. While rowboal in Prince Rupert Harbor, Saturday lnt. Reward. Phone liree'n 102. If FOUND FOUND- Two key on el ring. Apply Dally New Otllce. Ihe 12 mile telephone exlension from VanderhiMif to Chitcohas jtiMi iteeu compleei ami con nected to the Vamlerhoof lee Mr. Phelan will leave Sot Van couver tomorrow n'gbl. IsL REGIMENTAL ORDERS In. North B.C. Regiment 102 Bn. O.E.P. Orders by Major .1. system commandijig: He report that Duller;: Nlr.lif.lls Orderly officer for week ending November 3, Llenl. D. Oreen. M.C. .VeX for duty Lieut. It. V. O. LePlne. Drills and Parade: N.C.O.'s and rivm flu, Monday H..'I0 p.m. Ollirers. Moiul.iv mid Weilnesdny y jj.m. Physical Iraitiing, Tuesday, 8 p.m. Drums and buules. 'Ilinr-il.iv. H n.ui. Slrelcber liearers, Friday. 7.30 p.m. Hy order, -P. H. AHIfHIIIDOi; dipt. Acting Adjulaiil. Subscribe for the Dally News, ANYIIIIX 780. 1. REPAIRING CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE, D.C. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue. I'nnce Rupert. H.C. ,1? EXPERIENCED CORSETIERE firler taken for Spirella Oohs Mrs. J. M. Qrahlman Kaien Shoe Store. 711 Second Avenue We!. CHIMNEY CLEANING Muderale Prire OLD NICK Prince Runeri Cigar Slore Phone Hlue s: TIMBER SALE X 5271. Tlirf m tit Iw nrtred for Sl THC CORPORATION Of TMK PRINCf RUPERT. Take Entire Uul crrv o ' Th wncil "f Ihe OunorallSI nf Ihe ,,.,,p BTvisntr exchange winch uIiIkIi'I, s an nti jpnone. Dp-.air t rnnre tmperi mirn.t k . Itowling ilK.lhis (lis- . . . . ,illlr or nutlrr ..r tln.lr mrr p t. .Ho llie lown. I he government 'wwrh m i ruri . similar rxrlianges serviiiFi'Vlii. UT J""?" of E,,M ,n,h" Ihe town nf Smillier and llaiel- lon. inal iMirthm nf a in Atemr Ittnc or In- lot aiiuatra frsii a pniul at itie lnterer lUta ut the trailed isirlkm nf MrBrtil street, and tin .twin, atmiit autinn Jiu1. tu the ni iMHindary of lib 4 vrnii-. lIUm ll. aiKl n fullnw Us-rrnire line ( Ui aald IU Avenue ami anirutlmalrly Jietrn i T . feel U Inrhea im either able llwrnif. arrordlnt It lht tradra ahin cm llie plana ami profiM llleil In ttw I if fire or the City l.nrliieer. a kiral liurrnrnient, and lnlmla tu aprrt- ally awai Ihe nil ins'll Ihe land iliutllnt illrrrliy im Uie irk. aiirh pnrtlnn of ths rxi at i inrurred at trrrl lntrrerh,n. ad at artinul nfif-rtr. r. Tlie rallmated nl nf the work t ll.atni. i.r whlrb II.SX.I7 U M be pld lif Um Cs-1rtlM. and the entlinateil annual teriai rale per foot rmnlatfi It a.iioiai. vne apenal aeanini it in lie paia in m annual limtalmanta. 1. rrrwilM (leslrlnr to nrtltliat aailn.1 m"-ninr iih" ura mutt im n uu or winre utr nam nay or .TiiiVMiibar. 1911. naien mi uin nay nr oeiiiber. Ifj. E. f. JinES. my rfk. EdVe-Hoidmrf Sew Fast.Easy-Cuttin SfMONDS SAWS smokdi CARi siw cauams Sl. RmlSl.al Acatn Monltaal 1 ' WM Ttli V Ml ttrl Vl., LAND ACT. l.ei:taire. Cow Hay. in Una i,i,'rt f " 1 1 " 1 Mrt t4 Vrmr atM,r , DO IT NOW. ". ku l-i II mi4 mow my display ofib u xmih. evtrvlhinic in Kur for Ibe winter .L. 'f..!v L' tim TAXI Tail 7 Phone. (Call Georiri or Ootl) Rota Brother. Ilei Service in the Cltr. of Vtikmaxr H c rwrs io aiiu an people anil all 'TW"". nma w t - r - Anywhere. Anyt.me. Day or Nlghl mJ?um u r siano; soion unit Tnird avenue UK. ta ro Land nmri. i n IM1 ( PrliKe AkT Ml Lr Moxt OaeMt tstt It Ik krd of AIM lain j Ti VIW thai . Tfcstac jf VMtmr, H,i. .. :pt Hours : in io 12: : lo ; 7 lo 8. e m tn lawt. iu to.n... in.. lrtr 'frt t tle f- of I'hone Hlue 825. L-lh u., rktiM. Ih( lie denee. fireen I3fl. ,rui; u, imid i AUCTION SALES Condnded in y.ur Imme or at our room f...,s also sob) on eommlMion. H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer, ---...Third Avenue (Denny Allen's Old Store ) Phone Clack 138 and Green 471 rnilnWMit Um tUftt V. J" Hlnrral I I or TllOtlt A V IkMfll UlMlA. tU i t ii ,Hei,. Anythimr in fur ma.le "EZZZJ? .V J .r up In any style o.f.b no.i lv , k . , , l.I -fclM, mare r U4. la ,- W. GOLDBLOOM. tmvurr w TX HTH oS , . "Honest Fur." Second Ave " ,kJ "" I r i r nf u I .L. wrnre Mmlhrrtr, M rllla lk f lt Mt 4 CinnsKriit lnM i t. t tMle4 Jfpunufcsf tUk. ntx "I 'I - -a ! - riiiM ribin nf IUnr ' ' C: m LA 10 ACT. Mil f ImhIIm ! Ar U4 in riMtl ltl IMlrw ill Ibe hr4 r AIM In Otwwn ca rtel l IiHMi Tike .Vvtlrr tlMI I T 1 r newor. . i - l. ItK l -T I " M t . liw bl H tnlvt u -t ft IMTtbraO t h MllWlll 4 lets-. UfK ft lt 3 .mote c !. M (tee r - I lll Intel: tbxie MniV'ir iM nutitHf, tthi tatUrutn I4 fc t jibe fSn of nitMnenretient t: lt 11.7 I1i. mure r le llloMtsA. I" '- ,Vr ft, -rJ Ptel ttpimbt tlh. 11 . LARO ACT. I la lfen Un4 bitirttt. fixtw t tnrt ( rnurt Hoprt tnt ' Capuiim Cott, rtn liuad. Ah . ! ffU( Ul VV itttttfA. t ' tiMitr. occatwlloo noorrr tu K l tWlj lor permlloo W W w roUaviAt 0rrtbeit UaJi fmmrtai t pol Uni4 oa lh toiUlbne f Uloi C, Ibeace touts tt ttii .. et is ckMDtt i&enre nana 11 ru I .Stau S-.u m. . W.M tUk nw Offlre it sril Ihe Llrrnre X Ifflt. ' w . jtJriMi. ht eat iii.m ii et ! I4r wmmI ' v i'JXi.iIjutSft ml Plttiir isi in .Jj.siitnr ll llT. t.. ,.h rfvi'r" """"l i . SlMtllAI. ACT. m.l!inf,i1rSr nn, tnr " ctsmricATB or istpsovismri. neii at at limber. 1 w nler. Vlrlnnj rnnre nert n c I.c. -nr- putrKt rrwtrr. MMrlrt. Where kwatedi .Voar Bithl X) Wal rjianbl, . Te yniktf Uul VVIule rjiaait! J LimiiMt, rrre lner cj.mnrii liiuc. intrnJ. iuy iui trm y ttt$t, m.arpir w it mibi.h fz: tnt- a Ornrirale ef nMWrmrnt. ta V purpi. 6rpiunlnf i Croi UftM " aT,rJl. - .... eMhslnee of aUrtl rr1iri.t ImnedirHaeiita. nped' - . " WiJ.tbHvtoiirday "of Aurw'. ? LAND ACT. N.lUa l UlaatbM U Applf U lajM i U" IU tlsit Uwl lltirlrv IIMl Irlrl nf brihre hnrTr In rmha lalet. itfYM Veen irharlntie Itlamla. r Take Volire thai I, TJitBa A. r Vannitoar, B.C . ortusaUi l'r opera tnr, inirml to ariw tnt pe- io irae lb rolhmlni iirnu twrt: . j Couinienrlna al th nillhMl ronT lie! .U lllli Ibfiire amiin I """ a ii-r II'P- ii 1111 s ,huiu rhairx: Wh1K thmre """I .j rhainai thanr mnlkerly ami ','i.1rt iniHint the Aitr nr I""1 "'V. -m In Ilia ptilnl ef rmmienrmiit w lamint lja arrea, mnrr or ".. Paled aplf.mber ftlb.t- RUNIRAk ACT. cNTirKTi M5isir tut! llllt. tf I r I. Half .ty 1 'Sle i. litis i. I, and liait ' Maima. ii lswr sioiaini m nie nrm lllTlalim uf Ci,l lilatrlrl. setiliuur lulrl en Wltwam T miba .North of Pnri Hanw, ny, u,ihi LSB . Take .Vnllr thai I. I"" J - t. rree Miner' flrrilflral M. " Ji Ijfnly tu tlw Mllllli- Itrru'iliT f" flmrtle ef ImpMvrnienl for ihfkTiiin r ribtaininr i r.Mn ortni oi . . . .... mil Ami ruriniip ill niiinv tinlr srrtiun IS mini . VTrn.,n :,ir fore the taautnoe if ftf rl,n" IniifuveiiienK. . , n I'- batrd thlt tth dty "UWift r't. . ffM Mliirft Certlflf' ',vi