Saturday, November 17, 1923. PICTURES for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS One of Ihe iiu-st (hits from these parts n ti picture or one or jla- beauty spots in or near the city. Perhaps you have such a negative from which uti enlargement can be made. If not we haw conic hcmitrs. Ph-lure make inexpensive gilts, easy lo roll and post in mailing tube. 8EE OUR PANORAMIC VIEW WOODWORTH LAKE TO t1 rr DUNDA8 ISLAND. - $1.00 $1.00 We frame p'KHjres. McRae Bros., Ltd. Have You Tried? Rupert Brand SOCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT SPECIAL SPECIAL Allen's Creamy Toffee 50c per lb. ORMES LTD. DISPENSING CHEMISTS. Rexall 8 tore: Cor. Third Ave. and Sixth. Phones 82 and 200 Premier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer . There is only one way lo prove that 1MIKMIKH "(101.1) MEDAL" HKEH is bcl THY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the l.bpior Control Hoard or by the (lovcrumciil of Hritisli Columbia. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE V "The Serviec Store," WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 91. FINDS VICKS GOOD FOR COUGHS Winnipeg Mother Tells of Experience With External Vaporizing Salve. Th piick, direct treatment fur children' cough ami colds i an application of Virks over throat milt client at bedtime.' Not only is Ylckn absorbed through the skin, but ils healing vapor of Camphor, Menthol, Eucalyptus,- Turpentine, elc.. arc hrc-allii-d all night I on if directly into the affected air passages. Melief usually coiiiph by muming. Just as trood, too, for the cold trouble of Adults and for cuts, burn, and bruise. Mr. V. Simpson, at 2U0 Arnold Avenue, Winnipeg, Mauito-ba, ay: "I put a little Vicks on the ehet of one of my children lo see if it would have any effect on stopping liln cough a he al. way coughs o much when ho take a cold. Hi cough wtas lopped right away. I also did the same with my little girl and the resuls were the same. I am (pleased In find' something to iclieck the awful rough that my cliidlreii em to eel and loosen up (heir colds so quickly." .- At all drug store. JJOc a, ,Jar. lor a five (est size package, wrile k Chemical Co., 3tt St. Paul St.. W.. Montreal. VJQ. 'Iliouali Viek is new In Con ad a il ha a remarkable sale in' the Sla(e. Out 17 million jars.used yearly. I Ten Years Ago I In Prince Rupert a K Winter freighlmg has already i'immeiicel from Whilehorsf to Hie Chisana gold field according lo arrival" from the north on I lie Princess Sophia yesler-day afternoon. There is a good 1 rail on vvliicb arc local ed comfortable road hnues. White-horse, (he centre of supply for Hie new district, win be a busy place I hi winter. Larry i:iayberg, lawyer, fisherman, luliier ami sailor uiiii -a iHoneer oi Ik re - - . - - . Mewari, . . nui.( ... I i urning lo Sur I'jcancjfcy, vyjn i he will. indiUa.-lt'e-rW4cflfc Limited Jewellers. ft fszeSSs? , i jGlFTS THAT LAST ere of law. Hiit at exoerience in Hi if ih Columbia w Tii a I oT earlier al I be Massed Indian School. He is (he .on of Judire Clayberg of San Francisco. - W. V. Wralhall, photograph er of Hazellon, and K. I.. Itauk. one of I he proprietors of (he Diniiicca Miner, are visitors In the city.. Al (he meeting of Hie boidtal Imanl lasl .night the chairman of the House commit lee reoorl- ed Ihal the floors, in (he ward had been repaired al a cost of t30. They now needed Haining and new castors had lo be secured fur Hie IhmIs. -- Al Hie meeting of (he hospital hoard last uighl l. C. Mcllae hinuoiiueetl Ihal collections had been coming in well. Kxpcne were kepi as low a possible and luriittf I he past two mouths (he institution had broken even on ordinary expenditure. What Is A Diamond? A crystal of carbon made by IreuuMiilous volcanic heat and pressure. II is (he hardest substance known. Nothing will scratch it. No cid will affect il. I 1 ' ' , " Local aid 'Person! H.C. Undertakers. Hayoers, Ondet takers. 361. - Phone 41. Pboue If Order your coal from Casey I'hone lied 523. tf Interior Pasteurised Milk. Prince iluperl """Dairy. Phone Hlack 216. tf Choice Creamery Ilullcr, 7 lbs. for 3.00. K. V. Mocrsch. ' Phone 13. tf ) Precbylerlan Hazaar. Tea in Hie Maue on from 3.30 to C. Shower Monday Kngliih Lutheran Service Sunday, Melropole Hall, 8 p.m. He v. P. K. Haisler. Mii Jean Hurns arrived fron Vancouver on the Princess Heatrice Ihis morning. Thie failing to gel last issue of (ioverumeiit Honds can have orders filled now. Call or phone T. McClymont., tf At I lie meeting of (be llosid- Itebekah Itazaar Saturday, November 21, in new store next lo Hensoifs studio. Fancy work, plain sewing, novelties, home cooking, candy and afternoon lea. II Delayed on account of heavy freights and also because of slonny weather, C.P.H. sleamer Princess Mary, , .Caul. Arthur Slaler, from Alaska, Is not expected before . Jumorrow In reply lo a. letter received ,from Fire Chief Maoloiiald, by I he bpital..hoai-il, at. its mcel fng lasl evening,. '!'.. (loss .Mac. kay sahl full provision was be ing 'made for fire escapes in I he new nurses' home. Hospital Association member ship cards have been sent lo all (hose who subscribed five dol lar or more in (he Nurses' Home drive. Ihe secretary re ported at the meeting of the hospital director' last night. In regard lo a sewer diilirulty at Ihe hospital, (he chairman. I. Stewart, informed the Hoard last night (hat he bad ordered (he matter attended (o and Ihe bill for 618.75 watpre- enled for Ihe work. As (here are a number of bouses usins this sewer, it was decided lo ask Ihe city to pay II and Hie matter was left with Hie proper com mittee lo deal with. the report of (he building committee of (he Nurses' Home lo Ihe directors lasl night show ed thai Ihe work was well ad vanced and Up fu Ihe present extras had amounted lo only f.i. Ihe building-was a credit lo Ihe community and if al any ume not needed ror itie pur pose for which it was designed it would make a good residence or boarding house. After a short discussion the hospital hoard last evening de cided not lo purchase three lot adjoining the Nurse' Home of fered I hem through Thomas Mc lleahnir ii I,. ..rfii 'M"i.. ' reason ror re- u veil dull il. Hls4so.hardlfUr,J w?" . he ,,0S,,,,aI 1,a'1 lo break that" HuC Hritbh ',10,!,,; for .Purpose, but .-.Idlers, who eaidured- lhV " 0',il,i(,"s I'M'iessed Indicated temple in India, tested them l '!!1 " " eonsidered that with hammers to find if geiiiiuie. inamoiids are polished with diamond dul. lliamomls have been worn and prized for centuries and In India people count their wealth in jewels instead of In money. What are diamnmljl orlli See Monday's adt. " Bulger & Cameron me uospiiai neeueu inem. J. K. . Campbell said' tf (hey ever built a new hospital it would I probably go on some other site, jand Ihe present site would then be ,sold. iiqiiui-. I Church Notices Presbyterian Church Morning worship at II o'clock. Subject: "The Ait of Entertaining." Sunday school at 12.30. Evening service at 7.30. Subject: "The Parable of Ihe Wheat and Ihe Tares." Preacher He 11. H i !.iui, D.D. ll'O, (he Hen son Studio. ( . Pleading guilty lo a charge of; creSling a disturbance by swear- i ing, J. Sigmund was fined '.'( by Magistrate Mriliymonl in (he city police'court (his morning. -C.P.H. steamer Princess Heat-rice, Capl. ClilTe, arrived from Vancouver and way perls at 10 o'clock this morning and relumed south at 1 tins afler- Owing to' a IjiKJraphieal error in Ihe report of the meeting of Ihe Ladies Musieal Club yesterday (be name of Mrs. C. Woodworth, who sang The Cradle Song, was made lo he C. Woodworth. Mrs. Woodwork) is a new and valued member of Ihe organization. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY TO ItKNT. Small modern hous.' witii hath, s-uinmit Avenue Phone Ited O.'X If AT 80 YEARS OF AGE WAS TROUBLED WITH SHORTNESS OF BREATH PALPITATION OF THE HEART AND FAINTING SPELLS Mrs. VI. o'.i:uiiiHr. Whln-slnne. oni.. rilc: I lure lirro lnmlil1. Inn-l uf my lire, with burtiic ut tireilli. wlrl-UIIkii ir tlx- licrt ntl rilnllnir h-1I. I H ailrUxt by I frlrml In try llburu llrart mj .Vrvr I'ilN. hlrh I did, and a! uiirr round rrllrr. and I tuve ixver bad a rrally bad 'Hell Hurt. I am to )-rar nf air and always krei'j tlk-in In the txiuw. and lm I rl any ')1i(i.'ln( of my uid trouble rtuuliif nil all I harv tu Jm li In take a tew do'. With the hrlp f yuur I'lIU I eiirrl In m-c many year yel. I always remminend ttwuj to any iHie Ihi I surferliif riym heart trouble." Mllhiirn's Mean ami .Nerve Pl. are Mi a but at all dealer?. r mailed dlrert or rerelpt of prli. by Ttie T. Mllburu i:u Llmlled, Tunmbi, out. ANNOUNCEMENTS Presbyterian Church itazaar. November 21. Hebekah Hazaar, Saturday, November 21. Women of Mooschearl Legion Hazaar. Melropole Hall, November 28 and 29. IloyTil Purple. Hazaar, December I. Elks' Home.' Baptist Church Hazaar, Dec. 12, in Church parlors. Methodist Church Hazaar, December 15. High School December 20. Xmas. Concert, EdVe-Holdinrf Saw Fast-EasyCuHing SIMON DS SAWS S1M0KDS CANADA SV C0.1IMITCD St Rtml Si. and Acora Av-Monlral. VancouTcr, B.C. SUJohiun-U. (a PAGE TIIREEj NABOB w VACUUM BACKED COFFEE Try Nabob once. It is a delicacy amongst the drinks of the world. Vacuum packed, it brings you all the fullness of its fragrance and flavor. You will note the difference. And you will never drink ordinary coffee again. And Nabob Tea is 'Tea as it should be". Why .Vnias? (al Hoard last night il was .evening by appointment. Phone decided to keep up membership in (he lioiilal Association, (he annual dues for which are 20. Charles Hichards, K. II Hall-berg. S. . P. McMonlie and Aid. U. H. Munro have been elected lo Jiieiubersbio in die Prince Hupcrt Taxpayers' Association. not give photos mi iing made in for in: CPECIAL OTRAIMS BDSBaaaMISaHHMMMIBHBHHaMaSSVSantaaC3 SPECIAL TRAINS will be operated from Winnipeg. Nov. 21st, Dec. Olh., Dec. II, for Steamships 'sailing from Montreal and Halifax as follows: S.S. Reglna from .Montreal, Nov. 21th, to Belfast, Liverpool. S.S. Antonia from Montreal, .Nov. 2ith, to Plymouth, Loudon. S.S. Ausonla from Halifax, Dec. 9th. to Queenstowii, Liverpool. S.S. Saturnla from Halifax, Dec. o'lh, to Glasgow. S.S. Doric from Halifax, Dec. ftth, to Belfast, Liverpool. S.S. Pittsburg from Halifax, Dec. lith, to Southampton, Bremen. S.S. Canada from Halifax, Dec. 15lh, lo Olasgow, Liverpool. S.S Andania from Halifax, Dec. Kith, lo Plymouth and Loudon. THROUGH TOURIST SLEEPING CARS frorp Jasper and Edmonton, consolidating with above trains at Winnipeg FULL DETAILS AND RESERVATIONS FROM City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave., Prince RuperL Phone 260. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Nov. 17, Dec. 1, 15, 29, at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. j.r..r all i-nnce ituperi 0.4 p.ra. ror rni.NCE CEOnGE. ED.MO.NTOX WIN NIPEG, points Eastern Canada. 'I'ulted States aOENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES City Tlekat Offlca, S2S Third At rrlnca Rup.rt. Phona 200. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service! Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, . November 30, December 10, January 4 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, November 20, December 15, 31 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, Cast Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. ft eft