Thousands of People "CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS 1932 Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT “— ming, “Eh ’ . . i ff ‘ Ea tor rent, for sale and ail other small advertisements in this , word per insertion with six insertions for the price of four. No advertisement taken for less than 5Oc. FOR RENT Renovated mocern flat Block. Max Hei!bronet LY new hows eas Furr ( ‘ Phone R I = W ll ‘ ‘ LOST Light bt Ptreet worl inye ing. game al Da New FOR SALE OR RENT ES See Ha for 6 HAIRDRESSER atin HOME BAKERY uur Empire P Ci 1 Shortorea The He H 2 The AUCTIONEER Pp GEO Crating i General Purntt cKIME - Repals List your goods with me Wrapping J, NAWES—Phene Black itr ke Ce GRA OO EE = — Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Dry Pock* 0.008 tons Operating thre« Total capacits Shipbuilders and Ship Repairers for Steel and Weed Veavels Tron and Brass Casting Fleetric and Acetylene Welding }0-tan Derrick for Heavy Lifts Sawmill and Mining Machinery Repaired and Overhauled Guide to Correspondents he Datly News welcomes rrespondence on live topics f the day.or an, other Sub t of public interest, but let- 8 must be brief and te the nt. The long-winded cor pondent has no place in odern journalism Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessartly for publication but as a mat ler of goed faith and courtesy. \!) unsigned documents go he waste paper basket, Let ‘ers. @f a caustie character must have the signature ap: bended fdr publication Letter should be written on ne side of the paper only orrespondents must aveld personalities und the lnmruage hould be such ag would be @) lowed in the ordinary rules of dcbata, NTED--Boy between age of 16) CAMERON'S Tran - es ” ~ section charged at the rate of 2 cents By the month the charge is 25¢ a word. 7] SMALL GAIN Ce IN STOCKS issues Go Ahead Fractionally in Trading in New York on : Monday ; ————————S= So = HELP WANTED = 2 Must be willing and = TRANSFERS sfer---Wood, Coa), . tf Up 30, and utilities at 27.93, uy .32. NEW YORK, Dec 14:—Stocks showed fractional gains as a resu't of Monday's trading on the New York Stock Exchange. Industrialz |closed at 61.48, up 23; rails at 27.87, binets Both at Paris and Brussels Resign as Result of = | Crises Over War Obligations nee (Continued irom page one) The cabinet, after making this declaration, then re- | signed, largely as a result of its reverse in the Novem- ber elections. ITALY HAS ALREADY PAID ROME, Dec. 14: (Canadian Press)—Announcement was-‘made today that Italy has paid over the $1,250,000 interest installment due te the United States on war debt account, LOCAL NEWS NOTES Mrs. J. H. Pillsbury, who has been visiting for several weeks in Van- couver, returned home from the south on the Prince Rupert this morning. Provincial Constable Robert Gib- son sailed yesterday afternoon on the Cardena for Vancouver with an insane patient for Essondale in his custody careful moving. chairs for rent. ‘ker. Apply in own handwrit- — The day's turnover amounted to Box 158, Daily News 290 . Ne 8 DpPpecins | 920:000 shares CLEANING & PRESSING: west was otf ‘hs to Se per th hve J. RB, WATKINS COMPANY a on hel 6 an ovenine in the Citv of PRICES reasonable. Benkendorf Less Yesterday P Rupe for som@one t Third Ave., next door to Daily On Tuestay 733.948 shares chan- lie the sale and « n Ney ged hands. Industrials closed st, eir prod i 90:35, off 1.13; rails it 2741, off y many satisfied customers', 46, and utilities at 27.70, off 23. ne of household necessities TYPEWRITERS shaebethaelt> y |Savoy Cabbage, each, 12 to ag} ‘ity police court yesterday after- \Cabbage, local, green 5 | 2000 alifornia Head Lettuce, 0c to 15 neater 3 l aru ells Sprouts, Ib 15| Olier Besner, who has been, days -! > > & ‘ sy . iSpinach, Ib 19 | “Pending some time in Vancouver | ae FL eturned to the city on the Prince py —_— aa heat 135 Rupert this morning from the i e 4 Pp . ae. 195 | outh, accompanied by Mrs. Besner : secon atent “ : , ~,;and daughter who have been in sitry - f , Pabiry Vises, 10006 S80 ved Montreal! for the past year or so Aust. Pastry flour, 10 Ibs 40) F Eggs Alberta Seconds, doz F. D. Rice B.C.LS. sailed yester- ithe gas tank. Damage was done to nsulation wires, carburetor and 25 | iny aftefnoon on the Cardena for! the tank. The fire wus extinguished | Silla Badionen HOORAY’ SICS Oke FOR a” “TOUCH OOWIN - CSS) wee NOW WHAT DID bee reas salt . YOu WANT, MR, TELL you Viera MINS i ’ ; “errs 2 a IN ITALY Angelo Pagnotta Passed Away Sud- adenly Day After Reaching Old Country For Visit Word has been received in the city by friends of the sudden deatn at bis home at Domanico, Cosenza, Southern Italy, of Angelo Pagnotta, well known member of the local Italian colony and a resident of Prince Rupert for more than twen- ty years. The late Mr. Pagnotta left here ‘about the middle of October for a visit to Italy. The day after reach- ing his home in the Old Country rhe complained of a severe head- ache. The same evening he died at his home. | ‘Deceased, who had intended to | return to Prince Rupert next Spring, bringing his wife and two children with whom to take up re- {sidence here, was 39 years of age. |He came to this coast as a youth -upwards of twenty years ago. Re- curning to Italy every year or so, he was later married in the Old Country. His son and daughter are oth quite young. Frank Pagnotta af Vancouver, formerly of this city, is a brother of deceased. The late Mr. Pagnotta was a member of the Royal Hotel staff here. He was interested in mining ut Vital Creek in the Omineca dis- trict with D. Zarelli of this city and others. SAD CASES OF EXTREME NEED IN OR NEAR PRINCE RUPERT BROUGHT TO LIGHT BY SAL- VATION ARMY. (Continued from Page 1) spare would like to donate to one of these poverty-stricken homes. There are other cases and more yet will .be found before Christmas, for the most deserving are often | the ones who dislike people to | know of their condition ' The clothes collection takes place | tomorrow. Will all those who have clothes or shoes to spare kindly telephone the Salvation Army, Black 269. They will see that col- lection is made Previously acknowledged $33.00 M. B.A 3.00 G. A. Woodland 5.00 | Today’s Weather : a | Yerrace—Clear, north wind, 8 Stewart— Clear, calm, 3 above. | Anyox—Clear. calm. 14 above. Aiyansh—-Clear. calm, 6 below Hozelton--Clear, calm. 10 below Smithers— Clear, calm. 14 below Burns Lake—Fog, calm, 5 below. ‘e+? te? eee + HERRIOT PLAN Is TURNED DOWN BY BODY OF CHAMBER PARIS, Dec. 14: (Canadian Press)—-The foreign affairs and finance committee of the Chamber of Deputies yester- day rejected Premier Eduoard Herriot’s proposal to pay with reservations the debt install- ment due the United States to- morrow. PSE PEP EEE EE EOY SOSH EEE SS *+e+ tt eee ee ee 7 " a XS ot ry breton | e « B.C. Fresh Extras, cartoned 50/ vancouver, having been called|¥y ust of chentieals. B.C. Fresh First, doz 45/ there on account of his son Dwight) caine Local, new laid, doz 55 Rice who has been receiving! W.S. Day, who arrived in the ohy Butter |treatment in the south, taking a|Yestettiay after a brief »wisit to “| ! Tot tae Fancy cartoned, 1 34) - urn for the worse. Mrs. Rice is al- | Stewart in connection with adjust-| above uit - ae wo. 1 Creamery, 3 Ibs 90} -eady in Vancouver ;ment of losses in the fire in the 7 Honey }ousiness section ef that town dast ~ Extracted Honey, per jar 20c to 3 Miss Margaret Fraser of New Week, deft on this morning's train We say it with our chin up and looking ©am> Honey 25! vork has ®rrived in the city to pay; for New Hazelton where he has you square in om eve : Cheese |. visit with her brother and sister-/!urther fire insurance adjustment GUILTY of fiehting gorously and re : enlids y 25 | ny _ In . ai ¢: ‘ah nattai ‘ ; lentless!y vour ancient enemy, tubercule- Gmarly exllc aw & s n-law. Mr. and Mrs. J. ‘R. Morri- ce oe 00 Gennes te. we we be sis CHRISTMAS Ontario Ib 30}son, 217 First Street and will be; >ack on tomorrow evening's train Of bringing aid to 3000 sick British Stilton, Ib Bijhere until after Christmas Mrs | and will sail on the steamer Prince Columbians duting Ue pas. year: Edam, Ib 4 |Varrison will enterte'in at tea to-| Rupert on his return to Vancouver. Of providing free 2400 valuable and cestly K-ray pictures Roquefort, lb 6° | morrow afternoon in honor of Mis for 2100 needy people Gorgonzela, Ib 89 | Fraser Of helping to prateet theusands of men, women and chil Sugar } — dren throughout the province against the spread of tuber- White, 100 Ib 5.50 ie . culeasis Yellow. 100 Ib 5.00) British I ound and FOR SALE Of helping to protect YOU, Lard Canadian Dollar on Pure, Ib. 15 "7 New York Exchange w . Meats timceige ° . 7 This Great Work Is Worthy of Your Support aie q ; lanes an eaiieaiees bhaninee odlong 30) NEW YORK, Dec. 14:—The Bri- res 18 BUY ¢ HRISTMAS SEALS Fowl, No. 1 25 | tish pound sterling closed at $3.25", naatinae Chickets iis 30 eae r rhe Good They Do Depends on You Roasting Chicken on the local foreign exchange Mon- Ham, sliced st grade 35! day. The Canadian dollar closed at Aboard Helen Il If w do net reecive Christmas Seals by mail they will be Ham, picnic, first grade, lb & RBG : ’ oO ; ne amt ‘ , y sent gledly. Upon ‘vaguest ay Veal, loin, Ib 30 Cow Bay The Tranquille Tuberculosis Society, Kamloops, BA, Veal. shoulder 21 100 : j alle ities osire = , ; 0 $1.00; smaller quantities if desired Reef. pot roast, Ib 15 Advertise in the Dairy News. —_————— ——————— “TILITE THE TOILER” The Man of the H TILE AE e Man of the Hour er a rv yes wt as | f WELL, | WORT STAND Foe iT ANON Tr EY WF 7 sos SEC . { £ Tr Q vw! ‘ VS a~ COA e Say ‘Heat I | aa.s aaa MINUTE NO WONDBR WE CANT _ HE A MAL ~ i BOSS - BOLE © THE iS Bu XK. ALE \ ie bicee « SCORE + M GOINK DOWIAL ARNO WAVE BY \ Bust (r vet ER. 4 Last || ON OV TRAM | BUT YOU CLGHT MAC Pi rT HIM OF! THe ve AN \ + x y , on re - FASS ANE lyou CAN'T pro FORGIVE 7) y SS) Wale BOT) | iN}, IHE'S Loose | f ; Juakler! |, FOO MEE pre MIM. HES Baayen! Ts) \ vies - REG | s/ sO Oe . awe || et! C QUAR IE a in6 AT . ee Ls > & y mo ¥ Was »! ONLY) | SY ve eee Laie : / ae WO z SS rt WY AND me! Fd, ra | shauaates 2 TAREN 5 ¥ il stir 2 2 fy % . 3 y A, we. LOOKS ty. ‘44 e : N —- He's LI «Ee 1] iJ "ye! 2 % Wi Ne =" io _ SCORE is ea Less i TIE bial fie k Feunuses Syedicns bm Great Bahan ghee seetted 427 Leeemeperes > ‘fie pane Nef, te te: ’ : Saee, | nm teeing: | f ; ariel | 3 j . ; Rie! Wan | it my ¥ + re i : : hy teat ‘ ee hai. ee | A mapiBets