Whan Vmi Wul A oppi nutd ..-ntiiifin umbaailoiigried.. he Tottenham I. Sumlerluml I. West Ham 2. Chelsea 0. SCOTTISH LEAGUE. Division I. Aberdeen 3, M'utherwell I. Airdiieoniatis 3, ClydchuuL 2. Clyde (i, Third Lmjurk I. Dundee 7, Hibernians 2. Hamilton I, Morton 1. Hearts 2, ParlM; Thisllo 1. Klliiiui'iiocK: 2, St. Mirren 0. gueiii'ii Park I, Falkirk 2. , J i.lfSiTvr-.V(;ra A A hMjj a . . . . ' 0. I lllHiaiaHB TAXI .BOSTON NEW GRILL 99 . Third Ave. in a hurry Tlic Latest in Itcstauranls. Private Moves for Ladies Phone and Parly I.'se. t Cars and Best Service PRINCE RUPERT Best Food. Best Service. In the City. Rates Reasonable "Tale Her to the Boston." Northern and Central British Columbia' Newspaper OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. VOI, MIL, NO. 251. PHINCi: Hl'PKUT, H.C.. SATl'HDAY. OCTOUEIl 27. I1W3. ViUrtfj't ClfT.tim 1702. SIMM SlM S22. PIUCK FIVE CENTS. RAILWAY ""MMISSION MUST DECIDE RATES -ti '4 ' CANADIAN FREIGHTER CONCLUDES FIRST ROUND TRIP FROM THIS PORT i Freight Rates Appeal Sent Back to Railway Commission for Action MORE HALIBUT Arrivals This Morning at 209,000 Pounds Are Higher Than for Some Time Past ! Halibut arrival at the lish OTTAWA. '. 2;. Tin' aqi-al or t ) iroviiirc of Uril- Lschaugc Mil morning were li Columbia mill VlbcH.. ug.nlist Hie 022 order of the Hoard 'higher Mian for several days past llailwav CominiMourr in regard tu (In- fur western freight Wght boat maikele.l a tnlal of les hu been referred Junk to that hotly by I he (iovcruor ( iii ul hi Count il according to an offiri.il announcement made In morning. II I'oiiM'leml'it wa briefly nniinuiircil iy ,i...i ii :i. ...... : it... i i.. .. . . n.. iiuilri. mmi mi- imiim-!"iiii i nil- ii.ni rH'riaii) j;.ul(l'll Mllll I''ITI ipi ililii-d tu ileal with the matter. CRUISER HOOD AND REPULSE HERE IN JUNE Will Remain Twelve Days at Vancouver and Esqulmalt Ac- cording to Present Plans 1 f.t IMMI.N n.t The Hrit-i tut' I' rrii-iTi IIihmI ntid lit-. . will a lull! rrutser division GETS A PART OF OMINECA llif Prince Ruoert Constituency to be Eitended Eastward: Esqulmalt Abolished (Special to Dally News) VICTORIA, Oct 27. Under the redistribution bill planned, Premier Oliver announces that a section of Mt vist ,lrUlji!PJiU!ykavttt4aaOmlneca will be . added, to J in "Vl n a roiin l Hie Tin hlp Wilt leave DavciiMifl N vrlulirr 27 mill return Sep-bci .'M nt net! year. 1 1 wmlup will arrive in I! Mt I Itiiiiliiti wvt -r mi June I In II. M,. mi.. lti-nit-i- going Vnmr"uer ! ln iele lav' t :il 'lie light i- iii-i r I" Liii-fur 'lie - iiiK- I ii.i. ..rij-g lc- the irei-ui pi -iiraiii. prince nuperi constituency. Peace River Is to have a member, the constituency Including part of LllloeL LI I lot t will receive In exchange the northern part of North Vancouver. Vancouver retains a I members and Point Grey .gains one member. Esqui mau constituency is to do, abolished but Victoria retains four members, SOV.immj imiiuI. four Aiiierii-aii hoaU having iHCi.uim pound iiinl four Canadians, 23,000 (pound. (In aei'uuiit of the new United (Stale tariff on Atiieriean halihul jpasing through Canada for delivery in P.ateru Slate. 1 lie price of American fili dropped two rent mill the larger Mipply caused a lill further decrease. Fifteen renin was the prevailing priee fur bolh Canadian aii.l Ainerieuii' fir-l class halihul. Arrival and sale: American I'nlari. ."ii.niMi pounds, at 15.tr an. I Vr, In Hie Moolh Fiherirs r.uu.i.lian ( j. Skaiiiliu. iH.iMio p.. tin. U. at ,t5.ir itli.l y'r. to ihe laeirie. l.tluu. 20.IHIO pouti.l. at I5 ami I'c lo tlie Allin l'ilMrie. Hioliu, WgLUMQ, piiUliiN, aj. ..iri-a (ul iW to ihe I jiiia.ltan 1-1 - It It Ikihl Sturuse (V ami the K'yul I ih Gt. , j Canadian.. . I Pair or JafkJ? O.liliti jxulnJ-iiit1 jl.'i.lj! aii.l 10c. lo the Atljit Kili-criesij ' 1 1 I ' ' I Mulanmle. II.OpM ponu.N. ami! I. olio pouiiiU. ul I5e IK..Mii. nliilU'oj lo Ihe C.aua.Iiuil Kili V ih Slprate Co. , ; , i I'l llHf,,!li!v ?."U'Vih'iilll5c ami m: n the itoiii t ii.ii c.o. B.C APPLES REGISTRATIONS COMING iHEROISM OF J4NIT0R WIN PRIZES Mcintosh Reds Best Dsssert Apples In World Say Judges at Show LONDON. Oil. :'7. - f.immhnn Mi lnlo-.li llnl npple are the lotliipitni ileimyrl apple in I he Hr lih Ltnplrr. o the Jn.lce ul lli Imperial fruit nhow wliirh I'peneil in Manehe5ler yenlenlay ii'Uinlyril. They nUo ileelileil that 'he l,os orany niiipino frnu III on the whole me Ihe heil of in evhilill from mrrneii nmli winner" therefore r Ihe Oaily Mail's fifly utinii'ii cup. EARL OF ATHLONE IS NEW GOVERNOR OF SOUTH AFRICA LONDON, Oct. :", Amioiinre-ineiil Iiiih licen maite loilay of I ho iippoinlinenl of the l.arl of .in-lone as (inventor (ieneral of Suiitli Afriea. Mire limt Prince Arlhur of CoiiiiiiiikIiL LoiiI AIIi-Ioiic i (Jiieen Mary hrolher. FOOD RIOTS IN RUHR DtSSI'.LDOItr. Oet. '.', I'oo. ami iiiieiii)io)'iii'enl iIoIm neeoiii-panieil hy pillajxiiiK hao heen in rliishe.s wllh Ihe aulhui'ilie, U I leporleil from vinioiw lown FOR MUNICIPAL VOTERS KtttMiNIZtD BY rUNU LIST AT CITY HALL' Daughter ltejiilralioii or honeliohl.r-: ami lirene hohleii. for Hie (.ivie Volem' Lil wit' he rloM'il on Weilne-ilay eeiitnv next tit p.m. Ihe UMiai rnn oi iiiom" ile.lriiia lo vole nt Ihe next mun icipal election l now on ami up lo Ihi inoininsf luM per.on hail reiflereil, Hie mol of lliein in Ihe pource f Ihe past couple of ilayn. Name. of reilerei! properly owiiern anil hohlern of renilcrril apfeemenl! of Mile nlilomalicully uo on the lil hut lionelioliiei ami lieeiiM holilci have o rc- uisler amuially. In onler lovole Ihe forijier imi"t !"' r P"H ,,,s ami ron'il lav ami Ihe latlei miwL nav liceiiMS of nt IcaM ?". Other reiiiiieinenl( are Ilia! Ihe proiioiiU volern hae l.een refi-ilenl in the cily M'nce .lanuury I, are lliilifli Milijectn nml of Ihe full iijfe "f SI ',(l'" v",,,,l !mu.-t pay 2 lo nel on Un' voters lllfl. . ... TIiom haiii'.' power lo lake the ilcchirnttuiif are I lie luuniti- ....i ,.i..i k ronitiilM) oner it oic f .. I j ti tr nf 11 Ill.lavlU. JU$liCC Of Ihe peace ami notaiieji puhlic. PANAnA WELCOMING Vl'"" ' ' IMMIGRANTS 10 U.a. OTTAWA, Ocl. - Itnli-h i ,1. . ,.r .. . . 7.. ..I.t....l .iirlllllL' III III' IIOII "I 'iirinitfliont luhr. There were J'" ' ,, " ..,. ,,. ln peioii hi'in, killed, irieeii at Hochiiiiiu ami fixe ul Dulslnug. KELLOG IS AMBASSADOR WASIILNOTON. Oi l. SfT l-'runk Kclloir. frii'iiiiii. Ilnllixl fl'-lu it a-. .is... Irnlioti of eiilrrln? me i.nnvu til... II C it 1 1 if .i .to.) litun heen recoiv hitf a CMIUllH" " welcome in I'.ana.la, accordinf? , , to a slatemcnt of Iho ilepailm'it of nni....inHnn ami inunntruiioii. to t!lliilor from Mlimenola. lias been .OC'Ol'o Ureal Urituln lo Micotd .i- of Man Who Was Burned to Doath Trying to Savo Others, Gets Silver Medal VANISH VKII, Oct. 27. - The heroism iliplayeil hy Ihe laic Suinuel Sjiencer, Janitor of thU cily. who ilieil while iTciiins n number of persons from hiiruin in the llalinorul apiirlmenl Iioiim fire in Vancouver on June 20, I If 20. has heen reeottnUcil hy the Curntyie hero fund coinmis- ion. Spencer lo.sl his life ruliing lhroti(h smoke ami flames from flat lo flat lo warn Ihe occupiers of I heir ilauprr. He w as burned lo dealh. I'he commission has awarded lis silver medal for heroism lo Mr. Spencer's daux hler in reeojf- nlllon of her falher'. bravery. OLD COUNmloOTBALL ENQLI3H LEAGUE. Division I. Arsenal U, llollon Wanderers 0. Aslon Villa I, West llroinWieh 0. Ilurnley 2, Sheffield U. 0. r.verlon 3, Nolls County 0. Iliiildersfiohl I, HurmiuKluim 0. Miiiithesler Cily Hlaekburn I. Newvasllu l' ;i, Middle'sboro 2. Nolls Forest 0, Liverpool I. Preston N. K, a, Cardiff Cily 1. Neville t;liamb(T a.n. I's. viand's new chancellor of tin chequer. .)akiii(r u morning .rol with uy wit come here for shipment. SHADE WINS FIGHT " : T Two Cent Duty is Charged i ' 7 i ' American Halibut vs Well as that Caught by Canadians D. liillks, local agent of the Cauatliaii Nulioual vised lhal a charge such as this on fresh American halibut would be absolutely illegal, fish com- panies and others interested in Ihe industry rcnuesteil A. Wakefield. I'uilnl Stales consul,' this morning to telegraph to Washington for coufirinaliou. j In the meantime, buying of halibut at the pish Kxchange was! sonrt-whal or a gamble and Ihe prices paid for American halibut dropped two cents evening up wilh the Canadian fish. As far 11, I ln Inller is concerned, tin" 1 advice received loday has 110 new nppliealiou for Canadian halibut fur I he na.l sev eral mini! is has been paying the 2c. 'tariff on en tering the l'niled Stales. Pending u reply being received t Mf ff VMnNT ftN hv Ihe 1'iiile.l Sin es e.onsu o 1. Iliviviuimuoi vi his despatch, local rish interests, Ibis morning declined lo comjnent! . e 11 011 Ihe measure ami me eucci n.ni ii mil.i liiive.on Ihis unit. a.-i"ayor The belief was gi'lhered,, however, (hat If the measure were nclually v Co., wo udviv'U' Ihis murmiig by Hie Miperinicmlenl al vv iiiin- peg lhal uu umemled ruling had been made by the L'niled Stales Treaurv dcparlnienl coining into effect vclerluy whereby all CITY MANAGERSHIP Delivered Address Before St. Andrew's Society Last Night a fael. it would not be efrective " r..M 11,., n..,i 1.. uiiii-i, ii u mmnr- Advocating city ently designed namely lo put nuuiager as Prince Ituuert out (if business as i-'ijoi halihul shipping centre. 11 is l a 11(11 1 I'll I iMl'l'inn tiun , LONDON. Oct. 27. A mob oT several thousand unemployed barricaded themselves in Ihe Krupp works al Fssen and pro-ceeded lo fij;hl with tlie blue police, which were unable lo oust them from the. place. Unemployed casualties lolal seven dead and 200 wounded. Canadian Freighter Arrives Completing First Round Trip Between this Port and Orient With Ihe arrival here yeleriluy ufteruoon from Japan of Ihe (jatiailiiiu (iovernnient Merchant .Miiriiis steamer Canadian Freighter, Cajd. (1 II. Bi-.-elt, a voyage of pjrticular interest to the orl of Prince llupert is completed. The Freighter has Ihe distinction of being Hit? first vessel ever to sail direct from this jMirl for Japan and return direct. This round voyage took Ivvo mouth ami one day. The steamer left Prince llupert on August 2. laden with a cargo of lumber, a portion of which was taken on here. A good voyage across Ihe Pacific vyi experi-eiire.l ami Ihe vessel reached - Yokohama in sixteen days. On formerly, typical of Japanese her rclurn voyase she left Shun- thoroughfares. were generally glial on October i and th pass.-! very narrow. aye took ;r nays. Koiie was me' n uie reiurn voyage irom Kreighler's third p irt of .call in Shanghai lo Prince Huperl, the Japan. ; freighter ran into a typhoon One has lo see to realize the during Ihe firi-t week out and Ihe terrible destruclion that was wedlher wa rather had gener-wroughl in Yokohama hy the ally. Afler thai week, however, earllniuake stales Capl. Hissett. typical iui.l-l'a;:iric weather vvat His ve..-el readied that port ten experienceil and for Ihe few days days afler the 'quake ami re- before reaching prince llupert i,t maineil Ihere Ihree days. The w-;is Very fine. i (people were Mill slaggered w ith I General Overhaul j Ihe ealastrophe. The Freiuliler, The Canadian Freighter tietl up Jlicd received meagre reports of at the ocean dock yesterday afi-the lisas.lcr by wirele-s but uo ternoon and at K o'chtck this I idea of its extent and horrors morning proceeded to the dry was oblalued until Ihe vessel dock where she- Will (imlergo reacheil Yokoliuina. The por bergenerat overhaul. This, completed, ttftnfbniflrf?!!? he'he1 will utart the'looding of' hec Freih(er had lo go on fo Kobe COO.ooo feel of liinuVr cargo lo discharge her cargo. here and will then go oh to Van- With the exception of a very comer Miami lo complete. ''She few buildings, every slineture in will be here the best part of YoUdiiima was flattened to (he next week. Ihe- vessel brought groumi, Capl. Missel t , rrporls. 3U'. 'Ions of yeiieral cargo fmm All the structures on lhi;walciv IhejlOrient to he discharged al rront were levelled. The liiiiltfl Vancouver. fell into the lreets: an. t)je ' ;t "I"'" flames Inllmvi-.l .i fal llial Ihere wu not a chance for jl he people lo ecap' over Ihe heaps of wreckage. Oil tanks at the head rresh halibut, Canadian or American, laud?.! al a Canadian port (if (u. iarM,r ,U.h1 a) lhe would he liable lo a duly of 2c a pound on entering the l'niled ,,.,.,,,, .,., ,,,, ,1... Kirel .Stales. This advictvin view or il imKjrtance lo this Port, came u ani ,Mal rruf, Wl.rc- u a holt out of the blue lo Ihe local halibut industry today. .K.lrm.. iru,di. who had taken Japanese Ooul'iing ine vauuiiy 01 inu iiieiisiire ami li.iviti. Iiiiii nil. UNEMPLOYED GIVE TROUBLE AT ESSEN FIGHT WITH POLICE lo lhe waler for safely pcris'ied. Their choice wes to be burned to dealh in lhe oil or be drowned below il. I Scene of Horror One scene of horror de McCiymont delivered their lives in the earthquake and interesting discourse oil imi- uiai loiioweij u. CANADIAN BACON WO Will Rebuild Coim-linr the iinpressiou thai ..i:.... 11... r,.w,,.r.,,.i.i..l n.i.-n,,. Wiis tl large nun I'i'i i :i.n v U,. nuiinir hi loM'iuiiiiu whs in--; GIANT TIDES 1 WEST ALASKA Earthquake Tidal Waves Swept in From Sea and Injured Cannery SKATTLK, Oct. 27. Ciant tides, described as the highest cribed ever experienced in western Can ity Capl. Ilisselt was of lhe Yoko-ada, followed the earthquake and haiua Specie Itank. A olid struc-jlidul wave in Japan doing con-lure of granite, the terrified poo- siderable damage at Kodiak, pie thought lo Hud safely within Uyak and Chignik, according to il. They crowded in and lucked Capt. O. A. Johanseii of lhe Ihe solid doors behind them. The'stcamer Starr which arrived yes-seelhing flames surrounded it terday from Seward, Alaska, anil the walls became so heated "The tide at Kodiek, following lhal a veritable oven was made(K. earthquake in Japan, was sit of lhe interior. Some twelve days reel higher Itian any in the mem-laler Ihe doors were opened and ury of the oldest inhabitant," from Ihe building were taken noc,,pt, Johausen said. "At Uyak less than 750 people who had tay a giant tide swept in from been stewed to death in their. the sen and came up through the own fat. jrioor of Ihe cannery with such In order lo dispose of lhe deadorce thai windows of tlie build-bodies in the city, ihey were colling were broken. At Chignik the lee led and piled in heaps on the foundations were washed Irom slreets where were burned, benenth the warehouses and other i l.nliin'i'rv v,r, lifting ti:iiil If veil n .Intm,..., ,l,,tm " .... ... . v , - - - - uiutiup ,.',,V. Interesting day 2 for Ihis work whHij was in progress when the Caua-udian Freighter wms nt Yoko-( hama. Capl. Ilisselt - esiituaies government by thai between a half nml Ihree ' . !.. 1..-.. ..r .. ...:n: 1. 1 general sysiem, muim-i m .uinnn ,ni-,v ..- be (he , s , . I. Am . "WU'OI ma Iters ore firmly believed here lhal even lrew Society las nil.t. I'liere I.e.. such adverse legis'lalion will not FOUND OPIUM ON STEAMER Drug Was Hidden In Meat Hang ing In Refrigerator of Vessel . ,ri .1 ii.. i ii. audience and President D. C.'stroyed as a result of the earlh- slIAT'l'LL, Oct. 27. Forty- V.7.....1...... nil. in .mi i.,..-.. I.. Sluart was in Ihe chair. 'quake. Capl. Ilisselt expresses the eight tins of opium in 21 pack- ... 11,111 i.-.i "... I ....,! ...... i .... .1...1 ,i ..ill ..III i.. f.. I 1.., I. .....I IT..II.I III piOy.rHIH llll III.IV.I lipillHHI (lllll Jill" pill I lll Ulll- OfS- "III" H'llllU ,1 IUV.UI VllliU I II solos by Mrs. J. P. McMillan, Dave mutely regain its position as u'Slales customs agents in the liner (!ay, Mr. Mackenzie. I'.ddie Crnggs shipping centre. This will, of President .WcKiiiloy when she 'and W. Vaughaii Davies, thu lat- course, not be until the facilities docked here loday. The opium NF.W YOIIK. Oct. 27. Dave er also rendering a piano solo for bundling shipping, all of was concealed in incisions made Shade of California got the anil playing the accompaniments which were utterly destroyed, are. in cuts of meat stored in the ro- judge's decision oyer Hilly Wells.iror the vocalisls. ireslored. Capl. Ilisselt suggests.rrigerulor of the vessel. Knglish welterweight ehanqdon, after fifteen icuiids. ' Mrs, A. Wnlsoii of. Digbv Is-laml leit on lasTiigh!s -jfaln JCVtdiclva,KirvvilWits- (hut in lhe rebuilding of Yoko-I The arrest of Lew Kow on u huma it will be necessary to charge of selling officers opium make Jlo'streels wider and till LONDON, Oct. 27. Canu'liaudlie buildings low in order to give bacon won first prize nt lhe Na-Jachaneefor escppe to hun.U, Iif. tiomil Fanners' Dairy Show hece,ii easeT such an eveniuality lody. ' sliould room-. Yokohama treis on-the dock preceded the search. . J. A. WcsLwaft a passenger for Lar'uahy fin last nltfhtfa train.. ' s - 3S