AQ1 SIX HEADQUARTERS FOR LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. COATS If you are thinking of a new coat, we can show you a pleasing variety and help you Our prices are very reasonable. Our style and quality the best procurable. Special assortment for Fair Week froiri $25.00 to $75.00 Coats for Girls from 8 to 11 years, hiade in beautiful cloths, fur collars anil nil the requirements .of style. From $12.50 to $18.00. Sweaters Just arrived, a special selection of Ladies' and Misses' Sweaters, pure wool, and in a variety of colors. H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd. We carry Pictorial Review and Ladies' Home Journal . . Patterns Phone 9. ; Mail Orders Promptly Executed. 'jii: . DANCE At the Auditorium Every ' Wednesday and IS Saturday Evenings From 9 till 12 o'clock. 1 Pryce's Orchestra. Admission Gentlemen 50c; Ladles 255. Conic ,and dance your sorrows away, and remember tr your miseries no more. held L. J. MAIUIEN, Proprietor. Phone lllaek . Lands -i FURS at BERT'S READY-TO-WEAR STORE 'A repreienlative of the Yulpu Fur Company, for which we are agents, will arrive on the boat on al unlay and will put on display Saturday afternoon a selection of Fur Coats and Neck Pieces. Orders for 'makiiuror 'remodelling of furs will, be taken by . this expen. BENT'S Ladies' Ready-to-wear Third Avenue. r Agents' for Yukon Fur Com pany Summer COAL tJreat satisfaction! Repeal orders being filled every day for Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal Oulck Fire! Lasts Longer! Costs same as oilier NmI Coals. Phone 116 or 664. Albert & McCaftery LIMITED Dr.E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Hslgsrson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Offlee Hours, 9 to S. ' Phone CSS. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointment. make a satisfactory selection. We Pay Delivery Charges CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. .notice M nrnrnv r.ivrv ik.i . Lot 6533. Run I. rru.l nutrtrt i. cancelled. O. K. XADEX. Deputy JlloUler of Lands. Lands Department. Victoria. B.C. 1 iii juir. iu. m CANCELLATION Of RESERVE. ROTICE'H HERESY GIVES that tba r. .tlltln. ' .si (k.i 1.... l.. under Timber Licence o. Mitt p li cancelled. O. R. TIDES. Deputy Minister of Lands. Department, Victoria, B.C. liln J air. H!J. At 7 Saturday Morning Our telephone service, starting Saturday, Sept. 15, will commence one hour earlier than other week days In order to speed up Saturday morning .deliveries. We find It Impossible to get our orders out on time by starting at S a.m. Our store will open at the usual time. FAIR WEEK SPECIALS. Swift's Premium Bacon, per Ul, 47yjc. Average, 5 lb. idcs. Maid of Clover Creamery Holler, in bulk. 3 lbs. for $1.25. American Kcauty Ginger uap and Lemoii Snaps in small barrel.". Fresh shipment in. 50c tier barrel. Lynn Valley Corn, a tins 25c. EXTRA SPECIAL. 1,0(10 Hawked; Choice Miied Fruit. 60c per basket. The. higpest value in town. Cooking Apples. Ilxtra large sizes aiiil guaranteed sound slock. ( Hi-, for 25c. 1'er caes $2.25, Fresh Tomato, 40o per banket. Laxt Saturday we sold U'3 baskets of Tomatos and wi! had to pay 50o per basket wholesale towards evening to fill orders when we found our stock oversold, Phone your order early. Golden Itanium Corn, I'OO dozen at 25c per doz. Phone your order early. Lurge (I recti Cabbage, I . for 25c. Ited Cabbage, per lb. So. Citron, per lb.. Sc. Vcgclablc Marrow, per lb. 6c. Hubbard Sipiash, per lb. 6o. Plant, per lb, 15o. Sweet Polntos, 2 lbs. for 25c .l'umpkln, per, lb: 6e. MALAGA OR PIS. Fair Week special, "lb. 20c. H will be worth your while coining down on Saturday this week, Special attractions galore, Do not miss the free show. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211-212-281. PRIZEWINNERS IN VEGETABLES List Features More Outside Exhi bitors Than 'In Previous Years The list of winners at the In hibition in the vegetable, elates is featured I hi year by a larger number of out-of-town exhibitors than uual. The city i a No well represented a the following list - - of aw amis will indicate: .Pointed cabbage t, l. (libit: 2. Oeigerlch. Hounit ur flat cabbage I. II. Mochida: 2. II. Hevan.' Savoy cabbage I. J. lmusate Uazeltoni; 2. L. !on. lied cabbage I, J. Imugate 2, L. Dyson. Cauliflower !. II. Hevan. Green kohl rabi 2. Mrs. Itirh- anlson. Scolrh kale I. Mrs. D. MrD Hunter: 2. Mrs. Montgomery. SwN chanl I, Miss Marion IliehanUon: 2. H. W. Giepcrich. While celery 1. Mrs. Mont ornery. Golden celery S, L. Dyson. ireen or Winter celery 1. Mrs Montgomery; 2. L. Dyson. Cos lettuce I, li. II. Dyson. Head tetuce-l. J. K. Davey: 2. O. A. I);wey. . l'arsley I, D. Gibb; 2, Mrs Montgomery. Collection seasoning herbs 1, .Mrs. (iueli.a: 2. Mi s. K. W. Holder Watercress I, Mrs. iSherman: 2, L. Dyson. Totivito spray I. L. Dyson. Tomato plum, cherry or r?ar 12. .Mrs. Sealey. Peas. F.nglish green I. G. L. Lee: 2. I'reltijolm. I'eas, any oilier kind I. Mr. Lauglaud: 2. Mrs. K. P. Hakrr. Heans, Windsor or liroa! 1. Mrs. Langland; 2, Mrs. IL P. Maker. Heans. numcr or climber 1. W. J. Kirkpatrick; 2, Mrs. Hricki endcr. Heans. wax. imnMo! or tmsli 1. Mrs. Hrickender: 2. Mrs. Sealy. Leeks ,1. Mrs. Guclpa. Cucumbers, long 1. 'L. Dvsmi 2. F. W. Holder. Cucumber, spine or ridge 1, L. Dyson: 2. H. Holder. Cucumber pickling I. Owen White. Collection sipiash I, Hillie SUITS Made to Individual measure from various fabrics for yu to choose from, in all the very latest colors and mate-rials. Kery suit made exactly to your measure. in Guaranteed To Fit. ill. Com5 in Joday and we will show you our new fabrics. Prices Are Moderate. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING BY STEAM. Sen ice Itight. LING The Tailor I. Second Ave. Phone 64t. Qpp. Po9t Office Corner. J. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. 1 . -f Thf'LMit Dolwrty ' Co;urd with ordinary tltej piano WHY DO WITHOUT YOUR REGULAR PRA0TICE7 You can have this liltlo favorite right in your own room at less than 23o a day. Walker's Music Store Ltd. Tail DAILY HIWB Frldsy, September ii A Few Minutes It takes only a few minutes to wash your silk blousci, ilk stockinfi, underwear, or anything dainty and special if you use Lux. The rich instant ludi, ifnt' ,luz5 through the fine fabrics quickly loosen the dirt, and a few nniins make the ar ments beautifully clean. Soli only in staled Picket Just .proof I LUX LBVBR BROTHRRS UMITBO Tor mi ' UM Holder; 2, John Dungate. Scallop or tmlty oan 1. Mr. Hrickeuder. Collection marrows I. Mrs. I.vitt; 2, L. Dyson. Sugar pumokiiis I. II. J Hlackburn. Citrons , Hillie Holder. Heels, long 1, John Dungate. Heels, globe Pretlijohn. ' Carrol, long I. (!c. Place. Carrol, intermediate 1 Mr. Montgomery; 2, J. It. Murray. trrol., slmrt I. D. McD Hunter; 2. J. K. Davey. luruitts. swede, table . Ilillie Holiler. Turnip, while, table 1. (I. Jolinn; 2, iPrettiJohn. Turnips, yellow I. Preltijohn. Carsnip. any ariety . .. Dyson; 2. W. J. Kirkalriek. Onion, yellow or brown 1. Mrs. Hrickeuder ;2, Mr. Slier-man. Onion, red I. Mr. Ilirhard- on: p.. j. Hlackburn. Onion, .while 2. John Dun- ale Onion red, pickling I, J. Hlackburn: 2.' J. lloe. I'otatos. two varlclie. nink skiuueil . Preltijohn. I'olalo. twii varietie. while kiniied I. F. W. Holder: 2. Owen While. I'olalo. two varieties, round and kidney . Mr. Oeo. Place. I'olalos. best half bushel itrowii Iluperl- I. Owen White: 2. J. Murray. I'otatos. best half bushel not grown in Iluperl I, F. W. Holiler. I'olalos. best collection 1. O. Place. Potato, best six cooled in kin I. .Mr. Huwood; 2, Mrs. i. Place. Hest collection (imliv. garden vegetable ami fruil (outside Hillie Holder. !! collections iiidiv.- garden vegetables and friiil (grown in llupert 1. D, McD. Hunter; 2. 11. Lee. Largest and be individual ex- hihit of veu-tables 1, D. McD. Hunter. i ONE OF ENEMIES OF PRINCE RUPERT Vancouver Sun Again Objects to Money Being Spent In This City The following I an editorial article from the Vancouver Sun under the heading "Totirisl Holel v. Mranch Line": "Unofficial renorts from Prince IUpe,rt indicate that the C.N.Il. Contemplate building a tourist notei in IUuJ city to he ready in lime for the li2V traffic. "Those who wl.h the C.N.Il. well will hope Ihe report I not true. It I nut (hat tourist hotels are uniiecesnarv nor even lux. uric. Nor ran Prince Iluperl be Illumed for ilesirimz such a bui. lies bringcr. Hul Him real i.oinl of Ihe situ. Illioil In Hint liolid ImlMiiiir U it. I Ihe primary bus he of a rnlL way, particularly of a railway (hat ua yet io pay it own way. "The fil I biiHine of the C, V It. I In serve this coiiulry with transport at the cheaiesl possibl rale llnd 10 uel Hit coiiiitrv' uro dtice to tide water by the most ecoiiomicnt mole "While' m-Anth lines are yet to be built, while whole districts being strangled for lack traiiMiorlalton facilities, of talk about new C.N.Il. hotel doesn't I " stHm to be quile right DOMESTIC SCIENCE EXHIBITS AT FAIR Work of School Girls Would Do Credit to Grown-upi-Keri Competition In Coojlnj, The excellence of some of the work by sirl of the public school a shown in I lie domestic science exhibits at the Fair would do credit to grown-up. The fuurywork. department did not hae mauv entries but there was keen competition in the cooking eel ion. The prize winners were: Sewing Handmade piece of upderwear. irl " under sUlevn. , ellie Wilson. Hand .made towel I, Uuru Menlien' .2 .Mav Clark. Knitted sweater- Neltu Clark: f, Duri Camlow. Knitted scarf I. Muriel Vance.'! Hand made 'hutidke rchief I. .Wlla Clark. , I Set of two doillrU Nettu Clark Machine matle apron or 1ioue! tire.- I. Xella llark. . Cooksry laf white bread tSirls under 17-1. Xella Clark: 2. i:elyo I'ierce. One dozen lea bi-cilll I. Lois Mcllae; !, Nella Clark. I Mutliiis- I. Luis Mctac. 2, (iiilberine Irvine. Plain rookie , l'.elu IMerce; 2, tilady Nicholson. Irctl cake--. I, ,d Mcllae; i. Muriel LiiuUay. Apple Pie I, MurieF l.lndsayi Xella Clark. Lemon Pie I, .VetU Clark: 2. Ktclyn Pierce. Jar I'euche ami jar plunis 1. Hueluh .McKiuley; 2, (itady .Nicholson. , Jar louialoe am) jar pea I. Xella Clark: 2, llueUh McKIni ley. (Uillertion home-made candv - J. Laura Stephen; 2, Muriel Lindsay. Hesi iloz. l"imbnul- , Mat Mark: !. Ilarti Soriano. "I'LL JOIN A CLASS TOMORROW!" YOU'RE FIRED TOMORROW I Tomorrow's too late Do It Now JOIN THE TECH! Class Commence OcL 1st. at Prince llupert, Terrace, llazellon, Xew llazeltoii, Hmlthers, Telkwa, Prince Oeorge, Surf lijlct, Swansun Hay, Anyox, Alice Arm Hlewart, Northern Polulechnic Institute o b.g: Syllabus Issued shortly. Write for particulars to the llegisdrar, Jiox 882, Prince llupert, or see the Locul lleprcsenlalive. Dr.F.P.Keijny em . DENTIST Helgerson Bloek. Phone 109 For Appointment. P.O. Box Dii3, Prlncjj ljupert. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate In Ihq old Finpress Hotel Ilulldiiig. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Healed. Hot and Cold Wuter. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In eonneoUon. James Zarelll - Proprietor. are Phone 376 The House Wool The new arrivals In Wool Hosiery are uncommonly smart. The time for the comfort of Wool Hose will soon be with us. and when you tee these new arrivals, you will speed the day. Thtri are some new heather mixtures In silk and wool guaranteeing a snug tidy fit and little ihrlnkaga also slunnlng all wool sport numbers, heavily ribbed than which nothing Is smarter with low shoes. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Outfitters to the Whole Famfly. Satisfaction or Money Back We Prepay Mall Ordin I'rompl delivery to alt parts of I'rinre H:ipert WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. Lewis Stone "The Dangerous Age" A ri.alir,iHl lll tltlia or WHIIiICiHii; it. women, m-iliealeil lo lioli4lu who Ihlllk Ki r wive who ihlok tliey are old. but are a ) to make tbeiii.elve Lax ib sell my v, Klrpllulll all .Inr 111 . I CLEO MADISON, RUTH CLIFFORD and MYRTkt tltlDMMl, Kvrry Wife liftiM e lbl With hei ' MERMAID' COMEOt' PEST OF THE STOR COUITttt," TOPICS OF THE DAY. We snd 8c Shockleys Are now Solo Agents for the lumber ouApl of tbe Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. DIMENSION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPLAP. 8pruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 383. - n Welcome, Our Visitors! Jaboiir Hrolliers' lep.irtnienlal Hlote extend a licsrb wcicoine to visitors to tjiu city (luring tins Fair u their convenience evet-v ileimriniMni dn m fill wall dale iiierclinildie, Ihu lutesl in hlvle tiild Ihe best i.. in.. in iiituiij. In the Ladles' Ready-to-Wear Dept. a larirf v-'nJJ1 Ladies Omls displayed at prices from $20.00 to Jioo.iw. mill roi(iirl, 'raiifriiitr from $7.00 lo $15.00. In Ladies Underwear we slock Ihe famous Kuiirnnteed pure wool I'liderwenr, and WaUoii's. e thctii in-one piece and combination. We rarrv a Uirtc 'lH fx DrjBood,., Dress (loodsillosierv, etc., so that smr efn need may be supplied. . Our Shoe Dept. in fy rkl. We furry !' r CLASSIC SHOE for ladies mill girls at prim rutiginf rr(''" $3.75 to $10.00 mid I Slippers or even deM iiplimi. " hnvu iilso the equally famous "LIBERTY" SHOE funnim1" pricys from $5.00 lo $12.50. d0. l or Ihe vvel wenllier we tire exclusive tiKetil" r v , MINION RUBBERS ic best rubbers made in (i'","l;,B," wo giianiiitee every pair ami we have RAINCOATS Men, Women and the Boys and Girls. We can fit i whole family. Our sliire i.-rnl your disposal, Jabour Bros., Ltd. Your Money back if not siillfncon. Wi preH.y Mail Onl' Phone 045. BBBBalBalBBl Phoni 37f of Quolti Hosiery In f if M' s illiU !H:lllt Corner Third and Seven-