tt. PAOE SIX. THE DAILY NEWS. Wednesday, November 7, i9!, r. LADIES' RAINCOATS A really good Haincoat U an absolute necessity these days. We have a small line of 20 Coats, English Paramattas and Rubberized Tweeds. Valu2s to $22.50 in a fair assortment of sizes ami colors, to he cleared at $10.50 Children's Rubber Coats in sizes from 4 to 10 years. Belled style. Values to $7.50, Clearing at each .... $3.95 Children's Slicker Capes with silk lined hoods at eacji , $3.50 H. S. WALLACE CG, LTD. Mall Orders Promptly Executed. We Pay Delivery Charges Thanksgiving TURKEYS Arriving This Week. Jtook your orders early for these rush killed birds. Cranberries, per lb. ... 25c Live Chickens for roasting or boiling dressed to order. TELEPHONE SPECIALS. No. 1 Dairy Butler, 3 lbs. for $1.00 "Alberta Kggs, Fresh, 3 doz, $1.00 Swift's Premium Bacon Small sides average 4 to 5 lbs. Taking whole side. per lb. .. . ... ... . . 45c I'anshine Cleanser, 4 tins for 25c (olden West Washing Powder, large peke. . . . . 30c Combination Vegetable Special $1.00. 15 lbs. Terrace Turnips. 0 lbs. Terrace Carrots. f lbs. Cooking Onions. 5 lbs. Terrace Beets. Shoe Polish in Black, Tan or Ox Blood, 3 tin for 35c Baby's Own Soap, 3 bars for 35c Malkin's Best Strawberry Jam, i lb. pails. Phone special 85c Madagascar Lima Beans, 3 lbs. for 25c Evaporated Peaches, 3 lbs. 50c Evaporated Apricots, 3 lbs. ... 50c Christie Sodas, tin ... 45c Combination Special. 3 small tins Heinzs Pork and Beans. I small tins Heinz Tomato Soup 7 tins for 95c. Candied Cherries, per lb. 75c Mixed Peel, lb. lemon and Orange assorted, lb. citron, per lb. . . . . 40c Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser St. Steam Heated Hot ami Cold Water , Hates by Day or Month 'P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. . It is a pleasure to the discrim inating housewife to see CON HUMKHS COAL gu into her bins Every piece sizable, bright and clean, Not a piece of shale pr iion-byrnlng dirt. All of it packed heal full heat value for every dollar paid. CONSUMERS COAL is stove coal cleaned and selected. ' Consumers Coal Go. Ltd Phones 7 and 311. TIMBER SALE X 5669. Si-ih-d Triulrr will be received by tlw Minister of Land, it Victoria, mil laler man ikwii un ine zxna aay or .ovemurr, IKJ, for Ibe purrrii of Licence X SUV, la rui I.3.UUU Jarkplne Tie on in area adjoining Lot 5JJI, llaarr t, Coat Land KIMriCl. Two it) year will be allowed for re rmival of timber. Further particular ut the Chief Furet ler, Victoria. B.C or District Forester. rrtnre nuperi, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5670. Sealed Tender will be received bv the Minister of Land, at Victoria, not laler than noon nn the 30(ti day or .November. IJ. for the purrhae r Licence X 70, to rut 15,(00 Jackplne Ties, on an area adjoining Lot OIJI, llanre J. Coal Land Olntrlct, Three (3, year will be allowed for removal ot timber. Further particular of the Chief Fore-ler. Victoria. B.C. or Iil.ti-lrt Prince nuperi. B.C. Loggers 5 Prospectors BOOTS Men's Fine Shoes from $4.50 Men's Brown Calf Shoes, in Goodyear Welt, wide or narrow toes, from $5.50 Hand Made Loggers' Boots from $8.50 REPAIRING. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Next 8L Regis Cafe. Have you had your PASTEURISED MILK TODAY? VALENTIN'S DAIRY Sells Milk, Cream and Butter Phone 81. Daily Deliveries. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Loading RestauranL A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avsnus. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate In the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or ths Month. Steam Heated. Ifot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. ( James Zarelll - Proprietor. A complete and exclusive line of Kastern and Imported LADIES' SUITS, CLOAKS, and DRESSES. J. Bent Ladles' Ready-to-Wear. P.O. Uox 703. Phone 651. "The Most of the Ilest for the Least." EIGHT WITNESSES HEARD TODAY IN JAPANESE MURDER CASE OF BUCKLEY BAY BEFORE MR. JUSTICE Mc DONALD. (continued from page one) lasted about five minutes until Fujimoto came over and look Nishida outside telling'., him not to quarrel. After Nishtda went out witness undressed and went to tied. He was awakened about 11:30 by an altercation. He looked out of hi. bunk and saw that Harala and Nishida were I he two men who were iuarrel ing. Their tone was moderate but quarrelsome. He could see clearly. Nishida was standing beside Harala's hunk, the latter lying on his left side facing witness. He saw Nishida slap Harala twice with the palm of his hand. The argument pro. ceeded and witness lay down in his bunk again. He heard the noise of broken glass and put the bed clothes over his face, About Ibe same time somebody passed over his bed. He saw Harala descend from bin bed to the floor running instantly to wards I he foot of his own bunk. He disapepared for about minute and. returning to view. fell near Hie stove. Witness's bed clothes were covered with blood. On cross examination by Mr. Palinore, witness said that .Nishida was between Harala ami himself. He did not see Harala trike accused with the bollle but admitted thai he bad seen Harala with the bottle. He did not know how the bottle had been broken. Saw Man Fall Y. Fujimoto, who slept in the same bunk house, told of bein:r engaged in general conversation with others near Ibe stove on the night in question. At It .30 loud talking was heard between. Nishida and Harala and witness went over to the laller's bed and told them not to talk so loud. He told Nishida not to quarrel and took him outside to Mrs. Inoyue's house. They met Mrs. Inoyue at the entrance of the bunk house and, on being told of the. quarrel, Mrs. Inoyue told witness and accused to come over to her house and resL Nishida said lie was sorry, and would mil fight. They had a FULLER 8 AIIS People's Providers. (reengage Plum Jam, Vs 7Sc Hulk Cocoa, 5 lbs. for., 75c Libby Catsup, buttles .. 25c Heinz Spagetti, large tins, 25o Mother's Noodles, leg. !5c, now 5c lloltled Cider for Mincemeat 35c Raspberries in tins. .Special 25c Strawberries, in tins. Special .., ... 25o Fry's ttacon, per lb. ... 45o Seedless Itaisins, 3 lbs. for 50o Shelled Almonds. Special per lb. 50c Campbell's Tomato Soup. Buy a dozen . . .... $1.C5 Whelhey's Mincemeat, pkge. 20c Marmalade in tins. Special - 76o Our Own Itraiid Mutter 50c Wc have some specially good Kggs. A bargain at per doz 50c Our Tomato Sausage is better than ever. Made fresh twice a day, Try a pound. Pure Honey, i lb. tins $1.00 Mixed peel, per lb 50c Corn on Cob, Special . . 35o Pork ami Deans, reg. 15c. Special, 3 for 25c Peaches and Apricots, new stock. Special, 2's, 3 tins for ... $1.00 Free Orab Parcel with 1 lb. Tea or Coffee. Phone 45 and 574. Dr.E.S.TAIT DENTIST. Helgsrson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, to 8. Phono CM. Open Evsnlnga Only Pop Special Appointments. Mfy A unhrerwl custom AUCr that benefit every. Every J ' Aids dif estion, riCclI ctoi" the teeth, teethes the throat. WRKLEYS & good thing wremcmocr Sealed is Hs Parity raekaga J ! FLAVOR LASTS cup of lea and witness then re lumed to Ibe lunik house where he went to boil and went to sleep. He saw Nishida no mor' thai night. About II o'clock he heard somebody running outside ami awakening looked Inwards Harala and saw him fall to Ibe floor. He ditl not know who was running outside. He had known Nishida for about three 111011(114 but had not been told of a quarrel between him and Harala. Cross-examined, wilin-.v, did not know whether Nishida had come into the bunkhoiise to ge! his partner Kujima to go In bed He had seen Nishida speak lo Kujima. Accused was in hi night gown with hi coal over it. Questioned by Mr. Fisher. witness said il was customary for the Japanese, after the day's work, lo lake a balh and wear their night gowns with their coals thrown over tliein if they went out. Woman Witness Mrs. Y. Inuyue t ild of Fuji moto bringing accuse,! In her house on the night in quelion. They hail a cup of lea and Fuji moto had left first and ju-eused about seven or eight minute later. About 11:30 accused re turned lo the door of her house. He was covered with blood and witness, in alarm, called tier husband who.'ion inquiry, was lob by Nishida' dial he had had a quarrel with Harala. Nishida compla(ued of 'a head aelie and her husband told witness to gel him a change of attire. When Nishida came to Hie door he had a knife in his hand. II was done handled but witness wa unable lo identify il its the knife pro duced in court. She had been loo frightened to observe closely Nishida came in and sat down for a while and then followed her husband out. When he re turned in a few minutes lie had nothing in his hand. Under cross-examination, Mr. Inoyue staled that Nishida hail a number of bad cuts on his hands and face and I he blood was run ning from his face lo his clothes. She had wiped the. blood oh accused's face ami bands and put him lo bed in her house. A little while later, Mr. Chase, the mill vuperin-leudenl, came ami took him away. Witness admitted that accused was in a rather dazed condition when lie came to her house at 1 1 .20. Saw Glass Fly T. Tauabe told of the first 1 11 arret which had been stopped by Fujimoto, Nishida returned about 11.15 and started another argument. A moment laler he saw pieces of glass flying ami simultaneously he saw a knife . 1 i 1 waveti in .Msniuas iiaun. ne turn heard words between Nishida ami Harata. The former had said Come outside, come outside.' and Harala had replied "Cm home.) if you have something lo talk about we will talk about il to morrow." The bottle broke and the knife waved jt seeiiM'd all in the same moment cud he could not say which .occurred first. He saw Harata leap front his bed ami' later fall. Mshida disappeared after the. waving of the knife. h. Takayama testified lhali Nishada bat tpid hint of former trouble between hiniseir and Harata. He had said that Harala was a bad man and he should be sent away. Asked why Nishida! had said that Harata 1 made trouble with the women. Witness was not in the bunkliouse when Ibe trouble occurred Oohs examined Takayama, de- nled that Nishida had told him of trouble l,olwnnn .llnrnln ntwl .!,. self over accused's sister in Van. eouver. Uurala had told bhn sometliing lo this effect, however Nlshlda's Partnsr Kujima. Nishida's mirtner. said ho saw Harala and Nishida in the bunkhoiise (hot night. He had seen Harata lean from his lied and drop ami had also seen .Mshida disappear. Crnssexnmined. KuJima told Mr. Patmorn that Nishld.i hnd come into the buukhouse lo gel him (witness to go home to the other buukhouse which they shared. He had been engrossed in a game they were playing and had told Nishida to go home and that he would follow later. The ! trouble started just after Nishida nail come to him the last time. :The knife produced did not be. (long to Nishida, witness taled. Xnillinf .11.1 II I...I...... I.. I.I... 'It..... ,1 .Sll it, ill,,,. J had no knife in their cabin. Further particulars of the scale map were gen ,by Con (stable Ponder when he was re cntted. I he last witness before the noon adjournment was Jere iniah Chase, mill superintendent. who I old of finding the dead body of Harata in the biinkhnn and suhrMtienlly arresting Nish. ma ai .Hrs. Inoyue s ltouq. i fieri bad niinarrn v been wound on Nishida's face. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert C PrevOSl. Vancouver- A I. PI Ilt'llhl Itivn.- l - ....I M-j Dale I.. Pill, Premier; J. ,. Wil-Hauls. Stewart': J. A. Drown. orl F.sshigtnit. Central, Jidiu Melnlixh mid It. II. Crowe, Anynx; T. Ilirkland, Alice ....... VlMI- .... l 'I',--. ,,. If I f.... 1 il nil! I.. .1. KKI 1 1 don, Vancouver; John Jackson, lew an. Vdvrlle n h full Nw Your Thanksgiving Dinner will be 11 greater success with delicacies from our store. The season is here fur Pumpkin Pies . . . 35c each Mince Pies . . . 50 0 per doz. Pork Pies 15c each French Pastry. . 50c per dot, ElectricWindow Bakeries Third Ave. Phons 887. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phono 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialise In Piano and Furniture Moving. EPSON COAL We can now Hupply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL In any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Go Phono BS. HBBBtHHBaBiial VbbWPPbbbk TVlitit Oolirrty Conparfdwllh ordinary lltrd (MSNS). For the small apartment or n"1,,e'' Mn l()0,n' 11,0 "''crly ,na,',,ano ,,B lH'comc a 8rcul I in III 11(3, We have had nearly 20 of these pianos this year nnd only have one left at present, but will have i"' """v. V"I"nL"1 monl"' 1 "r paC OT KCIH 81 Walker's Music Store ltd. BOYS! You are Lucky Mr. Skinner. Hie "CI.OTIIKS OK UI.WMTY" inuti he, tlecnlil lo lake in Stewart on this trip mid will therefore he in (own until .Saturday. The FREE PANTS Offer WILL DE CONTINUED UNTIL THAT DATE. We sold 10 Mills on Saturday Inst and a Mood , Like the uoleil "Johnny Walker" we n re still going sir uig 100 ORDERS OR BU8T 18 THE 8LOQAN OF OLD MAN SKINNER. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Phono 376. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 GLORIASWANSON "PRODIGAL DAUGHTERS" A ale of the Jazz age. An e)e-iipenur for the- umh girl ami her areui. A story if n prodigal (luugln r -a" had exhausted every llirill of this age of Jazz and lu ai ing for more found 1 (ilorioii (lloriu in fiiflv g ; geoiis, daring, ultra gown w the swiflel in alj n(ji,-dom, with Theodore Hoberls nnd brilliant rnsl ut n e adaptation of Joeph llocking s fnnion IMik. COMEDY "HIS NEW PAPA." FOX NEWS-GAZETTE. Admission 35o and 10c Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Btore." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phono Bluo SI. You'll Get the Very Best Value Possible In Gloves Jabour . . . Corner Third and 8eventh. and Hosiery if ou liny your Full and Winlor tiluves mid lnlery here In preseuling Hi m'iisou's slyles In n wide variety, we ,,u values that 'cannot lie excelled. Chamolsette Glbves in grey, lnnwii, cliiiinoi-, white i:jJ black; all sizes, per pair ....... . , $',t0 Chamolsette Gloves elbow lenglli, in chamois and grey all sizes, per pair 5. Acme Gloves n good brand in kid, brown nnd gr'T gauntlet and elbow lengths, from . , ; $2.50 up Cashmere Hose for ladies and children; ladies from W to $1" Holeproof Silk and Wool Hosiery" Kloeli, grey '' champagne, from ,,,, t $1.75 up Holeproof 8llk Hosiery from S1.S0.te Bros.. Ltd. . . . Phone,