fxtth rrvv tot nxm im CLUB HONORS I U.,ltiUitaH,U,,,;Wl.ialtiiikii,,niiriri1II..HiiJ COPPER MARKET GILLETTS COL MCMULLIN LYE GETS STRONGER Is Business Presents Him with Honorary Seventeen Cents Now Being Paid Membership and Memento and Price May go to Twenty of Oeeatlon Soon W well i ... Hi"!..... ...I vamr,M A lnrp number .if -oiruiliers Comparatively few people NKW YOHK, Marrli H. Top. Mr, Alfiru I hesler, of "f the I'rlm-e lliiprrl Club realize to what extent prr In jrooil vofumr l lifinn nolil Paying You fth Avemia,Oakland,Cat. vnlhornl In Hip 1,1k KiUuiir room Gillett't Lye can be ucd to lit lie 'llivrmt ilonnjallr rry Hr-t timr I trird this l.i-l tliifhl to jrivc n send-off In advantage in every home. wirr anil lira mills. Tlii'- In an loi it rrovrd e'-ellrnt ''iloiii'l M r M ul 1 1 n iiii.I I tin- t-liow For instance, with one can mlvnlKC of 1-Hr Hint-o yplrrda.v ha' alwaya brrn kept .their appreciation of lii er-i of Gillctt'i Lye and five nnil ?r in llir lnl Ihrv.' upK. .t in tmt home ever tinct. ' to Hi Willi inn! In puhlta and a half poundt of lard Iioirifr t lie moat rnpi'l ris in thr Dividend Iiirflcf rlliriiilni srmerally. I or grease, ten pound of pnarr limr history nf tin- roopor a III, fuaml nm uuk It. Ilrnlimonl. prridrnl 'if lic flood hard soap can be 'inliilry. I'rirn Irrnd i- Mill ti, LENDIO REMEDY FOR lull spoke of ll,i fact thai Hip made. Use one tablespoon wnrd, with ronnmrr OyinR I . S A SKIN ERUPTIONS. 'C.ilimrl Iinl been in active iiicin. Gillett't Lye in gallon of liny July rtipppr al I"'". irn-ilucrrs water for cleaning and lo k'II liryoml vslllliifr . tier of Ihe rluii mcr ils Irirrp- arc 1 llulcn ,t m t nmmiMion; i- mn end !- lie bed held the .iITiit- of disinfecting refrigerators, June. . Main ilrinand al iln- fir'-nl if not - r U-Ht )r f.l D.t frflim president nml du e. ; .r wild sinks, garbage cans, tiled I irn i for April wt May. i .. ' ram IHik M lifnir nml In- srrx ice i. Hie floors, baths and toilets. Koripu a'rx are In tmt vulufiir. , cilxirtiii.i'UTrrliableUielliO ilrniiiid . asldr with slilp n t anom to I wilhoal il, i inslilitiion were well known' His Useful for over 500 York miMlrrad'. fu. nk ne I my opiaioa was III" (irm lii iil i v ! of member purposes. Wirr and lira lillln'arr work-in? llittl llicy ill alT. i-mild t.I lo - -i. trnwv ;loe. Ilr fell uri'iii reiriei that up to rn parity, madf ).i--.il.p rik - Sl own pnJrrful, hy fir-arnt inhor auiply Willi orders Newspaper Advertising he win about I" leave i..wn. yet . tiiri Jiii v. r. Iiendtocrt. tiooked well ali'-ad. On ofj m Llr : rrra, atcrit, Hi the nme lime In- .i- noire 1 J llm mot oiiriuir.iiinir fralure of b at r- lllilfl vlnd In see liiiu mlMinrr (ffigfr f. r jii I .. ataltli Makes (tin market Is llr way in wliirli LOc Imi all i 3(,'i. Pretenlatlon !: vRGs mills am Iryinir lo l.uy rojiper al At IUi last n-iiJ.ir in'. : iim lip is the Solution if the hoard if ilirn-ti-r- it hnd prreiil p.rirrti for July and evru -:- -:- brrn derided ,i renounie his mm m; Vlltrilol sliipmenl. indiraluiK Hi.1' ''rsfiil.- the rir of two points a srrv n-e- And mi I licit- hrliiilf ip f iiiuid in prce during Hie la-l now prerllet ..!.m-I M -M i i 1 1 n ' iliiiSBSBlWraSBsTiSi' lit r weekn lliry ari" rx(..-iliu. with mi honorary mrmiierlup !sy01SBMAiKeSBVPi' oui.lcrnlile fmllier aihaln'fl in Mil' i-lulf. Ilr also asked Ii.iii ire-mill luijinjf at ('oiifirr The largest and most successful business i.. ii ri-il ..n behalf of the liii'lii finrmir Hie last few days has hern ,irr- .if h silver riaarrlle rase iiuhlly slronrr than ty hra concerns cf today owe their entire success a memento ..f Mir oerasioii i" .uiiN. liMliraliona nrr'Mha I he . t l. t in iiow iii n slight ilium i was ; )W y lit1 was iifiuif iFUL BURGLARS Ml."I aprnci.iliii nin the "-- ;imv w. ii rrifr ilr had never .odiMln lia ahoiit rpvered its to judicious and consistent newspaper ........ I ,,.! v.neeoii lloll llleill ail far n Mar.-h is IRRAIGNED IN COURT i Ik-v fell ill iii leaving. ' .. I.ul II.A ! II. Il lllll. advertising in t,n In.I mel in I'rmrr ' ' J. H. I'llUloirv said lir him ' . ......... I... I., roin-enlly 'known Idr I Lionel for main ItiiH-il While iheir had len ""-"-" f Sli Appear Before 1..11 I...... l lolii l.n l.ni.e.l 'OK ine. Ik- I Ihuiu lit il since Vfr. wit by It Jay at Victoria and ,i. ...... ,.i M,e .poinU. lo.. rapaeily, . operation , I'.iOi'. Ilr had lived hrrr f.r Irn 'T' ' " - .,,,..,.. ... ltrtIti,,i Admit Offences rily and the l'ritwe llurrl (Sub i""" 1 ' , ! : it.r Iwehr yr;,i ami il wan n Think it sinking- Ihinit Mini while il wa woul-l prosper. over UIAI Mat Ifi Till" l"J!n rul Dial people made matty ... !and May j uah n piTTl l l n iim r I Wd n. wholesale r-itmto lrt had rl In finil a I'rirn of ebylrolylic copper for .,s flu' Jmrnilr ainirlr who wmld idler ni FIGHTING MOOD MAKES man is 1 eepia oomen 50 rlilpmenl CLEAR. International Advertisers appropriating he r-T li.-y werf tltrsind word f Colonel Mr-lnllin. LOCAL POSITION liound delivered lo Ihe end of are .-.ft Mai-Ualr Jay Ilia depature ' (continued from page tmri June. The priee of llke eoppei per cent more dollars to newspaper advertising .Ilr , wliieh erius blow lo I lie low ii. is 17 rents lo Ihe enl of May. Ic.l : jiu- a .- rounls. and' Always Looked lo Rupert tributary lo the C.l'.ll. af.d Hie The prire aide ship New York this year than ever before ! ei hy whirhi Oeorar Mr.N'irlioll said lie bail O.N.II. put loprlhrr. It w a is Ifi.'.iO In I? renls Willi lillle. llimai by poller iifliivra knmsTI llir Colonel for many l.trjtrr and Iwltrr territory livnilable nt. Ihe lower price. 'ha; win 0-In years and In rily linir a While I be people here were ouk price for I'jiropean desi mations WHY? Because They Have Learned by of li vs. who wrrr salialhlr man. II -.erniisl ralhrr after buin.-. Hiey weie nol in re al level rorreMUvlnP with jleil r. a niajorily of, 1 1 junfortunalr tnr Ihia eHy lh)l ipl.ilHii to Vancouver. Ibry 17 1-R to t; l-l mils r.i.t. Ham- Experience That Advertising Pays Ka Ui.l .)i'Uied it u illy on whfiWArr Hie tiorrnmtBl want all wnnl-t Yaneotixer lo vrow. P-r burp HWl l.ndon. with little eop- nN,. unit made u flruD r,! xHliaahle mnii Hiey ihnl iiiilli would lienefil ii. t.r otilainable al the lower pr-e Fr T.. ntt The oilier , (. Vel dim. Mr MrNirhnlfflhr dvrl.pmnt ttf tlii cttttlry ami some .old at as Inch n 1 the of others experience iritis, lit) wi-rr eharvtsl In, tie wialHWl Iho rdonJ rvery vuld hcnvfit lb iomiIIi. Ilirfe ;.8 ceiil. You can profit by 'irclloii with n art of shop. , and Jiojtl lir would viil va no rivalry. "ia B klnz, "' Mrailitl KUlllr.i I'rtiie" lliipr! frAfumlly., trdd was to (ro.OUt and develop admliiini. however, aliow-i .. w. paimnro aaid dial a an our own territory. ORANGE LADIES HAD I I..I.I I.'... ...... . ...nKAlAa h4.'l I I i I.. Mltl.l Il J llB.l A lo lb variiMix mailers r andfSflrr 'hi- teul in which known Hie I'donrl for Iwrnly wbirh mishl taken up wilb the PARTY LAST NIGHT Phone 98; We are at your Service is ofjtlie"Uilli I" . fiKiinsKas year. Ilr had firt mel him in Uoiveriiinenl Hie drlefalinn would rinnlraTfrr; mid Hie innilrle n,, Kooleuayi. J. II- h'l I"'" eon suit together ;unl eonmiler Whist Drive and Dance Very En-Joyable (. at.. . I ..I I.. ......il.l ... ..1 1 .I.....a &Ai!a .....'1 1 1 1 vveiy phase of I he mliialion. Although Attendance III llir cllilliii i" ii.ii in- w"n'. ine nniitir News What they would impre The Daily iiMiiij Not Large r Ihmijm n I llieiu il r.uil.t neer III" jrai. nnm had ac. fiilrd Iheir sharn of he hod flrl known him he was Otlawn was that iT Hiey want'd l lilamr li d a oiivlrlion in llir polle. hoklinir an im- Fit out after buine il wn Allbouph Hie i n r I ivm a t lil llu'til The poys were; pnrliinl poniliou n itlprirlor. there lo le irot. l'eople here, he weather affect..I the ulleiidaii.'e ndist f .r ludisliieiii until Mr. I'aimor pkr of ihr un- understood, wanted Otlawa to put at the I.oyal Oranpe I'enevolrtu Sirrow mteriioon. fxiliur eHrlry alinwn by IaiI. oil an aasrreasive rainiaimi. 'I'll ' AVsocialion's whist drive danc.' MeMullin in hia many biiinrn iMffiotilly was that some men in the Melrnpole Hall last niphl Did Shooting ... dealinBK. Ilr hat nrrr known who ire I inln hiph office tried lo nml there were not a many pie--enl ' ! t-- I II. ..llllllrl Ilr Ihwarl the efforts of the peilc as misbt have been expeele.l. i:w..h 1 1 ... Hdralnot.in.-trmi.joanyon,Ihr hero. They would make it rlear. Ihe affair was very enjoyable ami j? uw Hint Hiey had;"""frirml.,'"inslrod of rnrmira. He ioweT. that Uupert was nol the iu or so persons who allemi-ed ipnr' drrr.. Irylnp to lake business from eveninn'-enlerlainmcnt. .... nrr,lilr, a urrsful rnrrrr In hftd a very pleasanl diff. 'OHIO II HI.i...IW H r n'w . n whirl, t.r was Anyone rise but simply lo dexelop tin district and he will leav" for lilliihr a. -s of arhn.il a loisincN of Ms own. The firsl prize winners al rar;ils that point as soon as he nei Repairs, Storage llur. In . 'is m llir cily. riiieriim.Thanks Member Strengthen Stork's Hand were Mrs. MrlpiMiie and . Lam derinile intrucli'in from the and I' imllliilt Thrir: r.olonel MeMulliu thanked the Naturally I be people here were eioii. set-pud awacU poinp In Mr. department. It is likely thai he Kaien Garage Gasoline Mon lliai mey nan ,,nrn .i,,-iv r.,r Ihn iimbiliniis. Ambition led to progress. I.cmou and Mr. r.auipl-ell. He. will be joined later by bis daughter. FORD Service hp 'r ami a) .I.ITeieiil llinr . . Tbey would lay the mat-lr Ireshment were Keived and a Mis Hetly Harrow, now in Station s uri nil nrvrniy rinJ Of ii,iiitr iiij m-i -Iln before Hie eecutie pIvinR dance followed, Mr. Unwlliorne' the Indian department. Uiiinmh mosiiv aionu me for llir liand'onir prrnl.llir e- lesilimale reasons, and no eiolo-Viiea orctieslru furnishins lh music. -Mr. Harrow is experienced in Commencing Today, Labor Charges are Reduced from lloud ;! front, Ihrrw had wrn oerwlielnird 110.1,1 will til and rr were needed. 'Hiey did tol The proKram included ceveral the particular line of work required $1.25 an hour to 75c, Work ilone by Ihe hour or contract. iiip.in M,e .mm...- oi r - nresloim of . rxrrywhrrr. anticipate thai I hey would oome sipiare dan'res. for this position and will Fonl work, under supervision of Uert Long. whlrh have hern mailr , .,., v.ars liflek with anylhinir langible Tor J. A. Tenp vvas masler of cere doubtless make n very efficient Traffic anil other trucks, eli, tinder supervision of-Dave my resl.len'- ur inai P'in and blow ibry woubl be loht t lint the nailer monies. Mis. Ilutli Lemon pre official. He is well known lloss. ' . ty during rei-rnt ccliX l.eforr il WTi- raininr would receive consideration. sided al the door, mid the com. lliroiielioul northern and rentrrl Goodyear Tires for Fords from $10.00 up. .Now anolhrr pnir 'T III t.ll'll llf , - nit a mile. If we aiivocate whal is riulit nud mil tee comprised Mrs- fieome I'ritish Columbia where he ha-lived Free Crankcase Service. firr about iwenly n-vol-, keen on ndvocatinR ii we are po Amhrtise. Mrs. W. Keilh nud Mrs for many years. Have your base washed, out every two moulds ami new kuilrls into a lioalhousr on. ind lo pet il." the speaker said. (ienfifo l.eek. oi) applied. We rhnrpe onlv for the; oil. earh M Mir fool of Minimi It is necessary lo ro while the UNITED STATES MILLS i VULCANISING. ACCESSORIES. TIRES. House is In session. It is a splen-oii MINING RECORDER AND Il er r.r the liny a admlllrd 73crrd&n4 thin?, eendinfr this delegation. ARE OVER-BOOKED AND r ..i nrv... naii I V-..I nroaen Into llir It will strengthen the hands ASSESSOR FOR ATLIN S lioi.l, and had sloien nv of the membrr. WITHDRAW FROM MARKET . wild h lliry EAGLE "It nlino't srems Irn file. Hint R. Barrow Oets Position In A. 'I. 'I'w i buys broke S after fourteen or fifteen years the Provincial Government Service r.HICAliO. March Ifi. Iiemnnd DENTlSTgY is nf lots Pel ok "on Street Ki'hool. and spectacle seen In North for lumber durinp Kebruary re. New m thrown on Ihe market for n small wah'li. neaiiiuiioii ry and mained above normal, while product il.ei'll inade of siiino of llir BRAND Amount, properly which is valu- llus has, ion suffered seriously from A 11 Harrow of rily nhle." said Mr. I'alliillo. I am "Hy. but much of It will of the ultimate, value revi'te. Ihe appointn.cnl of mir -In inrlemenl wealher in practically Dr. J.Msffuirc ii8.itoMit Ir he recovered. One or Hie Just a sure rerorder ami assessor for At- all iniporlani prflucins sei-llons, Condensed Milk tr ring-1 of nrcperly in this lown as I am a uicrrnei) ns and mills are becoming more ii' in ninr dllTrrenl oneneos' contains all the nutritious ele of anylhinir. Jiexelopment cannot penerally overbooked, lo a point "Tml.r.ir.'tr- Canadian Steam but il be relarde,!. laundry ninjr I he ubjei-l of ehiiniies; ments necessnry to make baby be stopped can where hey are forced to withdraw it mvomt buy lnidi thoroughly healthy. It is the I'ri throw that properly on the from the market, says the Phone 575 Lady AtsUUnU Wiono 8, Salt food to use market at such prices and at such ' Head Nl m oen of Ihrm. rne absolutely on tight American Lumberman. when Mother's milk fails. Ask n lime was mot ill-considered. Stocks are beiujr further depleted. ; i doctor. and I intend to lell the povern-ment Stick maderiiiht i DAYUOHT SAVINQ your This Mutation makes il lv Send hi free Babu UQok$ ho. It We makes are a not wronp polnur itil-1'icssion. fo Safe, sure light very dilllcull for buyers to plactt lOMllKAl,, Marrh Ifi. -In an 72c?ttttu CaJImitui joriler.-.. There would undoubleg- c In ho-tlile spirit but if Ottawa a lew hern 'IhuradMy, 0. f. MONTREAL wo must fipht we are potiip to. iy be many case of aclual tlis-tress St. Regis EPSON COAL Ml, ifriiei'ul herrrtary of Iho I for luiuber at this time Jway onalioii of (nnda, MAPLE were il not for the fact that O-ll K. 1 I Thern was no meellna of Ihe. 'il Oliawa wu tbn only rily wholesalers nrn putting into Hospital Hoard last nipbt be j r" lo advise Hie ussorlation 'transit larpe quantities of mater dliyclors were, LEAF II iiilHiulei) to inloil day-favimr euuse suDlcleiit ial which they bought some time Vw-'C V? FAMOUS EDS0N COAL iml present lo form a quorum. lime diirlmr the Those ptesenliiiK IheinseUeM In 1 atfo. Mill prices meanwhile ure Prince Rupert's Leading itmuy quantity. 1,1 n minimer. no nolnled out MATCHES allhoupli pretly slronp, chumher for lhi very K k'f'.rt if infnitinnlanrA Anil it inu Ihe meelinir rouueil were Presldont l. i 59 generally taliilir. throuKh iho a B.k:;;t?;i.s..d. Prince Rupert Feed Co q the Iravrllinir publlo C. MtHue, H. K etforia of large manitfacturers " be avoided olher rlHra will filcwaii, H. Thlnj Avnu Phont 58. ami box V. r.auipliell, T no" Markay .. a F to make known I hoi r In. 4 Subscribe for tu Dally News. Hons ijuh-kly i iMaj'ir filbson. secrelary