: Tuesday, Decemhor PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS . - preety: a = Ly obo . si i uf ss — " _ " aren = — yf MINE LOOKS | SCHEDULE oat | Save Durin From Your Christmas Store GREE “conned: ne change in stusship Servi] Wednesday & Thanay .. ad bat ; ; ‘ : 2 + oes ei ; Program on Georgia River The way to save at this sea- |! For ene ADMISSION = er 9 dam ¢ , if you are one of the many people that exper lence difficulty in sel- Gold Reported son of the year is to buy goods }} Feature Starts at 7 hoy & ie fs ecting both useful and novel Christmas gifts we feel sure that this —- ah ‘Wind The winter service of the Cana- et 1 Si , Christmas message will interest you. Reporting that a very successful ‘dian National Steamships now in NEW Durrcars In our store we have made preparations for a popular price Christ- program of work had been carried MONTREAL ae gee edulotla akan EXTRAORDINARY ” ul mas, and for that reason you will find well selected gift merchandise at out on the property during the yo thy pies ; al ‘ 7 < a 1 ec May 15, according to the “Hie : . . Cee tai s " ahead ss dina . . i past season, F. B. Shearme, super- cea on Will p prices which will accommodate the modest pocketbook as well as those ; = IMPORTERS latest operating schedule, On, thie lam owell : . : intendent of Georgia | E interested in more elaborate things. Gold Mining ¢ property on schedule a weekly service is opera- & K a : rs We must confess our inability to describe in this letter the many de- Portland Canal below the town of | Guarantee of at least 35% ted between Vancouver and Stew- ay Francis ; , ; , owar 26 through » cit ns ‘all and see and let art and Anyox, with a fortnightly lichtful presents on display; but there are presents for mother and dad, corer §=‘rough Tila, avin. Cem eee" seeviee between Varioodten: Asin In Warner Bros. | ° > : ‘ 1 this u us c yince you as . Os ates i sister and brother and sweethearts, too. Perhaps you have felt that jew- ada aa eietome V Aecmiad ne U Prince Rupert via Queen Charlotte} Nest i eilry store gifts were just for the fortunate few, but we hasten to assure Node the will sp. nd the cemaiadaeba aaa Islands “ONE W you that we welcome you to our shop. Come ih, feel at liberty to look at lof the winter | SSePrmee Rupert will’ continue everything without being pressed to purchase. It will be a pleasure to | The outstanding development of WESCH IS bn coe the ne Sie el ‘ show ¥ ious -auti ings which are suitable the work carried out on the pro- w rom Vancouver, calling at Powe PA ; show you the gracious and beautiful things which are suitable for the ely cong gh Beganepne? ve digg ay many names on your Christmas list. art a ak ‘aia : of the PRESIDENT pert enroute to Stewart and Anyox With Al rege ; é E states, as e st ing ) ut | , i j Mac 0} Jewellry, silver, glass and china will appeal to mother. We have per- t a depth of 400 : | Similar calls are made ‘southbound » Aline MacMahon, Way. | ; : | , southwest vein . ; : : ae ren Hymer, Frank McHugh iw) | sena! things for men such as leather-goods, smokers’ needs, handsome feet. Assays taken on this vein r lent and Other Officers of ball gta = wi be Bg Two Lost Souls Find New 1 i . ° . . . ‘ residen i B € etwee Ii uve the lands , , . ile "4 HT toiletware including baggage and accessories. Rings are always favored ranged from a few dollars up to a Ratepayers’ Avsociation Are : c = rc, Ferg. a New Love a? 1 ey : . : . ; . hic : +} : average of i : » J i -rince inet nd way port Ss “a tii while nothing could be more practical than a watch for someone in the se pelion vated pee Rit ie Sethe’ Johis cil lehes Semana MiciesbMBibcins Pens 7 HI % ¢ s 4s ‘ : , ee : 36 per ton, the principal value be : ! u t ; | house. Doesn’t it al! sound exciting? Here is your Christmas store ready wp get dow peabraganeceyst om ety mort Deceasber 16 and 00: Siena SCREEN SOUVENIRS Hi to serve you. Will you not drop in? Deth aduicanith and sout! The Prince Ru Ratepayers'|13 and 27; February 10 and 24 apertten Fighting | i ; ig s a . > ae a : A annual meeting oh and Oo eal, © canal METRO NEWs iP H Sensational values in our Down Stairs Store. Hundreds of Fine Items— Twelve men were employed on|**™ ar dean 10 and 24 and April 7 an Seti { Dozens of Suggestions. the property during the past sea~| 9) ci : 14 WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Me HH son and it is planned to resume |* stinsitnin’ (0: W, Mees hedeesl eet “MADAME RACKETE) 33 HH} MANY NEW WAYS TO CUT DOWN YOUR CHRISTMAS BUDGET |work with a similar crew employed}, : htt This evening’s train, due from WEDNESDAY REVIVA) ih | jas early as weather conditions in : ithe East ' | as : 7 By SR ; o'clock, was reporter “| 8 Goos " | | MAX HEILBRONER “es Diamond Specialist the spring will permit ie ; eer this morn aa’ be on tim 3 suumtal” Woht_to ms } Vight | It is expected to start blocking out the ore next year. Reports of a; as ee — NZIE’S FURNITURE | mill being installed on the property : are a little early in the game as ; ; ab +. Gtever : oa an Mm PN Te et, states Mr Shearme ), HB. Rochester rth MACK or Nee ea a SAL ee ened states Mr. Shearme OTC hincae ce abateh toe : = ih ee ve | iJohn ¢ - i ~ > ‘i /LIQOUR BOARD AUDITOR Auditee. Pests. Caineren 5 | PASSENGER ON CARDENA| 4j}) the officers were elected b | R. P. Wilmo, auditor of the Li-jtne executive. there having beer , iquor Board, was a passenger OD | sight nominations for the four po tt | board the Cardena this morning] . ' ‘ thre ‘ » os | was recorded last Wednesday | «jaed to drop unimproved property| Norway Pine Syrup for the past , ’ “ put on a sale, we are giving Prince Rupert T fed it the only reliable remedy when t nd Ladi a phanes § + 4] ’ wi . }morning when the thermometer) jy order to be able to pay the im dren have a cold A nas : § aqgiesS a Chance to get these at reduced pr 1ces descended to 26 degrees below zero.|,. vement tax It helps them to get to sleep by loow ‘ f - T 4 ; ile Norway phiegm and stopping the cough j } before the holiday. a The A ul led i ; , ’ | The Prince George Girl Guide n it ff s t e the asse Pine ao eS oO. chem.’ | Association, at.its annual meeting,| ment lowered ' was a mat a , ; * - : nN a te ‘ ; 1 “ hottie; large family sire i elected offices, as follows: presi-jter : the } en re n Syrup drug and general stores; put up only by + ident, Mrs. W. J. Pitman; vice-pre : i ror nto th Milburn Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ont sident, Mrs. R.“A. Renwick; secre-| oud! i i — eee tea eaea arith | tary-treasurer, Mrs. J. H. Johnson The city council d also failed os wa tt - acres Cf Ee ee re ¥ ' 7 iin a petilior ” wed by the As y ronto, and March 2, 1906, joined the ! transferred to Edmonton} BURNS LAKE . cee an, Son ee 3 | nar” R.C.M.P. in Regina. For seven year en to Regina, where he was/| asking for a reduction in the ai-j ’ SS eaee & , i sea Sevhsariie Sinned toons Matt th die mee i veaq in wi © Tank il nes i comma 1 tc ssistant . , . se 8 ” * " a ; 4 s ~e } Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Godwin and! poe y dj € e Associa sail thern Alberta divis n ly t Con er Spalding i , i cw ert I ( i ner Spalding | family left today for Vancouver en-| tion renew it juest to city that i i: Lethbridge. He received his com Superintendent Tupper is mar-|route to Gibson's Landing where! , plebiscite be put on this qu PRI mission inspector January 1 i is twt ildren e they will spend Christnii with rat the pe e would at H . 5 Former Commanding Officer of ,, . ; Pre ; wo children. He was | the ee ” ie ; , would 3 ere 18 your chance to get . 1913, and was sent to mman he I ‘ inspector of the force| Mrs. Godwin’s parents, Dr. and Mr east ; th t to vote on th } R. ©. M. P. is Created S diatiet af Weod 1 Bis Superintendent or 7 eee . wy “A : promotion which dates| F. Inglis roposa ; Southern Saskatchewan : December 1 this year | —_— Mr. W thanke {ficers ar rf From there he went to Ed ! | Sergeant F. W. Gallagher of the) member rt ra tance dur 7 REGINA, Dec. i3;—Official an- | ton for a year, then in turn to Fort provincial police and Joe Smith,| ing th vast year , a nouncement of the promotion of Fitzgera Great Slave Lak« ibD- @¢4¢402034¢080 6 6 ¢| Williams Lake stockman, arrived Inspector J. M. Tupper, officer’ district, to Herschel, to Fort M » «| here early last week, being on thi ‘ i . . ." ’ ’ ™~ ; commanding the Southern Saskat-'Pherson, then drove dogs overla + The Dally News can be pur- ¢ fhunt for 125 head of cattle which AND ALL KINDS Ol I UR GOO! th chewan Division, R.C.MP., with|to Dawson on the Old Dawson Pa-|¢@ chased at- @| were stolen during the past few 3g headcuarters in Regina, to the! trol © Post Office News Stand, 325 @ | mor ths from the ranges in the The biggest selection ever shown in Prince Rupert. 8: a rank of iperintendent has reach Served Overscas * Granville St.. Vancouver. a Nazko district. A reward of $500 i real values, quality goods * 1 - ate ; He went ve! . the | ¢ Kar! Anderson, Prince ¢4/¢'"¢ offered for information | ay it The message comes from Ottawa,’ Mounted Police Squadron a1 yn # George, B.C @|which will lead to the arrest and ; together with congratulations to! returning to Canada w tatior ® R.W. Riley, Terrace, B.C @ | conviction of the persons concerned 0 e all S O oom he the promoted officer at Vancouver for eight years. Fre * General Store, Anyox #\in what seems to be one of thi a rinte — set was born there he = sent i m- | * Smithers Drug Store, Smith- @ | lars st cattle rustling episodes 11 The Old Reliable i lalifax f was educated at manding Northern B h ( i * ers, BC @jthe history of the province. Ootsa . : are Ashbury College. Ottawa. then at- ‘bia district. with headc “ + e| and wane Lake districts will be We must have the money to buy raw furs. That & w! tended Upper Canada College, To-|Prince Rupert. From Prince Rupert ¢4#¢4 444604060666 @ (searched for trace of the animals making such special low prices | the most of which belonged to M Sauna eee aeeeeszaeuesaenenpernarer = | A. Helwig of Nazko ee e-em ae wae NNER — | A Ski Club has been organized at " Southbank with officers as fol -_ = ’ J i SY lows: president H. Corner; vice eo eS. |president, J. A. Pedley; secretary- | treasurer, Miss Gladys Keefe; club _— ' . ‘ | captain, H. Anderson trail captain TOYS CALENDARS ,K. Lindaa lady convener, Mrs A selection that will be a great help to Santa Our lines of Calendars has had a reputation Frank R. Keefe Claus. for many seasons, from 15c up ——- - Polr tta NNSC Uv ‘ sArIC re The annual Christmas concert HAS OPENED We ._ CHILDREN S BOOKS CHRISTMAS CARDS | was held at Tatalrose last Friday Pot ran - in ie arore ay) ani od al Some of the newest things which your jevening. An excellent program was — cae se nih 6 = sn ted > an, p om oc 0 >8..9, Inclhuc ing \ p Soe le *lants rrives eadnesaay o fr s like te cive . re 4 jrendered and t of the people of A d ¢ h B > d the well known Chums Annual, Girls Own oe io x care eo ove. We Rave a: lange the district wetltta sditedannad n rew S as an arry rea and Boys Own, Chatterbox and Scout. Pen TER .FUREE UENO U9 Chee ; : , = ; ; ‘ ¥ p ‘ i ; | The teacher of the Tintagel Poinsettias, Jeyonias, FRAMED PICTURES PERSONAL CARDS school was brought to Burns Lake . an a e op What could be a more appropriate gift for There is still time te get personal cards Hospital on Monday of last week ( ycamens, Christmas the home? We have a large selection to choose made. Leave orders with us. See sampl suffering from severe attack of 09 , ¥ ‘ ples at las é ’ eo . 1. TIM te, ; . from. the store. influenza } ( herry, Pepper | lant, Third Avenue next to MacLaren s Mu i ; <. ie ‘ . a 1 ) +4 vari . . . . on ! er. ! ws “2 ‘ YY War : . 7 Both Old English and Burnt Leathe ! Goods in vai lety of choice such as Purses, Friends and nelehbors gathered Azaleas, Palms & Ferns P. O. Box 416 Phone Black 66! Oriental Git ‘ hina, Novelty Silver Gifts, Christmas Cards. Full line of Wrap- at the home of Mr. and Mrs pine I aper, Seals, lags, Tinsel Ribbon, Christm: ecorations, Ete. Charles R. Hunter of Colleymount A large variety, Moderate prices —_—— Be FR SER ST TIONERS Th; d to attend the christening of their a ® A complete line of superior quality Bread, Cakes and Con Tei: A A A little daughter, Rosemary Ann, by Ar th St d fectionery. Order your Xmas © rd , » s now : . ; : ’ j Xmas Cakes and Plum Pudding ir venue Rev. C. A. Hinchliffe, Anglican rec- c C u 10 — M jtor of Burns Lake. PSR AAAI AE EE A AA ARISEN A wd : ee j | ok t *