Friday. September U, 1923, i Tarn DAILY fiMWB PAPS TBW Exhibition Week Specials 1 Writing Tablet ,aijd Package of if Envelopes for - This It a 50c Value. Chocolates OANONG'S CHOCOLATES t he finest in the land, 05c lb. 65c per lb. Sponges 80RBO 8PONGES. A sponge thai run be thoroughly cliansed without damaging it, ' Nit. I- 25c; formerly iOr. No. :i iiutl V -75c; rorinerly ?1.00 and $1.50. A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF TOILET, BATH AND MEDICATED. 80APS AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES. ASSORTED TALCUM POWDERS for 20c. 2 fur 35c Face Powder m In'e. Flesh ami Hnmettv Shades 50c box ORMES LTD. The Rexall 8tore. Phonei 200, 82 and 134. 3rd Ave. and 6th. 3rd Ae. and 2nd. We jay posloge on all mail orders. Boats for Sale Head down the lii Yon will find the very Iniat yon iutig lor. Alt iual listed are in absolutely ftrt class nfrdi ' tdii. Splendid Crultlng or Logging Boat 38 fl. x 10 ft. 0 inch he am. 2 hp. Heavy duty engine. CruJiIng, Towing or Pleaiure it ft x 1 1 ft., il ineli beam. Fitted wiih :iu li.p. engine. Jiisl been overhauled and in splendid eoudiiiou. Pleasure Launch an rt. 8 ft., 0 inch Jeam. Filled with if iTrtT-ttfffiirr Krrilitt,'arr.rnnitdatmif: " Hallfcut aXoat -ax ft. x 10 fL 8 inch beam. 10 h.p. ' f?land- urd engine. All complete with gear. ete. i Trwler- SS lL X 1 P. beam. 0 h.p. Fisherniuu 'engine. . (Iiilon m i oimnoiliilioii. An Ideal Hunting or Trolling Boat 2tt fL x fl fL 8 inch m-iih 5 Ji.p. Itepal engine, lu deiidld condition. A rea Hunting liome. -These Boats are being sold for half their original cost. DON'T MISS THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Fonln'erlin ami Tnal Trips tee-- N. M. McLEAN Boatbullder, Cow Bay. Of Interest to Men t GjiII hi ii ml lupeet a New Slock of Fall and Winter Underwear etc, etc .lit Received SEASONABLE STOCK OF WORK SHIRTS, UNDERWEAR, WORK PANTS, SUITS, OVERCOATS, Etc. Steve King Opp. Bank of Montreal. Phone Green 85. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE ' "The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 01, Special Teapot Sale We hove been fortunate in securing an assorted crate of Old English Teapots which we have priced exceptionally low. There are several styles and sires to choose from. I'riucs run from 00c lo $1.50. ..Tliey are now on display in our window. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. P.O." Box 1646. 608 Third Ave. fel. 3. ELKS ENTERTAIN AT EXHIBITION HALL Interesting Program of Music Including Community Singing Last Night the cnlii lainnienl at the Fair Hull last mghl wait put on under Hie ausmees of the Flks. the minstrels providing niont of it. The singers did well and were en. Miuiaolifally received.' lien Self (presided and with him on the puirmm in addition to the solo !- were Jlert Morgan, W. Jl. Ierry, S. Sabournn. Hairy Astoria and Harvey Fraser. The program wu as follows: H. Fletcher, "Where, the Lazy Mveeua Itiver." Myrri Corkle, "Uarneyi Goo gle."," -1 eorge Waddell,' "Tool, 'Toot, Tootsle." Community singing. Thomas Smith, "Tell Me With Smiles." Worn Corkle, "Hose of My Heart." A. Kas'sou, saxophone- "Saxophobia." 1 our Japanese (iirle in luine Japanese sonirq. Tldie Craggs, "Manunie.' Community singing. H. Fletcher, "Jear Old Mother." Community singing, "'Oil Meet Again." PRINCE RUPERT TIDES High I , .vv Friday, September 14 ."::!? a.m. I5::i p.m. 9 .':' a.m. It p.m. Plus 1c Per Piece. 20.5 -I 2 3.C LJ9 a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service Alt of youl washing 80 pr cnt or your Ironing vrythlng riurnd dry You (imply touch up fw outfr ctmn(t uch s walsu, blouses, house drrsits, with hand-Iron. Phon us today. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. nolo. COS- 'JTie reh'tra wa compiled of A I.' .......... Il.....i Mrs. Ilroimo. WIRELESS REPORT 8 a.m. Irish We Ii;.I) I'lll-.J". POINT. Clear, ealm: barometer, 30.1 S; temper ature. .V.': sea smooth. IH;iY ISLANO.-Misly, calm: UiiromHer, 30.1 J; temperature, 'i: sea smooth; II p.m.-steamer l i-i i - lliiprri out southbound: 7 :io. p.m. Hpuke steamer Prince Ali.-n in skffiia llivin- oulbouml r'i- Mai-M'ti; o a. in. MMiko htoam-r Hfdoiidn arrivniif Ka)aan - iiIIiIhiuihI: K p.m. steamer Ki'lehikan loading al Onarlra Hiullilouii'l: 7 a.m. fp.kf nteamer t'iilur pm in iivH'llihound. lit I.I. II MIIH ill Cloudy, lipid -til vvuid; liai'ni-ler 3O.I0: l'llif ul lit- () ; -u MIIMtli: t i. m. ipoke xleamer' lriiiee! !(t-iii ric-f aU'aiii Pisw Uland ' ni l liliolllMt, ... . v CMim: iiartyiifi.i . aoxr; tempera - iuee.?3; vh HHoth. luff liY, -lisMXU. UltHiilv. calm; bannnelor, SO.IJ; lem- tralure. J(5; ea miiooIIi; iiM'i-lhlKuud. steamer Priuee!o Aliert due i n.iii. AuuthhtHiml. ML LI. HAItHOIt Gtmr, calm: barometer, 30.26; twiipwtlure, C't: ea Miiooth. FUNERAL NOTICE 'The fuio'iul vrv'i.- of (he late Mairnu Hurt; will jie lield al the Salvulit.ii Army Citadel at 2 o'clock tomorrow' afei'iioon. FULLERrSSPECIALS For the Week-end Prune, per box $1.25 Peaehe. per box $1.50 Pear, per box 3.S0 L'.rabapplf. per lb ,05c. Hulk l.coa. per tb. ,15c special I reh Kkk 50c i fl. Local and Perswalt li.C- Undertakers. Haynera," Under taker. 351. Phone 41. Pboue tf Mrs. l'hilip Metz is Bailing- for Victoria on I lie Princess Alice this afternoon. The Ocean Kails football team returned outh on the Prince KupetT last evening. ' - - Morris Gorkill returned to Ocean Falls' by (he steamer Prince lluperl. last night. v - Wrist Watch and Chevat Mir ror will be drawn for on on Sat urduy al 8 p.tu. al lloss Mac- kay's ollice. FAIR PROGRAM, TOMORROW, SATURDAY. Midway attractions afternoon and evening. S p.m Jitney Dance.' Joseph JtOfS, native, was fined f 25 and costs in the police court this morning for having liquor in his possession. 4 Miss Norah Carler, of New- York, is visiling in the city with her sisters, Mrs. Waller Hume and Miss Mary Carler. MASQUERADE BALL NOTICE All those attending the ball In costume must be In the Ex hibition bulldlnn by 9.30 p.m. to night when Judqlng commences w i:i:k kni spkcials. i rcsh killed roasting or frying thickens 10c. per lb; fresh killed fowl. 2Kb ll.; prime rib beef, rolled, all meal, 22r. lb. Table .Supply Meat Dept. Pa-isenfers booked to sail for Hie south tiri the Princess Alice Ibis aflernoMD mclud- A. Watson and A. P. Mackenzie for Vancou ver and J. Holmes and Mrs Iteaudry for ealie. - . The Queen of the Carnival and ner maias or nonor will appear at the Exhibition building tonight at the Masque Ball. This will be her majesty's last appearance In connection with the Fair I ties. inion sleainer Venture. Cap! A. Johnstone, arrived from. Van couver at 7 o clock this morning and saileil for the Naas Hiver al j ne vessel Uiiioauecl a shipment of lumber for Albert MoUairery. Yelerday I he sum of l88 w as eolleelwl for (he nublic library in i ue hook campaign winch is now proceeding. This brings (he lolal lo ?G3. While (his is far -hurt of (he thousand dollar? require! for the purchase of books lf"is efpecled that those who have not yel contributed will yet do so. Jack Lindsay. Iou Crerar and Harry Welford left this mornjng for Porcher Island and other eoasi sections (o hunt for ducks and geese amj aHer today they will also be oh the lookout for deer, (he season for which opens tomorrow. I hey have ?one on Mr. Lindsay's boat and expect to le away several days.' .Miss Catherine Jones, daugh- ler of Mr. and Mr. Hobt. Jones. of. Vancouver, has arrived iu the city lo join her patents. Mr Jones is employed at the dry dock and recently came from Vancou ver. The family will reside per maneully in Prince Hupert. Miss Jones is lakilli tin commercial work and music at the SI 'Joseph's Academy, Ward i. Foster of New York City, head of the "Ask Mr. Foster' Tourist and Travel Hureau, one of the largest organizations I of its kind iu America, pas through Hie cily las! night sed ar riving from the F.asl on (he train land sailing for Vancouver on (he i Prince lluperl. Ie was accom-i panted by Mrs. Adsell, New York ! manager of I he Cinurern. I The C.N. II. .steamer Prince .John. Cap!. Harry Nedden. wilt jsail tomorrow night for the vuceu (.narioiie islands making Cars of our famous stove coal again arriving. louil like i. We liave no ub-geiU. CrN- .Sl'MKHS CtJAL CO., Ltd. Phone 7. . 219 Viiiuia Harinan, native, was found guilty of vagrancy iu the iiolice court tliis uioruing aud released on suspended sentence wild Ihe understanding, that she leave town, within aweek. r A her of the late iKuiald Mackenie, who died at the West - udme Itooms iasl Sunday, is ex pected lo arrrvi Sidney Vancouver Island next week. The funeral will then lake place. John .vioii"ii. iiitttve, was fimxl ?I0 for iiiioxn'iflioir by Magistrate McClyuimit in (he police court (his uiorniug. Frank Dundas, facing a sinular charge. was remanded until touuirrovv. CANADIAN CLUB DELEGATES ARE COMING TO CITY A party of delegates from Mon treal to the Canadian Club con ventiou, now in session iu Van couver, will arrive here uexl in lay on the steamer Prince Hu- mtI from Ihe soulh proceeding Fast by train the same eveufm?. The parly will number ,ume 15 persons. I.. . Palinore. presi- lent of llie. local Canadian Club, considering (he possibility of rnlerlaiuing the visitors during I heir brief stay here. The Canadian National Nailway pulting on siMHial equipmeifl on (he regular train Friday even ing for the party. CiKr-il.' tor- OhIIt Vew TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WAN'I'KD.- Woman for half day work. Phone 137, The LOST. Small blnek silk hand bag, between Y'achl Club, and Fourth Avenue West. Finder please returri la Uaily New ollice. LOST. Pair eyeglasses, green lenses, yeslerday atlermmu either al Hall or Fair (irounds. Finder please phone Dry Dock or Itlack t:!. Itevvard. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hill r0, ln.ll.l .. Hallowe'en a special trip for Fair visfloi'sj-llazaar. October '.'(). reiiiruing to Iheir homes. The slea which Is due, lo arrive from Ihe southern Islands lo-I morrow afternoon, will return (o jporl on Monday after the special trip to pick up heiregular sailing to Stewart hud the Islands and Viimji'uu i ticst week. ECZEMA L You st not l p rtmrnt-tng when tuu ua Dr. (llMV'S Olut- mrut (or Errni knt skin Irtila Uims. It rrllvvrs al unf and gradually hrals tli tktn. SumM box Dr. Uias's OluUiiriit lrr It yuu uirnUon ttl plr and srud tof. stamp (rioUif. tMs k bos ( all dslrs ur KttuianiMnv. h.k'S i Ou Uuiit-i. Xvr" ' lO Tor 15 25 " 35 Have You Tried? Rupert Brand s OCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co.. Ltd PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Music Store Hviusic "Everything in Music" The Latest in Popular Sheet Music ORCHESTRAL MUSIC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MUSICAL NOVELTIES. GRAMOPHONES AND GRAMOPHONE RECORDS. The Latest iu everything iu the Musical Une al Ihe ' Lowest Prices. Prince Rupert Music Store Next Wallace's. "Premier Oold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is-unly one way lo prove that PHKMIKH "OOlfl) v' MF.DAI." HHKH b hestTHY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. This advertisement is not published or displayed liy llie. Liquor Control Hoard, or by the Government ol British Columbia. . J'