_— >. 7" z? ~~ => “e~ ty ” : ih ? j wer Eh ot PAGE FOUR ? 2: rasa agae as meER Ea Sees " =s MOOSE IN CRIB LEAD Defeated Grotto 15 to 12 Last Eve- ning and Retained Their Su- premaey in League Captains Santa Barbara Team N eq its i ; : 2 Sei I ge Leagu ya last nig xtures W ( Le- » ws > i fol ’ W L Pts Moos¢ 135 Cs 135 Musketeers 12 115 128 f VS 27 6 127 E I 24 19 124 Fik 119 124 119 | Swift's 119 124 119 E 119 124 119 c _ 117 126 see C f 127 16 ~ i 32 111 Skatine and Curling Here ° horse. Converse M. Converse. grandsor fy patron ma Converse as been elected ‘ Sa R Freebooters” team. Here v% all kinds Are in As Cold Snap Con- tinues in City Winter Sports of Full Swing “=""TORONTO BADMINTON wccaerceme IN DRAW LAST NIGHT , ' : © noW active-' Plaved Two-All Overtime With New Prince Rupert Club is Le ading in = ry ; a . , n the ic York American Saturday Both “A” and “B” Divisions : ‘ 1 N ’ hotel b - es Night e ' S red ir 2 P e Rupe { b ; Fone Morse NEW YORK. Dec. 13 Car adine bot A nd “RB” Divisior C Oo tr Lake an re Salt Press T nto Maple I Py B rT resi f ; ’ : I t al : \ i mye I the C. N. R. ten- here S rday nig New 1 : . he u as curlir Am vent xclu ; ¢ we ‘ “WS rink this winter possession secon ace in tne Skeena he > F is International Divisior f tl N ‘ tional Hockey League ahead ‘ , N RA b I Rune | Ottawa Senators wl er reat ‘9 AaLTREY ed by the Canadiens tt D, e Rupert be SL 3.1 Other play i: the National CN RA beatR East an December 13—Jewellers vs. Em- League did not involve the stand-',,...... 4-2 press ings 1 4” Divis standine 10% I ‘ rt 9 C.N.R.A Cr, tS Buy Home-Made nooie teat tnt RNB ‘B” Division 9 T Bp” BP I t R t a os . . . M 27 We have a fine new line of Prince Rupert made 16 OFFICERS FOR GYRO Nominations Received at Luncheon of Service Christmas Cards Art Calendars and Pictures Organization ted Frank Dibb, T. W. Brown, Dr L. W. Kergin, 8. J. Jabour. A. 8. Nic kerson, W. M. Watts, L. W Harold McEwen and G Charles Fife, Rev BUY = Hollingworth, R. B. Greggor, D Burrows and Dr. H. O ed members of the club Bulkley Valley je" COAL SCHEDULE THE BETTER COAL ' A Local Product A. Hunte! ¥ e ele December Empress St. Andrews, Today They help your friends to keep in touch with Prince ware | , I 733 ' v Rupert. They are made by Prince Rupert people For President—Dr. L. W. Ker and the money is spent at home. and T. W. Brown ) Secret J. E. Morris and H. N Brock] DY . WRATHAI L’S Treasurer—S. J. Jabour and A 4 5. Nickerson For Directors (three tot be ‘elec-| Johnsen OF WHIST se bie PCr TF eee seer e errs es | News of The Sport World eee eee af£a 2 eB. ees ROCKETS VICTORS: Racketeers In ad Bullets Are Defeated School Basketball Trimmed by Monarchs In the ¢ and fastest game/ the Hi Scho hoop season | . as 8. = would be REQUEST RENEWED (Continued from Page 1) to the city things being council, He a safeguard and would prevent stampeded through the would heartily support six aldermen but would not support the proposal for four An a move tor alder- jae board of four would lend it- ' Fi | th Racketeers | ivdro-electric e Rocke : »y 30-27 lay. The play was] 1OS€ ? game ans there was t litth ‘hoose bé ween th ums. The Races c the ta : > t! I wna ‘ | ‘ a pi i : 20k slight | he Rocket pped the rh ead, howeve: was threat time ifter tim Out they ma ed stave off ds feat. Mox! ind Tobey were hest he v ers while Morriso was th h light of the losers Monar f rior Da nd white ve ©Bullets Th scor Rockets Mow? 12. Christisor 6. Morgan 4. Gil 6, Hill, Tobey 2 Racketeer Morrison 15, Forbes R 8, Camp- ; ) 1 M ; ), Dominato 4 ' romp ev R i Shr 7 Sq : Re ' amturbane and K | SPORT CHAT c d 2 eI ne SOx. Whi “ : Ag He ‘ e 1983 “ ers or V be Co SKey k Al 6a ir next y vrig I 4 . re ta i Oly rie ar : L_ ve bv a itnietic nt ne : h Amateur Atl : Cal a. The ar ! elected sed the inducis provir } to turn over part of ent tax ; mateur ev ip ' tean December 13—-Grotto vs. C. N R.; An vs. ( ‘ Merchants ‘ I Rovers \ Javanese Dece , 16—-Grotk Kaiens ( dir Comet Merchants Waugh, | Fife, Rev. W. D. Grant! ) | 15—Fish Packers vs.' 1. 0, O. F. vs. Grotto; Ca- nadian Legion vs ituske taass: ea!| c A N A i» i Cove vs, Swift; Sons of Norway vs. | | N A T 4 4p NX W Meteors vs. Rov AL A' HRISTMAS visit with New Year's the folks . partie winter sports and the ywusiness all Low Round Trip tickets on sale Dex t to Jan. eth. Return mit ¢ e months A Low Fares to Atlantic seat ' on all overteeas book efieetive N@y. 20th ¢ famous “Continental lim For yrmation call or vrite local agent or fl. Mckwen, OD. F. and P. A. Prince Rupert, B.C, AN AL LE AS SLT way. there just jmanager to star chamber methods” and public business in private rm There had self t | detmere ions On would be conducted ther than in publi been little cliques in the past which ihad run eity affairs. For instance he believed that the sale of the iydro-electric utility had been one f the greatest clique manipula the htstory of the city. And vho was not sorry now that the utility had been dis- Where lustries that had Ald. Casey moved an ions in rosed of? were all the in been promised amenament at «the association request the resentation of a Dylaw for six er than four aldermer Use Juecment M. M. Stephens seconded Aid asey’s amendment. His mind, said dr. Stephens, was open on the uestion. He believed that small chance of the there present ouncil] meeting a request for four ucdermen, 60 why not use judement ind ask for six which the council night support? If it found ‘uring One year that six worked than eight request later be made was aldermen better then a might to re individual opinions were ther some favoring six alder ome four Aid. Collart thought that dermen were plenty. “If I had my would be xpressed nen and & four st ety Ser T st Mn a Bilge 4017 a SE tashibbbeteeebb geANn 0) LONDON GIN] ANb Best (tiie advertisement is not pudlisted or displayey Control Board or by the Governmen: af British Coltumbin the Lig Buy Mother ... a = HOOVER Electric Cleaner this year Pool the family funds for the down payment It beats as it sweeps as it clea) We Invite You to Inspect Our Christmas Merchandise run ‘ie piace ae slared Ald. Collart amid applause He believed that every alderman ought to know the business of the ty. In! n was not a ques- f I in numbers but 1 ther one of choosing g00d mer hich was entirely up to the elec rate A smatier oune he be eved. would facilitate city bu Mess Ald. Collart thought that Ald Casey was wron in fils remarks regarding the sale wa the hvwdro- lectric, The reason no industries} Sed yel come. was due to the con lition of the times. No industries iad =o beer tablished anywhere cise. He did not think a bie com pany ad come in here and expen led $2,600 000 ivdro-electric de- elopme ist for the sake of na the money. In the nd] he was confident that it would ave pre beneficial to have dis yosed of the plant Furthermore he old city plant had not been Ald. Collart idequate to méet the needs He believed that 1s these should be a fair and sane way G. H. Arnold did not think there such viewed { id be any more “star chamber in a council of f r than} had been in the court of re jon of six last year Murr lescribed the pre rmanic board as the “big gest bunch of stiffs” that had ever been office Alli hey were there for was the $30 a month. They had put the city on rocks, Next they would , be taking the property away the people at L\unicipail here thing from d driving them out of ¥ H riticized the activities of the Trades & Labor Councij in civic affairs. The only thing the labor aldermen id done was to rustle ot One Year Term Fred Lanza urged that the asso ciation ask for a one-year term for; aldermen. While the concensus of} Opinion of the meeting appeared t : be in favor of the one-year alder ma erm, It Was pointed out that the change from the two-year term, could only be accomplished by go-| Legisiature and having | the act amended. The matter wil] ing to tne be arynee taken wp at the next | Today’s Weather Prince Rupert—Clear, light nor therly wind: barometer, 30.22; tem perature, 32; sea calm Dead Tree Point-—-Overcast, light southeast wind; barometer, 30.08 temperature, 32; light swell Triple Island—Part clondy, light northerly wind: sea moderate Langara Island—Overcast, light southeast wind, sea calm Hazelton-Clear, calm, 6 below Smithers—Clear, calm, 2 below Burns Lake—Fog, 7 below INTERIOR WETHER Terrace—Clear, calm; 1 below Stewart—Clear, calm, 4 below Alyansh—Clear, calm, 6 below KAIEN HARDWARE Phone—3 Ve Deliver UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT $32.00 SIMPSON $35. 35 RETURN Vaneotver alse FROM Reduced Hates te PORT apply from lnterwedia Tickets on Sale Between November 16 and Febreary % Inclusive Good to Return Up to March 3! Children, Half-Fare Special ARR. VANCOUVER THURSDAY PM STEAMERS 5.8. CARDENA LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT TUESDAY, 1:30 PM S.S. VENTURE THURSDAY, 12 MD SUNDAY, AM Tickets and All Inform rr Prince Rupert Agent, R. M. SMITH, Second Ave. FD 7 or Pursers 8.8. Cardena and 8.8. Venture CANADI AN P: AC IFIC | Vana ve a Ocoee r as PRINCES Fridays 19 Ps | \ ~ *RIKCRES NORAH Ie . LOW FARE ROLND THIF WINDER EXCL PSIONS TO YS re Tickets on ile Noveripet 1 ft behroery Pin ‘ : Mea siet. 109 Por tnformath v rf write W. L. COATES. General Prince Rem Agent Vl PZ py uM o Give ! a Subscription to The Daily News People already subscribers of this paj between now and Christmas Day send 4 scription to one or more out of town Ir at Half Regular Rates Regular Rate, per year Special Christmas Presentation Rate >! Six Months oy eo a i) No more greatly appreciated present © id De given and the cost is little.