SMOKE mmwmm mmmmmm mm nwrMSWLWA,''" mmmmW SssssssssV mmmmW SBbMbF mWmrt isEsWH;; The Daily News FRINCE RUPERT - BRITJSH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. Member r.f Audit Bureau of Circulations. iiAlj.) fcDIiloA NEW APPARATUS FOR HOSPITAL Saturday. Nov. 17, 1923. the nurnose. Would be .Revenue Dr. Kervin said he knew the d were short of tuoney but j was a necessity. The io-:' lory X-llay Oirnoralion would insial Ihe apparatus for $5,000; pnl established one patient a I day lo u.c it wouhf be a conser vative estimate, K. Campbell "aid lliey wen faced with Ihe possibility of a deficit of probably fS.rtrtfl by the end of the year. The .Nurses' home was co-lin? a groat deal. Asked if lie had any plan to suggest, lr. Kergin Vaid the dolors Had collectively no i inoiicy as-lhey had turned in ail ihe association possessed to Ui' Nurses' Home. Individually iiiui association the money and thai the profits from the apparatus he .-! aside and ued lo repay ii. Ho wouhl like let see this hospital have the best X Hay Ijiat eon Id be procured hul the council had cut down their appropriation and I hey w ere build in? the nures home. TJie tnianl could nol lax I lie patient' for it and the alternatives were-lo borrow or pass the hat. They hail already done the latter for i. .... ., . ...t j .. i me .ut!" ami vi'tun g well do it again. Dr. Kergin said they own that much inoney llidm Kill IIiav u-riitl.t Doctors Advance Six Hundred down the balance to be' paid in j in? ,ut Dollars Toward Purchase monllily monthly instalments. instalments. What What was was H, ' 'nl" m X Ray Machine A. E?gert. J. P. Cade, H. E. Tre-mayne and J. A. West, all members of Ihe Medical Association. Dr. W. T. Kergin was the chief spokesman for the Association. He said -thai a fairly good machine had been installed years ago .but it was not complete even at that time and! since then many improvements! had been made. The doctors liaJ recently discussed Hip matter and decided lo recommend lo the board that Ihe sum of ir00 Mmtild be expended lo bring the apparatus u: to date, Hazellon had a belter apparatus than th one here. Also Smilhers and fJranby were heller equipped. This was Ihe only hospital of jls ize in J lie province, so jioorjy. provided for in that respect. A Coolidge tube and other additions were necessary. At present all they could use Ih? machine for was for bone and fnrr-ign body work. They had ho method of tling for stomach trouble, kidney stones, pall stones and chest conditions. Pflljents had lo go to Vancou ver which proved a hardship for Ihe people who were ill. If they spent 1500 it would make the apparatus rmplelj but not elaborate. II would then answer I hey are gellfng. lid not amouu discuss The Man in the Mood SAYS- FHEE peech may be a bless-it .gels more peo- iroubie man either now a loss lo the hospital would j'Tink, iramhlin? or women. ilhen lw converted into a re-All Hie doctors nf the city at- venue. The pnMal was for tended the meeting of the Ho- one of the local doctor to pital dirertors last nizht, D. f. specialize, in that sort of work Stewart prcsidinff and as a re- and. to "divide the fees with the suit of their representations and hospital. following ;an offer to Advance . Dr'jlEpjrert aid he hajlit- 1 ei,4Z payment, the Board las! niplif had said. An Hay instrument decided to instal such apparatus was no longer a luxury but a as is necessary to firms' tne necessity. jne American tol-present X Hay machine up to le?. of Surgeons had laid down dale. a standard which hospitals must The doctors who attended were adopt lo receive recognition, and W. T. Kerjfin, U W. Kerjriii. C. it included an up to dale X Ray machine. Without it the institution was simply a nursinsr lujme. TTie present X Ray wa ten year behind Ihe limes. II was impossible to use jt except fur delecting fractures. The diagnosis - of many diseases was impossible with the present equipment. The expenditure of StnO should be a itayin? inves-ment and should also make for jrrealer efficiency at the hospital. He mentioned the mailer Hi ll' iy tiui ii was I lie same old story of lack o( fund every I ime. D. Ct. Slew-art said the mailer had been' dirused W'flh . Mr. I'unlon who slroncly alrised Hie purchase of Ooolidjre, lubes. Tlie Hi anl was sympathetic to the idea but they did not'see where. 4li money was to come frrtin. Patients Go South Dr. West Vaid patient had again and again been sen! s'oulh in order to pet X Ray examination. .Patients had come here from outside point expecting lo get treatment but hail lo be sent In Vancouver. Xol lo have it was a knock lo the town. Asked what he thought the, inrnui't from it might be, Dr. Kergin. afd he Ihoiitrhl when it PEOPLE who are grouchers are not winners. 5ive me wiiiner ever)- lime. ' IT was an American who advised letting Ihe whiskers grow in readiness for Hie Christmas neckties. Posibly the advice might also be- gmd here. ..-- ONE danger of keepin? wifie at home is that she may try snaking salad out of cabbage. PHIXCE Hufierl people are often puzzled when I hey go sOUlll and hear Ihe auto conversation. They have to think twice before they realize what is meant, by "went to heaven on high." THERE is only one thing a smoker loses easier than hi pipe and that is 'hi temper. JAKE fays there are . ivto kinds of women you can'J trust, those wjlh dark eyes and those wiW light. TO the average girl a man i like a Fun!, a rattling good thing lo take ynu there and bring you back. , HOW can you ejpecl stable conditions around a garage? A THIXO nf beauty may be a joy forever and also beally Ullllli OLD CHUN TOBACCO PERIAL TOBACCO COMPA2 Oy good presened the association p.xpn TWO. THF. DAILY fteY& SfunlMy. Xovembcv i" SICKENING HEADACHES ENDED BY "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Effect was splendid when she tried this Fruit Medicine Eijt Ship Hirbowr. X.S. "Foryeixi, Imjsdmdfulinflerer from Constipation and Headaches, and I was miserable in erery way. XothiDf in the way of medicines seemed to help me' and I was almost discounted. Then I tried "Fruit-a-tires" and the effect was splendid; and after tiling one box, I can safely say I am well. I feel like a new person In every way and I am deeply thanVful to hate relief from those siekenta? headaches". Mrs. MARTHA DE WOLFE. "Fruit-a-tiTes" will always relieve Headachei'doe to Constipation because they act directly on the liver and caue the bowels to move regularly and naturally. This rids the system of imparities and keeps the blood pure and rich. "Freitra-tives" are made of fruit Juices combined with tonics, are pleasant to take and mild and gentle in action, "fOc. a box, 6 for f2J0, trial size 2. At all dealers or sent by FRUIT-A TIVES LIMITED, OTTAWA, O.VT. London, En?. Ogdensburr, X.Y. Christehurch, X.Z. STORK SPEAKS TO RATEPAYERS Interesting AddrMo on r"unc tlons and Usefulness of Association Is Delivered Memlwrs of the Prince lliiHrt Taxpayer" Association listened wilh interest last evejnnc t an Miey could nol do much, he did address civen 1v Kred Stork. nol think the doctor were ral-.MJ'., in wliieh he submitted b. led unoif more than anyone Hc .nai in with respect to the ,io ; ul U' Hi1 money. A a riti- furu'liun- and usefulness of sucU xen In would do his pari. jau institution in' the. city. There H. C. Mrltai aid he rtw no was H fair attendance at th.e pure Ihey could gel Ihe money, reeling which wu presided over Make Loan ihy J. C. MeHae. vice-president, in V. K. William. suggested!"" ahnee of the president. the medical hoard loan the J'""1 I'Jt'havn. .Mr. Stork expressed the opinion thai the formation of the Taxpayers' Assn. .had Jteen an excel, lent idea. Many smaller unincorporated communities in the dis. Iricl hail their citizens' association whoe work and function were similar to those of this one. Their principal object wa U Five ptiidance'and direction t lho.e in authority. Many such a-ociatioiis were havinc markei ucces tint too often they die. I out when a city Iweanw incor- jMtraletl. At community' such a period in a life, the shaker felt, a citizens association could le active to the best advantage. .It was at such a time when the the matter ii .,.i greatest opponujitis of doinp came back later with the proposal which was adopted and the aonaralUs will be ordered at once ami installed in the base. men) of the htiildin;. I themselves and could be of the mvt value. Slating that the keynote of a ratpaers" association should 1e economy. Mr. Stork gave his opinion that many things could have been headed off III or 15 years ago for which the city was now sorry if a citizens' organization had been active. Itetter plank roads could have been built, and the present situation in that respect might not have been j so serious. As it w-a. specification had not lieen adhered lo 'and the contractor had done MEN are advised thai if llieyjabout what they "wanted : -.1. t. i : . ! il. wish lo make their nanls la they should make Jhe coal first POSSIIll.y the iiio.I diflicult thing in Ihe world for most lople is lo liye on Ihe salary t Like a Company T A municipality was just like a limited liability cTuunany. the speaker said, and ever) taxpayer iw-js a stockholder. All having slock in a comiinw concern, t Iielioveil me taxpayer In ee that Ihe best possible service wa being gnen. Waste should lie checked, and economy should be oliserved. Xo matter how effi. !cieiit and painstaking a council might be it wa bound to male mistakes. The taxpayers' ao. cialion could profitably point out where economies and savings could be effected. Success nf a town depended much on economy and appearance and the lax-payers' association might wv institute- a movement with Mich objects in view. Mistakes had hem made in the past and many of them were un avoidable, declared Mr. Stork. One of such mistakes wax in connection with the materials in Ihe liooth School. It was a mag nificent building and a credit to the city but it had been found that brick const. ticl ion wa not suitable here. The provincial aovernment in Ihe erection ot the court bouse had also proved this. There had been loo' much talk and criticism about the Itonth School, when, after all, it was purely the result of experi mentation nnd the same mistake would nol be made again. Too Much Criticism Staling that there was an in clinalion on the, part of citizen generally lo criticism of public officials, rather than assistance. Mr. Stork urged the Taxpaers Association to avoid such lac. lies. II was on account of litem Ihat it was so diffirul nl tlii time n ret Ihe best men to enter the sphere of municipal service .Urging that political feeling be kept out of municipal affair. Mr. Mnrk staled that he knew of nobody that was better equipped In 'offer nominations for civic office than lhe Taxpayer' Asso eiatiou. Its member mild Ihe piper and they should be the judges of tluise who could best serve tlieni. In thanking Mr. r'btrb on ln-balf of the association. yjee.rrejdent J. I',. Mcltae refer nd to the tati Mull SlIMI (1011 j.r luvnlv tier l-enl of the Cfly's total revenue- - had been paid last year for Ihe operation of the school. General Discussion l W. Hart suggested thai committee mighl be appniuled l make, investigation intn varl. on civic matters. V. J. Klrk-palrick had some suggest ions' lo offer in connect ion with 'jdank roau ami iirs, Kirkpatricic re-1 Fortify Now Against the sudden changes of temperature which are such a shock to the system one day, colj the next Warm MILD and dry indoors, cold and damp outside. These sudden changes aste vitality at an enormous rate. If the benefits of summer temperature and outdoor life are to be maintained it is necessary to fortify the system against this stain of sudden change of temperature. The fresh air, the more natural foods, the exercise you take in the summer time help to get your blood rich and your nerves steady. How to retain this benefit to your health Is the problem now confronted. . It is worth while to try to keep well and there is nothing like Dr. Chase's Nerve Food toelp you. If you are down it will help you up, but it is so much easier to keep well than n - IPO to get v ell that we like to dwell on thlt side of the picture. Disease germs are harmless to a body strong enough lo Jijcht them to a bojy supplied with an abundance of rich, reJ blood. Instead of becoming an easy prey to coughs, colds and all sorts of contagious dbeases you tind that you have the reserve strength to tight them off and to feel that you are master of your health. liy fortifying your system you also protect yourself against worry, for worry? Is fear of the future and nothing is so trying on the nrxvwu system. Begin to-day to store up vitality in order that you may fight the battle for health all through the trying weather, and win. You will not follow this treatment long she-fore you will realize that you are feeling stronger and bctlef and enjoying life as only one can when health Is at the high watermark. j i Dr. Chased Nerve Food late Ikf Mural lite r7 rirrnrvt Mlilrli srr rT umrf lor fl rrralhni mrm mt TttvJNr m4 rl l---Jth. SO n -II dr-Jr-- fjinuumm-t. lUIr mn4 fW. IA. Tortssto. ferre.1 to chimneys which were b-lier of notiflcalion nf ihriH pnnmsal Pr Hflh causing annoyance to nciKlitiors. as-e-.ment under Mw gradi k 'lei wa filetl Mrs. V. Keith urged that - - - 1 - ' cinder paths be put on. Fifth Ave Kat in connection w ith the riugh grading program. Aid. Munm replied that final plans wen not yet made in connection with this work. The whole matter of side walks was being deferred in the meantime as it wa not definitely ascertained jet a lo hmv they were to Ie paid for. He had' urged that, though the sidewalk ! be on one side of the street, both sides should pay for it. He did' no know, however, whether this could lie arranged linger the Municipal Act. i The hospital board at their meeting last night heard read a ; SMfRirrs sait. In lb S.prm C-urt f British Celwmkl. kUrr .vrni Mlnuir w wyVlnnM-iil Oituttuj i.upnwi. rumiirr. oer V, firir nd Mirk L Orir. I friMUnta. Uud in ibl rU-n arwt )irrll lu lur I hat- wlwt itie tnwl ut 4 frndintt. iiifir W. ny tixl Mirl- L. Crtj, in ihe folhmlnr Nirwril i:ijlm lluilMl Ml Hoirirty f.rwk, Alice Arm: hiui nutr. WIM lluae So. , WIM IWM o f, MiMinuin Oral, Rijr Vl-. Visnllrhl tnd krjtxtnr TttrxtiM, hlrb U1 Inlrrrfl i III nffr nr Mle bj I'uhllr A Hi-1 1 si t bijt r.f fir- in the Osirt llnniu. rnnre H 1 1 n M It r taw . v aiu. , . if trnnbr. Ifj. ( 1 10 In the ifler :imn. Tenon; d'h. JOIM SHIKLF.Y. Slwrltf. OHinljr of frlnre Bupert, tt.r. Dtl-4 il bij offlrc ,oeiiiLr . Il i a -----. . . i BENNETT'S CHEMICAL LABORATORY. Assayers, Chemists, Metallurgists. Ore Shippers Agent, TACOMA, Washington, U.S.A. EPSON COAL We can now Supply our .FAMOUS ID80N COAL In any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phcn ei. 60 Million Sold MapU Uti 2.M w The Largest Selling Watches In the World W HAT a tribute to more people have IogmoHi kirc txra chotB by to million pcopI to ill pvu of tke world, io til ri!b of life. Tbc tnnoil production of Iseriollipricict1ly tqatli n otber Amcricsa mikn conv It ill romct down to witck VALUE. Slodiir Lrwii, pop cSir Amukio lutbor puu it any article to say that chosen it than autotheft tkii wty ! Hi boot, B'Hitt nil $r m FirJtr, I gH htltr Htl ftr lii minty tJ I iaete frmnlj tl t 'm glltimg," Io-moll mttkodt ind nine apply la I complrtc line of low-prkfd Witctwfl modfli for evrryooe il pricti lo luit ertryone. INGERSOLL WATCH CO., Inc. H9 St. Ctbrine St. East Montre.1, P. Q. MARSHALL WELLS B.C. LIMITED. Wholesale Distributors of Ingersoll Watches. Also 1817 lingers ontj Win. ItogerH k Co., .Silverware. LurrnU .Street, I'honc ey. 7200, Vnncotiyer, 11.(1 -Hi 4. It f I