hd ; TLE ry had | Wednesday, De : | PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS ds 6 . — em en teem - - \4 1939 ja" ee —s = aa nae rs J neeeepon — _ Sn — — m - = Ss . Se : As there are a at number ther fi EXAMIN ING POs MONS ASE SS ES RAS Sas | yy f 4 e ° Offer is Made to School Board By ¥ l ippers 5 Reo. Lage 9 - : * am , rts ‘ 7 ; P Dr. R. Geddes Large, who shad 2 ct r i Cc a Of Cosy Comfort been approached oy a committee of y é ; the board wit! w to having. ny . ’ : th is For the Whole Family him take on the work, made an of- i! f f | fer to the sehoo! board last night “ or am! an rien 5 ; SLIPPERS, the gift that finds a warm welcome : s : to carry out a complete medical ex- Ye : : t Christmas, one that betrays the thought fo * amination, of a Ol pups fol \j at i nristm . = eainees SS Oc ? nil tor to sI ] : it mfort the giver had in giving, a friendly iCKS . 4 ove per pupil, ne SY eee y Practical . : VarpoRus age Such nursing assistance as was ne- y me ROP Wel ORDY 8 Anlene ey ; ceksary in carn out the exam- . ta : inations A active ; f HOSIERY, a gift always acceptable at Holi- In view of t financial’ condi- yi ttr t 3 day time Lions and the f hat the city was | eS unable to pay the iries of the nexpensive ve = _~— teachers anyway, Trustee Pulton , e . i FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD or epee ema ee Wide Selection Be’, s amination of 1 gO this year ey - Orr Th L B Generally speakil believed the ¥ Box 1584 Phone 357 @ etter Ox eats ene : ; 4 ay" ORR EE ATTN A ARNE TM FR: OE I AERTS er ee eee Ye What a sensible solu- : I to be mor y ° . ; “ Strnnivd aliiin) dhe a tion to the Christmas * XMAS BENEFIT SHOWS ; , , Ye Sa K fects were point ty r. st Gift problem “ a. ' " i they De ted n 2 ‘ THE DAILY NEWS. baltor Daily News Ecgktwaee bein) Electrical Gifts i As the Xmas season approaches ; PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA é- oe ) use the money that would be so ile! al a Pe ate ie ae our thoughts turn more and more expended in providing food for Wide choice 1s of- i Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert jin sympathy to our unfortunate - those in distres a a. fered a washer, : » Daily News, Limitea. Third Avenue fellow citizens who. owing to the Trustee J. J. Gillis thought that ive. cnio co call Electrical ; ‘ ae : ,. the medical ex nation of punil range, te _ H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor present deplorable economic con- | ae mean wees fp — Vv ~ 6 oi ‘ Gikts ‘ ditions, are unable to provid vas more than ever necessary this v1 An gerator as a “group i 1 ae ~ year owing line eing general : . / ll {themselves with the comforts anc *.. _ 7 ee ee t 47 gift as well as a host for as little as 4 SUBSCRIPTION RATES [pleasures to which they were ac. 22% 50 many not having proper 4 5 F teeichdeelia’ aa ; j % City delivery, by mai or carrier. yearly period, paid in advance 5.6 | eustomed ; ny ; : : : : 9° individua : guts $1.35 up. ui ¢ , For lesser periods. paid in advance per week 16 The Capito! theatre. operated b: doubti x ~ de mee " for Mother, Father, IRONS , Be Ey mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and the Famous-Plavers Canadian ( : ———— & wy rs 0 ; he Famous-Fiayess Canadian resent system of oa’ niin vite sister, daughter, son United States, paid in advance, per year 3.00 |poration, wishes to do everytl.ins _ B pe pte sed a xamin y : 5 ’ : PORSTERS ’ ta By mail to all other countries. per year a $.09 |in its power better existing con ~~ ae ae s oi ted brother, friend, ELECT “a OcK u ADVERTISING RATES ditions and, with this object ir seit SS 4 oak b ne mpi ; re ’ ¥ : — z : » est | view, proposes giving a CHILD’s °U ‘™ te ke ae a é Useful, beautiful, en- SPIC SPAN ; e Classified advertising. per insertion, per word ssiiiseeilectibieinlitihitptie 0? FOOD MATINEE on December 2! money and wre not be able to . CLEANE} ui sie? Legal notices, each insertion, per agate line poccncasinnsvertanegeh-tiet siuhes If ate 30 om ; All wo sethdeen ~, pay the doctor yway y during, Electrical CURLING IRON * , Local veatiers. per insertion. opt ine wrprmee = the city are invited to attend anc} ‘After some further discussian Gifts will carry their te: HEATING PADS i rar ent dis : hdivertisine ri th sertic i } . i was derided to fer the +6 ‘ te ’ - mb Transient Glaplay advertiqing, per m1 pe Re bring as admission some article of . ae ; 1 mater message of love or PORTABLI n s Contract rates on application. food—bread, potatoes ot aan et next year’s boar ' : Sy a a i LAMPS i ; . etn. lenin eben Bialt & riendsnaip dow = , . : y" Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 soup, corn _ ee : mL Ol ‘oe 4 : + PERCOLATOR: 4 f Editor and Reporters’ Telephone : ee we artick of fend _— os we ce 2 British Goods Ye through ‘the years. ' AIR HEATERS u Pt seinen ents are kind enough to give them r + § Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation: tf adults wish to attend. the usual 4 -== |admission will be charged. An ex se ts Urged in “ DAILY EDITION nieas jar Wednesday, Dec. 14, 1932| cellent program will be provided ‘4 P C Ltd. n the Salvation Army has kind - and the Salvation Army Nas Kind-| pusiness Sought From Scheel Northern British Columbia Power Company " a sii & rf - , - a Lp if —— By Assistant Trade Commis- 7 s? LOOKING LIKE ( HRISTMAS bute the | proceeds of the Matinee i sioner for United Kingdom i iw antibod In addition, the theatre will give ”; 4 Ty thi k i ° ‘ look like Chri i . free show to the unemployed and The possibilit f United K ' Ai 1e s "es Sw c are ) c ce "1st - o OSs iDilt of Lite ing & Oe eee er ee eee SO Naeem © OO" \anele: thanilles on Sunday at 2:20] 9 See eee SESS POS Srl OS PLP OS SOL OY OS Oh 0 ak 00.5 315 oS “if mas. Most of the business houses have bought new Christ-|»m a tp , a . a ; IDLES jiassWare and J mas stocks and are displaying them in a manner that re-|of unemployed in the city and the -je 54?! se ainads aul 4 7 mi las 1 4 podbrwes Re os the omy and ther materials being used in lor DEVILFISH CAPTURED red wiih a é minds one of the good wld days when there was plenty of | ‘4s accom ’ MON OF une U04- | schools was canvassed in a lette: ae , : at SALVAGE FLOAT oa | , = 2 ts limit resret that I am | good if n et : é S/ ; . . , : i money to spend. Already people are buying their Christ~| 1). 15 ex:end this invitation t4| 0°" 4 14st night's meeting of| 7) °° BOO’ © not oe ce” - ns ‘ mas things, things for themselves and for their friends, 41 our citizens ; va ae ere, Sed eat being effected. It was 1 evi of octopus was from | and the tendency seems to be to buy rather than to save.) 1 would ask vour kind or Lente on a re aoe recut | 20me Dusiness in British Columb ca atdnea 2 . . ° : : ’ r commissioner ippy results ; iter ; ’ As a matter of fact people are vetting tired of saving and/|tion by vivire publicity to ‘} had been obt od. the aine a cee hie Age ypenn { are getting more into a spending humor. The result will "C0? MATINEE and FREE SHOW i A, whe ange had been mad bebop aie | oa’ ‘ , » - ie water torres , ; : ms aa } setnane . Ne idav seas nd thank you in vance fin Asses ay ee cs be pleased to put the ob ad it massersby on the t t wm ” be increased busine Ss dui Ing this holiday season. S.P McMORDIE | m on nerican to British « Ippue touch with sources of igpl [ t Th formidable sea dwell aca nm trip ih ” Manager, Capitol Theatre British good the puma semtades wes < ' " PRICE ELLISON VU ne UPI Oy Day by day we are reminded that the men who were : Your Health } Man in the Moon ro much in the public eye a few years ago are leaving for! |= cao Sm ws other realms and a new ere is growing up with Is More Important than fv fl f iu ' rf new conc pti mM |, Rev i ieals and : forward gaze. Yester- The Scotsman's dilemma—whe- anything else — L, u. day we learned that Price Ellison, former finance minis-| ther to vo to th theatre tonight] Consult— . ” ter of B.C., had passed away, He represented an old schoo get two shows for one price o tr . has +e a oie ; op ' a of polit cians sultabie to the ime in a ich he lived. He was | morrow night and get two admis- w. C. - . ee — P 4 irae farmer and land owner and was highly esteem ms for one show Green 741 Phones Green 549 by his neighbors in the Okanagan, which perhaps is th alt ieee te be intel Exchange Block hest thing that ean be gaid of any man. ositi pnd he =a nh _—_— —- - —_— —— (they might wel i be held over until JOIN THE ’ after Christmas ‘Bone ce ac . Headach Dizzy Spells ae SPERITY ; aches and Dizzy Spells ow PROSPE ; Nerves In Bad Condition = 2% %« boticay season B f Ortes But rather buy ourselves some pill Oxes 0 Procession a Mr. Neil Crawford, Hamilton, Ont., writes: — Ths batew inith oo “*My nerves were in such bad condition I found PRORO Wael Draper renee . ae ; it almost impossible to get a good night's sleep For it’s the time for Christmas cake Give Prince Rupert Mer- oo also bothered with headaches and dizzy With plum pudding and turkey a ionery chants a chanee to show apels. So let us all unite for once V Ci : I tried many different remedies, but they did Sixes ates otis . pa aad + Wha ney « rv. do, Many of Ay mot seem to give me much relief, but after I had ' F wiem Cl a lower prices ne. taken Milburn’s Heart and Nerve Pills I could or mas han the 1 : lor } . , hardly believe the change they had made in nag ; nau Order NOUuses, 7 my condition.’’ B re . as uy Canadian goods but } Por sale at all drog and general stores, pat up only by The T. Milburs Os, Lad We have a nice selection of | : ’ a s Perontc, Ont R Radi appropriate gift stationery, b I th if possible in : - upert 0 something that will help your Prince Rupert. friends to remember you after re Service Christmas is over, ty Keep the city on the map. Repairs to Any Make of Other gifts for everybody, old one RADIO SET and young. We welcome your Hi inspection Out-of-town business solicited Bulkley Valley |__intenwer ae || The Regal Shop Mr. and Mrs, John McRae C O A L Toombs Radio 1 COAL! COAL! | | Service Our Famous Edson, Alberta and Bulkley Valley Coals are guaran- A Local Product , teed to give satisfaction. Try a All Makes of Radio ton of No. | Bulkley Valley. We Wak Gussentesd also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat Oats and Barley. Phone: Blue 901 Prince Rupert Feed Co, | | 58 — Phones — 558 THE BETTER COAL Do you read the classified advertisements? i |