Hey! You Want any kipper, Wm'vm amIi got SHUtS today That may. or may not be, funny, lint you ran certainly save some money on your shoe requirements nl Hie Family Shoe Store this week. Sop below: Children's Patent Leather Slipper. siios I to "H , , $1.50 Misses' Patent Leather Slip, pers, sizes 1 1 In 2 $225 Those, are selling quickly so gel your sizes while (hey last. Ladies' or Orowlng flirls Hnnvn KM High Hoots, flat IippI, medium toe, nil sizes nt .. $6.75 Men's. Strong Leather Shoos, all sizes, at ........ $4.95 Wy SHOE Store Third Ave. DTTV A UAMC I UU 1 ft 11V1HL Twenty acre tract, fronting on Fraser Hiver, one mile from railway slalion, with 5 room house," barn and chicken house, five acres cultivated and fenced. Two acres slashed. Five acres with commercial timber. Oood school, -etcThis home can be had for $2,000.00 Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.O.' The Home of Domestic Bread Hread is your best food. Kal more of it. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C., Stove WOOD We have just received i car Joad Tjf up river wood,, guaranteed seasoned and dry. feize cut to order. Also Kindling In Sacks. For. Prices, call Hydeiransfer "Phone 580. Service' and Quality our Motto. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP 8UEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Prices HtJasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. nuuut niun cost of LIVING. Kliminate the draught' around your windows and use; less coali SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows. Glass and Mirrors of, all , kinds. T. ROSS MACKAY. Phone Blus 108. LONDON TIMES SCEPTICAL OF IMMIGRATION Should Try to Get Britishers Be-. fore Going to Other Countries j It Suggests t The statement of Mr. Hobb, the !new minister for immigration in DTDCVAII tlUICT Enjoyable Affair Took Place Metropole Hall Last Evening A very enjoyable evening was spent by Ihoso who alien. led the Rohckah I.(nIit mIiUI ilrivo nA.I ilanco in Iho Molropole Hall last night. There were fourteen tables of whist and the firsl prize winners wore Mrs. U. Dalgarno and l.on Sherman, second awards going lo Mrs. 1). Morgan and W II Iturken. Refreshments were served and a dance followed, music lnin'r fiiniisheil Jy Prof. Pryco's or chestra. Men nrossell was maslor of ceremonies, O. It.milh allomliHl the loor and the cornmilloo fu charge comnrisid Mrs. ".if Irvine. Mrs. W. Shorman. jr.. Mrs. Pliil .lack Mcintosh McDonald. and Mrs OBJECTION TAKEN TO Sport Chat j i Plans for lite biiskilh.ill nPIVC A Kin nAMTC will bo discussed this even al liiotiity Unit fr Ihe iirpoMj (if organization. Fans and nlnv ers are looking forward lo a good season al Iho indoor snort and no lime is being lnt in getting Ihe teams lined up. In Ihe Sen lor ranks it looks as if at least three teams will be in Iho run ning Colls, Teachers and Sons of Canada. In Ihe Intermediate division I hern should bo keen in I ere judging from the number of quintettes that are lining up. Teams are exported from the Itirotln, Klks, fiolls, tftSnd Hal-ilalion and High School. F.n tries in Iho Ladies' League will likely be from Ihe. Maple Leafs, Kaiens. teachers and Adanacs. Altogether thero seems lit m greater interest in the game this year and a real live season should en- mio;. - - hddie who for Ihe Oat Oat man, man, pasl five years has been skipper of the Victoria Hockey team, will not pull on a gold and blue sweater litis year. He will move nirrrrnriv rinu from the c-nnmr to the Tigor Dili ICJATLI r AMI ' pack and: when he plays on 111" Pacific :CIonsI this winter II will LOS A.NOKLKS. Oct. p. The be A.lriember of Ihe Calzarv .nnnllfnlidn nf W t. Ilu.. lilf ,r l-n. iilu. H..I.I-1. . . - ..'m-Mt.ifii ... . iirnim i, jirt I4IIIII.I., Ill II II II UfT nmed. not only in this counlry. Hedlands, California, for thirty i'f Ibe "Uougars, announced last but in Canada as well. Kven inja''' "f inihlir tloniain near lp- fek. tbut ho had completed a the West, where the prophets of -, ' ,j autonomy have preached so vig- orously that a Canadian should be a citizen of Canada first and ja liritish subject afterwards. It is candidly conceded that the lirit ish settlor makes the best citizen. It is true that Mr. Rnbh adds the qualifying' statement that, inas much as the H-ilish Isles are unable to supply a sufficient quota nf Ihe settlers required, efforts will also ! made lo en-roiirage immigration from cer tain areas in F.urnpo and from the United States. It is to be honed that Ihe Canadian gnvern- nienf will satisfy itself of this inability on Ihe part nf the Itnt- lx it isies iieiorn i goes ran her afieblf Kven since the war, im-niigrants from Central Kurope have- swarmed into tlt t Dominion and found -for themselves new homes in the West. They are admirable spade workers. Their needs are primitive, their do- imands few. For this very reason, however, they show1 little arribl-I ion to bolter themselves, and they lend- lo' remain in jealous and exclusive communities. Reasonable Energy Mr.. Itolib says that the firsl need of the Dominion is quality rather than uiianllly. Provided that there is a reasonable display of energy on the part of the Canadian authorities, both in their own country and In Lnn don, there seems lo be no valid reason why bbth quality ami quantity should not be obtain able among the people of thejte islands. The Canadian govern menl intends to use Iho tnarhln ery of its Soldier Settlement lioard. The board has been sin gularly successful In its efforts to settle Canadian ex-sorvioe mop on the laud, and, the experience it lias gained should be of tin greatest value. The seltlenienl nf Ilritfsh soldiers in Cnnmtn. which, IsMirged by Mr. Wade, has its historic., precedents; K there; Tuesday, OtJyher V m. 1 tSKIINUlINU Ur FATHER - - - - By George McMariu, J"i f'sr& WE COT TO I ... TO Nr noote with UJ it cck oo Iwfff'L . .Jr ' H . lv. ' 1 ' 1 1 ff -'JfcfclBL NEw"i IPm tmm wa CAt6 Stv t soots vt t Baf, Sea the Canadian goxernmonl. that,lu:,DlilViin niJl ins government proposes to co operate with the IlritUti govern ment under the provisions of the hnu.)ire. Settlement Act will go some way towards dispelling tttt doubts which have boon reluct antly oxprossoil in this country concerning the atlilude of the Dominion, says the London Times. Kven if oven- allowance lo made for the depression from which fianada lias suffered in common with' other countries, it is impossible to view as anything but disappointing the fart that only 1C7 llritMi settlers have crossed the Atlantic to Canada iimler the provisions of the Art. This total, it qfust bo remem bered, includes 130 boys who left this country- under the Ontario government scheme. Welcomes Statement Admirable as Ihe enlornrise of the provincial governments may be, the scheme cannot make headway unless- it follows the i broad path of Dominion co-oper-eratioii, and Mr. - Holib's an- noiincomont at Ottawa justifies Ihe hone that Ihe coming Year will toll a more, hmrtenlug story. "The immigration of liritish settlers holds first place in the pro-pram." bo says, and w believe thai Jiis statement will be. wel liai 11 .".1.11 rillf-JI L lir. Mr(" (were Wolfo's Highlanders in'laml for use as a butterfly farm I .Nova Scotia, the Toiled F.mniro has boon denied bv Iho liom.pt. Loyalists in Ontario, arid the numf nf Agriculture, according tn sappers or Hie Hoyal I'.ngineers, word received here. who diil so much to niton no Protests that bo nrno.i cruller. nr liritish Columbia. No better be- butterflys would make easy the ginning couiu no nui.ie to the HUnmuciinn or gypsy moths. now campaign of the Dominion black tails and other Injnrioii government for attracting Urilish insects wore sent to the detturt .settler than a prrtotieal nvnve lo.inent at the time liewlitt fir-.! assist llnlisli soldiers who filetl his application, fought shoulder In shoulder with' : illie mon of the Canadian F.xpo- H-ditionary Force. I' f Yictwy Bond Interest When your interest coupons become due, . or when you receive cheques for interest on registered bonds, deposit them in a SAy- ings Account in the Bank of Montreal! The money you receive on your investment in bonds will then earn interest for you. Prince Rupert Branch: H. ST, G. LEE. Mana8er. BANK OF MONTREAL EstablisKed over IOOyrs Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PEK VVOKD IN ADVANCE. N AlvartlMmnt Tkn for Lm trMn HOe WANTED WANTED.--Men and women tof learn barbering. Paid while I learning unu uois iree. write for catalogue. Mler Harbor College, Vancotner, IJ.C. IMANO wanted to rent or buy. Apply p.o. Ho ar. 3 FOR SALE ANYTHINU in tho lino .tr I'.anvas. Duck, Cotton goods, etc. OH Skins, It i ii eoiii, Touts and Awnings, baby buggy tops, auto lops, ele., at P. LeClajiv'w new shop at Cow May. P.O. Uo UIS. Phone 7Kd. HOUSE FOIl SALM Four rooms and bathroom. Apply 140, Seventh ampliowser. 830 FOIl SALE. Dinner sol ami brass hed complete. Phono Ited 7l. 5 til FOR 'RENT TEAM Heated Flat for rent liesner apartments. M. M Stephens. MODERN four room flat for rent. Westenhaver liros. If BOARD liOARD. -- The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf ROOM AND BOARD PAD! Eft HOUSE, -too Seventh Avenue West. Phone Red I to. Furnished suites. MISCELLANEOUS. WINTER II ARMOR for Miia'i boats. Cureiiikor in attendance. Rales from $3.00 up. Northern Exchange. Phone Zn. . t2 deal with the Oalgnry loam whereby Eddie goes I hero ai playing manager ami .liinniv l ill- son and Speck will become Cougar. With the departure of Oal man, Victoria loes a veteran of Ihe brightest and cleaue! kind and tine wh,j gave hi best all Iho lime. Ho was transferred nj his own roijuoxt. fieorgo Looker, a hand logger. was awarded Ihe nrlzo of a combination rifle and pistol offered by Thatcher A Collins, Ketchikan hardware and sporting goods firm, for the, largest doer killed liming Ihe month of Hejijeinlier. Dressed the deer weighed I3fl4 pounds. Mr. Thatcher said Dial the stormy weather and high winds prevailing during September undoubtedly kept many from securing trophic, lie had known deer in Soul heaslern Alaska lo weigh as much as 1 75 pounds hut not many such had been killed. A similar prize I being offered this month by Hie TENDERS ASKED FOR . THREE ROOMED SCHOOL ERECTED BURNS LAKE New Building Made Necessary by Rapidly Increasing Population of Lakes Centre Tenders nre being rnlled for Ihe roMRtriM'liou of u new school in I. Hums Lake. It is In be a three iooiriV-d Imllding, this l.eing mnde necessary by (ho rapidly growing population of this Irn-porlant centre. Tenders '"ve to be in by Orloher 25 and it is un-;dersood that work on II will be commenced, as soon ns possible. Proiperoiis advertising means regular continuous advertising. TAXI Tail 67 Phone. (Call Georgq ur Oust) Ross Brothers. Host Sei vjte In the City. Chiropractor Ird Avenue, Prince lluperl. H.O. Onlors taken for Spirella, (tinffts Mrs. J. !tl. Qrahlmsn Kaicn Shoo KWiro. Tl 8erind AvoilUn os. MAIL SCHEDULE Tor the East Saturday A.M Sunday ......10 p.M t'-.P It October 5, l i nml 23. To Anyo, Alice Arm , Wednesdays 0 p.M From Anyox, Alice Arm Thursdays ..8 To Port Simpson, Alice Anyox and Arrandale. Sundays 7 From Port Simpson, Alice Anyox and Arrandale Tuesdays To Stewart and Premier Saturdays Sundrfyg From Stewart Sundays and Ttieilnys To Alaska Points P.M , 7 P.M. Promter : .8 P.M P.M October 8 and IU. From Alaska Points October 5, l: and 23. To Queen Charlotte Island Points October 17 and 31. .5.30 P.M. From Queen Charlotte Points Orloher 15 11 ml 211. ' NOTI0E. SOTHK I HCRMV OIVKI, U.4 tn fHirim wt br iHMlf. by it, i, 'I'rtiMW ltn I., ih ll.mi A wu.l, if IM l-nrtft ..f Hmimi .-rfun.,u t nnw, fur in ,t to i ni.r. i 4.r..... I V.....I"',MW'" "if" l-lll.frl i ' n-'jiKMi ,.r, i,7i, onmmmr mir t t : 'Stand: Boston Orlll Third Avenue '"!""" f r'- inuf.-i ,i:au . tS MMr lo 4 Hn.-. R. D. TASSIC. - O.C. I li t air ef i'Hnr hi,u.r( im. sim ar t itriA iiw it4irftii. tk vau-i.itir " r i- ..I f.t I.. 1. 1 I., tt ,."ff'" rT M Phone llluft Ilesldenco, fireen J3o. AUCTION SALES. Conducted in your home nr nl ' ! wnll'liar tor uin. NOTICE. IV VHr lTTf nr .n ...h..ii.. ... ;m i.w r imii (rtinvt .f ttn r t . L ..... ... . ' - .... nini ii. IHO MMUM. Nip III vnr rooms. ood al.o ...hi v. .Z'iXVV H. H. HtmmiTiaS, Auctloni-er, Third Avenue (Dti.ny Allen's Old Store) Phone -tack 13C and Green 471. EXPERIENCED CORSETIERE fuaf of Iho h r I'j iM f tB ... La ...a .k . . . . nxMh turn iU fhi mUi-i.i tu-. "t. 1 ttrtb omrirtir ,U Till to lit Und ia (h him .f V. Ymkl. fHirtr4lM U 414 Ih HIS OrtvW. lffc. "l M MtM-rml lltlC. MM HtHlry Offtr. I'rlhr htrl It C, tSnt ltr. It II. r MACIKOli, ' Hffttirir tt 1UU. p IAHO CT. j NM 9t IsUntl U lf U Ull (irtft f Prfnr Rrrt' tn4 slUiilt it jlrttlu Cn. Mil lUnd. CJI 1k Jul ihi w. UtlnxA pt vb if. it(iinit 'tntTT tnn. hit.' u H'r fr prrmintofi n iiw tr tttkmtnt Armbil limit CanfflMrtmr l i ("m iwiim tm ttnam utrr r,i '4V Mm. nf IB, III r fe rlnlM: lpnra bank it rli. i. Motiday. Wednesdays and . LSHl ? tr day-, i ln -ex at 5.:o n.m. mr or m. Prom the East Mundiiyi. Thorsilny anil Set-urdHy.. 1.30 .m. From Vancouver- Sundays Vednesdayn Fridays Saturday :.P.R. Orinhor H and 111. To Vancouver l uodn)s. Mail oloes at I P.M. Ihursuays ...P. M. 3 PJM. .... A.M. 3 P.M. Oiled tut mj. Htm nf ArwiHr.ftl tM. MINI HAL ACT. CCNTiriCATt Or IMrsOVIHCNTS. flOTICS. IHIr lUIt-Me. 1. litu x. lltlr ill i'L,, nJ Xln'l SIN m Uw KU4 r, Minim teo lew h w .m.m 11. r u- t . win t n.mT. T a L. . . .... . . . ..... ' -flMtrt. mtf tt ffm Hi (tte7hrnr. 11 p.m. Arm P.M. Arm WT IS Ov UIMnt nnMer for ir WI1l f lnntrmtwnu for th purfo f "Mifnr t Crown Onni .f in tin. ,eiin. M rsrtlrt-r IU" IMIIrf) hl trtum iWt 0fUin mint b -nirMnml I t'tfm Ik huM nr raMinMi. nr lnnrM-tir.il. ; U4I1 lltM tllh dir or iulr.'An ttll imii n VKMir.s rr Viner't ontfirii jmr. jiohs C LA HO ACT. jlUllc ? IkUiiIIch U Applf U PurttifM In Skrn. I nH l.iai. lt.M.4in. tn.. Irlrt of I'rinr Imi-rl, ami miujIo (Imul It M " ? "" ill-t tP ItVgx Ml CM, llcflwir tnd fotiHiSint ill uf hll lUil. Tak iMiilr ih.i r..r.ir r ti...i-i .r VncHirr. nr.. ripu,n lumttormtn. intrnilt tu innlr for tfrmliilnn to tmf rnir in rllninr roimwinr Anrr rtr.rrtl-Hl i.iwi. Uiylt On c.m, rrriiic it 1 rri planlrd tn wl Witt in Miami ai rnoi or i:..R. UtiDlfil ,Bil, Ihrnrc rllnlnv h tw lltm of wmvt iiann ia pini ..r mmmrnrtniit. in.l Inrltiniiir all nr ..i.i tin. ..a- wa k.ft lh ftlthl i.f Wi nf MM C.l llullwar, ina tnnuinlnf ISO fr, rnor mm r. prnnFTT. TUtnn nf AMilifin mi for rrini r.iiurVili-li. Jir c wumni . lfA.K n a...iTS Dllwl II Salfiia. All. 11th, (x, MINfRAL ACT. To Naas River Points and Port "T,"TN ""aovijkiits Simpson "-'." "Vonar Xn. I," an.1 i"Moo inursiiays I'lilir sil.nVH in n p.m. 11 m Jl 1 mt-rei i.iaiuia, aUnil In Ih skf Nminr ,llltfm nf ,, 4 0 From Naas RUor Points iL'.i.V' J- ...v.hf "-ili rar liir u . j 'hlrhl nn Whale Channrl - Halnrdays A.M. 1 me M..ur. ,h., xT,!iu ci-ntnli Mm-., -. .Lllnltrsl. Frrc Minora Ceriifiral ln . imic, i,MI() ,y rt.,,-. r7.,nt V!.; PRINCE RUPERT Tints &...ffiP.7 Tuesday, October 9 High (i:lrt a.m. an.O ft 12:10 p.m. 21.8 " Low n;2 a.m. 3.3 " I H :5 1 p.m. 2.0 " Wednesday. October 10 High Low r .... !AaWMaBaaL! inml l,.ni.rilr'r"'? hnproti-ntenu. Mr th ',iJJi. -1..L ""'"""ns i.nmn nnnt of ih ' ' 'Will! ' " ,v m,," -wiiit.rfrri r , 11 iiinr if uh rrriifint nf liniirnvrinciiir. iKlrd this 10th rtiy of Aiirmi, ft, , r M MONCKTOV. M;'' lniMr Bliaaarm a ... ouiiN rr. . j'STaioT. . pi: 1 ,r l" la I.k. Aark 1. t.tn CATARRH ; wi me BLADDER M, fMmAI UarinaiateTIBV K'va'tntroHnUTfi-ti, "tir mar. ? "l? . rllowln "1 low rVolnt 1! h.f. rMnt' mon '". ' a UT JUS1 I.ANOAMA riSHINO k. J-AXItlNO CO. . II. 0. BlIilnilonAAHDI.