I. 0 y Auiul 18, 1028. ' 1TCWB THI DAILY faqi nvi fXai; "'I 1 I A."ailM I IK: ip Mo(iiil' iWl roT l 91 f.iri-n.l mil all m?r llic ji ; nrjil the hoali nrfil fny Pin k Micir lrale. - l'iliiMiiioii from Hie 0CM nri nn rxvclleni run of iflk- fi Hit fii"ii and anlirliali I'cnnl jiai-k liy Hie oaniiri. K'it lte run t.f mtfifym Hi :'aa( tui iivn rry ftitf (til anil tin1 park in thai district l,iii ' in1 uMiiy u Inru I Solid for Carnival Outtn TU liipli nMil itial In a man il i Iih election of MIm " nki.n. Hie little 'i: : iJi. a Ourpti of Ilii' r-rmri o r SendH mm "mm mm Doing of the Mosquito Eleet which Is tha chief source of Prince Rupert's prosperity nlonar I In wnlcrfrtnil n.ki'il ll'atlll)r tllHIl ll ;jv IIh' iurivuN, liuvn iiiir wijll up to lln livrr. In is1i'(4 for IhiIi flrl , ila landing havn , V! 'Hirly tl !". Tlif Ad- ,it u flan from lli innl-I f he flii(rlii of lliolfd i (m:: flf lit iinnn'r'liillon ;: .-:ml Wlirk llsdllC ilono. ! ite)ruy iiroiiml the r iJh .lolmnV Walker, p ig Htronjr. Willi the etrnil of llif Inrui fIiiMiii'r on Wilp'-jirir for .iin;rii'nii :dk . oiiipwlmi 'of a wliU' lis Imwik limit Iwij rout more .'for . mlrlir aiTd nfr n y tr vind Hh. U wrallMT on lli jIhcji a i U ha Iioimi nil Mini could ( .v Til mill ha pcriiiil I oil i; in (or fudiinjr. l an.i'lian -climmir Dcr , given l lie once uvt on ay damn; ! wri'fc and lli if MiintiKT (nrrliuul 1 pi lie' n ail) al nn md. , Ctinuvitl ul I hi fort hrrtiiitiitt jliiltllion. Mi JliMiiikoii liait 1lM 'ii)liiiiy nn Ikt own iihaf atnl lia won lln mlinirallon of nil in jlli?' InVuf naiillcal worlil.' TIio ly nr alinlulfly rriain Hint jllidr run. Ilililc will In- Hie (iin ii of tin Curnivn! ami willi t, nn.l iu view lire volinir in her !raili'. When Hie hny g,t xoinpr on a projerl you can het your ilifiv Ihey- mean lo ee il Ihrnufrli inrpMKxfull;. v Sandy Buy Boat Snndy' l-inlaynn. I he genial cjilclakiT of I u I'Hnoe Hi-j.erl arlil (.lull, has lakPti unlo lilm-ef a r 1 1 n o r I i n k iinildr- hoal. The imrrliae wan niale from Tom William, an olil-llmer ill lhee pari. The newly ac iinreii rran mi'aure fil x feel heam atiil i'filis ujlh a I h(tre jmwer I J ray engine piy Inif i of onie een mi!eii hour. Wonlinir lo all r U'iri the ngine i a ilnii.ly ami wilt even cirk up if prilneil wilt wnler. The h.tiit i lo he niinVil llaiel Hfler I he eehihraleiWllrh llai'l. . i V.- j . Ooo Magulr Salvages Skiff II look lx- Majihlire In pul Ihe Vlichi i:iuh meinher in a liile of :eriimenl. II rhaneeil that kippei .e Mujulre, mi I hi) hriilae of the yoml hip llruec, look a JiiHe run Mrouiul llie'har tiiir jul a Ihe iluk lu'Kaii In Jail !hle.ay. SiKhlin u ilerelirt rrafl Ihrniish Ihe pi'rinie m jenne leletfrnph ranjf for (till 1 pe'e. aheail mi J the (truces wa aloliKIie the wreck. The IKiKn lereljrl wn fouml In he a er- fcell) giNiij nklli, n klll ko miWailay. with rope anl oar rnmplele. II occurred to the al vaKer thai Ihe wreck may have heeu Ihe I mule e.pjel lo a all iclini'k trase.ly ainl wllh Mil, in 'imii'l, nod Ihe -k lir in tow, Ihe ml-' I -service ex Everything washed ( Your flat work ironed v Other pieces returned damp That's Thrif-T-service, and even if you don't count the expense of your own labor, it really costs less than to do the washing at home. We take all your washing; 'cleanse and sterilize everything through and through with pure mild soap and the softest of waters. - Then we iron your flat work as nicely as you could wish. Most of the moisture from your other pieces we remove and return them just right for you to iron or starch and hang up on the line. All the hardest work of washday done for you at a remarkably small cost. Get in touch with us today, and have , us call for ybur next washing. This is a service you'll approve. Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 fojut J ... aundni , Hruce hende.1 hack for Ihe lliuellnit, lnhe received with Ureal rejnieinsK hy a Inrjre crowi) who had lircathloKily walplied Ihe" nervy manoeuvre. 1 The Hixle' Huperl, hapl. Gen. pU'Pltnkl.. ku mi III A I nnM ..n..u The Canadian rhnoner Kal- ern I'oml i.oa Ihe Ward wav iiiwlcriin? copper iiainliiiK and a pccnral overhaul. 1 , Sunbeam II on Ways llie coaxial cruier Simheam II., owned hy IioiiKla ,5ork, I on Ihe X. M. Mcl.eau way nn.lprjro. Uig a geneial overhaul n Ihe re-ull of her rivenl I rip lo Vancouver ami. return. The hull i I' he thoroughly gone over and her, rahin i heing improved while he i laid up. Vaquero.off Dry Dock Tlif launch Vaiiiero, owned hy uwonei siuarl, ami recenlly overhauled on Ihe Canadian Na tional dry dock, i once apraiu in uie water ai iiw nay. A com plete merhaul of Ihe crafl ha heen made and Ihe Vaquenr I now in lip liifi ihape foranylhing Dial mine along. Colonel and Mr, siuarl have gone lo Alaka and Ihe Yukon, where I hey will explore and hunt in Ihe Interior, and will not rclurn to Mm city utili next pring. Ellesn Breaks Away The power hunt Hilecn owned hy W. Shaw had iiile an ex yerience whUo in commission at Ihe Shawatlan l'aage during I he week. II appear that her kiper wa working ni Ihe pipe line in 1 1. at vicinity and had anchored lheto.it a he thought cuiely. After a few hour ah- epce he relurned lo the kcciic of the anchorage ami much to hi amaii'uicnl, fniiml Ihe Imi.iI con. picuou hy il ahenee. Sensing Dial llilein had hecome tired of wailing, ami had wandered away. Cap rt'iiiiiliirfi5, t;.eerice of Ihe ije Huperl and Ihe Oh 1 taliy to lend a hand in the cnivh. rhe.miing crafl vva eventually .localed inide Iho rapid, none ihe wore for her lonely voyaiie. According lo Iho ecret "icrvice noun piscatorial nrlil 111111 have viped Ihe anchor for a inker. - - Repairs 'to Hazelton tioniilerahlce!iair worj; i lo he done lo Ihe Prince ItuiwrtJ inch I and Itowin Cluh head- iiarlpr, Ihe old rher sleamer Haiellim, situated on Ihe Khore of the cuh wharfage site. The foundation i lo h enlirely re newed. New idle ami cro. piece will he inralled under-liealh Ihe present litlildii"', while Ihe entire uplair postinn 1 to he. re.hnanled. The aclivilie of Ihe chili have progressed rapidly ami II ha hecome n'eceary In uiiflal addillonal ncrouimodalinn for new lneuniier. Already .ix addilional hoal taU have heen pill in and others are heiiiR con- lempjaled. Jim after Garden Cup No soopcr hud Ihe announce-nienf heen made Ilial ncling Mayor Collarl would donate u silver cup for Hie hel carden in Ihe city than .liiu ln-gan lo shift Ihe furniture around, of course during the absence of Ihe v'O'wl lady, in an endeavdr lo find llm most suilahle place (nr the cup. Ami now il is all fixed up and agreed upon hy both parlies. Just in t ho way of a lillle burden advert iing Jim has been promiscuously d i s I r i ll u I 1 11 g hunchc of dahlia and sweelpen around Hie waterfront fti order jo create a lillle Interest in his well mean! manuel elTorls. Well sir, we have sceni dahlia and ilahlia lid I Jim' dahlia lake Ihe bis cult, or' we should say the cup, for beauly and fragrance. If Iho stories about Ihe pardon pea come up In scratch' Ihe Judges will have nn nllernulnve but lo award Ihe rup lo Jim. The peas have grown In such proportion that a. small '.fira escape i necessary lo pick Ihe lucinu pod olT Ihn (opmost slalks. Another Ihing about Ihe pea Jim will swap n good mess of green pea for a decent sized leg of spring laiuh or n nice dome lioMuek. Pete Solepi, Ihe figure wixnrd nf Ihe lloolli Visheries, ha been adinilled o.hopilal sutlcrlng with hi face jiml il willprpbubly be necessary for hfin lo go un der mi operation.' Pole has been oiling for some iime. It -I the hope of the waterfront fraternity ECZEMA 1 ' " .'il iir i.i'.ii w uj J . ' 1 v - Too are not fxperlment. ng wlies 7m me Ur. Ilnv i oint- mrot for Eexrns soil Kkln Irrtu. Hons. II rller St ontt snd crs4o- kU hral Lhn iktll.-. AuiiDl box Ur. CiisM't Qtnunent trt it Jon eimton tU paper ssd fend 2e. tump for potur. aor, s bx sll deslen or edBAn"" "'Xet ft (K UmltMl. Toronto iinderKOinK a .few iiihUunimpr Iflnil he will non he hark on his louche itkipper. al the hand of her perch figuring'' oui Ihe heads and Inil. Sumner Is Back The American halihul schooner Sumner, Capl. ' Soriano alia "Mingo," hove. 'Jnl port on riiursday inoinihgfroni Sealtle. after an ahuence of , nrue two month, lookjng like a million dollar. While in Ihe south the tcooi) ship ha Iipcii treated In a sumptuous overhaul and new Deisrl engine Installation. ,The hull i hedecked with Rold and while and Ihe whole work from lop lo holloin'l in a perfect stale of filnes. Afler laking on ice ami hail lite Sumner left fnr Ihe high spot lo proe that she i jiisl a good n fishing hnal a she liHik. Walrondo In Port The Dominion public work launch Walrondo. Capl. Hrown, relurned In port 'on lliursday morning. .1. t'.j Konl'v district engineer for the federal puhlic work depart merit has tn-en on a vlil of ifispeclion lo Skeena Itiver ami Naa Itiver points ahoard the odlcial launch. White on I he present lri)t Mr. Korde ha instituted an Idea f'.r lesling (lie action of Icredoes nn every description of limber growing in llrilih I'iliiinliia. Samples of I lie various iimher are nailed on lo 11 piece of oak and Mink at various points down Ihe coast. sea worm 011 Ihe dilferenl kind of wood. o Raitlo Hit lcebrfl The new American schooner Radio. Capl. Anaclscn, a -ix dory hoal, carrying a crew of some twelve men, had ipiile an exciting experience while out on Ihe hiirh tols in the vicinity of Icy Mrail. hue travelling at a good ail Ihe hoal struck a sub'- Uieryeil iceberg of lrfrge propnr-linns vvilh Ihe resiiU lhal Ihe compass was put mil Tr com mission alHiouh no particular damage was done lo Ihe hull. The Radin relurned In port on Wednesday morning with rn,00(l pound of halihul and will have lier compass adjuled while here. She will proceed In for any necessary repair. Flute Saved Army AVhile Ihe secret service can not vouch for Ihe veracity tff Ihe following yarn there is umloubM illy 1111 element, of Iruth in if. The hero is none other lhan Jieo. Woodland of oil fame. II vva during Ihe South African war when (Seorge was a member of Ihe Imperial force besieged in Ladysmilh under fleneral Sir (ieo. While. The liners had been hammering at Ihe gates of the city for month and it was a question of lunch and go as In whether Ihe Hrilihers would ever gel Iheir natural freedom uguin. An idea struck George, who was a great performer on Ihe Ilule. lie obtained some Dutch popular music and one evening, while Ihe oilier guy were nn selnry go, started in lo lender heartbreaking .selection TIMBER SALE XS419. Sealed Tenders, will be received by the District Forester not later lttn noon on the lilih day of September. Mi3, for the piirrliaiut or Llreme Mill, near Mors Inlet, lianae t, Coal I in I net, lo rut ISO, (Mill feet nf CeiUr, Spruce, Hemlock and HalMiu Saw lots, one (I) year will be alloweil for re miival of limber. Hirlher iarllrulars of Itsv. Chief Fores let, Victoria, or the District Forester, rrinrr nupert, 11,1;. TIMBER SALE X 8940. Sealed Tender will be received by the Minister or Lands at Vlrtorla, not later than noon on the soth day of Aukusi, 1ttii, for the purchase of Licence X &3I6, to rut 1,700 jacipme Ties, on tne A.w.Vi of Lot 0703 and area adjoining;, nanre , Com l Land District. Two () years will lie allowed for re moval or umber. Further tiartlrulars of Ihe Chief Fores ler, Victoria. B.C., of District Forester, rrlure iniperl, B.C. . TIMBER SALE XB260. Sealed Tenders Will lU received by the Minister of Lauds al Vlrtorla, not- later lhau noon on lh 801b day" tf Aut-usl, 10(1, for the purcluse of Licence X i 1 0, 10 nil 8,700 Jackplue Tli's." on an area situated approximately 3't miles south of Hose Lake, Canadian atlnnal' Hallway, more a. xasi utnn lusirirt, s one (O year will bo allowed for ra-nmval of timber. Further particulars of tlie.ChUf Fore. ler, Victoria, B.C., or District Forester, rrinct nupen, b.i;. on Hie fliile. The Hner. were o. hypnnlizei -wiih the musical strain lhat Ihey wandered with moiilh apd ears wide open in Ihe edgejif Ihe city forjrclling . hrintf Iheir implement nf Vnr' with them. II was then that the dirly work sarled. While lliej Dutchmen were drinking in Ihe' ilule music nhlivinu of all lheir! surrounding Ihe colonel and a! couple, of hefly lieutenants! sneaked Tiehiml them and struck Ihem down lo .-frnan thus depleting Ihe opposing forces In such an Vxlent thai the re. I of the finer gang heal il. And that i. how Ihe lule saved the army. . Fish Business Duriig Ihe week 68i.00a 1h. of halihul had been marketed on Ihe Fish lyxcjiange, The highest price, for American first class fish was 1.1.6c and for second class I Ic. Canadian fish obtain, e.l l.0e. for first and I I.I for second. The fnwesl American price fnr first cla fish was 10.2c. and for second 8c. while Ihe Canadians nwe.l w-as fc. and inc. Ther' arrival were: Vesln, Hazel II.; Vpnus. Donah. Mjiileline . Nijiiuid, I.a I'alnma; Chancellor, Cilacier, Lapsing, Itoyal, Volunteer, Mhelma, Mar-galice, W. k V Westerner. Man, I'olaric, Lumen, Ilringgnld, Re- lliance. Viila, Pair of Jacks, Con stitution. Hadin, Omaney.. Kaslern Point, Uranus, Reform, Director, Vema, Ringleader, Dolphin, Kris-hie, Sitka Rnlfe, Sherman,' For ward, K. Lipsett, Selnia, Point May, '.NejMune, Norma; Norland, Inmerieuse. Scruh, Atli. Hippo. White Lily. TIMBER SALE X 6385. Sailed Tnrtrr will b rw-flvfd by. lh Ulnl.lr r.r I .nrf. af Vtturt. nnl 1str lliee samples will lie leu in I lie ( Hun immid on X 7thvlay of .rpw-mbr. rnr ine Mir-nae or Lirrnrr x -ill rut jpb.ooo iinl rel or idr rolMi Will then he raicd and examined nJ rillnr. on an am adjoinlnr l.rjj il3, uiiiir una ininn. On ii jr will be allowed for moral or llmurr. rJ further particulars of Ihe Chief For- ler, Vlrirla. B.r... or Ituirirt Foredter, I'rlnre import, B.C. TIMBER SALE X53G5. Sealed Tf-ndpra will be rr-elvid by the MlnlMrr of Land at Vlrtorla. not later lhan noon on the Till day of Senteruber. IJ, for the purrhae or J.een X ilS. lo rut fc,"00 larkplne and Sprnre Tie. 41 an area nituated In the tic nllr of Decker Lake ami approximately ( v mile iH.rlh and eat front Decker Lake Slat Ion. C.'VJL. nanre . Coat Land niMrin. Tlirer (Si year will bf allowed for removal nf timber. Further particulars of Ihe Chief Fores ter, Victoria. B.i .. or District Forester. crliice Huperl, B.C. TIMBER SALE X5341. Sealed Tenders will be received by the District Forester, not later than noon on thn ltli day of Aurim. UJJ, for the purchase of Urenee X Hit. on an area situate on an unnamed Inlet, EaM Shore Laredo Channel. Ilanre S. Coast District, to rut 410.000 fret of Cedar. Hemlock, Keleliiknn l?l,ruf'- :moval of timber. Further particulars of tlx Chief Fores- Iter. Victoria, or the District Forester. ITInce Bupert. B.tl TIMBER SALE X5146. Sealed Tenders will he received by the Minister or Lands, at Victoria, not later lhan noon on the lth day of Aurust, IS3. ror the purchase or Licence XJH6, to rut 40,000 Jack I'lne Ties, on an area situated about 4 miles from paiunir station. C.Jt Range i, coast Land District. Three (3) years will be allowed for removal of ttinlMT. Further particulars of the Chief Fores ler, Victoria. B.C., or District Forester, Prince Huperl. B.C. . TIMBER SALE X4725. Jealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands, at Victoria, not later lhan noon on the fltti day ofAurusl, l(t3, ror the purchase of Licence. X 4725. lo rut 3.000.000 feet of Hemlock. Spruce. Cedar and Balsam, on part of Lot "80, .North snore of Alice Ann, Casslar Land District. Two 11) years will be allowed for re moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Fores ter, Victoria. B.C., or District Forester, prince nnpert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5376 Sealed Tenders will be received "by the District Forester, not later than noon on tlx) tlst day of Aurusi. 1033. for the purchase of Licence X 4376, near Lot 05, uundivan iniet, nanre 3, coast District, to cut 173.000 F.B.M. of Cedar. Spruce. and Hemlock. Two , ) years will be allowed for re moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief For ester. Victoria, or the District Forester,! prince nupert. B.C. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert' Loading Restaurant A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Ayfjnue. NEW REX Cafe On Second Avenue. TIip brl place to eat. Good Service. Nothing but t the best. Under New Management. MAPLE LEAF "The Old Reliable Famous for Dependability THE Ingersoll Maple Leaf is known everywhere as "The Old Reliable." It has won this title by its sturdy, faithful nature, its fairness in price, its honest good looks. It is manufactured by pne of the oldest, largest, strongest institutions on the North American Continent. The Ingersoll Maple. Leaf is a watch any onan'can be proud to carry. Price $2.00. s INGERSOLL WATCH CO., Inc. 149 St. Catherine St., East Montreal, P. Q. Reliable Watches at Low Prices FISHERMEN AND MOOSE 1 you have less than three weeks to make your candidate Miss Adeline Heiirickson Queen of the Carnival "The Little Fishermaiden GET BEHIND AND BOOST ! Travel East! SUMMER EXCURSIONS ON SALE DAILY. Union Pacific System The U.P. follows the original western trails covering scenery of the Storied West. SALT LAKE The Mormon country. DENVER The city a mile high. i CHEYENNE The IMaiiis,coiintry. THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND HIGHWAY am) many other attractive places. Double Track Steel Equipment Qood Meals. A TRIP IN COMFORT Have your summer ticket read "U.P." one.way. , - Ask any- railroad ticket agent or write. FRANK S. ELLIOTT T., F. & P. A. Wi H. OLIN Asst. (1.F..& p.A. UNION PACIFIC STATION Seattle, Washington , x r.