December 13, 1932 iis THE DAILY NEWS SaaS aes es - = : ? NE aE Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on is Page a _ RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT = . Ty Tea eeee mh OTT - ~ - eementenin = apaumedl senate y " : ‘ * ' : ia = [ADVISABILITY OF ConDUsSION- ment of a commissioner. That Situation. Just the same, he was of & 4 J ; ini- " i ee ee ROL would be looked after by the bond- the opinion that a good admini ig OF CITY 1S DISCUSSED BY holdem, ‘The dies. enald ned teense stration might be obtained which KATEPAYERS. BOLACHG, aly COUNG NOL MHANCS ould give as good value as would ‘ ical jfor another year when it was 4l- 9 commissioner. He urged that the ih, Cc e ] ave ¢ > e : ; € t thet} ° - ‘ iy » ial ia lt ai ontinued irom page one) ee in default. But, whether oecceiation calmly consider the ne i fo ‘ are < ‘ —_—, cai a sty i it a sy ee small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cents be prepared to go beyond the court there was a commissioner or City matter. , word per insertion with shx Ipsertions for the price of four. By the month the ehurge is 25¢ a word. Hof revision. He charged that the |COUDc!, it was equally important: At the suggestion af President . Adam Mackie, former inspector No advertisement taken for leas than 50c. decicidns of thee enurt. of fevician ithat the assessment should “be gyacoh and, on motion of Ald. Casey ©f fisheries here and now holding a —— SS I iiast: year had been “cooked” before |*°Pt 8 si even. Keel.” and N. Mussallem, it was decided Similar position at Vancouver, told n ; oT the court went Mito session. Por ths Mr. Arndid thought i was but to have a committee look into the the Supreme Court in Vancouver on VOR RENT LOST | TRANSFERS last twenty years assessments on| Wasting one’s breath” to Put 2 /tinancial ponitigm of the city with Friday of last week that. when tip andi ANSFERS land here had been a joke jease before the court of revision./, view to having the executive fishery patrol cruiser Givenchy en- sonable LOST L t brown !ad lineo 7 : ; V. Basso-Bert feit that the asso- | The Meg ep ae Gowen or make a recommendation to an- tered Ferguson Bay, Massett Inlet, atin? ee , en. rn ies on OAMERON'’S Transfer—Wood, Coa!, |\cijatien should know how the can- jup their minds to ratsc 2 oneane other meeting of the association. 0M August %, 1926, to order the . i na W wie lige by moving, chairs for vent £t latdnten Stim eigte Biting stoned an tai: — and carry thei fighs ‘OF Ald. Casey and M. M. Stephens floating cannery Laurel Whalen to ue : Z mg same ab Daly News of ancial matters. It was time for the | lower assessment to the Supreme; were named the sub-committee to cease canning salmon, the Given- thas Rent, Third Avenue, | om CLEANING & PRESSING ‘™#tepayers to waken up. Personally, |@°Ut* } obtain the information and report Chy’s heaviest armament was a . , tal ; = , he considered that “being generous! Ald. G. B. Casey cenied that he! tg the executive. rifle. ws 1 P . 7 ? —_ , wy > oe : yone | : i j Sta tf DAIRIES PRICES ble. Benkendor’ With the money of others was not|“** * 60! spirator against anyone} Before the discussion ended. M. This statement was made by Mr- Le - Third A at leah 4 De even moral might have been suggested by} 44. Stephens spoke appreeiatively of Mackie during the trial resulting ¥r : , taal ia u pOn8 ua jcome of the speakers of the eve-|+he work of Ald. Casey on the from the claim of the Canadian ors AD a) 2 R oN " Ro» Be a ; , Ney President Weseh felt that : ; i¢@ work ¢ Ald. Casey yn the : ’ ihe FOR SALE OR RENT or FRESH LOCAL MILK vm ‘early meeting of the ciation |? ne It was true that a crisis exis-|egyneil and in relation to the as- Credit Men’s Trust Association, of wayio ed but he would suggest that the + trustees for the Somerville Cannery P 953 hould be held so that the views of |" _ | Soctation E : wone Red. 608 or 9 pi sat 7 ndidate rom cis * issociation acquaint itself with all cept bg destin Co., for $70,915 damages from MEF. ts 4 rm vive Car 5 10! ivic O e : ! DOMINION DAIRY j F fine meicths ne aaititained he facts hefore endeavoring to de-! MOTION IS DISMISSED Mackie and other officials of the dana Ex-Mayor Roehester termine what means was the best! oe. fisheries department oon _ the iy HAIRDRESSER % Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 Ber Sali ov Want Rx-May ‘ H. B. Rochester did of meeting the situation. As he un-| VANCOUVER, Dec. 13—(Cana-/| grounds that they had illegally re- ae not think the association would eet #°Tt00d it. said Ald. Casey, the city;dian Press)—Chisf Justice Aulay! strained the Laurel Whalen in her Ph Pf 7 Pe Rose, Cewan & Latta j very far by pa sian ndeoiation re would be down something like; Morrison, in Supreme Court yester-|canning operations. Hye Steamshi 5 ih Phone 234 presentation to the city council $100,000 at the end of this year. Up|day, dismissed « motion brought Mr. Mackie denied that he had : p a Ings Sl Lila dlaes —————————=—=-e- When resolutions passed by hun to October 1, the cit had spent! on behalf of certain ratepayers threatened to put a hawser on the N \'s Beauty St.opp | dreds of ratepayers } ay “a tte about $53,000 more than it had col- for injunction to enjoin the city|Laurel Whalen and tow her to : Aereian it in “tis a oad lected, using hydro-electric funds from holding a plebiscite on the | Prince Rupert. Salmon canned on ' * ‘ } ud n t é lime ) get ; : LS | Pee Venentes M il | rid of every one of then ; nT a to meet this amount. In addition to'question of sweepstakes for the the hulk was seized at Prince Ru- ' HOME BAKERY ~ ee, SARE «-.iay Dn al Schedu e had come fen. delheination aes this, the city had defaulted on $38,- benefit of hospitals. |pert but later returned to the Som- ? : nurs.-—a8 Prince Rupert, 10 p.m srovet ‘tbudeataiiine so civie at. 0l0 of bonds on December 1 and “If they choose to make fools of/erville Cannery Co. Both Major Smoire Plum Cake “ Ss. Venture midnight aoe Thi oom : 7 ‘ ““~ another issue was coming due on themselves, why not let them?" | Motherwell and Mr. Mackie testi- 2 O ry iel ‘ ata ere seemed ve On/Y One : : : ‘ : 4 ‘ . s : Sh-rt un sae lay—ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 }).m | fon the bast hy tar Ak tk ed . : . January 1 which would brine the asked the Chief Justice. “It is not) fied that they had carried out de- rb Be ¢ Ware te ~ 1G Prin. f ih p.m Monday and Friday $:304.M. hod def tad 34 4 me " total default to about $60,000. Ald king the people of Vancouver to | partmental instructions in their ana | N Yeag. | tem Vancouvcs Wednesday 9:30 2.0).' broadcast, “it might wel h ve |casey said he was not opnosed to sive grauituous advice to Ottawa.jaction in connection with the ro t might as well have i Mu my Sund ardena p.m | from the bast the ume the name aa ,, 2 commissioner providing that was Ottawa can pay no attention to)Laurel Whalen. 288 Wed Prince Ru 9°30 am Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- thought the neoner thine inal ad felt to be the best way out of the it. + The trial is proceeding. ae da y---* Vel I p.m day 8 pm ‘ k for a comn ner es tak - ~ ~ - — PAINTERS canes ae, Cone. Se pm, or Vancouver nunicipal affairs out of the hands Me a oe ee wd DD 14 Pi Nora } Tuesday 12:30 px f + ' 1 wit} : - } é cl neil her a bond-} " as, wee. 20 Pr tor im Thursday 9 pn ny bona fide ratepayer it : and Pr t For Naas Kiver ana a mpson ll we ie ao in th 2 a . r r r rf? r " ss } could apply t& he Supreme Court ee eet et Phone ReG & sunday Cardena 8 pm Dec, 4 and 18 p.m. for recommendation to the gov- _ Prom Naas Kiver & Cert Simmeon From Vancoever : : =a r oS r ; : ' , ! I i commissioner be > PI ANO Tl NING ; ~ 0 a.m Sunday pr ppointed ated —M Rocheste paren = such seemed to be bout the f Turled $3.00 Wal M nd he did not thing it would bad step either: South Vancou : sxkea for om sione n in a few years, that muni The AUCTIONEER Jasper Hard Coal] json. ‘ e Iministration w« a3 MIUTHOUT 4 } \e's , HOPE .[” a ~ SOME 4 Oe , ~_ uy he writer. not necessarily ; / ae) al MABK TY p< ’ Hanpscmél 7 LeT Me >t 0* CTH A ; Lemme a . \ n tor blication but as a mat Lies ~~ aT “= Uy x) ow HWE LOOKS wn E "S : ‘ . = f good faith and eourtesy i © ARK 06 = | lI thi Fy Like one ) Ses All wy lgned documents go lu te Th EJ SOME - “Wh iy a the waste paper basket Let ! C e: ONE ‘ fi j tey f a eaustic character / ie wW \ KANOwl nN . ] have the signature Al i : (e & Lo pended for publication ! est Ve oe : ey : sosuabapndiplione’ Letter should be written on ~ cr ne side of the paper onl) Correspondents must ave'd ? ee a per _ ae sonalities and the janguaks he ed should be such as would be al- ° , lowed in the ordinary rules of (ol | debate, a are thi ; rw > =. ——— — — cheeses _——