P.AOE SIX. L DOLLAR DAYS t V FRIDAY AND SATURDAY tj) Our Dollar Days are an assurance of wonderful values. AH regular lines at SPECIAL PRICES and every one a winner. Knitting Yarn, full range of color, 8 balls Tor $1.00 Sweaters, Children's and Ladies' $1.00 Ladies and Children's Hals $00 Corsets a limited number . .' $100 Kid filoves, Hlack, Hrown and (Jray $1.00 Chamoiselle fllovcs $1.00 Ladiss' Vests, winter weight $1.00 Children's Vests and Drawers $1.00 Indies' Fleece-lined Hloomers, white $1.00 Ladies' Stockingetle Hloomers, 2 pairs for $1.00- Hrassieres, silk and lace, Oosard maks $1.00 Children' Rompers, values to 1.50 $1.00 Children's Overalls, regular $1.50 $1.00 Curtail Scrims, while and ecru, 5 yards for $1.00 Prints, light and dark, yards for $1.00 Chambray, tan and ecru, 5 yards for $1.00 Fancy Turkish Towels, colored border, each $1.00 Feather Pillows, each $1.00 Crass Mats, 2 for $1- Hemstitched Pillowlips per pair $1.00 .'Jo inch While Flanncleljc, oc value, a yards $1.00 Dress floods in good variety, per yard $1.00 Cretonnes, an assortment, a yards for $1.00 Haby's Honuels, to $1.."0, for $1-00 Ladfes' Cashmere Hose, black and white, 2 for .... $1.00 Children's Cashmer? Hoe, small size, 2 for $1.00 MILLINERY. All Ladies' Model Hats go on Sale at 33 per cent discount. No two alike. Only a few left. H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Phone 9. VANITY . Not a Corset, not a Brassiere- A perfect combination lliat makes t he figure more beautiful, from $2.50 We arc also showing a now line of Iris Hrassieres. Models (o suit everyone "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. I LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and )istribulitig. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. Wa Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Healed Hot and Cold Water Hales by Day or Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. It is a pleasure, to the discrhn inaliu? housewife to see CON- SUMKllS COAL go into her bins Kvcry piece sizable, bright and clean, Not a pieco of shale or noif.hurning dirt. All of it packed heat full heal value for every dollar paid. CONSUMERS COAL is stove coal cleaned and selected. Consumers Coal Go. Ltd Phones 7 And 311. Special Week - end Variety of WHIPPED CREAM GOODS Cream Buns, per doz. 50c Cream Horns, per doz. 60c Cream Layer Cakes, ea. 50c Charlotte Russe, per doz. 60c Electric Window Bakeries Third Ave. Phone 667. Dr. E. S. TA1T DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, 9 te 6. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. Tlif"LittDo!iorly Conpwrd with ordinary Hint plane, ior me small apartment or cramped living rqom, Hie Doherty Small I'iano hag become a great favorite. Wo have bad marly 20 of these pianos this year and only have one left at present, but will have another shipment this month. For Sale or Rent at Walker's Music Store Ltd. FINE SUCCESS I ANNUAL BAZAAR! Ladles' Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Society Realized $300 Yesterday The bazaar held by the Ladies Auxiliary of Hie St. Andrew's Society in Hie club rooms on Second Avenue' yesterday afternoon wa a very successful afi fair, the substantial sum of -300 beittp realized. Mrs. Howard Sleen, president of I he Auxiliary, wa in general charge and (he various department., prettily decorated with fall foli-axe and flowers, were presided oer as follows: Home Cooking Mr. Malcolm McArthur and Mrs. J. Murray. Tea Hoom Mrs. 1. tf. Cameron, Mrs. Oeorge Scott and the Misses Christie. Main Sewins and fancy work. - Mrs. Mcllobbie, Mrs. James 1.. Lee and Mrs. J. MrKcchnie. lUffles Mrs. W. Ileid and Mrs. W. L. Sandison. Candy Mrs. C. Taylor and Mrs. William Millar. Result of Raffles The raffles resulted as fol low : Two ducks, donated by Mrs. Tom Heally, won by W. O. Murray. Sackjif flour, donated by J. L, Cliri.-lie, won by Mrs. J. I'ilt. Hox of apples, Jniialed by 11. Davie, won by Jean Scott. liutter dish, donated by Mrs.! J. L. Christie, won by W. 0. Murray. Haby's ilress, donated "by Mrs. (ieor'e Scott, won by Jean rotl. , Princess slip, iloiialeil ly .Mrs. McHobbie, won by Mrs. Jarvi MeLvod. Photograph, donated by W. Anderson, won by Mrs. W. llobb. Sack of sugar, donated by Mrs. S. 1). Maedonald, won by Mrs. W. Ileid. Pullover sweater, donated by Mrs. II. A. MrLeod, won by Mrs. H. Love. Nigbl dress, donated by Mrs. MOVING THE FARMERS' MARKET IS MOVINQ AGAIN. Three doors east, opposite Mcllac Hros. On Monday morning we will be in our new store with a full line of meats as usual. On account of the large number of people demanding a Cut Price Cash Store we have decided to put in (iroceries at Cut Hale Prices. CASH AND CARRY. Only orders over S5.UU will be delivered to any part of the city. We offer the following as Opening Specials, l'olaloes. 8 lbs. fyr .... 15c 100 lb., red ... ... $1.50 too lb., white $1.75 Sugar, 5's Ar 10's, lb,.. 11c Itolled Ools, (S's 35c Hrea.1 Flour, 5' ;ind 10 lb, bass. Special, per lb. 5c l'aslrp Flour, 10 lb. suck 50o Cornflakes, 3 for . . .. 35c Cream of Wheat, 5 lb, sack 35c While Hearts, 3 lbs. for 25c Canned Salmon 10c Canned Sardines, i for 25c I'eachcs, Raspberries and Strawberry, per tin .. 25c Libby Tomato Soup, 2 for :. ... 25c Canned Corn 15c Canned l'umpkiu, special 20c Pineapple, sliced ... .. 30o Pork & Heans, special, 3 tins 25c Hulk Cocoa, per lb 15c Hulk Coffee, 3 lbs, ... $1.00 Hulk ftaisins, 3 lbs. for 60o' W have a special line of Jam Raspberry, Strawberry. Loganberry. Apricol, Oreengage, etc. 1 lb. tin 70o Mixed Nuts, special, lb. 25c F.agle Hrand Milk , ..20c MEATS AND PROVISIONS. Salt Pork Hacks, special 25c Rolled and Honed Hams, In the piece, per lb. . . 35c Special Fresh Kggs, do. 50c Swifls' Premium Hacon 43c Hrookfiel. Hutter .. .. 45o Hulk Hutler, special, lb. 42c Phone your orders, Blue 42S and. If they come to more than $5.00 the will be delivered C.O.D. Cordon Carl aw - Manager. a THE DAILY NEWS. Saturday, Notembtr 17 -9jj Baker's Caracas Sweet Chocolate u a pure, delicious end HealtKful food. Ai an addition to school or business lunches or for between (7ft mel snacks it is vastly superior to most of tKe sheets commonly used. TraJe-mai on tocrg pacifist Made In Canada By Walter Baker & Co. Limited EbSukJ 1790 VUb it DottkMtff, Vf ftrtat Montreal. Canada SOOt LET C CHOICE ttam SENT flit I) .Thomson, won oy David Me-Meekln. Scarf, donated by Mrs. J. M. Campbell, won by Mrs. Max Heilbroner. Hox of biscuits, donated by Thomas McMeekiu, won by J. M. Campbell. Pillowslip, dnnaleil by Mrs, Alex. Maedonald, won by .Mrs. .Mori n. Hox of lea, donated by Mrs. I). S. Cameron, won by Mrs. I). Ritchie. Sweater, donated by Mrs. J. Watson, won by Mrs. J. Mc-Kechnie. ' Sack of t potatoes, donated by Mrs. J. II. Kelly, won by Howard Sleen. " Pair of towels, donated by Mrs. C. Taylor, won by Mrs. T. McMeektn. 5 bill, donated by Mrs. Wil liam Millar, won by F.ileeu A. Taylor. Pillow rases, donated by Miss May Held, wort by Mrs. 11. Dow-ther. Whist Drive The proceedings of die day closed with a whist drive in the evening. There were seventeen tables and the prize winners were: Ursl ladies, .Mrs. II. 1-. (ilassey; first men's, James An Irews; ladies' consolation, Mrs. I. Walson ;ineu's consolation Ihomas McMeckin. The com mittee in charge of the wliisi drive comprised Mrs. (ieorge Abbott, Mrs. W. Anderson. Mrs. I). S. Cameron and Miss May Ileid. ' Waterfront Whiffs (Continued from Page 5) will shortly leave on holidays in Ihe south. The power boat Hobs put ml port during the week from Alice Arm. The Hobs has been engaged in prospecting work in Ihe northern district. The launch Oh Baby, skipper Myhil Jones, was up the inlet on .Monday arter oeer. Iiaipu Maedonald and Harry Hawkins went along also with their field artillery but the only thing they found lo blaze at was the trail and that they blazed in great shape. Handloggers In Capt. Auriel, on the bridge of the Wyandotte, , came inlo port on Thursday morning from the Skeenn River. Cap has heen engaged in (he handlogging lupi nes In that district for sonw; considerabb lime and has re cenlly decided lo use gas engine power. Card. Pete Callaghan of the power boat Sadie, arrived in port during the week from Summerville' Island. On Ihe way In the box of ' tricks got very tricky wllh Ihe result that one of the cylinders became filled up wilh suit chuck. However the little obi machine did not seem to object lo I lie new fuel and Cap I of. Ihe opinion thai he has stumbled on a way to beat (he ga"s, sellers. Skipper Charlie Wrlghl. l," 'aburd tin; Colli from Warl Canal where he Is engaged in the handlogging. The Cora will be thoroughly overhauled and her machinery looked to while anchored in the home buy. Doc's Birthday loe Clapperlon celebrnled his sixly fourth birthday on Tues-day last in real nautical ilyle, at his winter home. To see Ioo wading knee deep in a rrrb argument or running a rare with Paddy, bis canine pet, one would think be was probably til minus 10, which is 18. In honor to loc the Admiral of the fleet, accompanied by bis olll- ctals and members of Hie hlghj boot squad made a visit during the evening. The eening was spent in music, songs and speeches. One of the outstanding features of the entertainment was the Admiral's render ing of Home Sweet Home on the piano with his no-c. Taking up a position on bis knees the old man pushed down the notes on Hie piano with his nose thereby giving a very pathetic interpre-tuh'in of the obi time favorite. In tlie excitement someone playfully bumped bis bead on the key board. The Admiral said he had never played Ihe piece with such feeling before. At midnight 1mc dug up some breaj and cheese and a juaful of root beer. The beer was fine but Hie root spoiled the taste according to Ihe gang. The gathering dispersed without any casual ties. - The fishiujr schooner Caygeou, Capt. Jim Morrison, and Ihe launch Joy Hird, Capt. J. Thomas, were out to Hulie Rapids mi Monday lo low in Ihe Kayostt, Capt. Arl Oswald, which ran on to a rock when endeavoring to avoid a sung. I'lie Kayostt is now in the dry dock for repairs. A small hole was made in her bull otherwise the craft suffered little damage. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. NOTICE IS lirilEBV GIVES lhat It rrM-rt aiirrto Channel Wlatwl imll I lli month or fUnlrwr Canal. tunt I, Cmi IMMrlrt. awl funwrly 'ruiftii by Tlnibrr Llrmre No. SHIP It rawrllMl. o. n, :ur.x. Iwpiny MlnUUT ir Laivli. Lan1 lirtxrtinrQi, VI. turn, B.C.. tlth Oclr.tr. 19 S. SPECIAL XMAS SAILINGS S FROM MONTRCAL TO PLVMOUTH-CHIRaOURO-, LONDON. Anlonl Nf. 24 FROM HALIFAX TO OLASaOW, Saturnlt (Portland Dae. S) 0e. FROM NCW YORK TO QUttNSTOWN AND LIVERPOOL. Samaria . Da. 1 Auaonla (aoaton) Dac. S Laconla . . Dae. 13 Icjlhla Dae. S CHCRIOURO AND SOUTHAMPTON. Baranearla Net. IT Aeullanla . Dae. S Barantarla Dae. 22 AquiUnia .... Jan. S LONOONOtRRT AND eLAMOW. Aatrrla Net. 24 California Dae. S PLVMOUTH-CHIRBOURO-LONDON. Tjrrhanla Net. 24 An4anla . Dae. 14 MiHiry orflraa aixl drattt at lnwral ratra, lull Infiirtii4tlm fnmi Art-ntt ir CUNARD S.S. CO. orrirrn, 4t lltttllira SI, W Van. oiiivrr. B.C. COAL The Famous LADY8MITH-WELLINOTON Lump and Egg Sites. STERLING Stove and Egg Sixes. We deliver in sacks or bulk. Phone us your orders day or niglit. Prince Rupert Goal Co. Phone 16. Main Office Hotel Central. Big Reduction on All Coats, Suits and Dresses BENT'S P hone 376 tBVBBavaaBBBBBBBaSSaaaWSSSBB The House I We Want Your Shoe Trade We tunc III rharge of our '.Shoe Department a ttt who knows In Inisinc. and who would like to get ar. ipiaiuleil wilh your feet. One assortment of (irow nig tiirls' mul Hoys Slme, cannot be liealcit in lots uf larger town at I Is r price r careful uf Uietr feel. Lei one who know fit Hii'iif, GIRLS' Krom II to W.05 to $5.75 BOYS' From II lo 5 $3.25 to 5G.00 CHILDREN'S From lo 10V4 $2.25 to $4.50 MEN'S SPECIAL FOR TODAY. Men's Hlack or Hrown tilf. laced boot. (iMlrr Well lite best value ever offareil m Prince .lluperl Sre our window. Price $4.85. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Phone 378. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday S307 $t 7 Phone 376 mm Lafllifl of Quality and 9 j (ioblwti Presents lbs brilliant srreen adaplaiioti t Hit? famous Hroadway s'age Mircess - "THREE WISE FOOLS A magnificent, laughable, loveable, dramatic p!i"' ! play. A story of (hree rriisly obi bachelors and Hie:r adopted daughter. Tear and laughter, romance nl thrills. Ileniiliful etliig. Fuorinoiis rasl of creii :rlr!'' ritles iiiclmling Claudo Qllllngwater, Alec B. Francis, W. H. Cranf , William Haines, Raymond Halton and Eleanor Boardmarj. COMEDY -"A PUNCTURED PRINCE," Topics of the Df. Admission 50c and 25c Why Can't We Save? 9 QNCE aRain you say t!tts as you fiml that expenses have eaten up all your income. How is It that other people, with no larger Incomes than yours, arc able to buy many things you cannot afford ? Perhaps it i3 because you have no definite plan of allotting your income. Our useful Memoranda Hook, which the Manager will be glad to give you, contains Hudgcts for both families and individuals. It will help you to plan your expenses with something to uparc. A few hundred ilolUrttn the Bnk wit! give you a wonderful feeling of security and Independence. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA H. J. MACI.KOI), Manager, t'rlnco Ituport Hrancht I irnnicm J)