ti..'.' b I h PAGi BIX HOSIERY We ore showing some wonderful values in Sporl Hose in Iiolh plain or fancy ribs. We mention here a few special jiimli3rs. PENMAN'S HOSE in Hrown and Dark Heather, all sizes, at $1.15 per pair. PENMAN'S Silk and Wool Heather. A very attractive hose at $1.75 per pair. JAEGER Pure Wool in Tan, llrowu, (irey and Putty. Wide rib, at $1.50 per pair. JAEGER Rib Hose, (iarler top. In dark sand shade, a large filler, at $2.35 par 'pair. Plain Cashmere Hose, Brown or Black, u very special value. All sizes, at 95c per pair. Misses' Wide Rib Healher Hose, in shades of Brown and Lovat, sizes 7 pi at $1.10 per pair. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. III. mm t a a ' land I wo rrcpay man uraers. HBBjBJBBBflBflBBBBi Pacific Mm Ne have taken into slock one carload of this popular line,, which wo intend lo dispose of by ipjick selling. SPECIAL PRICE PER CASE, $5.75. To each purchaser of one case we will give free of charge one coupon, until 100 cases are sold. We will I hen have a grand drawing and the lucky numbers will Vreccive as First Prize One beautiful large Jardiniere. Second Prize One medium size Jardiniere. Third Prize Six Cups and Saucers. No rules govern this drawing other than the purchase of one case of milk which entitles you to one coupon. You can buy as many .cases of milk as you care to. With each case you get one .coupon. No enir ployee of this store will be permitted In draw a prize. SALE STARTS MONDAY. See These Prizes on Display They Are Worth Having Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 Billie Burke Famous Dresses ALL WOOL Prices $13 to $15 I: .n 1 111 f r H I 1 i I 1 " m : r x c ill i i ' m Ail i ill LM1 I m r m ii i M II I " 1 1 III Phone 0 (Nolle of InUntlon to Apply U Pureha.t ! , Land. i n Cuiil l.iid Kisiricl. ItfTunlln in. mri or Prime liuperl, ami Mtuate it tuimhfwi. on Moirsby Maud. oun ....... ..j., c ,,,.,,,,5, au idjouunir T.u i3 to tln south. Tike .otlre that I. Thmiia A. Keller, :r Vanromer, B.C., orrupallun Lorrlnr Operator. -Intend to apply tut permission lo purchase the rullouln desrrlltrd lands: ConuiK-nrlnp it a fnt planted on the ..'"it "I '"n'shewi inlet: thence north i.75 chains, more or lens, to the south boundary of T.L. 8I?3: thnice west iud rollowlni- the eald south boundary. 41.15 chains, more or It-ss, to the southeast corner of said T.L.;I thenoe easterly and Soulherlv. and r.,nni- ih. .,.. ..... narlt of Cuinshrnt Inlet to the point of r.i. run-in, ana runiaininr j.js acres, mjire or less. THOMAS A. KELLEY, - . Jiatlie of Applicant. r... a e t'ited September SMh. QS3. . . FULLER ft ATKINS I People's Providers. . Special I One Week Only ' We have just received another shipment of our ! Famous Cround Coffee and offer for one week only, . . 3 lbs. for $1.00. With each 3 lb. package we will give absolutely free i lb. liulk Cocoa. Special Hrcakrast llacon. sliced, per lb 45c Jersey Mrand Creamery Mutter, 3 lbs. for .... $1.25 Phones 45 and 574. Demers' Ladies Ready-to-wear All High Class Goods at the Lowest Possible Prices Come and See Our Stock Goods shipped anywhere "Drs" Third Avenue P.O. Box 327 Phone 27 PROHIBITION Firm in n c A1U111 111 U.U. Efforts to Tighten Present Laws will be Stoutly Resisted DRYS STILL MAJORITY WASH NJJTO.V. Oct. II ,1k. Canadian Press . Prediction are freely made here bv tiicml.i.i-s "i congress Mint the coining session will see one of the bitterest struggle In years over iiinm linages oi proliilitUon. Indications are Ihe wet and dry ipies- iioiivwiu cause war almost from Hie instant Congress meets. I be program of (he drys for the next session 1ms been an noiineed. It will include effort- to strengthen Ihe Volstead law in n number of direction; to in crease the three-mile limit to twelve mi ps: to mil Mm nmi.ii.i lion unit or bureau under civi service: lo provide increased mi proprialions for enforcement; to make U.S. shins drv wherever I hey may be; and lo concentrate runner all diti cd snirits in (bond. Some of the drvs. tno. - - w want lo press to passage a bill to auuior.izc use of the army and .navy lo enforce the nrntiihilii.ii laws. In opposition to I his. the wets THE BANKRUPTCY ACT. In Ihe Estate of klcania r.iiipaiiy. Limited. .MITICE I hereby alven llul Kleaiua uunpany. Mini ted, ,,f i kk, b.C did u .... ... ... ..- -iriiur, , IIIHKC a aumoruea assirnment lo the under- niroeo. .NOTICE Is further jrlven thai the Hrsl Mretlnir of Creditors In the aliote estate Will ..... ... tw hM in tlu, ,.rnM , ..,. .rwr.. iM.rir Ik Small, Chartered AroxinUnt. I'eileral .. , . .... ll ii i l. i. ,.u,n,,,f.. iiimr iiuiTi. o.i... on me lain To entitle you lo vole thereat proof i(f is your rlalin mnt be l.1red with ni hk-.Tore Ihe meetlnir Is held. Proxies to be used at the meeting must Ibe lodired with me prior thereto. ...... AMI ri'llTIII'U Till- Vi.tii-l- .1... i ...n.. ...v. vi. IIM.. jjou have any rlalin aralnl the debtor .ior wiiiru you are enuueii to raiiK. proor iut mrti rlaim iuujI Im filed with me j-ttllblii thirty day frotn I lie date or tin in it I re. ror fmni and after Jlie eiplratlou of the time filed by Suberllon a ij See thm S7 of tlie Mid rt. I rhall dU- iriouie ine pnH-eean or ine iieblor f eMail-, a tin hi r Hie partien entitled thereto, havlnt renrd only to the rlaim of which I havf lorn IHJIIIT. Haled at I'rlnrf Hutrt. B.C.. thil Itlb .day of Septeniber. GEOIIGK ItORIE. C.A.. Autborlied Tru'tee.' I'rlme llutiert. B.C VALENTIN'S DAIRY NOW OPEN Phone 81 DAILY DELIVERIES Billie Burke Junior Dresses ALL WOOL Prices $7 to $10 Ttl DAILY ITIWB Tuesday, October 9, jojj, SAVED FROM AN OPERATION Restored to Health By Taking "Fruit-a-tives" Madi of Fruit Juices and Tonics The most convincing proof of the true worth of " Fruit-a live - as medicine for women is found iu the letters written by them to"Kruit-a-tiYfs". For instance: " ""fcred with ll the symptoms or remale trouble, pains low down in the back nd sides, constipation ml constant headache. A tloetor advisett an operation. I startel taking; "Fruit a tives" and this fruit meilictne completely relieved me of all my misery". Mrs. M. J. (lOItSK, Vancouver, U.O. 50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial sire Vfte. At !pa!ers or from Fruitatives Limited, Ottawa, Ont. will seek to liberalize the Yol- Icsid Act. Especially. Item Csl'll. talie Dyer of .Missouri will urus a bill to permit making of 2.J5 ler cent beer. the wcis cannot force unv Ii'l-- islntlon tliiouj!li, for both houses will ole ilry on any record vole. ine drys will iloubtles obtain more money fur iuforeemeut. Hut as lo other dry measure, there will be such prolonged and in tense opositiou that ......... - inui mr; they ma) fail. The trulh is that while the ' ,.. . , . .' , drys are 'In a inainrilv in ... Imlh . v - - - - houses, some of the dry members llPlUf Itllll ilital II. ! - i'iim II ft 1 illllla Saloon Lea,M.e and tin' more cal- ous drys in Congress and out of . are trolnsr to extremes and are urlin? the prohibition cause iu the. country. They say a reaction ireiiiK brought abiuil which is helping Ihe wets and they would refer lo let the law as it now is alone. A. phase of the matter which will command much notice will be the orvuuiialiou of certain committees in House and Senate, such as the judiciary mmjnil- tees. Hrys and wets will wranule over piiliuil: My men or wet men on these commilli i-s. Also, llien1 s trouble between wets ami drvs over the fuel that i'peqker tiillell a wet and 1? seekina re-elec tion and the further fact that llepresenlalive LoiiKworth of Ohio sou. in-law of ltonse-lt who wants lo be House rep u Mi nn leader is a wet. METHODS OF KILLING ! LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS 1 Hon't come lo Hie meeliuK" ! 2 Ihtt if you do. be tale. ! 3 If it is a dinner or luncheon' meeting, corne very late. You! will then disturb ami .delay everybody. llf the weal her doesn't Just suit you, don't think of coining. t 0 If you receive a notice oT the meeting, forget' the date al once don't try to remember 5 If Ihe secretary sends you a return card for your luneh or dinner reservation, or a form lo fill out. throw.il in the waste patter basket be jusl sent it for fun. 7 If you do attend a meeting,! rind fault with Ihe officers apd other members. 8 Say it is not your meeting anyhow, it belongs to Ihe of-ficers. U Never accept an office, it is easier lo criticize than to do things; claim you are loo busy to give it any lime. 10 Nevertheless, get fore If you are not appointed on a committee; but if you are appointed, do not attend coni-miltee meetings. HARD LABOR FOR RECKLESS DRIVERS UHKJAr.O, cU 'J 1'rUon HCn- lences at hard labor to tltlve Chicago's reckless speeding pro blem arc advocated by Mayor William H. Di'ver, who has re- jetied the idea of having a spe cial session of the legislature called lo pass a hill requiring mental, physical ami mechanical lesls for motorists. Automobile killers are not mentally, physically or mechanically deficient', the mayor naid. I hey are deliberately thwarting the laws of speed and nanlty nml should he dealt with lis lcrlnf-inaU, he declared. Whon you buy advertising you buy CIRCULATION, nnd see thai -0U Ze Jt. :Jmir f NAKED WOMAN FELL GRABBED BATH TOWEL V.VNlUVi:il, Jli).. Oct. V. - Commander. Hrackley, an eye witness of the Japanese earth inake, duiiiiR his brief slay in (he city gave the I'rmliice a Htll story IlKhtened by that rarest of nnppeninus In (lie face of terror, a uu or iiumor. I do not know if I COtlld hnvi klond llio liMrifie olrnhi." he said, "if I hud not hud one pood Ittuuh. lien the (5rand Hotel a six storey affair, collapsed, ti wommi who at I He time of the shock wns enjoyinp the luxury of a huth on tlie sixth floor, i IOIled the wlinle ili.lanee. bumpiuv and riccochel- iiuk arTiilusI rurniture ami frag nienls of miisonry, and fmiin herself sillinir on the ciniiuil in the faithful tub. uiisrathid though, needless to siiv. tiUn on. clothed. Luckily by some queer kiitK in reasoiiini; which seiie people at such inomeuls. she had grabbed a bath towel when the downwai! journey slurled." NOTICE TO COHTltaCT0RS. 8URIVS LAKE SCHOOL. SI.ILIIi TlAitnid . . ... . . .. I l.f llliri.K a .- u u I ...it I bv the llouniirahle ihe Mlnl.irr of lubllr Wiirk un ti, it ..t.u.i . ti..... KUV. I he th day-rf Oeflier. tm un- i-m-iim, aim rumpjrlloii of a three-riii srln.il Hllli baorinefit and uuilhMie. .'L"rN. 1 "" '" ,,M' omliT l.lerl.,ril IHtrlet. B.I . I'lail. IMririr.ll..i.. ...... i. , .. : - ..,M, alMj ,itui. 01 letHier tuav lie ee oti anil after Jt! '."I '' "r rir. na, ami fur lnroniwlk.il oliinnnl (,lb liepart inent . or Poiiiir , f. h.. ...... ... ,.7. , , , - ..1." 1 1 1 ' l ll,"lrT. '.. ntiTW"ni riltla lit . lUftA i.iri.. it.... . r STi un iPiqil. frit SM,' TV i'Ttt 'V000. h,r" refumM n their irr-uirn in a-l riHOTIIMKI The Hwet or am imuI.. ..i artlv srejnnl. r iitiiic 1'nblli W'.irkJ ttitliirer Tlie I in.. n r 'i,, Vtrk, Victoria. B.i . .. lsr lilt, i-.m FARMERS' Meat Market l oi High Oiialily al Low I'm-es. Just Arrived! A car load of "A" Grade POTATOES From Morlcetown. On Wednesday, we will sell, delivered direct from car m five sack lots or more al $1.50 per sack. One or two sack lots. $1.C0 per sack. Phone Blue 428 al once to book your ordfr The'DtileDonerfy' Compared with ordinary puny dewing Machines, pianos, I'bono graphs and l'layer I'iauos For Itent by Week or Month. Walker's Music Store Ltd. You can't gel that flanh heal so necessary to baking cakes unless you use clean Coal, CONSUMES COAL, cleaned free from choking halc, burns brightly. H sends clean heat direct to the oven steady heat which .slnys. Our Coal Is free from soot, Consumers Coal Go. Lid Phones 1 and 311. Phone 376 The House Blouses Jol rei eued mi w -lupiiienl nf LhiIhm lirep Ic (jlnj!-Illoiiset in vitrioos llc nml rolors Some hae hiif trim on shoulder inl sleeve, others Pamlej wilh e(cr I'i rollar, also einhroid red designs. Prices range from $5.50 to $9.00 U not overlook our iliidny uT l.etilher llainl Ug Vainly (ies and one stnip purser. These are urfh, i t direct from niuiiulin liners ami are -ellug n( (he Verv irjce or j $1.50 to $5.50 i UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. "Outfitters to Whole Family." We Prepay MimF Orders .Sabsfarliou or .Mnuey t.: k WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday, 7 and 9 "TheFamous Mrs. The shirv . man without scruples ami n girl waltu; her mother. oi dl. n .!! of vvotuaii nml lirr tm'' All l.ibor.itch iaj?eit photo dr.iuiii nf modern sOc Superb rast un loiies CARMEL MYERS, MYRTLE STEDMAN, MARQUERITE OE LA MOTTE, HUNTLY GORDON and WARD CRANE. PATHE REVIEW. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE The Service Store." WE CA8H CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 01, 4 Dollar Days STARTING WEDNESDAY AND ENDING SATURDAY. October 10, 11, 12, 13 We do not like lo lake up loo. uiui'li spaco lo tell ioil about this sale, hut WE WILL SAY IT WITH VALUE8I Hero are some of the Dollar Day Bargains In our yard floods department. IU Pieces Flannel, while, pink, bin? ami gray, fleg-ular :10c and ;i3c values. Sale Price ' ynnl. for $1.00 While Flannelette. Hegulnr Mh: So Pri'ij ywnl" fur .' ."' . $1.00 Stripe.l Flauuelelle. Meg. Ide. Sale Price, :t ynnU for $1.00 Slripeil l lannelelle. Meg. price Hoc. Sale prtc" yanls for ,oo While t:.iiilou Flauiiel. Heg. ;0e. Side Price fi ' yards for , , ' Whito Canhiii Flaiineh Meg. iOc. Sale Price' 'n' ' SrlH for t 1,00 00 Piiiow Tubing, in, ,r(i n ,IH.h.9 ;. ' nr.c. Sale Price, 2 yards . for ..I .... g i 00 iiiii..... 'p..i.i.'. ii.... " ...... ..p. m. ,.t-anu yards fpr Sheeling, M inches. Meg. 7:,"c.' mi ' (hash Towellingl Meg. vIid,r,;,,',,w,,li,i'j' ,Ji,iKH;s' ii.ci.i.;: ' wg. mo. Vw;;; ; 11,1 liray Cotloii, Meg.' bite' ' Side 'iini.'.'. " '..." "a. r 1 ! ray Cotton. Ilei :m,. " Jabour Bros., Ltd Corner trner Third Third and nrf Rn.nik Seventh. ' Phone 376 of Quality Fair 99 Admission 35c and 10c .tc. Salu pi-icf 1 i 'price 'ii'vmU - , $1.00 H-.J Vrieen H $ So ft " liivy.. . . ' " "'r- ,00 ' "ie, .1 ynnis for . . $1.1 00 Phone 645.