PAGI TWO THtt uAlLt ncwa. Friday SentefTrVr i; 4 QRCAT POSSIBILITIES IM TNC ROCK DRflJJNG VALLEYS OF INTERIOR ARE Particular People CONTEST DELAYED SEEN WITNESSES. BY UNPREJUDICED Vomen On Juries choose SALAOA Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDTCIOK II HM The most delicious blend procurable. The Daily News FKINCfi BUPEKT - BHITI9II COLUMBIA . Published' Every Afternoon, eicept Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Aveuue. H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ' City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month.. . .11.0(1 By mail to all parts of the British Eiapire and the United Stales, in advanceper year... . ffl.tto Friday. .September It, 1923. Fur Farming On Locai Islana. Attention has been more than once drawn to the opportunities which exist lor the establishment of fox farm on ,ume oidne i-Ijiio along the coast. Yesterday l. U, Jackson, chair-;man of the game commission, spoke .of the mattr to the Daily JVews and intimated lhal they had a number of inquiries in regard to inlands thai might be suitable, and he thought the reull night lv the establishment of farms for the raiding not only of Joxe but of other fur bearing animal. Congratulations To Pair On Attendance! The attendance at the fair lat night was large, making up the aggregate 'for'-lhe day higher. than for the corresponding day )f the previous year. On the whole-so far the fair eem to have -jieeu a fiH-t-e' and tlie iieoplejare civing it their patronage. receive lilwral fK'dronae in This Province. " I An attempt wti Tnnde lo have'wonfen on the jury at a trial jf hi week nl .Vfirln Vaneotiver hut Ihey were challenged by ritun-el and had tep dvwji. It i the privilege of rotmei for Either ide (o challenge juror.- and il i- the opinion in many piarler that women are more liable to prejudice than men, jienrp Ihey are likelier lo be challenged. There eem m prl rea-on why women hould not serve jm jurie. eperially in cae where members of their own sex tire involved. The tendency of men i lo favir women in jury trials and the- opposite is true of women. They are hanl on iaembers of their own -ex. Some year ago a series of articles, tind much cijrre-iMindence appeared in a leading magazine on the fiibjcct of Woman's Inhumanity to Worn an. .Men who knock jiltout the world may ibly have a somewhat wider imtlook Jhan women who spend mod their lime in the home, but in Jhese Jlays of equJd right and education wonieii-ire jut alout a well oiwlified lo judge of Ihe snill or iunoiVnce of a person as men uid they have a much keener intuition and sift evidence and neigu reels as weu a, u not better than, memlwrs of the j-terner sex. t prlUsb Opinion ' Pavors This Province. . . ... .... .. . -f in .pne or the criticisms levelled by W. J. Bowser and his iissociaie ai me financial condition of this province and at I lie Jnethod emj.loyed by the governmeut, British financial journals c.,i,i,- in praise ipe method or accoti tiling fulopled by lion. Jiilm Hurt minivton ,,f ri..n... i i - . j ....,,..-1,1 .,1 iiuuii,,-, nuu rtine rica.ii iiuauners are fust as ready as ever to lake provincial nfferiuir t price. Hie policy of makiug political capital by injuring our own J; red it does not appeal to the ordinary man. If there wa anything wrong with ihe financial Condition of (he province the fU pnnners would be Ihe first lo find it out. When Mr. Bowser r i-rriuit-ruis mintMer or Tina ttce- found great difficulty in di ..sing of provincial securities but now buyers are well saline fied inat should speak for itself. t l.i: :.. i . ... ... S-v .' V . . ",,nPM Mruciive cnlicisui and shall not be bfvf- mt.eizittjr this op any other administration, 1 We gave a Ju,d deal o space U, Mr. Bowser's addres So thai local ople Mfd lie able to mdge hint by his word. J,.d the Fair not been, ntne given nun even liiote space. II is irood for Ihe 'Teron.ent or Ihe spotlight t l,e l,rnj on thent oeca- u .or incir opponents to show op their weaknesses, il In linrx ' II ....i . ' J " n-i Kouu, nowever, lo do ti - . or say any-t'Zr wr"k f uV province I Li.i.;:j . I rtl "iitisti Columbia eredH, is ?11:l?T7ti ,n7' U " l'-r. No friend r .... ,., ,,- Ir injure mat credit. Looking Forward The more you think about the future and about Opportunity and Success! the more enthusiastic you become about being a money saver. If you hare mastered the art of saTinr, you can forecast with reasonable acenr. acy how much of a factor you will be in the days of opportunity which are drawing near. Dvutu your Satlnyt; It CAN b Dim,." UNION BANK OF CANADA Prince Rupert Branch . T. Broderick, Manager inecft spin wnsn inira am I Was ComptUno Will be Finished this Afternoon ! Owrinr to i he fcl (bat the rock PRINCE GEORGE piuxcf. nF.onr.E To ail other countries, in advance, per year. ... $7.50; Fort Fraser a TELEPHONE 98 Contract Rates on Application. All advertising should be in The Daily News OHIre on day preceding publication. AH advertising received subject to approval. V. J. Cortnack, accountant in Ihe Hank of Montreal 'here, will leave oon for Weta-kawin to which itoinl he ha been trans He will he ureeede here y N. P. Wnoilward from Xew West minster. The Veteran won the Prry CUp here lal week defeating the Caledonian iy S to nil. Hev. A. H. Hunltey ha arrived here from Vancouver and wlll'fjll Hie pulpit of Knox Prebylerian Churrh until a permanent appointment is made. YANDERHOOF lonald Mitchell ha (rone to the eoat on a two mouth' vara ion. Jauie Hargreave left for Vancouver where he will spend a month's vacation. j j"k . neorve na received a substantial JJe contract from the Canadian NalionaJ lUilway. A sn was recenlly born to Mr. and Mr. Joejdi It. Anuishaw. e Mr. and Mrs. James Silver an. nounce Ihe eujrajfemeut of lhiir daughter, Mary, to" Tluuuas p Sunt hers. The wedding will lake place on September 17. Almon l.eroy Sturgis and Mrs Anna Johnstone ' were married here recently. The bride came from Calgary. The following leacliers are en iraifed inMlie Mtlxsils of Ihis dis i run: anderhoMf, JL Wells, Morrow and Mi Hicbards; Chilco, W, 't rout man; Maw, T. I. Kilpalrick; llulatl, J. Stinson; Luke district. Mis Lillian K. Haflery; isluarl Lake, Mi ss Mae Johnson; Eiifeii, Mrs. F. p. Don ovau; Prairiedale, Miss Josephine Macitouald, Jorl Fraser. Miss Drina Fraser. C.N.R. CONNECTIONS- FOR WHITE STAR SAILINGS Steamships of the While Star line will sail from Montreal as follows: "JlcKlna," September 2"; 'Merantlc, October 8; "Doric," fct. 13; "Canada," Oct. fl; llegina," Oct. 27; "Doric," November 10. PaseiiKcrs for these steamers Should urruilKC. lo leave Prlne llupert via Canadian National Railways on September 22.. del. I, 0, 13, 20, and iNuvembar 3. For rales and reservations, call or write City Ticket Olllce, Canadian National Hallwaya, 528 Third Avenue. Prince it B.C. l'hone 26U. 9ta (Continued from Pageone. ale in it" future outlook. Speak in of the interior val hy. vr. Jon Haiti the Kr;is ;leing u-e. (till, Hi double rock a nil clover indicttled whal the drilling contest in Hie Midway at 'country would pVoduie. Wheal jibe Fair yeenlay afternoon had, be hail seen second In none. In Im po.ftoned until t Ui. afler-j't tiere wh a luxurious growth of noon. Jwim .eion anl A. An-jail clover ami vegetable ueii Hotiellii Hie Yirsl team, drilled II. an rauliihier. cabbage, kale ami tr- inche in fifteen minute parnip were. Hie finest in ItC. while' J. Sherman and A. Ivarsnnille thought there would lie a fid 19 Inches. The rk split tgrear opportunity In bip ti Hie when Tlteifdora and Sam Diehand market of Hie outh. The -In IT were drilling:. hnwivlold llial the soil mul le Thgre were aUo three entries 'excellent ami the precipitation in .the single drilling contet--?Millieienl. I. Santertiane, A. Ivarson and . Oats and Potatoes !oepa. This cmiMtiln will' At Prince l.eorge Hie visiter also "take plare this afternoon. aid lie hail ieen splendidly en tertained and he hoped -to return jlliere. At Mellride he had een oaf iual lo any he had een i anywhere and potatoes f such quality that he had immediately A. J. FerenVill I agent of the nM.POie,i inkeeW several uinanian .aimnai Iiiiii- Itailway at .j. tuMind for hi own ue. soon a ine new: talion liuilding i fomplHe.L ihrousb the diilay here he ih ad learned a lot aboul llaiellon "" jand he wa oiily .rry lie wu Hejri.jralion of Irap line and tn vi,r lhal plare. lie 1 .l,.IW. ill 1 I. I ..... t .......... I I ' . i,. ,r ia., Mr ja, in Wealthy apple of a! pmg eaon making it o,m.i rrom',,,.,, r(,or ,-a ie). November I to March I, i be-lr, 0 VanMiic'l-lanif. From in? preyed by the trapper nfMaj., emo a wonderful thin dilrn-l at the meetinjr nflltliM .,,,,1 riaT' ,,,.1, n. i,- i.-.i Hie I Same Itoard now in eioit here. W. P. Ovilvie and W. J. MeAllan are nllieially appearing before Hie tnianl. A joint reoeplion l heins plan-neij by the rilizens for Dr. and Mr-. C Kwert, Mr. and Mri. Ab x. MofTalt. Mr. and Mr. Arnold! Flalen, Mr. and Mr.. lieorjre Mc-Cullah and Mr. and Mr. Jauie W'iUon all of whom will jmii m returning lo town from their honeymoon.' Doubt!e.. the grand maqnerade, whb-h il i pnmied will belferred in the erice of Hie hank 3'etter than ever thh year, will alo jhi evening. , not een el-'where. Willi a rich count ry around it he fell sure Prince Kuperl liad a great future before it. Experimental Work A. K. Hichard in eharje of the exeriiiieiilal tatinn work aid be wa pleae, In fm, that Hie huinemen here were inte'el- ed in the haic indiilry of Hie province. He lol.l .if the work that wa being done iiy the la-lion. II wa lb aim to how Ihe farmer that' by iniprove method they could increae the yield and that at a profit. ..In, eb-ctn?t a.,yiie for an ej. pefTnieiilal talioq it was the en- teavor to clnoe tlant froiiiine on a highway i-o thai it could be eeu tiy the fanners and Ihe oii mul be typical. Frm S lo i acre was generally ued and he operator wa paid 5 an -re and upplie with sutlicienl eed for Ihe first year. The land wa laid out in from five to reen year) rotation, In exchange for Hie' government aid ihe "peralor agreed to follow inslruclion. and to keep au acourate record thai Ihe yield could be liowu and the cot lele. The opera tors were keenly interested in Hie work. Once a year Hiere wa a field day to wliicli the farmer were invite. and Hie work dis cued on Ihe ground. Clover Crops Needed The need of increase,) clover production wa emphasized by Mr. Hichard a being lhepreetil greatet nee,. To l,rjng Hiislmedal. aboul clover seed suflicient to sow two acre was Jibing supv plied lo fifty different farmers throughout the district. This eed was of a hardy variety com ing from northern Ontario. Central B.C. he said wa suited to mixed farming and dairying but leguminou fiwlder crops were needed. Also ,j depart nienl was co-operaliug with Hie provincial department in the growing of certified seed. Mar keting wa also engnsing their alteutiotL They tried 1 if increase the quantity and gualily "of the farm products an,) t help in marketing. The produce of Ihe country was excellent and be urged that if it could be placed here at market price it should be jiunliased- in preference to imported produce. Jt was useless lo gel people on Hie Jand unless a. market could tie secured Buy at Home lr. Orant in thanking the speakers spoke ,f the advance- menf of Ihe farming' industry in Ihis pi-mince, e also etir- phasi.ed Hie desirability or buy i.... ... i . ... in in nonie ucti articles as butler, iiotaloes apples 'and other produce of the farms and gar dens of the north. FAIR JOTTINGS The cannery exhibit nut on bv the Canadian Fish & Cold Stor age Cniiany at the Kxhibilitm buihliug, i a very fine on'and oae which has created a great deal of utlenlioM Tlie- takes Ihe form of a modern caiu uery in perfect. miiiaJute built of tins displaying the Huperl, Tyee and Emu brands of canned fish. The display bis been built in plendi4 detail Including a min-alure railway and glass sea effect. This exhibit won the gold ST-CHARLfS Four Handy SizesA Size For Every Need You'll Like this Creamy Milk from the Chilliwack District and it is such a convenient milk. With a few tins of the various sizes on your pantry shelf, you are never "out" of milk for Borden's St. Charles Milk serves every milk need. It is rich, pure milk from selected dairies in the Fraser River Valley; Part of the water content has been removed, but otherwise it is just as it comes from these fine dairy cows. To bring it back to its natural state sirrmlv add an eaual auantitv of water. Askyour grocer for Borden's St. Charles Milk-and insist on getting it , 55k ISonfet Cv.Jlmtfed VANCOUVER Unsse-Millerd; I.t'L, owners ufj Ihe Sunityside cannery, hae a; ery fine cannery exhibit on dis-; play. The booth i very artistically ileeorale.1 with tins con-' laiioug Hie various brand of-ih of thHr manufacture. This exhibit won Ihe silver medal and ran Ihe first prize very eloe. V W. Mddblooiu I right in the wbn al the Fair with a fine exhibit of furs- of every description. Tlwy range from the common or garden mink to the pricel e slUer fox which are the envy of all the ladies and incidentally uiany of Ihe men also. - - - The Queen of the Carnival,' Miss Adeline llenriksen. attended by her maid, of honor, sat in slate during the afternoon and! received privileged guests yeer- . day. After the ceremony her1 majesty made a visit lo the Mid- way and look part in all the fun ! of the fair. . The Jadite carvittg by John Marks, a native of Massed, is being greatly admired by all visitors to Ihe exhibition puibC ing. Mr. Marks I giving pra Ileal demoitMlralion of carving in jalile at the Indian exhibit booth. The work lie produces Is excellent and well worth going many miles lo see. Everybody who sees the work has lilgb praise, for the wonderful gift Mr. Marks has in this direction. TENDERS WAIVTEO. Teixlnrs sill m rwHvwt by lli C.llir f rrliue luiiierr ir Uie imrrlia f l.u 41 mid it. HIiM-k (, HKrtlim I; and IM ?A. hhirX tQ,,a I. TeiHli-rt hi Ii III in Off m tt tli' C. lv Clerk, nurkKtf "Tenrtrrn fur l.ot." nl lal.r liil I p in. MiHMtijr. Si.t.iiilier 17 Tlw blrlirtl or Miy tiHlr not ir trlly Arcepled, . r. JO?IES. Ot Ctrk. JH. MR COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.3. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, InternWdUte - Points, Monday, -Thursday, Saturday, 11 FOR ANYOX . WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. SS. PRINCE ALBERT or PRINCE JOHN. rr rert SlispM nS tl.rt ksi. vsitMHfM tu qm cut'Mii Wimi wi.r Hum R).f Prli Ss4l PASSCNCE.R TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Ii I'rlftrr llii-rt A IS pjn fur IHItiT OlxRtir. rit' s ' 1 MI'EO. id i ira r.trra Canada, tnivs) SUtet aMMCV ALL OCCAM STIAMSMIF LINtS. Cll TkkM 01 (k... B2S ThlK At.. pIm M(rL r4 - CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Servicei Sailings from PrinceRupert S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.8. PRINCESS ALICL. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, Sept.1, S, 14, 25 J Oct, .5. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagwey, SepU 3, 10, 21 1 Oct. 1. 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Buledale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Oc" Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Rlr, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Line. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prlnca Rupert, B.C UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C. LTD. Silllnit rrorn frlne Huprl, tor VANCOUVER, VICTOniA, Ocwn F.IU, to S.noil Tft r for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.rl BJ, and Snn fivtUj " Tor ANYOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Wl. Uln4, Snnr tt eoRT SIMesON an Ni Rl.f CB.rli, frly A.H. l Dd AvniU. t, B.rntl.y, A(nL ITIur Huprrl.