a ‘ és PAGE FOUR Tabs. anhbid iv W eUlienuiay 4 — nani — - > = = - " . asteeeee a es +t tt tT TT TT + cs) 2 8 ee BASKETBALL LAST NIGHT Fast Play Witnessed in Scheduled Fixtures, Senior Game Being Particularly Fine News of The Sport World | PPPs oP RPE SPS tte ees A Narrow Escape At Los Angeles HOOVER IMPEACHMENT ¢ FAILS OF ADOPTION # , WASHINGTON, D.C. Dec. # 14: . ‘Canadian Press)--The @ House of Representatives yes- + terday by a vote of 361 to 8 re- ©; jected a move by Represen- # tative McFadden, Republidan, # Pennsylvania, for impeach- ¢ ment of President Herbert | Hoover on the ground that he betrayed the country in con- # nection with the war debts ¢ moratorhun. McFadcen's reso- ¢} lution introduced without warning, charged the presi- ¢| dent with a long list of ille- .¢| gal acts. including disrespect +! of Congress and foisting un- + desirable legislation on the | Leaders of both par- 7} ties urged their followers to ¥| country TREE HTE eee eeerererre + YOUR PIPE KNOWS Int I 1e—Tuxis, 26; Mercha ( vote against the resolution. © | Jur e—Rovers, 18; Jap- Republicans are moving to os- #| tricize MeFadden from all fu- @} ‘ e activities of the party +) far watche > isketba *“-2-e+e+ @e# #ee ee @ ' Auditoriun — ally, | ip a great exhibition | 0 DISCUSS | This affair between C. N. R. A and ( 0 moved alon t a fast} . os and G a ed ala ga a fa If you “voll your own", use Ogden's fine cut pace irom the stal Grotto heid a Frank Suess probably wouldn ve giv five hances when t picture was taken and Chantecler coganeste papers one-point lead at the intermission at the Los Angeles speedway Dut, strang fift € ys track, Frank : lly standin g 11-10 ion m ff nothe u ae ow " ait . Ci. dliads . . A y i , , - ? ’ p ant i } ce ° “* ; : : Ladies’ League ’ ea i , sharpen skates white vou the g lun worked hard | cardina . 0 1q. Various transactions a € yf he plan of ae os ed ye From F to t the lead at half-time 6-4.) am saat e 4 16 Melvin Ott, Travis Jackson and |p s Mr. D leclar nee ay Aft rest Cath Irvine, whol, _ 7 ainet *, Player-Manager Bill Terry wil! ' ‘ i ia tended et a ot : " | Comets : aN . the board SACRAMENTO, Cal. Dec. 14 played a good game all through,} I ; , be the only members of the um ore efficient coverage n : Aerie ; ’ ntermediate League , ; All offenders serving terms under|* made two baskets from weli out to} «7 . : , who will be retained, it is expres i ; t First of : “ : ~ uxis 4 oe : the Wright Act, repudiated statei# eee ee | Merchants 7 4 14 : t there pene-dn ' we thine etepeeaee i Amazons—Boddie, E. Morris (7),/,,, a ° ‘ uld be t! h valuation of c a Ps ceed ary as ers . warriors é J : , a - _—— 7 " vy from por yr over r > MeLe« Davia. M. Masttestl arrio : sar I DSO tee Sieh diane Be a from prison, Governor Jame : : ; Junior League ’ " ’ — , *~ Rolph jr. having granted paroles Con Morgan, Smith (2) | : tt ! I | ; . s I Tie 0 |e 7 . SPORT CHAT 7 - nee people for them all Stein, Irvine ‘(6 ite (2) a d be s) et . ei ' | Rovers 4 8 n detailed ‘ Phone—3 We Deliver Intermediate Game | Japanese < p @ timates "M’the board would have a ne of the best played games | Boy Scouts 2 6 4 4 rte tt v fon n nd sanetion of the Tuxis won over the BE TEE aa : ; atior ympanies ee Merchants. Tuxis played a short ts 3 | be ed t ibmit a pro- cate eel BACKETRALL (cris wrucacwrines [enc tars nom w'ae! PREVIOUSLY though watched closely, their for- | : a a ns ns tein lech wards broke through near the fin-| aa : ' Chairn W. J. Greer told Mr aa. ish to score the much feeded bas- E ss a Ls : ' ’ ard would eo fur. “#0 Whe is Suspected of Attempt ar O kets. The Merchants’ defence a a> be te'@ Goceimes b. conten. tft 4 ' te to Assassinate Former Kaiser worked smoothly while Santurbene | . ‘ den eae | a ae which followed. M Gives Name of Hillmklod tere T e V ) i hich followed 5 exceptionally well on the December 16—Grotto vs. Kale : a. , ~ f d the t f that ice 5 : ver rf 1 A > ! Se I belief that it EGC —_— n Si }.90 £ ne tor Tests i Cardinels va. Comets: ‘2 =e o tend vale DOORN, Holland, Dec. 14: (Ca oe . Per To ‘ . Tu: Nakamot 8), Morrison vs. Warriors; Meteors vs. Rov . buildings, | "@dian Press)—The man who i MINEHEAD LU MP—Per Ton 12.00 . : sd of navineg n nit . » »* is thought that | °"! z uh a. nt to assa JASPER LUMP—Per Ton 12.0) : inate yrmer iser Wilhelm o er f public buildings ; ’ . . ‘ .. CADE { CORPS alk ‘tend ayant Germany has given the police the Dry Cedar and Jac kpine For Sal ' as Jae , : , ‘ len klnc ; ny. SE 2 D asa nine ‘he believed name of Hillmklod but his real] ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSHED anitioad She Whisky of he cod Hd ( fan ‘ ™! er si ; ; name is believed to be Ede —— Tru W. O. Pulton felt that) : e wast | ne muking. of a true, valuation|, The man: who cared a ions! WDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 9 ——— lroigh rather costly matter, |¢488er and pistol, was well dressed ATE ORE nc were amen cama Schoo! Board Decides That Military ! ' yn that matter be Few found crouching in the’ se Training ts Not Necessary im | mtil next vear W id called turret room of the castle == EACHER’S WHISKY is a pure, mellow spirit, every drop of which is distilled, blended and bottled in Scot- land. Its popularity is world- wide because its quality never varies. ~ ‘ Ceneagieeth, 6 atl leag ner «2° & CLascow 4 If your rest Vendor cannot supply you, order ectudrom, Mail-Order Department, Liqtor Contro! Board, Vietoria. uv ‘this advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Boardor-by the Gayernment of British Columbia Local High Scheol ladjoining the ex-Kaiser’s study He| jihad previously . ai = , Williamson te- gained access to} : * i — 4 orted that insurance coverage ag/*@-@rounds last Sunday but-was| her
! . Six Months 7 ie 1 he No more greatly appreciated present given and the cost is little. ee December 16—Empress vs, Stor- rived on last evening’s train from j the Skeena River. | If you lose anything, try a classified ad.