J3vrtUCs ,GLE !RAND Condensed Milk I the pa 6G year more healthy Ijldren nave uecn rauea on Lu Hrnnd than on all other i.nt foods combined. Pure. litoroi. digestible, nouiisliinjz. Send hr tree Baby Bookt VANCOUVER Ljeiuary at South Sums, B.C I si ummer OAL rr it nalMfarllonl Repeal dr tiring filial every lay for flanaimo-Wellinglon Nut Coal I r if.' Longer! .3 some a other X it l tale, Phono 116 or Ibert & McCaflery LIMITED LINDSAY'S 'ariage and Storage Phone 68. .riff arrliomlng, and j. Jing. Team or Mnlor Prrvlcc. Saml ami flravfl. W Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. October 9. 191a The MlUC i-dlllllllHMloil )' j.v.w. , .Lowing ,,. nM(.f of all iiwrwn, an.l aKriiU of nr..-I'"ry in (he e.lri. l..,! 'Nil iirlioti wa leriitfil upon at yeei,tay wltf-ii Aid. Mnilln.i.l took ..bjcrtion n fi,,, Ml)i, lo-.ed on JH. w,,. lhcr. A. Jlfeliiird.nii of inwn nil. ,w..n the llull.H'k.V..i,.r nip for "" oiirin rniifci (on ,,f i'BwrirH at ,,. r-nt Ii 'ii. CP. Hdwar.l, ii,'rinlpii.Hii Jill i I XI Hnti8hli.il, Paelfle nui Muper- iiiM-.in..ii, vicmria, and .Mr. Stephenson, wirclcs .iiKiiii'pr for uir ina.i vii)p, ,,. '' I olaritt xlalioii yplrrday. The mo ..i) n Irlji In nil Malion, ' Hi. -oui. Hie icaiiiPr Vj-luiui J.-lnrrn makiiiK a special II w n Minn. FRASER RIVER ROUTE : FOR HIGHWAY FAVORED City Council Eiprette Prefer. ! ertce Tor Trent-provincial Road Benefitting North ! The c.ly kmiiiCiI night atliiM a report from the finance iiiiiiiii.'c rernmiiiPiidiiig I tin 1 tt- lliver mute fur Hip nm. , . a Mir nur Mint would l,r of lie mol Itriicfii in I'rnifP Itiiprrl !ii.t i nirnl Hntili r.olnmliia. Are You Batching? f v will fi.pl our Meat Pies " ' a firf made tu nl 'i Y nil ilaV r al iln' Ia ready- Hipiii" frrli in on i !iur ElectricWindow Bakeries T. Naqaye, ArrandaJ Jap, Found Qullty by Magistrate Qale on Charae of Brewing "Sake."' KHin.t guilty mi a rharire of i.rcwing "sake" in contravention f Mir Inland llevcniic Art, T. Xagaye, apaitese ..f Arrnndalr, Xna Itiver, nils finr.l :kmi ami sciiIpiicinI In nix liinntliM j til -prisouiiienl ,y siiiinmiinry Mnifi Islrnle Waller Cab yesterday af-Icrnfton. Accused pleaded nut guilty an.l - i.t-itfr again! him wa given l.y Provincial Constable Alex. Saint and Harry Marl In, Sergeant A. .. Warrior. ll.ll.AI.I. ini.l v. j. Si-'tl, rim. Ioiiim nfllrpr. Similar charge against It. Ilnii.la, T. .Marhit, S. Koynnnga ami K. Slilrakawa will lx pro. r.'.'l.', with lliiM arii'riiooii. All wrri' a,pri-liPii(r, wlini nlllrrr vUlliil the inniilli nf ll,e Xaa Hirr al Hi.' 'ii1 nf II,p wr.-k. PRINCE RUPERT COAL COMPANY GETS ORDER Bid of $12.36 For Supply of 20 Tone to City Hall Accepted by Finance Committee Thr l'rinrr llupcrt Onal 1).' (ii.lpr nf t..'jf, pnr (on f..r 2fl Ioiim of l.a.lyMiiilli-WVIIiniilim roal fur Ihr pjy hall wa arrrpl. h l.y Hie ffnaiirr riimmittrp lat jnilil aflrr lli followinK trn. pr lia.l liwii r'frrrwl lo II l.y Iran. prminHal l.ifcliwayi,)r rlinpj, f)(r arlin,,: I). Mr li. Iliinlri Italkan ral. rnr Int. in.l3: Italkan roal. 2 ton !.!. lii(i; Italkan lark, rar lot, HH.Mt; Italkan nut. 20 Inn lot, K.f.O: IIiiiiiImtI(iiip r.a. tn.)5. I l'rinrr IIiihtI Onal Oi. I.ni)milli - WrlliiiBlon. !2Jrt; Stprlmjs rjssr, 9,5. ' Allirrl .V Mrllaffrry Xanaiiiwi. WrlllnKton lump. 1 2.50; NanaL inn-UVIIincltin nut, 12. ! l'l,ilM,ll-i:ill Si Cn.--Nan. -.-Urllinul.iu min run. I2.2; iXaniHi-r UVIIinsloii rrppti'.l Jump. l3.ri0: (laki. ppa roal, !l.n: SuiH'rinr AHwrla minr run.' ,io.tr. LAUD ACT. In l Ijrxl Imirtri. ImtiMinir Hit- lrir nl fnnr huiwrt. nl mule in un.tbrsi Inlri. Homhr llnJ. Vwn Char Mir libmli. T lull'f llul 1. lb-4l4 A. IHMr. (nf Vinnirr n.i'. nrruulKin ltrymr pminr. Inti n.1 ... n'ly tf tvnuli.n jio lr. ib. r.tl.iinf tVTibrl fore. i I'jrnmwlni i ih MHiihiirtt rwwr of Tl H'.t; Umkv koilb t Huln; IhrTir II I;, li.ll rtuint; ttM-nrr mnh rfiiln: Wwh imflhrrlr kinl lrrlr. ! r.l. in r thr Mmrr 4 Cunt'brwa lnlr II" lh jln f ntmmrntmtrnt. iim! run IKlmm 1 11.38 ftr; imirp if Tliovtl , WTLI.F.V niim rirmiifr out. iii. New Boston Grill Take Her to the Boston Grill THIRD AVENUE The Latest in Restaurants New Chef Arrives Wp h.nr rriiml Iln- si'niri's uf an iip-lo-tlir-niiiuitr (lief. imm who tins elnlili-lifil a riivialilr r-'piilnlion liuill upuii jcar of ex'erienn (ur iii'w Hn-f lias aiokMl fur Ihr Viiiirmivor llolrl, (Joldf n li.ite if?, Tryradrro, and t'.eiilml in ur ll'r rily, and now lir will rook for YOU. lie it riglil n Ihr job now. II vn only after a terMnal inlrrvifw with our Mr. Jnines in Vancouver I lint Hie new ihef could b- indnred lo i-omr nurtli. Your Standard of Restaurant Service Our rtiduumiil heromlng more anil more a meel-iug plarr for mini, woman and child. Here are combined rvery c(.m'rort desired, with n cuisine jwr exrell.Mice. Pndcr ideal roiulillons witli j-urroiiiidiiiKs marked by ub-dued elcfriuin', all wlm mt will find the service t(i Jhrlr '"i",y, , pjVP 0r palrons Hie finest irstauranl service in Nirllirn H.ll" PRIVATE BOXES FOR LADIES OR PARTY USE Taxi Service in Connection PhoM 457 Open Day and Night Knulr Xynvrn, Irlr Oon and A. AmlrrHon, of Kranroin I.akr liar unilorlakon a lir rnnlrart at H Lake, It. A. Hinilir.4 lurkrjrlionl at fiurn l.akr .trrw a niiii1rabl rniw.1 mi Salur.lay. Maf Hull, kraiut, of Drrkrr l.akr, raplurril four of Mir JiinlM an.l with onr Mlir.t Hilly Lrvrrrll won a lurkey. Many nf tlir Innal ritirrn nr' axMiirt'.! of a r.il lliank(riviuz lurkry, ami Hip nonti of Hip nli- l.lrr 1m in lip licanl, from many of tlir liafk lulu In town. - A mo rnjoyatilr ilancr allpn.l- rd l.y a laro rnm.l wa firn a; fMHitlili.ink. Kranrm'M d.akr. In honor Hr. MayMil M. WillianiM, nn Hip norm inn nf lipr fa'rp. wrll In HiiMilMrirl. For tlippawl yparilr. U'illiainx ha tirrn Hip lupiiiral tirarlilionrr al tlir Fran-roiM Lakr Iln-pilal and Mir has ruadr a larjcr rirrlr of frirrhU in Hip lilrirl who rcrrt Iip is Iravinsr. 1 Hr. M. F. I.urai arrhr.'t Lpr' lal wppJj and"M .-oltliny at Snutliliaiik, Franroi Lakr. Mtm, LoiikIicpiI, of )ankin. had Hip mNforfune lo hfpak hrr arm lal wrrk and N rrrrivinfr mr.Hral Irralinrnt al tlir Fran- roi Lakr llu-piUI. Alrx. A. Oinnon Irfl Hum Lakr for lla.pllon on Salurday inorninir. Mr. Omnnii I at prr-mpiiI iiling hpr inothrr, Mr. Ilpukrl, al Franroi I.akiy hut will follow hpr hwian,I in almul two wp-k. lo HiPir iipw Iioiiip in llau'llon. Frrd HagPii an, II. J. Mardon- aid arr oiitfitlintr in Hum l.akp prrparalon In Iravin? fur Silvrr Nland, ItahiiiP Lakr, wlirrr Ihry will rnnliiitip work m 'llieif minora! rlafui4. -;. Frrd Frapr, guvrrniiirnl land asnil at Fort , Frarr,: wa a Viilor in Hip dilrirl -nit 'Friday and Saturday. V. B. Van Mrlrr if Trrrarr wa a llurn Lake vitilt.r on Friday, I- Arreu nf I hp It.ilpr A irrp.i ilpr fnx farm al Oi.l.a Lakr, i lr.uiaoliii Juii)i in Iturti-t Lakr. II. C. Frarr, rhonl Inxperlor, painjr lhrou.'li Hip ltkp li-- Irirt on an mtlcial viii. ; Mr. and Mr-. Clyde Driskel! and Lillian Hatrlirr left herewith INI head of liorr and MPlller i'lTectM on FYiday for On-iron wlieretliry will fpend the wihler. th III4 prill if they inted to sn on lo Idaho. The trip it liup made by road lo the hoiindary line and ,lr. I)rikrll expeelM to patronize railway for the halanee of Hie !lie ourpey. ; -- ; H. fi. Shlnn of Unrha Valley is rfndiiiR tfie week end at Hum Lake. i The l).vker Lake Community )iall eonimi.'tee .iave a free diince to a Inrge number of danriiifr fan on Saturday nislil at which Hie usual jjrood lime was spent J. I'. Wheeler, of the Soldiers' Sell lenient. Hoard, Telkwa,wai a husine visitor 'on Sumtay. and Monday. '. ; ; Dr. I.any wn called In lhr llaliine.lo atlend to Mr. .1. Wig- pin who was taken ill on Friday. lie had her removed to the Fran, cn is Lake hospital where she i receiving medical attention. There wa horn to Mr. and Mr A. A. Nicholl, of Tchesiiikut Lake tin I riday, a son. PRINCE GEORGE Miss Judith Laura Wilson and Leslie tie. Lion fluihv were married in St. Michael's Church last Wednesday morning, llev, S, Pol- linger olllcinting. They will re side in the oily afler spending I heir honeymoon al West Lake. - H. I). Feulliertdonliautfli of Vancouver pussed through Hie rily last week oil bis way out from Peace liver district whom he made uu examination of Ihe Mounl Sehvyn properly under de velopment hy a company in St. Thomas. Out. Mr. Feathersion- hiiugh also did some prospecting and found a quantity. oLplatinutn1 Fro FTOT I I Ten Years Ago GETS $300 FINE AND BURNS LAKE Af In Pilnce Rupert SIX MONTHS IN JAIL LAKES DISTRICT 'MiWml mi m Mragrmt ffi ')'f PjVi S in the river course. Al.l. Tavlor. while ilrivinsr to church lal Sunday ovenin-f, met I a. hull, row and calf moose ouj the road. IWnre he was aide toi pel a rifle, the animals made oil into the husli. NEW HAZELTON !u Marletison ha relurnp.1 from Hie I'niled Stale afUr an nhsence of four years. Mi Kvelyn MayChadwick and Itoherl Alexaii.ler Henderson, ImiIJi of New Westminster, were married lat Wednesday eveninp hy Rev. Victor Sansuin. The liride 1 a iler of Mrs. Sansum. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson left for .New Westminster where they will M. F. llurke of Hazelfon and Matilda llrit'hl or Meanskinisht were married at Mcaiiskinishl lalsl Monday hy He v. J. II. Young. They will reside in Hazellon. vMrs. C. W. Homer of Prince lluperl i visiting with her sister Mrs. J. C. K. Sealy. - Mrs. W. W. Amlerson and-.laughter, Lois, have left for Nanaimo where they will spend severnl months. i. Premier Oliver' visited Hie llaiellon school'la! Mnnilay and hddressed the children briefly on Hie suhject, "The Huilding of C.harhcter." . W. A. Wattie and family kit las week for Vancouver where they will take up their residence. The new hridge over the Kis-piox Itiver al Kispiox is ahout finished and will prohahly he opened for Iralllc this eek. LOUD HATS rtllOACO, Oct. . Men's hat in color "so loud Hial they will liinke your head ache" are de creed for fall, according lo Hie National Association of He-tail Clolliicr in convenlion here. Silk hose for men in gay and gaudy lint are also prescribed. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Empress Hotel Huilding. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. Flrat-claas Restaurant In connection. James Zarslll - Proprietor. I Premier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way to prove that PHK.MIF.ll "GOLU' MEDAL" HEEIl is best THY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. This advertisement is not published or displayed by Hie Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Col urn Ida. COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR AN VOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. Foe Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Oct. 17, Nov. 3, 17 at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNOS V. Imi Prince Buptrl t.il pjn. for PRINCE GEORGE, EDMO.MON, WW-MPEU, ill point Kiswrn Canada. t'nIVHl Stales, AOtNCV LL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Ticket Office, US Third Ate, Prince Rupert. Phene 280. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings! rom Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver, Victoria and 8eattle, October S, 12, 23; November 2, 16, 30 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, October 1, 8, 10, 29; November 12, 26 S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C.. LTD. Salllnr From Prince Rupert. Per VANCOUVER, VIOTOtllA, Ocean Falle, ane Swanaon ley, Tveedar, B P.m. Fee VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, enf Swanaen Sty, Saturday Neen. For ANYOX, ALIOS ARM, STEWART, Walee leland,- Sundey S PJH. tor PORT SIMPSON and Naae RUer Cannerlee, Friday A.M. IS tu Avenue. 4. aamaley, Afeai. Prince Rupert. B.C if