id)- November IT n?8 V V rati OAV Atldra V. Now That You Have Passed Thirty i mi realize mat nie in less a matter of brilliant spurts than of a Ion, pull. You no longer dream or a fortune "at forty. You. expect to be working away steadily at fifty at sixty, per-haps. You nrrtl not bo ow f I be many mm who ill flu J tlirniM'lvr com. xllol to turn to oilier for uiiixirf. II)' tu)lng ut tin iwlr of only alittcn -rul tUy U tHrrn Hie agea of thirty uml alily.tltr (ran you ran huy a Canadian (invrrnmrnt Annuity uliirli will p) )ou S.VM Jl )mr, Miirtlngat the Utter age anal JaMlng Iou'k a Ufc V)i mar l.aj aa .iaaalljr at aar tala. tram V I U.MW a Mr. I"' lairOmrM tHI fc .. aa4 aa arlll aH a.rrr al llial aar maa.r rarna. Tfcrr ar I'La. af parrhaa. la aall all. la. rladai lha aaarrlad aad I lux tiallaf drpra.ant.. Krm.mUr, Ik. rarlUr ran bay Iba mlf lha t.rrna. Thrr.fara, till aat Ibla raapaai laimrdlalelr and addrr.a It a. dlrarltd. V pa.laa. Mmur), II U l aaadlaa Oat.rftiuaat ha.laa... Mail this Coupon No Postage Needed To tnnuMtil of IjtlxMir, AmiultM- llramli, IHIama, Ont. ClroM trad m the lti.ll,..k at lal.rmaUaa" aad fall iMrtlralari a la rati at a laaadlaa Oatrraaatal (nll;. Mr af U.I blrlkdar waa frara. Tall Nai X..., . 4(alr M'blh'r Mr.. Mr. r Ml..) a tfuurJ bat Department of Labour, AnnultUi Branch. Ottawa. i a m a - makers, Founder, Woodworkers, Etc. ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Oi plant if t-inpped lo handle (ill kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385. 10 nnariian Nahnnal koiU.rfiirc Prince Rupert RYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock nn niira.. nfl nrhlnl.t t. Rn Mmikari. R irlitm Ihi anaimo - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LASTS LONGER I Real Satisfaction Cheapest In Long Runt NO SHALE OR ROCK! COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 564. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours. 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant lit J.rliy's Planitm Milk IVVIUVI V Aro now Sole Agents for the lumber output of the Royal Mills. Hanall, B.C. llaimiVIl WW IWI O I Sl W W Bit MIt WBIHn taf faans Spruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL P"AY YOU. Phone 383. Li IXIf 'LJ f ff 1 A IW Now in Stock . Guaranteed Waterproof TEVE KING Third Avenue Prince Rupert Ibiv bow olhenvle the trip was completely- successful. Ivor Wick, aboard Ihe power boat Senoir uccoinpanied by Tommy Mc.Meekin, Alex. Finney ana inn jutmson, ten port on Friday night for Spiller river and Introduced their, rifle with marked elTect lo four deer. The parly ndurned on Monduy nltfhl vowing that they would THE DAILY mVS, fliy!U Doings of the Moaqulto FUet whichle the j gjSj chtef aourcaj of Prince Rupert'a prosperity WMlA The Admiral of Hip Mostiitc ; repeal, the performance ,il an fled report Hie Thanksgiving 'early dale, holiday ax having Kone olT veryj MieeeKfuy ainnnif Hie IiIkIi hoot aiiuad. t'n In Hie lime of wrilinif not n ninKlf casually had been reonrled lo Hie nd-iiiirally olliee.s whlrh ojieakx wiliinifx fur Hie morale of Hie nutiliraU. J'lie holiday wan taken iwlvanlave of hy a number of walerfroiil nllleialH fur Jh eiijoyiiieiil of a little hunllng and fUhiny. Several filiintr and jdeaMjre JioaU lefl jiort on l-Viday night, Hie rabin jdlejl hiyli with Hie koh Hiiiip of lhi life lo eat and drink, and manned hy pan? of pood fellow henl on Kelllnir a little joy. The majority uf the hunter relumed lo port on Monday niitht in radineK lo Jump inlo Hie hiifneH whirl astaiii on Hie morrow. I leer eem lo have been plentiful Hi Hie variona point, most (run accounting for one trophy of the chase. The bail went tier together with Hie in. tervenllnn of the holiday somewhat n (Tec led the halibut arrival during the week. Willi the hold-over last week end the ale on Tuesday inorntn? Marl ed olT well wilh 221,700 pound". The had weather experience on I In- hjyh spot had a detrimental effect upon the landintr for Weilneday a n d Thursday only Hi.nnft pound were mar keted for the two day. Price offered for the halibut laudinK have not been high, hoverln? around the 5c mark for fir' clas and lc for eeond clas catches. Moth Hie McLean and Suva shipyard continue busy uml Hie way are occupied a'l Hie lime. The new fi.r ft. hali but boat for the Horeen Ilro. In Hie former yard I raphlly lakinK shajM' ajd IJie Cuuadl&ij schooner Lillian M. will be completely overhauled and in the water again in a few day. A number of boat of Hie boom fleela are Hwiiiliiitf lo get nn the McLeini sliii for winter fixinc Mishap to Viola S. The jfood launch Viola S., owned and "kippered by Hen Self, came to grief in the lorm which raped la-l Friday and Saturday. While at anchor at Imv tide the force of Hie wind Bill Hughes Won. Turkey The WMlerfmiil. .crib lonrna mejil for n Thankspiviiicr turkey wa brought It a close on Saturday night when Hill Hughe beat till coiner unit Hill became the proud poeor of the bird. Steve drier rame eecond ami carried off a new five pol. Hill played a nialerly game throughout the tournament and is seriously thinking of opening up a crib college for (be benefit (,f those who Jiave. Hie gall lo enter any obi crib, tournament thai come along. Jut now Hie nautical celebrities are in the throe. t another crib exhibition for a Xiiiu turkey, The first round i It. Shrnbsall, v. K. Shrubsall; W. Putnam vs. O. IStiirr; James Lee v. Frank llavie; K. Saion vs. It. Davey; .1. Mcintosh v. II. Meiuie: A. Olainierton v.. J. pybjmvn; H. M. Jewell v. .1. II. Murray: I). Ilougla v. W. O. Hughe; V. Shrubsall v A. Jlailey; p. Lorenzeu v. J. Nickersou; W. Wall v. A. 1. tiillie; . Solem v. T. Horvik; M. Crowell v. 0. Woodland; II Lipe( v. J, Donnelly; L. I'ollerloii v. I.uckv "Steve"; 11. M. Iiaifjrell v. A. H. Hunter; C Kirkendall v. Lance Style; .1. M.- tloverlon,- bye. He-ull of the firl round playcl to dale are li. Shrubsall, W. 0. Huzhes, L. I'ollerloii and Harry liagirell winner. . .. Fish Business During the week 38l,70 Jb. of halibut ha been marketed on the Fish Kxrhanpe. Americans were high at I5.ic and 9c. and low at I t.Hc ami 9c. Canadian were litgh at ISc. attd Pe. and low at I3,f5c and 9f. Arrival were: Kodiak, Imperial, Anna J., Kanalak, Orient. Allen, Mali, Annie May. Albatross, Lfliiya, American. Scmdja. The Kayosu In P(os. This i a lory of how Art and hi merry men (behaved when Hie schooner Kaynsu hit the rock. Hy Wall. Mason, jr. Art was quite a wonder man with hi little fishing boat, having sailed the seas for many 11 il.'iv with water in hi llirnnl Iiounded poor Viola u.Min the,,, .. ,., vfl:lPn. rock o hard I hat severul of the hull plank parted company ami invited the tide inside. However, I he young lady wa not long submerged. Sandy wa ni, the job ami soon had Violfl on I Imv grid where ncre.iiary re. par were completed. - Native Boats In A flotilla of native boat from the Nau district .tud Kilknlla anchored in the home base on Saturday In upend Ihe Thanksgiving holiday in Ihe cily. While in port several of ie visitor look advantage of the occasion lo entertain relative and friend resbling in Ihe immediate vicinity jihoaiil their floating home. Sumptuous spread of smoked salmon and chicken minus the smoke were provided. Machinery repair were done and groceries pmvhased prior lo their re. turn to winter quarter. was running wild and acting kind of funny. The pel hen aboard, a broody bird, foresaw an uwful fale, and just In help the other oul laid courses on n plnle. And so things stood aboard that nighl, as the ship plowed through the mud, while Hie hen was laying hard boiled egg in give i ne crew some ' '", cry went up , , , ..' l)r .i .l. I . Lade and a parly o .. ulof ,,,,,. wllal was IKIMI tl Id Ml 11 lilt" IIHX I itniU l,,.l4M 1 .l. I I ..11 .. ... . ' . i liuil?. . craHii. a au, ami .aa. till Kermac, left las) Saturday i ,,ort vas dnrk f , ,my, w,r , nighl on a hunling lr.p o Smith f L M Island. bile bad weather wni k,)ifp , f fc m encounlered several deer wM n,bp , , u Jo , w, . . ..... . ' .V . wrrp out like liglilnintr "r :" V,,M,,K """i coining down from up below, trill, anil owinir In n henvv un .... :. t .. ., , . , , uie Kiiuer yelleit "J'ui. Aiir. Hie up. row noat in ow nroKe wayjloas SQ yilurPVPH and from Ihe painter during the , ..!.. j nighl and wa lost. The force! of Ihv sea breaking over Ihe Sensible PeOolft itiitll ulnt'ik 111 ancnmil t it , l,t.a I.. I "" ' I III r rut il I limi'rtfl III ing ear, for quile a little while, we'll tell n blood and thunder yarn of Art' old fishing pile. The lory I a horrid one, 1111 fairly turn you blue, of how Ihe crew and skipper got off the Kayosu. The boat it hnd been fi-hing, a fishing boat will lo, when reluming lo Ihe old home porl Hie .sea gol thick a glue. The ou was playing pilch and loss, the crew were sliooling crap, while Ihe skip per, reeling kiml v llreit; wa taking little naps. The cook was in Ihe pilot house a counting out his money, Ihe engine I? In all walks of life have for a long time used Ueecham's Pills, which enjoy great popularity. They are reliable and contribute to toe maintenance of health. When you suffer from Indigestion, biliousness or constipation use BEECHAM'S SalJaaaryvWa foCaajafe. PILLS UrtMt Sal. f Aar MaaWa la WaiM - -t afcasffi $564. 46 on the proper ' side of the Balance RECIEVED BACK ine. lieu we eel to the shore again we'll have a cup of tea." And thai i how lliev left Hie wreck, they couldn't lake it foo. Hiik itoeni i a history of the (dimmer Kayosu. Policies issued ENDOWMENT by the Mutual Life of Canada produce most gratifying results. The assured gets the full benefit of the profits earned by the Company, and the cost of protection is reduced to the vanishing point. Gradually these profits help outweigh the premiums until in the end you receive more money back than you paid in, and your insurance -11 these years has cost you nothing. For example, take an actual case, that of Mutual Life Endowment Policy Number 28083. The holder of this policy took out a 30-year endowment at the age of twenty. At the close of the contract the sum of all the premiums he had paid in amounted to $708.15. The company paid back to him a total of $1,272.61, representing a net gain of $564.46! In. other words, this policyholder received $179.71 for every $100 invested with the company. Mutual Life Insurance is insurance at net cost. In the long run it has always proved itself to be a profitable investment. We know you would be interested in our endowment policies. Let us send you literature. Fill in this coupon and mail it today. Local Representatives PAID IN THE MUTUAL LIFE r--of Canada: Waterloo, Ontario J "The Net Cost Life Insurance Company" I . pmi t,alh4 ta tk. Mataal Uf. Si,m af Uaaraiu. at Cmt. I aarticalarl caac.rnui( tk alaa at aalicy I kaa ptir' Wlaw. I Naaia " . AUmt Pari Oa. . r.i. 1 " -r.llcy Plan. McCAFFERY & GIBBONS Prince Rupert, B.C The launch Star, skipper Macdonald, was oul to Tuck' Inlet over last week end on a deer hunt. The venture proved very satisfactory nd Mac relumed joyfully displaying n splendid buck, dead of course. Ruby Mae Busy The power honl Ruby flae, owned by J. & 0. t'urrie, put inlo porl during Hie week from llaysporl where he has been engaged in connecting with Ihe worn on ine new rori lon-llaysporl ferry. The ftuby Mae will lake out supplies for Hie ferry, and will engage in lo towing al the conclusion of the work. Jim Lee; manager of the Al- lin Fisheries, i confined to the house suffering with his jaw. We wonder if lie has been at tempting lo tell the laity of the house how lo grow spud for exhibition purposes. The power boat Wigwam, Cupl. Claude Kelchum, lefl port on Wednesday for tieorgelown In low in u couple of scow loads of fish boxes for local consumption and arrived back on The launch Narbelhong, skipper llooine K. Freeman, was over to Digby Island on Monday to bring in Ihe Canadian National pile driver. The driver is moored at Ihe lumber assembly wharf, -- Qllbert on Blrnle Hurry, flilberl, formerly skip, per hf liie' Launch 2.1, owned by the Prince Huperl, has resigned that position and is now employed, on the lighthouse lender llirnie a male. The llirnie, Capl. Uuller, was In port on Thurdat morning and leflfor Digby to discharge coal for "lhe wireless station. First mule J. Mncauliiy, of the llirnie, (Continued on page six) Have You Seen Homer V. Bagley Last heard of In the vicinity of Anyox, B.C., Aug. 22, 1922. Was employed at the construction of a dam. Age 25 years. Frequents dance halls. Any information concerning him will be greatly appreciated and will make it worth your while. Address: GEO. W. BAGLEY, c o Bagley Tire A Rubber Co., Hotsprlng National Health Resort, Arkansas, United States of America. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert' Leading Restaurant A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. Have you had your PASTEURISED MILK TODAY? VALENTIN'S DAIRY Sells Milk, Cream and Butter Phone S1. Duily Deliveries. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C. LTD. Sallints From Prince. Ruptrt. for VANCOUVKR, VICTORIA, Ocaan Fill., and Swanaon Bay, TatMlar. PM. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Alart Say, and Swan .on a, Saturaa! Naaa. Fr ANYOX, ALKX ARM, STEWART, W.l.t, Sunday S PM. For PORT SIMPSON aad N.aa R..r oanaarlaa, Friday A.M. til Irwl Avenue. t. kWretLy, Aa.oU Prtnca Ruptrt. BX 66 LUMINO" Is the best Aluminum Ware on the tunrkel today. Xnvv shapes utal sites. ew cold handles. Now tin display lti ot'tr window nt bargain prices. Tel. 3. KAIEN HARDWARE CO, We Deliver. P.O Bo IfrU. I. r J