2I t Vrffjtrv i mii.lc only ,y hU'ihuIm; plmming, but don't iiVrVlii.nl (he iiiinil witli iimiiTi'fcsuiy detail. USE A DIARY. Fop thcCOfflce. Nu. 7U.". Week In page, el pocket 65c Sin 70.1 7 d;i to SVixott 40c Nu. Ill .1 days lo page, II Vt x.", pocket .'. ... 65c No. ;rVi a daj In page, 5x7 f 75c So, 2 days to jiajre, :xi, lealhei ... $1.50 No. 5111 2 day lo page, :x0, lenllier ... $2.00 For the Pocket. No. ;HU ,ig. (o ilny. t"7 $1.25 So. 'i I'age lo day, 0x71 $1.35 No. :1S7 I'uge lo ilay, r.xK $1.65 No'. :i7 1 Page lo ilay, XxDft $3.00 em Calendar Pails 75c Uj-'UI (Calendar Stand $1.00 An out of the ordinary Special Thermos Bottles Tlie (ieituuie Thermos Unities are iiMially sold at a Txeil prn c IhroiiKlioiil U'liiad.i, nl we have enni!stoii to olfer one it.vle at ;i lug reduction, (ieituuie Tliei'iim lioltle. Nukle (ia pint izc. regular pnre ;?.;(. Special $2.00 Ouart nze regular price 00, Special $3.75 Ask for our Calendar for 1924 or a copy of Tides and Guide, Free. ORMES LTD. DISPENSING CHEMISTS. The Recall Store. 3rd Ave. and 6th SL We Prepay Mall Orders. Nanaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER! Real Satisfaction Cheapest In Long Run! NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. Phone; 109. Hclgerson Block. Dr. F.P.KENNY Dentist X-RAY SERVICE. (.THcc Hour: li ii.m, lo 0 p.m. ..Open Ku-iiiiig by Special Appointment. i Bulger & Cameron Ltd. offer Special Prices from now until. New Year's Eve on all Christmas Goods We'd rather have part price than carry over till next year Local tand ! Personal U.C. Undertakers, I'hone it. Haynors, Under laker. Ptioue 361. tf - Cur of Ti-lkwa coal received. Cunnuiiicra Goal Co., I.dl. 5 Tomorrow bviux New Year's Kay tin-re, will lie no issue of t lie daily New. Try NANOOSK-Welliiiiflon or Telkwa Coal. More heal. Less hooI. Pliili.oll. Kvlll & Co. If - - We buy, sell and exchange furniture and all useful articles Prince Rupert Exchange. Phone 625. if I lie iiii'uri'oi'alioii of Hie vil lain- of Isiirn Lake is icufllcd ly I In iii .'Miirijil tieereiary'n de- liai'l iiii-iiI. - Lnioii li-aiin-r (lanli-ua, (apl. A. K. IHi'kMin, wit in port lasl i'vi miiik from If" lo 12 o'clock, iini'ililioiiiiil from Vancouver and waypiol- lo Sliwart ami Anyox. Slarl I Ik vi-hi- well. Take in the "The Haii-anl" al Hie Kit' Home loiiioiTnw aflernoun ami help (he Cliiliireii'n Wanl al the Ilopi-lal. !' -5e. Dancing 50r, from a lo 0. Tin' i iiionlh old dmifchler or Mr. ami Mrs. .lai-k Sudan, I'iflh Avenue West, was christened. Ittiliy Louise, al noon es-lenlay liv Dr. II. It. (irant in 1 tie 1'resliylerian Church. 4 Tomorrow (New Year's Day; I he jiosl oilier resist ration and general delivery wickets 'will be lien from 9 lo 10 a.m. One. roller I ion will he made from si reel teller boxes commencing al H.55 a.m. Ciii;iiiencin' from Wiuiiipe? January 5, No. 3 and No. t r.aiiadiHii National llailway passenger trains lutlween Winnipeg? Hint Toronto will operate via the new Lone Lac cul-olT, it Is an iiotineed at the local eily liekel iftlre. Considerable lime will le 'nvrl liy using Hie new roule. . .. Paseniri-rs booked to sail on I he CP. It. steamer I'rliieess Mary, leaviiiz for the norlli this aflernoun, included: Mr. .ami Mrs. Iliii-i' and family; Miss M. I'.nlher. Mr. ami Mrs. S. Ilyan. Mrs. M. Auckland. Miss ti. C.lif-lon. Moses Aui-klaml, Mr. and Mrs. II. Prevosl, Henry llatdane. A Auckland. M. Aucklaml, II. Clifloii and Ueorire Lei-Iilon for Keii-hikan : Mr. Simpson and ilauiihtri- (r .luneaii. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Hill CO I. (). 1 1. li. l ea Dausanl in Klks Home, New Year's Aflernoun. Utieeii Mary Chapter l.n.H.K. Dance on New Year's Nilil, January I. lU'.'l. in Llks' Home. Calbranita Trd Mark As the roll unwinds, music works its magic. Gone are the cams of a work-a-ilay world. A dear old Innc touches tho chords of lender memory brings buck boyish dreams stirs the fires of inspiration. halever your mooil as you sil down lie rore tlie Gulbransen registering piano yoVi find il sympathetic, responsive. For il is n ready' 10 reflect Hie exuber-anie of outli in I ho latest and payesl of popular (tines as it is In free the majestic music prisoned in Hie score, of a composer's innslerwork, We invite you In our store ln-ilny and try the Gulbransen registering piano. A few moments will reveal Ihe pleasures it offers. We will gladly explain the ad vantages of its many exclusive features. Walker's Music Store ltd.' TUB DAILY NEWS. "Tht Uil ittp it l food CI l firtL" The delicious fragrance of Baker's Breakfast Cocoa Its unquestioned puritr?, uniformity and palatatilitp male constant users of all who try it; It is the cocoa of high quality. Made In Canada By Walter Baker & Co. Limited EtubluW 1733 Vfclii It Dorcknur. Vfu. ind Vlontml. CtnaJa OoaXT OF CHOICE KEdrES SENT TILL I'lease note that if you have a hill against the city you should mail statement hy January 2. The C.I'.H. steamer Princess Mary, Cant. Slater, is due to arrive in port from the south at 1.15 this afternoon. Mrs. Willanl (iihsou is hook ed lo sail on the sleamer Prince Huperl leavliit' here for the south on Friday inornin?. Skalingr. -OH HA1IY" leaves I'lildic Works float, next lo ff.T.l Dock atone o'clock and every thirty minutes thereafter on New Year's Day. The Canadian National steam fr Prince JohiKhound from Van eouver via the (Jucen Charlotte I1hi.I Capl. Neil McLean, is due Id arrive in iort at 10 o'clock lo-night. Drop In for a cup of lea or a dance or Doth a the Klks Home tomorrow ' after noon, and help Hie I.O.D.K. Children'. Ward al the Hospital. Tea 25c. Dam-ing 50r. You'll .have a good I line! WASHINGTON MAY HAVENEW CITY Great Water Power Project Planned for Columbia River East of Seattle SMATTLK. Wash.. Dec. 31. A eily of 50,000 persons eupacd in electro-rheniieal industries may rise on 0,000 acres of saehrusli lesiile,lhe Columbia river, lo exploit water power rivaling that of Niagara Falls, if success follows (plans referred hy the Federal 'Water Power Cuinnpssinu in WashiiiKlon. D.C., to Colonel W. .1 llonlen, army engineer for ;ilns district. j Such a ily would stand al ipin-sl Itapids, Waslu 150 miles east of Seattle, on the other'siile lor the Cascade mountains, I A sulisidiary of Ihe General l".er!rie Company has applied lo the i-onuuission for a license to i'oiisirui-1 a dam two nii.es Ion.; . . r i r rv '( ri'e( high, a dam declared At lie LJld Of a Uay. here to he in blueprint half again as lung as Ihe barrier across the Mississippi rixer at Keokuk, Iowa. It is proposed to develop 75(l.(HH) horsepower fritm the rapids, besides irrigating luo.OOO acres oT land in eastern 'Washington now devoted to sagebrush and hunch grass, but capable, ac cording to experts, of yielding unsurpassed fruits and crops un der irrigation. The soil is vol-canlq lava, ground to powder by npe-gone glaciers, Hie cost of Ihe;. power develop, meut is put in Ihe application at 1 1.000.000. nut the. cost fof building Ihe eily al 12,000,000. HIGHLANDER OFF DOCK The Canadian Government Merchant Marine freighter f Canadian Highlander, Capl. l'is'.er, came oil Iho dry dock at 2 o'clock loduy and proceeded to lite lumber assembly wharf to load hemlock and spruce square nul !Miard fur Japan. H ere an dThe ere Sixty prr cent of Hamilton'! population own their own ho.-nti, a fact rfvfalfd by the fifurM of tht 1923 atsessment for the Ontario city, which, according to thfse fit-urn, hat 26,259 drc:Hr.j and 4:7 apartmcnta. The grrnt flour movement oyr the wharvci at Fort William ant Port Arthur this aeaton haa b?i unprecedented, according to reports of the CanHiSn Pacific Railway, which, by the end of October, had ahipped 239,085 ton, of flour t lower Lake ports. Port Arthur's buildins permits for the ten months er.d--v- October showed a total of $2,632,;5, which la the bipseit building year in the history of this Ontario city, exceed ing even the total for 1921, one ef the real estate boom years. Canada exported 4,778,609 wort'.i of cheee to various countries' during the month of October, an in crease of $1,224,000, over the total value of cheese exported In Oetober, 1922. The United Kingdom waa by far the largest consumer, taking 215,000 cwt., valued at HfiUfiOOi According to an announcement of Hon. E. H. Armstronr. Premier' of Nova Scotia and Minister of Mines, tne coal production of his provinca for this rear will reach at least 8,200,000 tons, an increase over last year's production of 4,642,19 tons of more than 130,000 tons. Tha outlook for 1824 la encouraging. The Prince of Wales, un'ess fnter- fered with by affairs of state, In tends to make annual visits to bit Alberta ranch, 'William Carlyle, I superintendent of the E. P. Ranch, told the members of the Canadian Society of Technical Agriculturist in addressing them' at Toronto re cently. Fur traders in the distant parti of Alberta, Saskatchewan and Brit ish Co.ur.-.j;i. ordinarily weeks and months from mail err1ce, are now gettinr rezslar quotations on fori from the Calgary Herald's radio broaCastlng service. The annual winter carnival at Banff, which is yearly becoming more popular and Is attracting sporting enthusiasts from all parts of the continent, will be held February 2-9. 1924, while the Banff annual bonspiel will take place February 4-9. According to estimates made by the Rt. Rev. Dr. G. Eaton Lloyd, Bisboi of Saskatchewan, that province haa room for another empire north of Prince Albert and North Battleford. The bishop haa Just completed a six weeks' Uor of tbo limits of settlement in bis diocese, covering- 2,'4 00 'miles; and estim'atas that homes and livings or 250,000 could.be provided in the country referred to. The adverse balance of graia shipments through Canadian at against United States porta is being ateid'Jy reduced, according to statistics compiled by the Marino Department In 1916 only 91,082,-702 bushels of Canadian grain were shipped through Dominion porta, where as 16549,989 bushels were shipped through the States. The figures for 1923, up to September 1st, on the other hand, show that Canxda cow ships nearly halt her grain through her own ports. During this period the amount registered has been 103.548,485 bushels despatched via Canadian porta and 120.628,438 via those of the United SUUs. t The fire department respond ed lo a call al 8 o'clock last night lo the home of Sid Thompson. 232 Second Avenue. Considerable smoke had blown into t lie rooms from stove pipes but (here was no actual fire. m TIMBER SALE X 5347 Sealed Trmlrr will lie received by Hie hltrlrl KorvMrr. nul Ulrr tluii ihiuii cm the I oth day of January. 1IIJ4. fur tlie urrlue of Licence X13I7. near .Ltt iwi, m.rtii MHire r kuui-K.a-Lon Inlet, CM. 1, to ml CU.00U r.bJti. of Spruce. CeiUr. and llmiWk sakr. Two ( year will be alluwed for removal of Umber. further lurllrulars of tlie Chief Fore ler Vlrtirla. or the lilsirlct Kuresler, enure Hupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5852. Scaled Tender will be receive! by Hie Minuter t Lands, at Victoria, not later than noon on the nth day of January. IS . tor llie tiretiai'e of Llreure X to rut 58J,(HH) fret or Cedar, Spruce, Hemlock, fir and Dalsani, on an area 4tuated on tlie iin h shore of owlkeno ' Lake, llanirc i. Coat Land lUlrlrt. Two W years will be allowed for re-iiKivil or limber. r'urlher uruiulir or Ihe Cbler lor-esteci VlrliirU, B.C.. or PUlrlrt toreter, I'rlnii Hupert, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5466. There will be offered for Kale al l'ubllc Auction, at noon on the loth dav or January. Htl, In tho offlco of IIm- tils- irtri rorener, Prince llupeit. the Licence X1I6. to cut (90.000 feel U.M. or Hemlock, Spruce and Dedar, and U,00 Lin. rt. of Cedar Vole, on an area tlluated between llanall and l'k, on oppoMle aide or Skeena Blver, luntre i. Coat PlilrU't. Two (l yesrs will be allowed for removal of tlinlwr. Kurllier imrtlrnlars of the. t:hlef Forester. Victoria. B.C.. or District Porvtvr I'riuie Uvvn, li t,. PAOE THREK. Tf you had the Strength of a Blacksmith Tel. 3. Send it Washday would still hold a grim task. For scrubbing and rubbing and wringing is a job for machinery and not for human hands. It is a job for us and not for you. Why not rid yourself of it by using our Wet Wash service? The burden of washing will be eliminated only the lighter work of ironing will remain. And the charge is only a very few cents a pound. Just phone well call for your bundle. Wet Wash ca pound Minimum Charge 75c Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 MrSsn CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Servicei Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, November 30, December 19, January 4 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, November 26, December 15, 31 S.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. I t COAST STEAMSHIPS Winter Service S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sails from Prince Rupert For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points Friday, 10.00 a.m. For STEWART and ANYOX ... Wednesday, 11.00 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For VANCOUVER via QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, Jan. 2, 16, 30; Feb. 13, 27; March 12, 26 PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince Rupert M pjn. for mi.NCE GEORGE. EDMUNTO.N. WI.1-NII'EG, all points Eastern Canada. L'ulted States. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Clt, Tick at Offlca, E2S Third Ate, Frlnce RuparU Phone 260. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Salllnfs From Prince Rupert. Par VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocaan Palla, and Swanaon Bay, Tuaaday, S P.M. Fee VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alart Bay, and Swanaon Bay, Saturday Noo. Per ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Waits laland, Sunday S P.M. Fe PORT SIMPSON and Naaa RUer Cannarlaa, Friday A.M. tJ tnrt Avenue.. I. Barnaley, Aatnu Prince Rupert. B.C SOMETHING NEW KYANIZE SANITARY FLOOR ENAMEL. A new and different finish for floors Unit is vii.liulle, sanitary und exceedingly lough and durable. Ask for color card. Pints . f 80c Qirts , $1.60 Half Oallons ...... $3.00 KAIEN HARDWARE CO. We Deliver. Box 1646.