AN OPEN LETTER - - - Christmas message will interest you. interested in more elaborate things. lightful presents on display; many names on your Christmas list. ! ||| sonal things for men such as leather-goods, i| house. Doesn't it all sound exciting: to serve you. Will you not drop in? MAX HEILBRONER I i | MANY NEW WAYS |! From Your Christmas Store If you are one of the many people that experience difficulty in sel- ecting both useful and novel Christmas gifts we feel sure that this In our store we have made preparatiens for a popular price Christ- mas, and for that reason you will fiad well selected gift merchandise at prices which will accommodate the modest pocketbook as well as those We must confess our inability to describe in this letter the many de- sister and brother and sweethearts, too. Perhaps you have felt that jew- ellry store gifts were just for the fortunate few, but we hasten to assure : you that we welcome you to our shop. Come in, feel at liberty to look at everything without being pressed to purchase. It will be a pleasure to show you the gracious and beautiful things which are suitable for the HH) Jewellry, silver, glass and china will appeal to mother. We have per- smokers’ toiletware including baggage and accessories. Rings are always favored while nothing could be more oe al than a watch for someone in the ’ Here is your Christmas store ready Sensational values in our Down Stairs Store. Hundreds of Fine Items— Dozens of Suggestions. TO CUT DOWN YOUR CHRISTMAS BUDGET Diamond Specialist } needs, handsome ’ | Order Now! | Christmas Cakes, Puddings, Pastries Superior Quality and Reasonable Price Try our Almond Tarts and Mince Pies Bread and Cakes in Sanitary Wrappings Ten Varieties of Delicious Cookies Andrew’s Cash, Carry Cake Shop rhird Avenue—Next to McLaren's Music Store P. O. Box 416 Black 667 Phone: SICKNESS GENERAL Attendance at City Schools During November Cut Down By Flu, Principals Report Attendance percentages in ail] city schools during the month of} November were cut down to lower} levels than usual owing to the pre- valence Of influenza and sever? colds, it was revealed by all th: principals in their reports to the school board at its meeting last night. There was also considerable illness of this kind among teachers 'From Westview School two cases of chicken-pox were reported. In all 1129 pupils were enrolled in ;the city schools in November, 574 being boys and 555 girls. Following For Christmas and years | after—a Diamond! What lovelier gift can you offer? Spark- ling and beautiful this month; spark ling and beautiful when our g a children are grown. In our wide selec- tion of good stones, in their exquisite settings, even in dainty Gruen Wrist- lete, you will find the perfect answer to that puzzling “most important” gift question. Stop in — today! John Bulger Jeweller Buy, AN Special Low Christmas Prices FUEL Balkan Alberta Sootless Lump Coal $12.50 Balkan Alberta Sootless Stove Coal $12.50 Balkan Alberta Sootless Nut Coal $11.00 (Per ton, sacked, delivered) Nanaimo-Wellington Lump Coal $12.25 Nanaimo-Wellington Mine Run ....... $11.00 Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal |... $10.75 (Per ton, bulk, delivered) ALSO SPECIAL PRICES ON COMBINATION ORDERS FOR WOOD AND COAL Service and+ satisfaction guaranteed! Phone us before placing your orders. Phones: 116 and 117 ALBERT & McCAFFERY LTD. 'was the enrolment by schools Boys Girls Tt! {High School 114 132 246 Booth School 256 236 492 | Borden Street 158 154 312 Seal Cove 32 22 54 Westview 14 il 25 Totals 574 S65 1128 Attendance percentages: High School, 90.99; Booth. 88.84: Borden | 90.14 Seal Cove, 94.9; Westview | 87.16 School savings: Booth, $15.72: |Borden, $10; Seal Cove, $1.95 | Westview, $1.96 Mid-year examinations had beer | held at the High School, the report ;0f Miss E. E. Lucas, acting princi pal, stated. indicating that progress was being by the pupils generally i _ = Electrician | Is Honored | Bancroft Gerhardi of Americar | Telegraph & Telephone Co. Wins Edison Award satis- | factory wr NEW YORK, Dec. 14:—Bancroft .Gerhardi, chief engineer of the American Telegraph ana Teleptone Co., has been awarded the Edison }award for outstanding jachievement during the t is announced electrical year 1932, ) ee 1 | LOCAL NEWS ee Mrs. Leo Ostermann, wife of a Kechikan customs officer, was a passenger aboard the Princess |\Norah this ithe Alaska | Seattle morning returning to city after a trip to On her regular fortnightly voy- age to Alaska, C.P.R. steamer Priny lg ram jare under military ‘iplir ar ithave work, food and shelter at the ,Citadel until March 31, when they THE DAILY NEWS WORK FOR [< ~ WORKLESS Military Save During Cold Weather The way to save at this sea- {U nemployed i t Under ; Rule at Halifax (Canadian Pre an ) son of the year is to buy goods HALIFAX, "Ped. (14+-Nearly 300 isingle men, unemployed last sum mer, are hard at work restoring the /Citadel fortress to its former pre | portions. Abandoned by troops last year for the first time since the city was at the— MONTREAL IMPORTERS | ; ! ; Wednesday, December 14, 1939 | hae fn Wednesday & Thy, TWO SHOWS—7 & x. 15 Feature Starts at 7 & ADMISSION — 5, THURSDAY MATINEE: Feature Starts 3:10); Sday > Dm, 9 p.m, & 5ve at 2:30 « & B5¢ A RIB-TICKLING COMEDY “Madame Racketeer” With ALISON SKIPWORTH, RICHARD BENNETY, RAFT and EVALYN KNAPP The World is Hers—and She Means to Take it, Paramount p Comedy—CHARLIE CHASE in “GIRL GRIEF” Nevelty—“Hoillywood on Parade” GEORGE icture Paramount News WEDNESDAY REVIVAL at 10:10—JOE E. BROWN “LOCAL BOY MAKES Goop” Se FRIDAY and SATURDAY—“LADY & GENT” SBR RSPAS RT PBIB eRe eeaseaaa as L onniee in 1749,°the fortress is to Guarant : & CAS but there are presents for mother and dad, ; be preserved as a historic site. The] saving. ¢ “ a ret | work is being done at the direction Ss cOnVinee you ae lot SUn0 -TOGMRAS Mivern ment, 06 POG iii Nice jof an unemployment relief pre _ The workmen live in t b qua! formerly occupied | Plan For Cosine _ East End School Being Held Over are beginning to like They wil will be discharged. In addition the will receive 20 cent day All matters of pe ire refe ito Brigadier F. C. ( ’ ficer commanding itary S ‘ | No. 6, and supervisi is under Un B Me assistant adjutant lartermas rial S I & : ter general. Others admin be 1inine strenet Amo! istrative staff include the district}. ombe f the board that ti engineer officer, district ordnar . Seo | officer district supply and trans iCove s y at eave & | port officer, district medical officer | punils ti to Booth School ‘and district accounta! Camp Routine Each man is assigned to work o: Youne People which he is fitted and is expected} . to labor eight hours each working| H M t day. Here is the schedule: rise 6:30 ave ee ng, a.m., breakfast 6:45, work 8:00 to! -— 12:00, dinnes 12:00, work 1:00 Ww! Presbyterian Organizations See 9:00, supper 5:15, gate closes 10:34 Interesting Display of lights out 11:00 p.m Pictures Gambling is not permitted in th«! camp. No wines, beer or spirits are to be taken into or consumed on the} _ | rs P n You camp area. No women are permit ” : ast ey jted to enter the camp quarter rugth - oon | Women approaching the camp gat : 52 to see any man are required to pro- | : : . : z ? : ceed to the office and state their} : a? , business lby H. McEwe . ; . mt Medical service is free. A medi | 2 sa: = » : - : cal orderly is on duty at fixed hours) . daily. Seriously ill njured me: |" ” vote of are admitted to hospita ae Mr. McEw for } The work is proceeding satisfa he torily and there seems to be ha z rve mony in the camp, One day a larg group of men staged a two-hou Strike in protest against the qu ality | of the stew dished out for dinner | but they returned to work willing!y | after hearing a 25-minute speec! from Brigadier Consta ntin¢ The brigadier told them the matte: would be adjusted. He made it clear also that dissatisfied pers not compelled to remain in se) ALICE ARM FLU | The ‘flu epidemic is slightly abating, and you can do much to reduce the risk of infection. 1. Avoid crowds as much as possible. 2. Be careful of your diet. Partake freely of fruit, vegetables and milk. which are alkaline in their re-action. Avoid draughts, but see that fresh air is freely admitted to home or office. Last and most important, Get a bottle of BUCK. LEY’S MIXTURE and take a sip several times a day. BUCKLEY'S is a highly alkaline, germ-de- stroying mixture, that rids the system of cold. giving acids, invaluable as a preventive. I/ should take ‘flu, go to bed at once, and call your doctor. As likely as not he'll tell you to carry on with BUCKLEY'S. Many doctors do. But be sure its BUCKLEY’S—the original, genuine, creamy WHITE MIXTURE, The ‘flu is too dangerous to experiment with un- proven preparations and worthless imitations. BUCKLEY'S became famous during the ‘flu epi- demic of 1918 and has been famous ever since. ~~ you Useful Yuletide Gifts Cop pe Tea Aluminum Roasters Ke 82.00 to S3.25 i $2.00 to 83.50 Thompson Hardware ( Co. Lid. Third Ave Mail order areful ' filled aa Fis! Carving Sets ' District News | | ns wert British Columbia : es ott S on Products rem yment rele os Is Laid on Table °°", | cleat, el The board of school truste i : ; 4 ight referre to next year Soard a request from the Imperi ) loca Order Daughters of the Empire fo nh that popular win yermission to place “Use B.C. Pre ducts” placards in the shools with a view to holding at a later date. Meantime, the views of the principals on the mat ter will be secured and more parti an essay contest! culars will be sought from th | Daughters of the Empire } Trustee Gilli thought | Dauchte of the Empire wo otte ants doing something worthy they agitated for use of ito h Co in the school California oil | C.N. R. Trains “or the East— lumbia wood or coal in preference to Monday and Fridays 9:30 an Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. | From the East— Tuesdays, Thursday and Satur-| days 8 p.m. For quick returns Try a Want | Poinsetta Advertisement, | | Our Xmas Selection of Potted Plants Arrives Wednesday RENT Poinsettias, Begonias, Cycamens, Christmas )eess Norah, Capt. William Palme jarrived im port at’ ® o'clock thi ;Morning from Vanouver and sailed a couple of hours later for Skag~ }way and other northern points )Sengers going north, none disem- MS A | whence she is scheduled to return) here next Sunday afternoon south- | bound The vessel had only 15 pas- A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter Moderate prices McRAE BROS., LTD. Arctic Studio Plant, Azaleas, Palms & Ferns Cherry, Pepper A laree variety ee ~ MACKENZIE S FURNITURE — ANOTHER BARGAIN Chesterfield and Two Chairs, Walnut Mohair Cushions, Walnut Facings, Real Luxurious Comfort ‘139 , a See this to appreciate beauty & value. Special price " Third Avenue Phone 77 ——— Sprin ! ee ee Buy Home-Made "Xmas Presents - Ft We have a fine new line of Prince Rupe! Christmas Cards Art Calendars and Pictures They help your friends to keep in touch with Pri Rupert. They are made by Prince Rupert peo!" and the money is spent at home. | 2 Ah A AR PN ON AER le tow ome COTE OF Ct ere RRR EF kee for Re WRATHALL’S