"I Had Bilious Attacks and Stomach Weakness" Mrs. Wra. Robuuon, Yoo- ker, ak., write : "I suffered from stomach and liver trouble, and used to have bilious attacks so bad that I could do nothing for weeks at a time. My stomach would be to. weak that not even a drink of water would stay on it On mjr sister's advice, j began to use Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, and must say that they have made me fee like a new woman." DR. CHASE'S KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS frtll (km, 2S Onu a box, nil dealers, or Kdniauwo, Btas A Co., I.ld., Turmito. The Daily News FRINGE KlHs.JSKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Huperl Daily .News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLKN, Managing' Editor. SUBSCRIPTION DATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month .$1. Oil Bymail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States. in advanceper year. $0.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year. ,.,t7.60 TELEPHONE 98 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. UAlLV riDITlUA Tuesday. Oelober, 0;' .15123, Now Is Time For Winter Gardens. This is the time to plant the winter window garden. No flowers nre so heaulnul. ami mi fragrant as those grown from bulbs, during the winter or early spring -and they .do well in Prince Rupert as many can testify. The mild elimale here makes the growing of winter flowers easy com pared with places where cold is more intense. '' This is the sea-on to plant hyacinths, narcissus, lilies, tijlips, daffodils, jouipiils,. crocuses and next mouth the lilies of the valley should he started. thill Tor bulb growing -shonld he. rich, preferably made up of ous third garden loam, one third leaf mould and one third decayed stable manure and u little sand. However these ingredients arc not absolutely necessary, but spent "oil from old window' boxes should be avoided. , After potting, bulbs , should be sstVifi a darkened place to nlbv;the roots to grow, with the possible exception of fresias, oxali's, callas and lilies. If they ar.e forced ton ipiickly the flowers will not e as large. If the bulbs are allowed to dry " out, the 1 saves,', will grow but' not the flowers. Many people grow hyacinths in glass containers without any earth, and with good results. One warning i necessary and that is.it is useless to itlejnpf to grow flowers, unless you nre fond if lhen and unless you are willing to give them a little regular attention. ' Greatest Little Man In The World Today. Lloyd (Jeorge is by many people looked upon as" the greatest little man in the world, today. Naturally, being still in politics, he has many enemies hut most -of hi political" enemies are willing to overlook his shortcomings in recognition if his greatness. M remained only for a few female fanatics in New York lo show their hostility to one of the world' greatest ni?n. In spile of tlie silly antics of those few, the great mass of the American people realize his worth as was shown by the fact that he was given the greatest reception in New York accorded lo any man with the exception of Oenernl Pershing on his return from the war. ' Llnyd George is a man who appeals to the Canadian or the American. He is a simple-person, without titles aud without the handicap of n cumbersomVlineage. Like filadslnne he is n ral commoner tiiid is ilot even a member if the established church. - The great thing about 'Lbjyij 'tOeorge Is that in addition lo being ai man uf nutslandiug imental ability he Jives a clean life, refuse 'firbefuddle' Jiis'hrain with alcohol and all his influence is iisediloipmniolchclter living among the people of Brilain ami the rest of the world. All we regret is thai he is notable lo see British Columbia on this trip and' lb. travel over Ih? (IX.N. bv way of Prince RuperJ. Mountain Climbing As An Asset. " , . .Miiuulain climbing should he an asset Id Prince Rupert . Xol only should it become a popular pastime for local residents tbijl it ishouhi also be used as an attraction lo tourists and others who might be indiictMl lo remain in lh neighborhood for ome time if. it could be made Knowulo them what wonderful scenery is going lo waste , at the -ton of such places as Mount rM? ' 'home tlpie- jigo W. E. Williams slaried nn agitaliou 1.,'have a trail eiit from the city to n,e tp f Mount Ohiri-ld. II, was an excellent project and one that would hnv.iade climbing. Ihe mountain popu ar. Unfortunately Jlr, Williams has bee,, out , of. town a good-deal this summer and the mailer ' was not . pushed. I BRIER iFIFTH AVENUE GRADING PLANS Further Discussed by Council , Pending Receipt of Sll Estimates SURFACING AND BIDE WALK WIDTH DECIDED Further .progress Wns made by me cuy council last nttrlit in connection with the local im prnvement bylaws providing for the grading and surfacing aud building of a idcwnlk on Fifth Avenue East and Hays Cove Ch cle from .Mcliride Slreel to Hays Creek llridge to replace the, present plank roadway. A ulan for surfacing hy using local rwk for a base, Smith Island rock for the top, bpund with outside ainl local sand was adopted and it was decided to build the sidewalk lo a width of five fe four inches. The ones! inn a. 'to .whether con. lour grade or a .cut nf three feel on the hill with a--rori'epomliu fill ...ill 1... .... ..A'-i .;,' I ni nf miiiNw-ii wm ne lew t uniii. uiriiier riirures are received. Payment bv five or fen year bonds was discussed bill no decision was reached. In the meantime Ihe bylaws tre beinjr sen) south for the aimroval of lloberl Haird, inspector of muni ripalilies. In ciiincc.lion with the side walk, which il was first proposed to: piake on Ihe north side ' .if the jcradinjr, City Solicitor Jones orew allention o the portion of Ihe act. which slated that Ihe (ropery on the side of the street n which ihe sidewalk was lo h built would have lo bear Ihe cost io. .Mil n n i enfesse .lould as lo wbelher or not this would an toy lo a street of this nature which was nut being permanently graded lo its full width. Citv Jsoliclior Jones was inn in his opinion Hint il would. Further information is lo be sourIiI pending a final decision us to which side nf the slreel the walk is to be' luiill 4Mi. Favors Project Speaking on Ihe in-ojecl as a whole. Aid. Collar! sought lo correct the impression thai the couuoil was opposed to il. He- sources were, however, limited und care should be taken that loo much of Ihe city" credit was not used up on any particular niece of work at I he expense of ot her work thai would have to he taken care of. Aid. .Munro staled that this ex penditure would not be very heavy not exceeding ? 1 0,000 or A 12.1100 at the outside. U would also do away wilh a plank road way and would ae in cost of maintenance. He wa inclined In discount Aid. Collart's fear as to impairing credil for other work. Period of Payment Mayor New! on suggested the adoption nf 1h five year plan of payment instead of ten as a means of .sustaining (he eilv's credit. Aid. Collar! opposed a hard and fast rule in .1 his regard. Future councils could not be bound and anyway the value of the property inusl be considered. Some properties might nol be able lo stand the annual cost made necessary hy five year payments. Aid. htephens concurred in this view but felt thai definite figure nf cos! should be presented before any plan of payment was finally adopted. , Aid. .Munro fell Ihe nroiKrtv on Fiflh Avenue could stand the five year plan. Matter of Surfacing he plan for surfacing was I hell discussed. Aid. Mime.i' favored Hie use of local rock iw a base amIKmilli Island rc,k for Hie surface. The cilv entrineer estimated Ihe former would cost J.75 a yard and the Inline r. as area as a&ar - ; Hssvsr stx mmmV) A - S . . 1 ..':-'.'":''''::.. 7T I ' " Til liAlli'r rf'Wi Tuedfyp October 6, 1053. Instrument VJuttruttd VictrolaNo.260 VictrolaNo.260 $200.00 7-0-n t l Hi I Ur .1 l i I I XK i o .'sn;r;jeHsv. Victrola To audiences in homes throughout the land, "His Master's Voice" Victrola brings all the entertainment of the world's greatest, most famous artists. Think of it in terms of a great animate theatre a conservatory of music, through whose welcoming doors your fancy may pass at will. Based on the same principles which give the human voice or the very finest violin their powers of reproduction-it IS the human voice, it IS the voicr of the violin. Only the living presence of the artist is missing but even this is overcome, for its performance pictures their personalities in a subtle lifelike something peculiar alone to this marvelous instrument. Combined with "His Master's Voice" Victor Records it is the singer and his song. It were Just as unthinkable that any instrument could take Its place as that someone ELSE could be a Caruso, someone else could substitute for a Galli-Curd, a McCormack or an El man. No voice can take the place of "His Master's Voice". Pay it the homage it deserves. Prevent substltu; tion by demanding that the Instrument you buy bears ou famous trade mark "His Master's Voice" (under the lid). Years of pleasure will repay you for this caution. Genuine "Ilia Master's Voice" Victrolas from $37.00 to $615.00 Red Seal Records note doublt'tidttt. Tttv telectioiu for practically the price uf one. A'w catalogue fating all double-tided Rtd Seal Record now ready. It's free. HIS WASTERS VOICE. LIMITED VwZZSM Knl Srl Knur J No 61 fV Oa Utt llttiw Mr lilu u(tJf Wkj-iUS MASTLR'S VOICE" VICTROLA demiiuxin M Utit& ur JI mum. qwil!)' lb in4-Bivrola m tu tltuti(h tt-rm (oti lMlly Mftunth. rm br unsr ikry liu w tururf , UiuKprl. HvfAmr ar oltarr bft intirvmraL TW Iwmm tt lypr of VrlfuUk ut tuutOwtrd ta ttMXiy lU uuMf. Tlu m imimtivt ul tMl ui "IIm M4' Vuir" Vk tr44v Utt "III .Mailer' Voletf Victor 1 unn.ioHe .Needlef. A pucluigc of 9 should jila) " frver wit llrn. w reniiutneiid them. IV. 9 f His Masters Voice-ViCtrola MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM lart suggesle.l that belter resull i d.M.drich, Vrelnria; Or. Jl. C.lnot half as had as ome of thn'las long ns he .h.rf. nt; ii ami more economy emll.l be oh- Wrinch, llare,Mt: Ji. .1. Williams. 'frch' eggs that hv- been ilh,.i li n ... . . lained by discarding the present ChlcagolT. Alaska'. nn:k crusher in the city and I Cantral buying a new one. The latter T. II. .Mcllelfery. Stewart: lleu- wouhl soon pay for ilself in tthe saving effected over usiiitf the present one which wan very un satisfactory. Aid. Jltiuro fell thai a new crusher could lint he obtained in time lo be used in lime for this work. 'urther discussion followed leading up lo Ihe fgrade that should 1 adopted, namely con- lour or three foot cut on, Ihe hill. Aid. Stephens .fell the council, In deciding on the width oflhn sidewalk and Ihe naluie of Ihn surfacing, had gone as far as it could at (his lime. The city engineer should now make hU estimate giving Ihe council ample lime to consider il. It was finally decided that decision on Ihe grade be laid over pending the receipt of the estimate. HOTEL IMiuit a . A Prince Rupert t. A. d.ongley. Vancouver: C. II. tfawle. .New.llazeltnh; V. C Swanuell, A. C. l'ollard.and C..A.; ben (.aineroii, Itosfon; ,(J. A. Naehbar. Crookslon, .Man, King, C.X.Il. ABOLISH 8TUNT FLYING MIS ANOKU'IS, fial., Orl. 0.. More Ihaii Utu avialttrn have united in forming the professional pilots associalion with the chief object Ihe abolition of "sliinl" flying, which Is said lo be responsible tin- more than fifty per cent of airplane The Man ii the Meon SAYS- WIIU.C furnace fires havejieen out there have been heart burnings among Ihe coal iiierchanlu as a result 0f the mild autumn. SCIKNTLSTH have discovered somaegjiA leu thousand years old and I cun bet a dollar they arC served me (lt some of the nuick onler rcMtuurauU. NO one can afford To boast of his ancestors and continue ' In show Ihe pictures In the famllj' allium. . s W women nave ;n much thought and rare lo picking out husbands as they do in choosing a lint there would be fewer divor ces and a larger number of happy Homes. I KNOW a girl who is making a collection of wedding riinr. She gels a dllferent style from each hiishaml. IF Ignorance learn? I bliss, why I'ltllli: is like fUIIMIIUf. II tl(kA before a fall. HI.NCK druggists look lo snlllng Mouge so cheap, The Kids m, longer need Their beauty sleep. NO one minds mother reducing Ihe name. XO one minds father being di-Icplc as long as he doejrnnfnct thai, way all Ihe lime, esoeelnllv in company. - TIIKllK'S nonslderftbln differ. ence between a.-clid ellmhing and nioiinlalu climldng hut In either case II fccuiM ensy j, rimVn- mil. WHAT wnilld (he duet ur ill for a living if nil tonsils, nne. Holds and appendices were nbo. Iidied J - . a- lt!Ini.(l ,v the Him U!lease ill tills n-rl f .rt country l look, as f the -l.jrk n usi nave been hflped oiil bfthn blue herons. fk 1 T JH Unilcr.Mton.l Hi. il .....to of . i a.m. nonm i o keener- flf Loanliner Ii .uh.ii ni'epd In close iIot. .i... "'"""m If Ihls muunimn.climl). craze Keeps p, Tr l(pi.nlor4 eat no much all i i i- .n.i: Cllll lo feed them will,,.,.) i.......... U al the Hroc.ifrjr .0r3 h town.