PAGE TWO. The Daily News pniNGK iujpriit - nnmsii coi.umhia. . HuhlMied Kvr-ry Afternoon, except Sunday, Iho Prince llupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. I PHI.LHX, Managing IMilnr. SUBSCRIPTION RATES i -Oily Delivery, liy mail or carrier, pop month $1.00 Hy mail In all parts of Iho Hrilish Kmplro ami Iho Uniled Stales, in advance, per year $0.00 To all nlher countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising. ,". . $1.10 per inch per. insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page .$2.80 per inch Local Headers, per insertion..., ....2.V, per line Classified Advertising, per insertion .,2c per word Legal Xolices, each insertion. loo per agate line . Contract Hales on Application. Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone - - DAILY EDITION 98 86 All advertising should he in The Daily News Office nn day pr;-ireding puhlicalion. All advertising received snhjeot In-approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. Monday, December 31, 192.1. Now Is The Time , To Take Stock. With the advent, of .a New Year it is appropriate for communities and individuals to lake- slock of thenvelve, review their progress of a year and anticipate what the future has in slon. When the midnight bell peal out tonight and whistles .with it will he a mailer of history. Its sorrows and disappointments together with its joys and achievements will take their places in our slock of memories and its ?xperiences will have made us all the more filled for what is to conie. If we are to prosper we must face the .New Year with optimism and hope and, above all, energy and determination for better thing. There is no room for the listless pessimist at Ihis time. The sooner we, as a community, are ridded of him, the better will we b( tiff and the greater will be our chances for develop, menl and prosperity. Tim pesimisl is but a drag on the wheels 'of progress so, Iherefore, let us h.vay with him. However, he ;nny be an optimist lomorrow if he will but xercie hi will power lo change his vision. As he s, he surely cannot be enjoying himself. Let us then all he up and doing anticipating in the New Year nothing but improvement though willing and ready to surmount any difficulties that may com our way. After all, if we have Id fight for what we. gel there will be a much greater .satisfaction in any achievement we may attain. Some Progress Made In 1923. While 192U, in the mind of many of u, may not have brought to pa all lho things thai we as a community might have expected or desired it ha been een some progress made in Jhe way of permanent development for Prince llup?rt and this district. Kvery one of the essential industries have made some progress and have reflected Iheiradvaneeineiil on Prince I llupert as the centre point. First comes fishing the industry which at Ihis time is of Ihe greatest benefit lo Prince Rupert. Today we rrcord the fact thai halibut landings at this port in lt2:i exceeded last, year's by nearly four million pounds and created a record in the history of Ihe port in fact of the history of any fishing port on the Pacific coast. It is to be hoped that the coming year will bring about reforms in Ihe lifting of restrictions now hampering Canadian fishermen. The pultiirg into effect of Ihe close eaou treaty .will also be another measure of benefit that may be expected this year. The salmon fisheries ato held up well this jear and were of importance to the prosperity of the city. Review Of Lumbering Industry In District. ;v The development of the lumber industry during l!2:i has also been steady. The plant at Huckley Hay has operated on a large scale and smaller mills near the city and up the line have been steady' producers. The Cranby Co. is to open up it 100,-000 fool mill on La r com Island this year and there, is some reason lo believe that the pulp making industry may start here soon. Everyone realize what the taller development would mean lo the city of Prince HuperL The pasl j ear has seen the first lumber shipped from here lo Ihe. Orient and Transpacific steamers are now including the port on a regular monthly schedule. .Shipments are gelling larger .and more producers are coming into the field. While now wo only load pari cargoes once a mouth we may be filling entire ships here by the end of the new twehcmonlh. Progress In Mining And Agriculture. In mining, the Cranby Co. al Anyox, the Premier at Stewart 'ind the; Helnionl (al Hurr Inlet have been steady producers on a Jarge scale. A new entry has been recorded 0111110 shipping lil in the Diithic mine at Smilhers particularly important to Prince llupert because the product is lo pas. -this wav. .More properties will cuter shipping class this year at .Stcwarfaml Alice Arm n't any time may have a revival. Development work continues jM ioo" r'r a",, 'h(,'P Wi" ,,n,lh,lefiH "w shippers (here in Agriculture has shown steady development and Ihere has b-ien a slcady influx ijf ivv selller.s th the interior. Prince Hupert and other coasl points provide a market which will however, have lo be extended. ' ' Continue Fight To Reach The Top. With these basic industries of the district steadily growing Ihe city will alo dnelnp i like manner. Prince Hupert will not die. as oug a Ihe district lives, but to obtain that growth vMhich most of it confidently anticipate there are many facilities w need. The list of needs ha been recited soVif e., NEW YEARS IN CITY CHURCHES Some Celebrated Occasion Yesterday; Other Nsit Week The advent of the New Year was marked with special services in ,oine if the oily churches yesterday while others wilt not, formally observe the occasion until next week. In the morninc :il SI. Andrew's AnjrlicMii Church; Archdeacon C. A. llix preached a New Year serinon. The evening service was featured by a .beautiful special program of music coin prising carols, anthems and solos all .of which were .specially rendered. The anthems by the choir were "Shout for Joy," and "The Lord is l.ovin?." Carols were "Holy Nisid" an. I "We Three Kings." Mrs. Ackroyd, Miss A Di'illiy1, J. Morrison sang solos and a ouarlolle in which Mrs. C. C. Mills, Mrs. C. K. Cnl-lift. M. Worloo'k ami T. C. Hrice look part was particularly effective. The program closed with (ho singin? of Slainer's "Seven Fold Amen." Miss I.. M. Kllell presided ul the organ. Itcv. d. Ct. Hacker spoke on screech their welcome to IH2t, the Old Year and all thai went Yp.4",'' UyU' at l.Mh morn- iug and evening services in the Methodist Church. In Hie evening lie compared conditions of the present with those prevailing when Lord Tennyson wrote "Ming Out Wll.l Hells." .xt Sunday there will again be special services at Ihe Methodist Church. Earl Harrie will preach on "Friendship" in the evening. There will. also be magic lantern slides of English architecture ami special music. New Year's will be observed next Sunday in the Presbyterian and Hnplisl Churches. 'the Presbyterian, Mcllwdi!, Haplist (Churches ami Salvation Army will join tonight in walrh service at the Salvation Army citadel commencing at II o'clock. There will lie ten minute addiesses hy Hev. Dr. II. 11. (rant and Hev. J. .1. Smilhson a well as special prayer and music. PRIMARY DEPARTMENT OF BAPTIST SUNDAY CHRISTMAS TREE AND TEA ON SATURDAY BY ORDER ROYAL PURPLE , Ladies of Iho ' Iloyal Purple! were hostesses in the Klks' Pome! to kiddies and adults at a Ch.'ist. tinas tree and tea tin Saturday! arterrionn. At TOO Hie proceedings opened wilh the serving or icfresliim-nls to Iho youngslersi and then (be f'.hrislmas tree was unloaded, Jack Cobb acting as O- .. i rt .... I .-aula wans. 1 nere were Kin and bags of candy for all the w'n c ' Z ."I li'r '!. tM,, that ym,Krs.' Tea . : ' ..'.""p- ""i "so. uur iigntiug or the pas has not been all in vain and if we keep ' it up with more -I'-s-.i. persist- ft t inn mill -l imn L. 11 was also served lo (he adults. Mrs. John Hutper and Mrs. II. I r, . uinssey ninssey had nan charge charge of or the he we star! lo win ii will i.o ... x c o .,., ni III l I11H T.HE DAILY NEWS. Monday, becainlcr Movies and Movie People Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who entertain the public. Friday and Saturday Hebe Daniels ami Antonio' Moreno in "The Kxeitors." Comedy. For Xews-Cajselle. How he to manages escape Monarcn, of Enflndf s , ,nJ the or Mr persecutions ;rn,n ,tay Have Seen Falrb.nk.' Lord constilut, s one of the mo Masterpiece anmsingr and deliglilfnl epi-iMle, of IhU wholesome screen story.! For the third limo Itohin Hood SCHOOL ENTERTAINED FAMOUS STARS ARE The Christ ii(a entertainment of the Primary Department of the Haptist Church Sunday School look place on Saturday aflenio.ui. There were 15 children in attendance accompanied hy their parents making a total of ) person present. Mrs. J. J. SiiUlh-son, superintendent of I lie Primary Sunday School, presided and the program opened with the children repeating the prayer, "Jesus. Friend of I.illle Children." followed by the singing of a hymn. WEEK AT WESTHOLME Monday and Tuesday .lackie CfMigtln In "Cirrus Days." Comedy "The Linti!." Internal ional News. Wednesday and Thursday All star oasl in "On the Hanks oT the Wabash." The Leather Pusher!). Fun from the Press. BROUGHT TOGETHER Bebe Daniels and Antonio Moreno Seen In "The Exciters" ,111 the world that Is. not unlit Tislii" find herself married lo a ; supposed crook, bent mi exiorl iug from Hie girls family a iKO'dly sum of money, fur an an-liiulineni of jhcit marriage. The !ellniax of this peculiar and In- leicfding picture story, stamps "Tito llxcilers" a u picture al- inosi iilonK in ils plans. The supporting company i wholly adequate. . t'ONE OF FINEST ALL STAR CASTS To be Seen In "On the Banks of the Wabash" Showing at Weslholmo This Week hup in me iinesi au-siar rnsi,s ,,vrr assembled will ho seen at i ikCVW rnnflU IM "tviuonoe iiiijiiro on wcii- JAlMfc lUUUAN IN ! dv and lliursday in "On TflNFPHT'? PIPTIlPPi""' ,,r ,," Wabash," In luniuni o riiiuni: ii.u production wm i, MV a doon of I hi flne players for Juvenile Star Has Hard Task- ihe celluloid. master In Play "Circus Mary Can- will appear in her Days best inlerprelnlion of Hie toother role for which she Is famous, .lackie Coogan has a hard Hurr Mcintosh, the kindly figure taskmaster iii Ihe person of of many, pieluros, play ihe pari Sam Do Jrase, lite famous r "dm" Hammond, a relirc.l character aclov, in Juckie's now- slem-whecer captain. Jame el starring vohivle, "Circus Morrison, who iWhnniod in Days." which comes lo Iho -,e Mm, Next Door" ami Weslholmo Theatre- tonight and oilier film. Iui the romantic tomorrow. juvenile nnrl of. David. Mndzo Jackie plays llio fuirt of Toby Kvaiis. dainty and charming. Tyler, a dispenser of lemonade ,dav l.isbelh. Lumsden Hare, and peanuts. "Ill a clreu. while tio distinguished P.tiglUh aclor. Do (irao portray. Mr. Lord, hi u cai u Paul Hixler. an apir- bo. iiiK arlisl. Marv MarLnren. a Mr. Lord is constantly alms- iicauly of nolo, idavs i vampire ing the forlorn little Toby, whom pai l, while lleorgc Neville. Ihe he nays hut a Hollar a week, and heritr of "Way Down Cast." is make him work like n Trojan in noon in a rum! comedy role the wellerinz heal under the KINGS AND QUEENS - Hut Toby finds warm f rfend wb"; ' "rH,y WATCH R0B,N H00D 'has been shown lo royally in IKurnpe. thus polling a precedent for American-made films, according lo a statement issued by Hie Doiigln Fairbanks Pictures Corporation -at Los Angeles, i In lhi Instance the picture, now known as "ihe world's dominion llllolonlnv" liernnan Mtt r.n-lnrring for ,11.0 first lime aol( ,edaUwon in various in I heir careers. Hobo Daniels and Antonio Morcnnjippear in the rinripal pile pf "TJie Hx cilers," mining fo Ihe Weslholmo Theatre nexl Friday and Saturday. This is a splendid nicluria- lion of a sliccossfiil piny by The entertainment consisted of:Marlin Drown, a program of readings, etc., all1 Speaking of speed, one would Ihe numbers being well perform- believe that even Ihe modern ed and received with apprecia- miss would, at. least for awhile, lion. Contributing to Ihe pro- be satisfied with but one means coiinlrie, was viewed in Ihe palace by the king ami iucen of Italy. This information was contained in m following cable from a A. T. Luporlul. Doug's llaliau roprocntu'livc : "Itohin lliMhl was privately crcened before Ibeif majeslics Ihe king and queen also Prince lliimberl and ptyal family who greatly enjoyed your wonderful ppiilucljon." illlier soyereians lo view granif were Mitchell 5ay, .Dolly of excilemenl. Hut not mi with Jtohin Hood include Iho kimr and Derry, (iraeie Allan, Adelia Thnr-IMis Daniels in liw role of queen of F.tigland ami Iho king her and Jieryl Hirch with read- Honnio Hand in Ihis picture. ni ,,,ieen of Spain. ings; Adelia Thurber and Douglas. Honnie U a real speed girl In r" 1 Smilhson and Phyllis and Aileen every sense of Ihe word. Morn- Lawo ct. Ilamblin with dialogues; Knua ing finds her out for a spin In otlc 'nuntion u ppi t in. Archer and Douglas Sniilhson her power launch, -and with lU,JX:fr.mtXy'1.2 wilh songs. Hefreshmenls were served and Santa Clans then appeared with his sleigh, girls of story books, candies and Xmas stockings being made Uf all the children. Tlie close of Hie day means In 1 '""' 'nr nrrii-l lnn: fumirm-nrint at . ' . . p"l piinlwl liiil four ftuln mrtii tif Honnie a deliglilfnl trip In one of her motors with Ihe antici pallon of a series of similar ex Arrangements for Iho affair ploiU 011 the following day. were In Iho capable hands of Mrs. Picture is all thai this girl has Oeorge Hibbard, Mrs, Darson.Tn think of. She has not a care Mrs. J. Thurber and Misses Slel la and Clara Nickerson. afternoon conies .Verie nfi Tk Vitlrr lhl nuirt krrr. nrrnix . . ... ... . ' Ilkai Liitrlwr. i.f I'rlnrn linrvrt. fit: in. Ilirilis in ipo air. lima l aif1r for irrniUirti in Iri.n tiw iarinto I'olnt on Zy Maml; ilirnro fi.l llliK III mnuolltM (if Hli Omrr lliw i tilth nr mark tnninil Ihe l.larxl and rMnrnler to ikiIiiu i.r rumiiminiriii, atut riiiilaliilnv S.uon trrrt. iwrr nr l. fifcOhfiK IKIill. ani (if appllcanl. IIOOMKH K, rilllCVVX, .S nr til. Bebe Daniels and Jntonio Moreno in the Paramount Picture The Exciters At We.nlhotine Theatre Friday and Saturday. "RUPERT" Brand Kippers Quality Better Than Ever. To kc p odor or cooking from Ihe I1011.1- w,,,,, lnr!ji in greaseproof mpcr anil hake for lo uiiilulo Tin-retain Ihe delicious laug. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid PRINCE RUPERT Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineer!, Machinists, Boilermaker, Blacktmllht, Pattern makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDINQ. Our plant is eipiippotl lo handle nil kud- ' MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PH0NE8 43 and 385. THE RADIO SET Thai Pu knl lip Aberdeen n nl lindoii. E' $160.00 WESTINQHOUSE LONG DISTANCE "RC" SET, rnniplete with Ihree dry 'rll lube ami liU.Tie. . crinJiel.-.. rrmty- for ur, llcV'lli fl vol il.isr .aur anil lube, etc.. $177.00. Iuid speaker. $20.00 ' Simple for you lo install and operate. THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT. Wrile for falel price til of radio cl, parn ar-essones. RADIO SPECIALTIES LIMITED Wholesale and Retail. 701 Dunsmulr Street. Vancouitr. Shockley s Planin Mills J Phone 383. Sole Agetils for Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. Lumbw J. Fyfe 8milh Co Hardoo4 Fraser Mills Fir Vtneer Diiiiensioii Lumber. Fir, Spruce ami Otlar. -Spr : e ami Oednr Hhiplap. Spruce. Planking. rt.ih, Ikmr. Moulding'?, mass. Shingles. Kir Veneer. Cedar V' Stocks and Bonds All Victory and Oovenitnnl Ilouds Iloughl and S .'I. Wc still have a few share left of Ihe PREMIER MINE at $2.00. This is Ihe greatest dividend producer in Canada. T. McCLYMONT Phone Black 85. Thlr( DENTISTRY , Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8. 9 Smith Block; Office Hours, 9 to 9 Phone '575 Lady Assistant HOW TO SPEND The Long Winter Evenings The "New Elite" Folding Card Table Will solve the tpieslion. Sold only at BARRIE S Home Furnishings