Tim When tou wim h TAXI in a hurry Phone 99 nt Cart and Beit Servloe In tht City. Rtt Reasonable Vol, XIII. Oir Two Hundred Eicurslonlsls, pout STANI.HY. On 1 I- W PsialnQ Throunh Here This I Im.) of J.K ul. I 'far Evening . ...... ...... v 1, Hie alr.liiu ami nor I It tntri ilalr-. 'he way wet lliey lme been l"ie. many proceeillng lo oilier point on the cunet. Ihe for OTTAWA DISCREDITS RUSSIAN INVASION 01 TAW A, July ti. The gov-eminent hat no knowledpu id Ihe Knpiiscd immlMration of 3.00 hissian refugee from the I'm' ''Hl wlin were dialed lu Iho Vic-I'nla TlmcM of Saturday lo be I'fepnrtnir lo invade tJauada. The R'nerninenl tlilnks It likely they n"un have 1 11 liotified If hucii will tenioenl MritUli July V J. Uotli. j'dlol of the lll-falM Unltiil Stalet iiaal hallmHi rlal only in uilei ' '"- k ,,,- iniiu I.tc lln. uftrr in the Connaimht cup playoff haviuv defealcd Uuniberlaml one to iKitliiutr on a penally ehol alter the game had gono u two period overt ime. AT EAGLE LOSES LIFE DAWSON. July 1. - Henry Simon, nlepmn 01 joiiii i. Power, former Iniled Mate mat-slml at Knh vvs ill owned on June 2.1 while rordlng muse across Mnydeii liar n"l Forty Mile. lie wit carrying "uill netwreu Fimle tlily and Chicken Creek for hi slepfather and was .'H years old. Ill body wa not recovered. SCOTTISH COMING DIRECT HERE FROM ORIENT TOMORROW C.O.M.M. freighter Canadian Scottish I due here tomorrow direct from the Orient to go Into Ihe dry dock for overhaul. Capl. " influx were seriously conshl-jn, McCoskrle will go out to pilot ereil mill ll.nmr.w... I...lli.w the Ihe vessel in when he receives ex lias been m Is iiformei by n more uivnue auvico u Passenger on Ihc. Oriental lines l- whom the slury UtcredUed to her position and time, of tirrlval. The JeottUh Is'coiniti? in ITglil.' 8. e ' Waxln Uympath.v r. William Sherman. Iiea.l of District K. ha sent a call to the lalntr union throughout western Canada uggesiis a meeting of irprr4enlatlvc of labor some where 111 western Canada at an -arly I a 1 to consider what urtioti . . . . . . . . r I I. FAITUn Ail I kVV CDIC M,"u,,, 'a"1" ' eniorrc me rUUIlU UIl UIL LlUL.Iaiiin of Nova Scolia rtriUri. Wat Floating In Basket of ship Near Port Stanley Air- YUKONER PASSES Owen Chapman Was Dlstln gulshed Member of G.W.V.A. liAWHlN. July J. - About the i 1 .u JlVjBE. jUvtud.ln hekbVtifaM"el Mie iiAVVa.oM-:Vl Iiiiimi in Vancoincr oh Salunlay s n . ...n, rirurnhN in.mtt. . .A.MM.. bM-h u nnr of llirlr 1 1 .lilli.(:ui..l.c,l v i, will rah rMyi . ., .l, i,,.,,.,,!.. . i irM:lri. in Hir Yukon "went " l 8 "r" ,y ,1,- ...mmmI fliabl fmi.l Ira- He wn- Owen r.l.api.iai. ' iHX ,,r M"' ,aini.li w 111M.1117 for 'lir-s l r" ' wl,o volunuerc.1 n f, srotip- 01 of eicnr MMir.- . . ,.,.. 1 ,,, ,iav- ir. in allruuer . -it iin cMy ihi yr . . .. .- ,...1. I I . f .III" wfeckiil 111 a olorm. '. iT! PREMIER GONE AWAY as people aioeiiililel al rs from lb iiralrie pn- for war !ervire willi the luke of CounauxM Own. He ranie In law!ou after the war ami wn huriel her yesterday. Hie funernl was atlemleil t iittimt uni miv lv a ilelpalion of the Iawion UH AWHUAL nULlUAI i.v v A.. mpnUwri. of the I.O.D.E. and lliOnler of Kagles. on AW A. Jub t I'rniuer n-jk n inef lp nt parlleular MarVeniie Kmn left Oltawa f- VIPTflRlA WIN THF t ul of 1 11 1 ere. I lii.lii.linw 'imliv for re. I after llie work iiviunm innu niu J 'per Nuinmal Park lat Salur-j(.r the parliamentary eion. !y aflriioon. Jul l.efnre iuu.i' he eoiiluiuoii flralu hai not lr Prince r mult, the train will plop at 1' vmiIc C.iiiiirrv whero J. I". SI ang. Hie ttenial iiuui.igcr of V Ui fM? plant, nud JiIk Man II fee that the vUllor are S ni a firni li ami driuou!lriilion "f . .(ini iu eamiiiik and packiiiK iiip'tcili V W irkrrxon, C.N',11. t ravel -li if l'MM'iisHT aent from Ite-f , 1 t-oiiilurtiiiy Ihe parly and H V Ml Naimhlnn. local district liys-ienjfer iiaenlj in arconiiany-liiit II fi- im Jnprr park. I ' (ohboiiM. president of the I'1 llupeit Hoard of Trade, i:J Uiu rri'eplioii commlllee coiu ltllltillAll Mill 111 ... ' . .a . ft 1 II.. . ak Itupert lUl l-een wuiioui einwi 011 mr m- iiiler"! heallh. Hon. w . s. ncm-iiiK l ncliiiB premier In th" ah- ence of Ihe head of Ihc NANAIMO TO ENTER FOR CONNAUGHT CUP W;m and N II. NVulto... willfORMER U.S. MARSHAL me Kpceiai 1 nun on urrmu W f Am l!it lime of the iiailv lie ;i 1 lluiiteil It Will he inioH. I'le lit Muko nil enterlalniiK'iil of I'liipnrlion. ilir vuitnrs will lrac on Itupert at 1 1 o'clock t: uincr where I hey will GOLF CHAMPIONSHIP PACIFIC NORTHWEST KATTLK. July U. --Phil Tay Inr. nrofei!iional of the Victoria (iolf Club beat Hon Stein, the aidiiiipton Mate amateur chain, pion by one stnke and won he Al lvMnuia. WafliiiiKlon stale, open champioiiidiip of (he Pacific Nortliwesit in uolf. Taylor's M'ore NANAIMO. July V. - A cily Irani rr ,H h. 25. Ihrco Collimllla MrohC oirr 'n jut iuif. LEAGUE BASEBALL SATURDAY QA-.ES National League Cincinnati I. New York 'i. Pillshurg H, Philailelphia ! SI laaiis 5-7. Ilrooklyn 10 0-7. National League Cllicinnall 5. New York 3. SI. I.oul I. Ilrooklyn 0. American League lloslon 10, Cleveland 15. New York 5, SI. I.ouis I. Washington 2, Chicago I. . pliilade'pSila 7,- Detroit' 5. I.' Cliicairo 11-5. lhislou 1-3. American Leaaue Pliiliiilelphlii tt-3, Detroit U-5 Washington 1-3, Chicago 0-i llotlon 3-5. Cleveland '.'7-8. New York It, St. I.oul 13. Coast League OaklHiid 5-0, Seattle P-3. Vernon l-l. Portland 7-1. Saeraiuetilo P, San Francisco Sail hake 'l.o Anseles 5. SUNDAY GAMES Coast Lennue Oaklund 5-3, Seattle 0-1. Vernon I -10. Portland t!-0. HANALL LOGGER IS j. SEVERELY INJURED COMES TO HOSPITAL Lougheed Has Several Ribs Broken and Chest Badly Hurt J. Loushrcil. a loyv'er in ttio employ of the Ho) a! Lumber l-o. al Haiiall. wan severely injured' on Saturday, ill he performance , of hit work. j IJ iu--r llotP- U hail jl-ti felfcd a tree, and while in the ac?J of chopping off the liiiUi. the In? on which he wa lai!iiiiis ulcenl rolhil from under him. j throwitiK him heavily on to Hi fclh.il tree, break in- several ribxj ami rauuiK Hher injuries lo hi ehel. li. Ilacklinid, a fellow work man, inuneiiiaieiy weni 10 111s n llauce ami pneurin? help, ha. I the injiireil man reinoveil to the mill tile, where first aid treat ment wus Riven. J On the arrival of Ihe train frvin Ihe casd, Ihe unforlunale man wa placcil in the luppa?erar ami luoupht to Ihe hospital at Prince lluperl. Pr, Merrier, of Terrace, examined liim al that point, en route. Hint admiuittereil to his comfort. K. Itackliiml accompauinl him to the hospital. PRINCE RUPERT ON DOCK TODAY Vessel Arrives From South Ahead or Time Will Have Propel lor Blades Changed lu order lo go into dry" dock for the changing of two propeller l.lade, the C.N. It. sleamer Prince Itupert, Capl. D. Donald, arrived in oorl at 10 o'clock this mom Imr from the soulli. five hours ahead of her regular schedule file calls al Powell lUver and Ocean Falls on the way up the roast were eliminated. Shortly afler arrival, the steamer pro ceeded lo Ihe dry dock where she was laken out on the pontoon It Is hoped to gel the steamer away lor Ihe south at II o'clock this eveiiimr on schedule lim. PIONEER LADY OF YUKON DIES AT MAYO Still l.ako 8-2. I.os Angeles 3-8 JiAWSON. July 'J. One of the Sacramento 7-8, San Francisco best known pioneer women of the Yukon was lost to the territory last week when Mrs. Joseph lteaupre died nt Mayo and was buried there under Ihe .auspices of Ihe Yukon Order of Pioneers and of the Order of Kagles. Her husband was secretary of the, Fagle in Dawson fora number of yearn. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PlllNCK MUI'KIIT, H,U., MONDAY, JULY 'J, 1023, Tin I ,(iOO. jKiund jea lion w caught while cha? M'houl of .-ring almon in I'ugel Sound. ttvrd(f't Clrevuoon 1S11 nig MEN WORKING STEELPLANT NOVA SCOTIA SYDNEY, N.S., July 9. Twelve hundred men are at work In the coke oven and Blooming Milt steel plant .his morning. No difficulty-Is anticipated In getting coal lo the ovens. The men going to work this morning were not Interfered with and there were no disturbances during the night In the coal field. GREAT ACTIVITY IN WOMEN'S INSTITUTES Salmon Arm Shows Largest In come and Expenditure VII'Ttllll V lulv O. ' Tim I I I lir:inidies uilh trilnl nielli - 11. ..1 l.ersl.ip of LOOM. During the last "r " . year's operations t5 of tliese in- lilutes liad incomes totalling $11 ,H t . and they spent ?33.- Salmon Arm leads with the in stitute showing an increase. Cash receipts were $2,717.78. expendi- 1 11 r.. 'I'UWMII Vprmiii is ieoml. RAILWAY RATES APPEAL AUGUST 9 OTTAWA, July 0. The appeai of the province of Mritish Colum lia against the ruling of Ihe SIMM 42V P.R.FI5H MARKET Phono 671. FOR THE PIC-NIC. Jellied Tongues, Boiled Ham, Roast Ham with dressing, Fresh Sausage Dally. Out of Town Orders Solicited PRICE FIVE CENTS, NEAR EASCONFERENCE TO END IN TREATY PROVINCIAL MINISTERS ADDRESS MEETING; MANSON AFTER CANADIAN SENATE Treaty with Turkey is Nearly Ready for Signing and Pacts with France Approved Today I, At SAN N hi, Jul) All .accord ha been reached between ALBERTA MINERS MAY Tirk uiiu lilt.' nine nud peace win M Mgucd probably wfL Tim llii' Near Kal conference which ha been in ,(iou f tiun for more lliuu Hirer month ha hail a mip-?ru) (Hilcome. I'MUS. JijJ) t. The rhaiiilier of deputies today voted in t f a lull approving the Washington treaties relating to (lie Tl..i lr..i,l tiMi i-i ii i i-l i ii I oil mi I lnariilur I Ill' I. Iie- STRIKE IN SYMPATHY WITH NOYA SCOTIANS CAUiAHY. July V. SlatinKi that the miner1 of Alberta ami l AU.tL.t mui... Krii,.ii. ,,.! Jai.H ,-i.vHrii.u- their lutein HrilMi Udumbia are r ' .. . .t: .o. ..i la re i-l v in favor of striking pi.esinn III HIP ramie ami n uerianiiioii huuucu m ' . , ( willi Nova Scotia trlk. f "jp Kiie relating lo Pacific mandate. I'MUS. Jul) 0. A bill approving Hie conmierciMl conven-V:r'rf u France mid Canada which va signed on December .3-' ear wn udnpted without debate by (lie chamber of je here Ipday. rvniDcinM nnr body of balloonist EIGHT O'CLOCK in BMaMMwwwwMi mi I j , 11 , . Three Ministers and one Federal Member Address Meeting Saturday Night Thai the provincial government would never go down lo defeat by Ihe "liquor route" was an interesting statement made by Attorney (ieueral Maiisou al Ihe public meeting Saturday night in Ihe Kmpress Theatre. Another interesting statement was thai he believed this province lo be on the threMiold of Ihe greatest development ever seen and all thai was needed was lo have failh in ourselves and our province and abundant optimism. The meeting was called under the auspices of the local Liberal Association. Fred lloberge, president, was in the chair. anil the oilier speakers were Uon. T. I. Pallullo. lion. Dr. Suther- riplIT TATIITDEn land am. Fred S.ork. M.P Al UtjH 1 lnJUKt.U sitoke i well ami were well re- '"Fred Itoberse inlro.lure.1 ll,e BY A CYCLONE vUilors in a few w"nl. ami eal- el upon .Mr. .Stork to welcome .Houses, Barns and Crops De-Fred Stork i stroyed In Saskatchewan j Mr. Slork,,arier expressing apJ Saturday Night ,pieeiaMou of the visit of the 1 provincial minister, eutotmeil i SASKATOON, July . Eight lliht Hon. V. L. Mackenzie Kin? people were injured, three seri-and sail Ganaila could not have oiisly, house and bam were de-jelio-eii a bellenjiian than t he , t royel, croi-s were levelled" and 'uresenl prime liunNler lo lead other damage done Salunlay the t'overni.ieuLlleJiad aUJIie. d?hT by a njMonte in tti Ooop'i. hild -tlffir flilttlrTiiid 'roey;rrakTonrry1iiclg the lowlis 'and was a man eminently quali- d McOee, Anglia, lUiselovm. Pym fied for Ihe ioilioir. He was ronune. wanson, una uiraview one of whom all Canada could be Harold Iloolli of McC.ee may die. ....,,...1 hit sister 1 badly hurt, and also Hon. W. S.Fiel.liiis had just J- rr t,r M'ee. introduced hi .seventeenth bud- was destroyed. gel. The first , was for about forty millions and the latest was for approximately four hundred millions. Soldiers re-eslahlish- inenl and pension cost Ihe country one hundred and forty millions a year. While he, Mr. Stork, hail been insistent in rc- tui-il In Km ileiiiumls of th'iA eon- r'SWCa sliluency he had been told that .'... . . ovtieiiililnres must he ke'd down women s institute nns pi-own 10.; -; . in face of the immense . demands " Point Grey tliird, and Nelson 'ha w0UJd v fourth. COMMISSION WILL INVESTIGATE THE PULPWOOD EXPORT OTTAWA, July 0. -The ap pointiiieul of a commission lo in- M'sligale the possibility of Iho prohibition of the export of ptUp-wood is under consideration by the government, hut the personnel of the commission is yet to be tccidrd. It i thought the commission will be appointed m the very near future. Mr. Stork said Ihe report the fisheries commission, which he was a member, fit of Hi s nrovince was .the granting of'a bounty on the product ion of copper rods, which should prove an impetus to the copper industry on which this pari of the country depended. In conclusion Mr. Slork sike of the change locally from dark Kohl lis farm BIG INCREASE IN ORIENTALS Issued by Government Show They are Multiplying Three Times as Fast as Whites f VICIOIUA, July 9, ...i.. ii. -The amaz-of Prilisli aj 'Columbia's Oriental population I been a sreal benef ij. ext year e - . v J T Ilia iihin incml Pnvprnmanf I h boat? were to be allowetl op . 1 . .7 ... 4 . . nt : : i . I iiui ?n" ii a i tiiu u aoaiirpu ,e nonne m river 0,0 w,., riTs- m multiply recon.mendalion. lliey might '. ',... ,lir MmM fa , have the ga jK.at this year but . .. ... 1 ., ft . 1 rt ' li have n-A till i It I Oil . not 1 .. 1 .. I n'ii irivitn in I tin fim i ti inn Panaii .u full . a- ad-: ... ...... ..... Willie MM. , HI IU , j population, in British neiier ti.at a years nonce suou u Columbia he given. Now was the time to 'AIRPLANE HAZELTON oilier lenislalion for the bene- IS AGAIN DELAYED Mining Men Await Arrival Smlthers For Hop Off to at SMITH Kits. July 0. A party of miming iiirii wnv wish lu s.. ij . . . i i:.. p. pessimism . in i to 'ex . .r reine optimism. j . , ,, ... i ... ,M, norj,(., micnor jt awaiting ilir iieiir."ii uiu imc iv, iu.," and the worst times were nud he thought there would be marked Improvement in the future. Hon. Dr. Sutherland Hon Hoard of Uailway Commissioners;1"' Ki'ed many natural n the matter of differential raiU,""',! ""developed and he way rales is to be heard by Ihe i rivy council here on Augus' l, John Oliveii will represent Ihu Province of U.C. along willi G. 0. MeOeer. BIRTH - - A sou was born al lh llule Street Hospital,- Vancouver, ,on July 1 to Miv ami Mrs,. K; I). MUlhulland, fVjucrly of thTs oily. . the arrival of the airplane Hazel- .-l.ilt .i-i .. n.linnln.l I.. n ..lc . . ..Ml. II IK II ." IU U.&I.V at Lake Kalhlyu Friday, hut was delayed on account of weather conditions. An error in the sliimnenl of re. Dr. Sutherland explained pair .parts caused delay in com that he had been touring the inenciiig operations this summer, province Tor the last two weeks. t is expected the f light to the in -in connection with public works erfur Will be made williln a fesv such as roads and bridges, lie ,av. lieved that anylliing he could do lo help the interior would help Prince lluperl. The province SENATOR THORNE DIES MO.VTIIEAL. Thorne of St. July o. Senator John, N.H. died should- be congratulated on tbeesterday aged 78, making the work being done by Hhe. district engineers under Iho schepw laid down by his predecessor, lion. Dr. King. He had laid down the principle thai trunk roads must he constructed, and this policy had been carrje.d forward, from (conlliluej oii page ) third vacancy in the Seaale. SIKI WINS BOUT PAItlS. July O.Hallling 8ikl yesterday knocked out Murllel Miles, French heavyweight lu the second round. "