riai row SHORT SNAPPY SAUC of M en s Specials This Week Only. Regular S9.75 am! t.5(S Sh'ie. .Hrwn or Black. AD sue anil sha. fiiing' at $6.50 & $7.50 See Our Men' Window. Family SHOE Store "Shoes For The Family." We Solicit THE MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTIES AND COL-LECTION OF RENTS The Satisfactory Services given others, justify us In soliciting yours Oliver Typewriter. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Stove WOOD We have just received i car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry h'ne cut to order. Also Kindling In Sacks. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phono 580. Serri- and Quality our Motto. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone S. Cartage, Warehousing' and Distributing. Team or ' Mfdor Service, Coal, Fund and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. EPSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone 68. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to RenL Prices Reasonable Phone Blue 471. 8econd Ave. J REDUCE HIGH COST OF ' LIVING. Kllminate the draught around your windows and use less coal, t SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows. Glass and Mirrors of all kinds. T. ROS8 MACKAY. Phone Blue 106. BRINGING UP FATHER OPMXTVC BUM PHONE. 0eKTORta- fVVT . , : THtt) ohe i the. nnn 1 1 l FNGLISMEN AND rm rkxikxuAWQ no a u Ic Gllhufy Cup Soccer Games Result In 1 to 1 Score SUnd- is Now Interesting The Son of Canada and Son of Knzlanil played to a l-l draw iin lat nigh (iilhulyCup swn.ir foolbaU same. It wa a fast game from start lo finish and lliff team seemed very evenly-matched providing plenty of excitement for Uie good rr?wd of BATTERS' GAME WAS PLAYED AT ANYOX what hectic canfe of baball the Mine added another victory to its lonjr lit of wi'fis when it look I Iwith atrKrej-'nle of four retirements, by -- UVw MiBsBssl xx iB V teel so good v i will make yoa M peetalor thai wa prnl. ; The Sim of Canada played' ...... , . . , .... . ,. , . ,v , and HaUers.D earn got one. downhill in the first half and ,. ... , ,. .. the mrltr. herman , . , wa leading both tram were on- man short ,, ..,, . , . , .. .. .. . , batter with two single and a to tart with. About five, mm. .. . " wm. mriM 0. A , m ,ni lrrw SB dl8 . t ul fly the onmsr. I. m Malh aftll Mr w ti iK.iKipr:pri i nrura i enl of th half, nmrp Shaw n; unipin. K. K. Irntid4M. ford fr thi t-jR?lihin. Lin.np- Riousli good teer wa player MiB-MMlrr. Or-ehwU C i. ilk H-ot,d half and th fnru.n. AnWn, CmiW n farh olhn- a stiff par, thw strwart. HalvfrHop. wa n trorinsr in thaf jiriol. lAne. v V. E. Willirroft wa nfrr. SiwU-r -Malhon. JicKmo. and A. Clapprittn snd fiHrp Umi. F'.rtin. Sinclair Ol-Waush offirfafM on Ifi line. sh.ri. Sherman I.i-k The team took th fild a TRAP SHOOTERS TO Son of Canada II PrizzrII: II. ilenzie and J. Mark; (',. MilrhelC V. Merizie. 11. Aloria;' W.- Uileliell. Bert Fin?, Eildie! Srtiilh. I; Cbrte'r ifwi Alex. Mil-r STAGE TOURNAMENT DURING FAIR WEEK rheil. ' , c. . ,, , ,, j Arranjrerneni are under way ' un of Hntrland H. rrizzell; . . . . Ieiw,i i lie Prince Iliirwrl linn i L-. . i . 1. 1. -I. rarquhar anl M1k ixntz. .... . , t. O. Shaw, nerpe Keley and Hoiizkinyon: y. Hamilton. P. Cameron, O. R. Ird. J. Johnson and !. P. Tinker. The ouIcmw at the Gilhulr Cuj coinpeliJioa Bow depend on next MondayV eveHinsr- ftned game helween the Sn of Knslaml and (imlio. If Hie En?-Iihinei win or lie in that game. they will rapture the tnphy. A;( victory for the Urol to, however. will lie the wliole leazue. up is neceilatiri7 at least two play-j off game. laze a raplifilinjt Imimarnent in I he city durin? fair week. Oretrn Fall ha ejtpre-iel 11 de1re In eml a learn nd il will miw alonjr with the Uaeh learn, il i exiecled. A cliallenRe Cup will le presented for Hie event, it i tiiiderloM'. Sport Chat In tho course of the Stuart Shield foothall ferie which el7ied thi we-k the Son of KJijiIaiid core fourteen goal and ha I eight cor'd ajraint lltnv Th-i Son of linaiia irof-ei nine goal and eleven. ' ......... .n, . the Mueller Into canlp with a;Sliield erie were:' J. Mark rvm-i; oi 1IMH.--HI i.ip'iit oij. jouuon, o; r, r.rKine, a; these run wni aile in their Tinker. MfGowan, lioy and Iird. firt appearance at bal, and bo-(2 each; U. Lonff, II. Menzie.t, J. fore Fortin dirovered that lit jM. Campbell, W. Hamilton, ' J. was fcolnjr to have a niphl off, Vincent, K. MackinUuh, li when MeKpon-n was xubxlilutedCra(r(r. O. Ki-rvcy, 1 each, and ronfmeil tlieir run-rnakin? lot - a .Insle tally. II va,a bit of an' Memberu of Hie firolto Ipani. off-uixht all round, that U for nil pli.-mniion for 192.1 of the Senior Hie slnkp-nut route. In hits lh; Aftor Hip postponed foolbalf batlinR average. soarol. l'nr tins game helwVn Ibe Sons of F.nif- JVIne. GreenwHI pot n pair of laud sfnd Grolto chediilpil for single, likpwisi Mpaley and C. Hip fire I of neU wek Iherp will Ferguson, whiJp. I'yiirip, Slpwarl be n blank month n. far, ax foot. motion BRIER thi oaili nwi Saturday. Aubl. I TMinkTuT H , WCLL-I"M LJ lwe.W a CON OQvwN OPeKAvTOK.- R AMD TCLU ircii ULM hall fan are fowraM it aj-Par. Nothine ha yet hern lined to, take plar- tetween now and air time when Uwal seleri 'earn vll kirk the leather with .uihJe Vjrrreatioit. The hiir foothall viitnr will either roue from jAnjtix or Tetkwa which ha fUl yet hen ileckle.1 THIS. DISTRICT TO SEND BH, EXHIBIT ' NEW WESTMINSTER A lare azneulura! exhihil re. t.reeritaiir of the eniire Centra! Itrinlildum6ia dulrict will he aemhied here and ent to I he provincial fair at w Vetmin--ler next month, il wa announc-el at I he Fair Ofliee I hi nnkrn- !,' We-liiMRier Fair 1a aprt- priate.1 iS0 toward eH.linjr the exhibit and the .Northern RC. Agricultural .V. Indalrial A. orialioR ha authoriietl the v-i end 1 1 lire of $50i for the ;ur-poe. Forty-efpht letter were. ent ol hy ibe tocaIrFair fvanlye- Irrriay to a?riculluraliU in Hie , interior in ronnecii with the matter. Telkwa," Sroilher, Hound l.ake. Itarrett like, Htitilon, North Ilulkley, Topley,' Forel- Ule. 1'allin? Ieeker hake. Rum Ike, Franctii lke. iray Prain. Akullibank, I)an-Ein. SlreelHami". fola Iike. Wilaria, VanderhrMif. Terrace, llazelton and other loealltie will contribute. . Afler it arrive at ew VI-minter. official of the Depart ment of Ajrrinillure wMlf lok af-J ler the exhibit. 'Hie ew Vel-uiinlerv Fair lake (dace the ame week, a Hie Prince Hiipert Fair. REGIMENTAL ORDERS 1st. Bn. North B.C. Regiment 102 Bn. 0.e.P. Orders hy Major J. W. I!. Xklioll commnndin: Untie: Orderly ollicer, week endins iiiKil IH. Cnpl. II. Wanl: nex fi.r .Inlr I W II,..,. fourteen aainL while Ih ' .7 -. V .. AXYOX Amr. Id In a r.me. t..n -it.. rzeain wee enilin; . . ... ' VltOltal 111 IIIa ".I ilann II rinl ifor duly, IMe. Hudon, K lew .. 1 1. . Ytnl aul I r. in lha liifirll f ' i. -.f The follinz havintr been al t.-i. ii, hit iuki'ji mi ,iin- ir"ii)Eio an from dale el oppoite their mime: No. !. Pte. A. J. Squire, Auc, Hi; No 00, Pte. J. D. Allen, An?. 1 1 ; No. Pie. J. T. McAuley, An?. IC. Appoiiilmentu and Promolion The ollicer conimandiiifr Ha except the bailer., who look ad- League ;ind winner of IhV .Vtob-5 ,""n P'ad lo approve the fo vanlatreiof the opiiorlunily offer-ley Cup, lined up la.t night to 'winsr appominientft 'and pro en. nits wero Tree on both xi.lf, have Ihnir pictures taken. ThM and xtrikP-ouU w-ro few, and; will be added lo Ibe vllinK li.l bolli leamS used two pitchers.iof inlereslinK nholos that Ui.' Fcinninif honor wpr pven, , both 'popular ctear store now' posse, pitchers on each learn' celling ar ses. To Iip Coy. Qunrlermafder Sgl. IL Coy., o. do. pte. .1. D. Allen, August In To be Sprgeant bu?pr. No, f. Pie. W. Ranee. Aug. Ifi. To be Cov. Ouarlermater Sgl A. Coy. No. 7, Pie. F. Hudson, August In. Parades: All rank. will parade al 8 p.m A eEXH CON& AN MOOR VJITH ThE JAJHiTC. KHKSH VKnrrrAIU.KS for Sale . 'ilie fidlowiny vegetable are for le al the following price f.o.h. Oil.male, II.C. Green pea, yountr and wee, lr II.. H. . Green lleans lenler aiul yotinjt ler Itv. JteH, fine quality, per Ih. 3e. Greeo Onion. rry h quality Cahbaxe per Hi. He. ew Potato", piM. quality, T 100 III. I. "5. A Urce crop of corn will h. ready for hiptnent in a few week at low price.. AIok jiwrde turnip and carnt. Apply John It. Cooper. llanale, in:. Ak for rtlV I. rand and le ure of pettiMir quality. FOR SAI.R New bull. Ifi feet liy CI feel. Seine boat m-lel. Conlruc4l of firt class material. Bargain. Address, T. F. Johnson, P.O. Ho ;n. Ketchikan, Alaska. FOR SALE. I hae for sale sev eral boat -pood fur pleaure ami work at exceptional par-grain. They mut be o. Apply .V. M. McLean. 6 Day. DI CK IKXiS for Sale Two female lrih water paiile, three month old. 15.00 li. Fraer, Marine Station. ?5 IIKINT..MAN PIANO tor Quick sale. 3.i0.0fl. Apply Iloi 137. Daily News Odlre. I'Jh August zo. FOR RENT FOR RF.NT. VI Alice Arm. pool room, barber shop and rignr store.-' Living room upstairs. Alo bed for rent. Apply Art Itiiuidln, Kox tl, Alice Arm, H.O 109 FOR RKNT. Modern houe. four room and 4atli on Fifth Ave. West. UnfurniMied or partially furnished. Apply Philpoil, Kvill A Co. mtf 10 RKNT Furnished rooms: willi hot and cold water, bv day or wppk. Moderate xalo. Norfolk Rooms, Pli'pne lilack 320. 'tf STKAM Healed Flat for rent. Besner aiiartments. M. M. Stephens. FOR RKNT Housekeepiffg rooms 410 Sixth Avenue. Kusl. Phone Ulue 217. tf MODKRN four room flat for rent. Weslenhnver Uros. tf ROOM AND BOARD PALMER HOUSE 100 Seventh Avenue. W'eL Phone Rod 119 Fnrnisheii suites. MWOtLLANEOOS. EXPERT ACCOUNTANT will ppsl your boiks and polled ac coiinls. Very rno-l-riile lerm Hot 138, Daily News. .; Monday, August 20, for instruc tion in care of arms. Recruits drill Wednesday. H p.m., Augusl 22.' Arms; All Iboso In possession of rides must turn same In Id Quarter nusler at drill hall ou Monday, 3rd For the East BOARD. HOARD. The Second Avenue. TAXI Chiropractor MAIL Salurdays C.p'.R. August 8, II, and 20. To Anyoi, Alloe Arm Weilnesdays From Anyos, Alice Arm TO VlA o rQNirVDATC ! "'tl Inlander, 830 Phone 137. tf Tail 67 Phone. (Call Georg: oc Jut) Ross Brothers. !lel prn in i tie Clljr. Anywhere. Anvinne, Day or Xiirhl SUnd: Boston Grill Third Avenue HOLIDAY RESORTS MASSCTT. AUCTION KALES. Third Avenue (Dei.ny Allen's Old Slots) P. M. ...xa p.m. - 3 PM. intf Siwi FtEssy-Cutlintf IH. Thursdays 8 To Port .Simpson, Alice Anyoi and Arrandale. Sundays 7 From Port Simpson, Alice Anyoi and Arrandale Tuesdays To Stewart and Premier- Fridays A.M. 3 P.M. ILP.H. ujrul 3, C, 13. 17. SI .and 37. To Vancouver . Mondays 10 P.M. Tuesdays. Mail eWes al t P.M. Thursdays 9 PJt. SiMONDS SAWS smosDi cistDt uv to.usrrt0 51. R.ml H. tni Acm An.MasIn!. Oim. Vancut, B.C. st.Jh.N.n. p.m. Arm P.M. a i A..M Sundays 7 PiM. From Stewart and Premier Saturdays 8 P.M. Tuesdays . A.M. To Alaska Points August 3. fi. 13. 17. 21 and 27. From Alaska Points- August 8, II. 18. fi an.) 25). To Queen Charlotte Island Points Augusl H nnd '.; 5.30 P.M. From Queen Charlotte Points Atigu! fi and "o. To Haas River Points Thursdays lo pju. From Naas River Point Saturdays .. , , I QUEEN'S HOTEL The Ideal Holiday Resort. xi rm For terms apply propneirw;. Mm. J. C K. Dunn. J, J Phone hlack 136 and Green 471. . l tmi ih t i ! U..4. i Hi- ..,. j , l M ' ! . . f km j sejr i fre r.f lb' i ..1 t -s Itm- l l' u-'. -: Conducted In your home or at, f our rooms. Good nlo sidd on' tnr td rerlu i.... ... ii .... , ItM m n-i IKHirs. in lo I . .' In t; I lu H t k I. . ! ' Ilk, 'ri- li i . ,,f,r v.... B- rj, , Resilience, firern 134. . - f lindrr M uuiiuuiiu .Mondays. Weilnesdays and Fri day close at 5.30 p.m. From the East MfMidiiys, Thursday unlays. 4:30 pjn. From Vancouver- Sun days , . Mondays . . Wednes.lays Fridays Fridays .. tommUaion. i .ftJ"1- H. H. HEMMirtGS, Auctioneer, 'Nron m i . I lis CHIROPRACTOR hmrw . 4 f R. D. TAS1IC D C . k I t i ! ! ll,1 ift,i S. Ih M t' Art MM til IW M' H- .Vt SST fcofT.im ' I m-'.i- lr isvvi .- SI H : Mi utui SatbiHW sT rrHt' lllUf (MtWlt' i tM till (IT kr lti ' Tl k I Jt ' MW Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PEJ WOKD IN ADVANCE. No AdT.rtlMiit4.nl T-W.n tur U.. ihn so. WANTK0 VAXTKI).-Jtfen anit women to learn barberin?. Paid while h-aminp and (onl free. Write for catalogue. Molrr Itarher Crtege, Vancouver, B.C. WANtF.lt TO PI Rf.HASH ' .Modern 'fie and .een rMtmcd houe in kihmI locality. I'liil-xdt, Kifl A Ot.. Second Ave. FOR SALE ' tl ui i Utf, ft, f 1.1,. I.M t f rwJ ,!Uhr fr U r ' " " MssScKnir w '? ' , Nfrn . N O T I C I, if the am f ' Title Vti' - lmnt MIPMI Utf. I" ll. St,UiWn r iity-ftlne'fJM). 0 P..M.oni(Mte sf TtMe Saturdays XA.M. P"ied 1(1 pAISNi W !, rtr Ibe One mnetb tnu IW i- i ' 'f. s l..-i ' T"n rM Monti Ofiir. no like ( Ub4 In IIM- ' il' " Mtnifll. The wifUMl ' ' ditH IS tflU AiT'-: tinbrrwt ltll. Umt ntri'iry "fn. r .:. lit AatsM. in It. '" f. QUttNCHARL0TTK ISLAS0S llt HlKt IMI ip ' " irrklo Cnninint of Mill-' . iu iliiiiii lur umiHvo tat t If -s w t I I m K? JIU ntlJI f t :w t 4 t;- iiwl 4 VM. rniNcc nurtRT lsso oiitsict. I. . . . fc- , fninrv-. I s imi il.SV rtm - thrort f.r i A ' llw ilirtl nror M ..9 P.M. low vTtUr mark nf plme nnrr. tJ vuuteirir sun o.n - u i wt.r muk is rtinn ! "f Vmtt- ' " ISSS. . thrm-s lheitHr ih.K.. n.,ii.nui in cbillK. 1"" ... Ie. 10 the puint t cim""0 ot etMiliinlnr 4S rr. "vrr ' II. . BlMwf Ml- Arni- LAND ACT. ! ( InlMilIss' PP' M l"" -111 SkfM Lliwl PUii" ' r!'. tl Irin i,f rnnre lliirt iM Tin. .toifsi urn W f'trZ?n mtx eouriT, urrupnn fimr ". ,n b n-Plr lr iniiiS'" !"',JI.n . pnil rlnit n lite ""J "Tr,. ihrnrt A.M. urn, ci. ils-nce souls '".'IVhiini i ri t9 rhiln.i lhnr n"i .'li.c hore; lhinri rniinwinr tm- roiiiiiirnrlnrnt and UlniB '"r,jr tulwl 7lh ist.f.Jjli. i QUrtN CMAHtOm "NO 0ISTICT Tike Noun thil W 0 ."'"'it' w mnr, B.C nilniT. intends Tii,, m sa oir nut Mii'ler lh '"n,1, oriMW ln.U. slliisird on Skidf '"''. ini ItUnit. B.Ci CiiniiwiH-in ii- It . .... -....il...., mm,F 1)1 """..jrfl 1 ill,- nmiiir,., .....I' ltH- ' Township J, thMire 10 ritilni " f,.(i so rniini norm; iwn ai e Itinre SO clilln loulli. menrrmrnl. d pulllt 0, MeMOl"11