MEN'S SHOES. In. all leathers from $6.50 All size. Family SHOE Store Third Ave. Money Orders On Norway, Swedtn and j Denmark at Current Rates I of Exchange. Make your reservation for that Christmas visit to Ibe Old Land early. For Ticket. Kates and j Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. j Cary Safes. f FIRE INSURANCE. j Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Uread is your best food. Eat more'of it. Kept by Ihe leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD We have Just received a car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. size cut to order. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 580. Service and Quality our Motto. KING fiEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to RenL Prices lleasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Avs. REDUCE HIGH COST OF , LIVING. Eliminate the draught around your window's and use less coal. SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Window. Glass and Mirrors of all kinds. T. ROSS MACKAY. Phont Blus 16S. OPENING OF : BASKETBALL Splendid Games Last Night Were, Witnessed by Large Crowd of Fans : Tli three tightly contested matches which sonslitutcd (he rPrinre Rupert Basketball As- ' social inn' oricning group of l?amc in the Elk Horn lat jnfgbt, augur well for a keen winter program an Ibe good crowd that turned out to wil- !nes thenr indicate that genera (interest i to be taken in the forthcoming season' activities All the team had enthusiastic supporter present and the 'attendance was representative of older and younger fans, both men and ladies. 1 ... ,, J;, , in wie iiiirriiiruiair 'eariie a me. ine cons ueieaiea ine Grotto by 31 to 16; the Maple ll.eafs won over the Ailanae. 18 ilit I in the Ladies' League, and )the Senior League game, which! resolved itself into an overtime contest after the score was tied at 2 1 each at full lime, was eventually won by the Son of Canada with a score of 29 to 28 over the Colts. The .opening ceremonies .were presided over by Mayor Newton who made, a .brief, speecji and loedoul Ihe firl' ball in the Colt-Groffo . Intermediate game. II. .B. Skinner referred al! game and the details of the scoring follow: Intermediate League Colls I). Frizzell, 0; M. Bu- denidi, t; R. Smith. 6; J. Kelly,; 6; G. Blyth, 15. Total; 31. Grollo W. Gray. 2; G. Hill. j 0; W. Lamhie, 10; T. Fraser.i 0; V. Wraluall. 2; L. Anderson for Wralhall, 2. Total, IC. Ladles' League Maple Leaf -Mis A. Stephen ; Mis L. liwe, 0; Mis M. Graham, 1; Mis M. Harvey, 8: Miss S, Calderone, I. Total 18. Alanac Mis Pele Tre- mayne, ii; .ijss w ma Oyer, I; Miss Annie Kelly, 0; Mis l.eona Parker, 9; Mi Vera Slmekley, S. IY'lal 12. Senior League Son of Canada -E, Mackin tosh,' 0; V. Mcnzies, i; II. Men-zic. 5; It. Graham, 6; II. Astori, 5. Total, 29. Colls S. Jones, 0; G. Mitchell, t; A. A. Ensson, 8; W. Mitchell, 8; E. Smith, ; J Kelly for W. Mitchell, l.Tolal 28, Sport Chat j " plays e,nd bae and l.iteliM !.,,. , when brother Joseph, piticherLK' remember, . ami captain, need relief on the mound. The Coleman learn roster is: Jason Menther, If.; Joseph, p.; Edward, c; William, Fred. 3b.: Olio, cf.: Henrv. 2b.: and n .: August. rf.. and jVrank, manager. . The 1 : - 1 speet American pul Ml Iheir- jiolo playing made 1 a strong impresjon ,on Lord Cholmnndeley, a ISritish horse man, whij ha jusl returned home after participating in a series of matches iii the w York area. He says, however, that the Americans do not have many real first-grade , oiiie and he think Ihe liritUh-Auier- ican championship match next ummer ought tn be an even money liet provided the British hiake up two teams not later than the end of May and land their ponies in A'ew York' six wi-eks liefore the battle ami Hie players a month before. Ird Cholmnndeley observed that the Americans set a faster polo pare than the British hut that Ihe horses of the latter were more than capable of keeping that pace. The British player. however, have to learn to gallop. BANQUET AT ANYOX CELEBRATED ARMISTICE Many Sat Down With Veterans and Listened to Lengthy Program ANYOX. Nov. 17. Arniistke Anyox. On Sunday, the churches nnmhineil in a .service which wn held in Recreation Hall, a large gathering being present Rev. to write the line-up of lhei,)ay wa ntllngly recognised in Coleman, Michigan, baseball Irani all a scorer Is required In do i In put down "Menther" al the op of I ho column and I hen jot down eight "ditto' marks'j. beneath. 1 In Coleman team is nil Menlher nine brolhers each a six footer and there are three olln-rs who can pinch il if iiei-es.ury. 1-re.l Menther, 79 years old, i the father of (hi baseball leam which won its TONIGHT- Tomorrow Alright MM Tafclats atop aWa ha.-r-aa. rati- Mliowa ttMks. fm m4 rata Lata ta cliiwuUrt , ifn ras rvUw m I second consecutive district lea-i sue iiennant Ibis vear. Pa"l i... .....,. .... .,, keep; on llt min9ftnnl of the club . another on i in active charge. The age range ol the brother is between 19 and 36. August Menther, the oldest player, is right fielder; Henry, the "baby" who is nineteen. Gibson, Rev. J. Herdman, and Rev. Father Fleck took part- fin Monday evening the Anyox Ser- vice Association celebrated the Elks' Dugout, al a- liampiel which taxed Ihe seating capacity of the hall lo overflowing. I'he! txiyx fiim "over there" hail as .their gue Uire" menijer of! (the local hospital staff Misse Stewart. Winter and Greening, iwho all saw service a nursing sister oversea. The loal lit i nr hide. "The King." propoel by ,the chairman; "Fallen Comrades." by Mr. Perry; "Guests." by Mr. Manzer awl responded In by Mr. llaletl and Ml Stewart "(Canada." hy Mr. Sweeney. Iir. Ianiyil Va in Ihe chair ami in hi usual capable manner tept the procee,tings moving. In hi npininc remarks he dwelt strongly on the adia!ility of ei-senice men in Anyox keeping some organization alive so that the day of the great armNlice woul.I be fittingly honored and 'the spirit of comradeship not al. lowed to stultify. The program .was a long one, consisting of vocal and Instrumental selec-aud tion a great many chor-reminiscent iue. of eamp in 'various place on Ihe other ide during Ihe great debacle. The niemone- of the loy were re. ifrehed a far as the-e war time song were concerned by llev. J. Herdman who, with projecting lantern f!ahed the worn on an inTprmieii screen. loo. was a thing to and reflects the great, est credit on the caterer. It. W. Clayton, who 1 a new comer here snd in charge nf Ihe Gfanby Company' eating house. The committee who organize.! and arranged for the concert and dinner eonsUled of. Mers. Cornih. Henlnran. Sinclair. Eaton, pricker and Barton. SMITHERS TEACHER SUESFOR DAMAGES L. Burtt at Prince Corg Assizes Askinn for $100,000 Damanes 1 J. I- Burtt, principal nf the huh school at Smilhers, is in Prince George this week lo pro- ecute his 100,000 damage action against E, F. W. Towers, of Chief Lake, in Ihe assize court which opened yesterday. ay tfie Interior News. ,Mr. Justice,!). A. Macdonatd, of Vancouver, is presiding, and Ihe sessjim of the assizn court carries interest in that it will be the first court .held In Ihe interior in which women will be called upon lo ene a jurors. The Burtt-Tower tangle is Ihe only civil ease- of interest, and ha a hi-lory. The ground for Burll's claim of malicious prosecution, libel and slander was laid al Chief lake. Burlt was employed a a leacher in the little school al that pnjnl ami occupied quarters owned by Tower. When he left Ihe set tlement, lie owed Tower for board and other things and Tower locked up Ihe premises which contained Burll's chat tels. Burlt returned lo Ihe set llemenl and, in Ihe presence of Mr, Towers, opened Ihe place up and remoed lit property. II was alleged that he also look in'away some articles belonging lo iTower. Unlawfully Breaking Burlt wa laler charged by Tower with unlawfully break TRADC MARK ?Z REGISTERED BRIER ft PAfln podh; T,, , THTE iivtLY UEW3- BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMahw Shoes r t ( WUH9 Y! WW KINO HEV-iOOf RCAIlv I Trtlt-rK THl t bCt! tTHCfE. Li OTAJONTlt) J COME. HERE WAITER' GL am ooYeA-c: The tCCCRCANt .-I HflU . COLLAR IN OTTHl I IT? Sfl HV A rnCCKTlE s IN THVt JOINT? .J- CUFP1N IM IT Hurlbut Sl oes For Children of all nge. tiu v Hm. run.1 iuyki. uc Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CZNTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdriilMmnt Tkn fo L.. than BOe WANTED WANTEIi. Men and women to learn barberlng. Paid while learning and tools free. Write! for catalogue. Mler Harder College. Vancouver. B.C. WOMAN want dressmaking a home. Mo Hays One Ae. FEMALE HELP WANTED STENOGRAPHERS' KXAMIXA-! lion for Itrilish Columbia! t.ivil erviee will lie heM on Saturday afle toon ami evening lieeemtier 8, I9S3. For application forms and further information, apply In the nearest Government Agent or lo . H. Maclnne. Cjvil Service Commissioner. Victoria, H.C. FOR SALE SNAP. Ford Touring cur in good running order. 175.00. Phone 50. 273 FOR SALE, -Grey Wicker Habv Carriage. Phone Black 21 1. BOARD. BOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf ROOM AND BOARD PALMER HOL8E 106 Seventh Avenue West. Phone Red 143. Furnished suites. REPAIRINQ ANYTHING IN CANVAS. Phone 786. P. LeClaire. Cow Bay. DYSPEPSIA WAS SO BAD COULD HARDLY EAT ANYTHING Mr. C. SUxie, ..llri4. (nil.. rtW: rs.i(ne liiu if" I had a rrr M-rMm 111'. (4 Jrf-l. awl lU.1 rnl)lnl -It- (it va irijr .IMlurb. nmM htrtilf rat a-rthlnr. and rnr ofun had iio ru-r mk. I bad asn diffrrnnt nwdi . r rttvr, imi ibry didn't m Ut iki ur anr At la.l I lMttMd Ut run mi Mm lra-k uf Burdurk Hliurt, and afwr minr il rnr a stMri imim I frit a k.l i-iirr. I nmnntiru in n nolll I i ni4.lrrljr rrllrtrd and Wi am rradjr Ut rrmu-nrml l la anjrtiir iriMMrd a BMrcW. Hkxal BllfT I liMnMftriitrrd imly lijr Thr T. MllMrn m, l.lliillnl. TftMiciln. Otil. ing arid entering, nud had a pre liminary hearing before Stipen- nary Magistrnle Heme, when me magistrate dismissed the charge. In Mn-aklnir ..f n.n matter lo neighbors. Towers 1. said In have slandered Burlt ami in a teller which he wrote lo the superinleiidepl of educa tion lie js said lo have libelled him. II I for Ihese I tree llilnir that I he plaintiff nlletres lie .nf. fensl ilainajfr, nnd he Is suing for Ihe sum of IIOO.wiO. i L. S. McGill, of Smilhers, acting as solicitor for Burlt. and Messrs. Wilson A Wilson hove Hie cae for the defendant. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert A. E. Simpson, Orrln A, May. bee nnd F. V. Delcourl, Vancouver; Mrs. W .11. Morry. Port E. singlmi; J. E. Brooks, Terrace: l. Chisholm and Mis Tena Cliislinlui, Ottawa; .1. W. Smith, Victoria; E, Johnson, Ketchikan! Central T. R. Davis, Terrace. J - "111! -I7 FOR RENT FLAT TO IlKXT. Five rooms and bath. In Iiecember. Phone lllaek 3S5 or Black fl 1 3. .. . . . w. i.riuni.-n, .-ilili .wentlC ami Fulton. c..w .!.- ..... ... . . oifi iic-icu rm lor reni. liesner apartment. VI f Stephen. i FOIII IHMIMEII FLAT to Rent. Steam beat. Apply Smith & Mallett. tf FOR RENT Mwlern house, five rooms ami batli. Apply Munro Bros. . tf MODERN four room flat for renL Westenbaver Bros, tf ROOMS TO RENT in Wallace Block. Apply Slwre. tf LOST I.OST.--Whlte riwtHat in Prtner Rupert harbor. Finder pleac phone Green to.'. Reward. FOUND FOUND. Two key on Apply Daily ,cw jJtlke. HOW ABOUT THAT FUR? 1 baie' some wonderful values In fur neck niece, coals He. Anv VI-. I ...!. .. . ... sum .( tur Ulan- up hi anf ijir -just Ihe thing for a Xnw I're- rni. jou make n nnsiase nen you come to me. W. Q0LDBL00M, Serund Ate. TAXI Taxi C7 Phone. (Call Georgi or Gust) Rosa Brothsr. Prompt Se.-vd'e and Comfort Day or Night Stand: Boston Qrlll Third Avsnut CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE, D.O. Chiropractor Jrd Avenue. Prince Rupert. B.C. Hours: 10 lo 12; 2 to i. 7 to Phone Blue A25. Residence, Green 136. AUCTION SALES. Conducted nl your home or our room. Good ul sld on com. mission. H. H. HEMMINQS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phone Black 130 and Red tig. EXPERIENCED CORSETIERE Orders taken for Spirella Goods Mrs. J. M. Qrahlman Kaien Shoe Store, 714 Second Avenue West. CHIMNEY CLEANINQ Moderate Prices OLD NICK Prince Rupert Cigar Store Phone Blue KHKaotnaKotkioutMjo TORONTO In Centrool Shopping and Buiinejj District 250 ROOMS lOO-ifierkataSath BURUPLM PLAN i. WINNIf r THOMPSON. MAN'S. DIS. nrxx LAND ACT. tfiU r inusttM u Asif u rthu, I rni Liml nmnci n, . . . ...... . t. flfDV . cntriMle KUM(. ixl titi . .t,,, ( , , It.T.T I Ttk Mlr I. A t V.-.. ((., uy.,,: , :"iv. mta u ih t r N bbrrSp It r.stoBMf ,(har U raaMWmi Ink-1 t. , U.Tt tMlM. MOT t W . I ummatrr u TL H7i. tiv M)-Mf the MkJ Wrtilh b- . rkm. n e in. u Tr . T f . .. ...... jKwiiirrtT. d n'atu-in( ifw . ,JHrTr,. . ' THovts L mix." . r J f'ii p i. r uu. tit . LAND ACT. Ktl l InlMtlM U Arif U FsrtNiw L.s I I ll It ltd (MMrtrt K,t , f il. . Prwrt -fiwy.; oa i.)n isuwl vim It llw hrd HI AHI InlfL ' Til M tlul I Ttfc.. . I W Varirr, feX,. 'mill Otwfitar, Mifad b ttfi) t to tH-tu ike tmhamtut 0r, Cr -Kiwl-F t ftni . u i- tkwf of AIM loll. bmit t ' rj rn i Ihm wi t 11.. mmi. I t.u rftiitM tk(w tit rluui., ibrne iwrtk (.t? -b r-on-iat im Mf utift pint ll td tm u9armti. Iff", wm r lr. THKMI A If LA HO ACT u onii ! .""; , Q oifif i.fiwls - I, A. I ,m TIM" Ire. pr. wTtr '''" )JZL, '-i Cm wtot al a btMr' - W ! ( m IMrL .,! i -t MftltraM fba hniImiI - itti tun i trt ' Xr Itm, w Ur t tvvs t InWl: ihmr tnmtum x- r. nf.rrt. tiMi rjii mii It txM PI (MMnnimfi't - Ut St.Tl trr. nair '.. THOWK A tr - n Ptd rpmirr ttl. lilt . LAND ACT. Natlca f lataaliaa la U 1mm Laad. la Itrrea Laad OitlrKt, )n'4rt ' trlrt ef mar ftntrt M ustr rt Captain! Gevt. Pitt lilind, . a Tu anc thai w jartft . t K nwrr, aptMrn tttwrrv v i. la in It fr h.rnihkm la Irit irslteiBf drnb(d land laso-v t ll tl rUaiad on um south h - j ' Itln a, thrr iou "a ' !; is- sort t-f 8.lr2r, "rttrnf m s "r ". . . Ttuoa at Art baled Tin ;oir. mi. NintnaL act; ctMTiricATC or meeovt-iihTi. kotici. , . .. ' -ManH." ' "Mux f . i- mfi mm. s.rma Vtftwt PHiHn. t . t. 1 tM'lrh-t. Wltrr Iwalrd BUM on VtU rjiannrl Til. llfr thai WtuU O-' v ' lirnltrd. rrrr Nlari 'yntPw thiac. isimd. iiur 4t- ' - to hrrrr.f. )u ipflT I" ll Vli1 ' I : fr a rrllf(rU -if lnintrT' , , puryr af Mlninz a i J: ' btr Halm, n4 rarthrr uks twii-r t'.i' t andrr ImiIM I. nmt ! " , far ihe laanrr of u-l ' f ' -lmrnrmrntt. luird thu 10 ill dar ftf Snr ' 1 p. M. oli:iir.' ' LAND ACT. - Hoik af iRUfttlan ta Al l l" In Coail Unrt Pl.iiiri, B' ' ' lrt- nf I'Hncf luiprrl, ' in Cumthra Istrt. Jfi't Ourro Chariot lr Inland. , ;nf Vanemiirr. H C, tier-n alia ' or-riior. intend l wi- f '' lo m p folki-tni (Jtr-.l hn , Cnmmrnrtnjr It the sn:iho"l "r 'T.I. SITS; Ihrnrr mum .1.1 St ire. 11.31 rhalti h'' , irhalna- thmrr nnrihrrlv in'1 ' , riillimlnr the alKirr f 1 ni lo Ihr ilnt of nsiimrlvfrtiK" ' ' luinin ti ll arrt. more - Mania "I W it- Palrd Srplrmhrr lllh. III! MINtRAL ACT. ciRTtricATi or ie"tovi"-'T . Half. Half Xo. I. Hall n'Jni 1. Halt Mo. 4, and Man f - " Cliimi. Simalrd In II Prtla S Vl" , niiion f ra.i piinn. k . frvtnutir Inlrl mi VIam.wr i mllM jiorih of I'orl llanlr Taks Xallr Ihii 1. Thorn UalUr- Trrr Mlnrri rmiflrair Mi' Irnd. tittr dr fmin Ilia iUI ' ,f, PPlr lo Ihr Mlntnv nrmnlrr ft tiflralr of impruirrmrnts for H' .h., ft nhulnlnr 1 Cruo Oranl 1 , fUima, . .. . And furihrr lake notlre imi nndrr Rartiim 1 1 mini ta ewwfj' t tun thr iMuanrr of Hid frtnw ltror-irnla, . . ,.. fl.lait KI. .Ilkrfi. f fill. 4 0. I' -1. IMI. ,,ll U.J VI ...''.... Armt n, nwn'l toil C Fr. Mtntr'i CrrilfifH w