lUoa two High Quality has distinguished "SALAD A" centr ing HB20 for over three decades.. Pure and Delicious Always. Try it The Daily News prftHcE RUPEKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Hupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEX. Managing Editor. outlined die scheme was lo have. a council elected by die people: to discuss, direi t and control questions of public policv, legislation and finance, lit addition: Ur this it Wa$ ''Viiggeled there; should be an experienced appointed .manager .or commissioner to carry out the decision of the roiiuci,, to supervise and control ajlminislrative detail of all department and in1adrise th council on all technical question and finance. The system was spoken of as an id,eal one and in the criuive of th? discussion it was jniiiiteil OuUlhal it was imiKiilile to fyive efficiency from an adnitnisfrotfoti guided by n mayor and , . .... i. ,.i.t ..r .i:r r .i .' .i ' i .ii i jj. iiuiiiiirr "i -uiurniirir-n-iiiirr'ii4iiM4fcoj.i.omiji4,um-i)i4!l-l -PRIZE WINNERS INDIANSEOION! Masseti and Kltlmaat Figured' i Most Prominently In Awards , In the award of Die judge of the Indian exhibits at lue recent Exhibition, Maeit ami Kiliinaal: Home figured nml prominently., There was a wid variely of ex. Nihil nii.l Hie winner! In the 'various sections .were as follows:; Bel made Indian nml baseltj ' plain I, Mrs. Alfred" Adam,' 'Massed; 5. Mrs. Elizabeth Stan- ley, Massed, j Best made Jndian root basket,' !fancy t 1, Mr. Selina Adams, Bct maile Imlian retlar bark basket, plain I. Mr. Martha'. Edenshaw, Massed, j lies! made collection of Indian Jl SUBSCRIPTION RATES: root baketry I. Mr. Martha CityDelivery, by'nwil of carrier, per month. . f 1.00 Brown. Maett; 2. Lucy Young, By mail to all part of the British Empire and tbe United States, Massed. in advance, par year. . . .. ,. ........ ... ffl.uOj Best maile cojlertion or Indian To all other countries, m advance, perYear... ; t.r0 rular bark basketry I, Mrs. - .. .1 . 1 - - L.l. . , .Marina riensnaw-, .uasseu. Vv" TELEPHONE. 08 .. Best example of native carving. I wood , Holrt Itidley, Massed; Tniitient Display Advertising -;MO.'ber inch per insertion!?. Johnny .eesmoolh. Port Mmp. Prnosient Advertising on Front Pa?e'.- .S2.HI) ner inch son Local Readers, ner insertion .1 25c per line! 11 ex;Anpe of native carving. Classified Advertising, ner insertion.. 2c oer word. ""' . J'dm Marks Massed. Legal Notices, each insertion . '. 15c p;r agate linel Cr'clieted yoke I, Cora llontract Rales on Aoolicalion. Iliant. Kitamaat Borne; 2, Aii rfpiicin.- atKHiM h in.Tfio ib.iv w rm,- rm t-. ,.. JAmo. Kitamaat Home. ceding publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY KDITIO.N City Manager I Discussed. irei training-, temperament and ability. The cae of the Cau-Jpatil. Kitamaat Home 2 .'wlian .National itaijvyay was given -j- nn Instance where it vvafi'pana Kitamaat Home neeessarj inai inere snniiio ie an .i(imiinir;uive neau. i;iere. ,,TATy fai,Ie end .a imsiness man was i hoen io have charge of a loisiness insli- (Jranf. Kitamaat Home niiioi and apply Jo it iumess nieuioil;: - j The main dje-liou was to giying f he mayor nod aldermen rulniiuislraiivc duties lo" erform for winch Ihey were in most rtn.-e. wholly unfitted. It w bound to fail because- it was an unsound method and could not irive results, ft the rrinvor rhoen Happened to be a man who vyfi trained in lmine-s rnelhod he might do some goAl for a period bit his tenure of office would pVobably be short. The member of the city council or the school-board was a politician on a. small scale, lie always had his ar toward the coilitiie!icy that eleeled him and did uuwie things Willi a view to securing re-election. Even if he were" not s influenced, he usually had no training for the work before him. business could live with that kind of mau.-tgement and the wonder was that more cities did not bo into bankruptcy. , :-' - - ' Consolidated School System Is Spreading. ' ' The Provincial (loveriimeul' has -for some year been -encouraging the extension of the system of consolidated schools to which the children from a distance fire conveyed by motor car or some other" mode of conveyance soiled to the condition: It ii claimed for Hie. ystern that belter supervision and leaching conditions are obtained than would be possible 'in the small one-roomed schools that have been caltered all' over the country. This system U spreading also through some parts of' Ununited .Stales witlfgood results. Must TakiT Care ff Of City Stfe Visitoifvvln Jiave been here in previous. year are loud in praise of die appearance of the city since the streets have been rf surfaced. In order lo keep up this appearance and also lo save money for the ralepaers, it is -necessarv dial the streets shall be constunllj--watched and kept in condition. II is easier to mend a bad place when it is small than when it develop jnlo n lug hole. The oiihjjrnjij season is close on ns and .with it we must expect more rain and also frosts. These will lend to disintegrate ior u -Vyy soruice. unless care 'i inkeii to prevent it. The lower u mini ,ve. wus an experiment thai seems to have failed yet the properly owners there were assessed for Hie work done on it. It will be Tor the city that did the experimenting to keep that road in .condition. 11 is already going-lit pieces. , The increase in molor traffic is" one nf'lhe things that 'has to be ciuileiuled w-,tli in street work. any In a few years the amount or traffic will Jinvfl Increased immenselv. v.di.:.. .i. .. .. Tim only Ihing we can do is ndnnt ourseKes t. n. "i.o. .:.. dilim.w . -koik roil- Monday, September 17, lt23. There's Longer Life in the shine and longer life in the phbe, if you use Nugget." . Shoe Polish BLACK TAN-TOVir RED HARK BROWN AND WIIITK Iiee camisole I, . Mr. Swan son, Kinrolith; 2, Mrs illia Brown, Maed. Crocheted child dress 1 Mrs. Lucy Swansnn, Kinrolith. Crocheted iloilie I, Addle Mo. Kitamaat Home. Towel end insertions 1, Ceorgina Paul, Kitamaat Home; A group of businessmen in the !buth lunched together re-., jni,,i i ly and spent their lime discussing the question of employ-j"' ftaby a a city manager to have charge of the affairs of the city. As.ftra .j'jjj WIN Ella Lucy Mat- WjUon, Kitamaat Home. Iionnet in crochet , illiam. Kitamaat Home. Boudoir cap In crochet 2, Ortie iranl, Kitamaat Home. Tearlolh in crochet 1, Ceor. gina Paul. Kitamaat Home. Library table scarf I, Buby I5o, Kitamaat Home. Table cover 2, Ada Duncan, Kitamaat Home. Buffet rover 3, Kitamaat Home. Table, cover corner I, Minnie Agnes Pillow slip with crocheted Iriniminp , fjertie Ciranl, Kitamaat Home. KnittH sweater, lady I, Mr. A. Adams. Massed. lred doll 1, Evelyn Pwan-spn. Kincolith. H-t pair of moccasins l,Mr. Charlie Elenshaw, Massed. Garden and Household Het 12 potatoes, any variety 1, Johnny Drown, Massed; 2, Amanda Dell, Massed. Special 2, Mr. Harry TH tlAlL, rlfcWB Monday, Septrmhn , AIL WOOD OWL HORN ifcarlusiix tome rick taaa fmm J -omit 4 itn. iiiUii lf i kk M ft mm mm 4mm Pkjrrk. - fmm $immU mnijmtmmmiilmUmmfmmHj CmUrmtmUCmmMiUmX. CONVENISNT TERMS IP VtSUD Messrs. Mcilae Bros. Walker's Music Store. under l Oliver Vdani, Massed t Indian Day Scuool; 2. Janiei Kdfcrnrs, Maselt Indian Day School. " Writing compel ition. pupil under 8 . Edward liolton, port Esiiigton, Indian Day Sclowd; 2, Herbert Starr, Port Kington In dian Day School. Het example of lakelry m.nle liy tKina fide Indian, day chool children under lij'-ii'V of age 1, Florence Alexainler. Maett Indian Day !rhoot: i, Maud Weir, Maett Indian Day Sclnud: 3. Massed. pre'eiit taking out log at Bst made pot of jam, domestic y.reck, Turks Inlet, for I tin fruits 1. Mrs. Masd; 2, Mrs Massed. Martha Selina Besl maile pot of i firace Hell, Masse" Indian Day School. CONTRAaS LET FOR FLOATS IN DISTRICT I C.orint ... .. - . . :ia. jonn currie uU Jobs on Oigby Island and at Haysport Aid. John Gurrie of this cily has beii awarded contracts by the federal government for the building of a float and approach on Dighy Island near the quarari line wharf and for the building of a dual at liaysoort. I he former is being put in for the convent euce of the staff of the wirele. station and the latter for general use by people crossing die Skcena ildver on their way to and from Neir.lPort Esingtoiy Aid. Currie is at Hrown, Island job. A . i Silve liver Diah Dighy .iiam. I tie federal dfiiarf tncnl of works is also about In call for wild berrjvlrnders for the rnntmt-tioii of an fruits I, Mrs, Martha Brown, extensive addition1 lo the wharf al Tiaseu; r, .virs. Winn Adams, Bella Ooola. Massed. j .u. imirt. dMrict engin Bet exhihil of bottled fruit.W, who ha boen in the cily and any vaneiy i, Mr. Senna district for I he na.t few dnv Adams, Massed; 2, Mrs, Iebccasnile.t la night by die Canlena vveaks, .Massed. ;fr Mice Arm where he will look Hel 3 piece dried or mokedMnto the sile of lhi new float (hat salmon; 2, Michael InspHngJhe department proposes putting nrojiu, MiiiaKuamix, ,aas niver. in ilo'ie. Bet 3 pieces dried or smoked halihul I, frs. Martha Brown, Massed. School Prizes Bel study from nature in waler color t. Kimoiilh Indian Day School, , Waler color drawings I, 2 and 3, Kincolith Indian Day School. Bet example of drawing, shad-ed over 12 years 1, James Spalding, Port Essington Indian Day School . Bet colored map of North America 1, Simon Smith, Mas. sell Indian Day School; 2, Ivan Adams, Massed Indian , Day School, Best colored map of 'British Columbia 1, Ivan Adams, Mas-sett Indian Day School. Wriling competition, pupils under i J, J,,rne. Spalding, Port Essington Indian Day School. Writing rnmpe'lillnn, pupils under 15 Margaret, Plerre port Essington Indian Day School. Wriling compellllnn. nunils under 13 t. Ivan Adams Mussed Indian Day School: 2. Ilnnnl4 flonrge Harris. Mtisetl Indian Day School. Writing compellllon, pupils under in 1, Lltxle Douglas, port Essington Indian Day School, Wriling competition, pupils ALICE ARM I lie tug Capo SCod lefl here last week for Ocean .Falls wilb a lioom or 1,000,000 feel of biff from the Abbolsford Logging Co.'s camp. Forty Ions of ,fgh grade silver ore mined yeveral years ago by din United Metal Co. on I lie II-liance Itiver was shipped south io smeiier by the Union sleauier Chllkoot last week. One of the. old compressors from Ihe Dolly Vnrden mine was shipped by Ihn Orauby Co, last week lo Maple Bay. . W. Longfellow is here from Vancouver vNidng with Mr. and Mrs. T. w. Falconer. , - - C. Drennan, forinej-ly of Fran-Coi Lake, has arrived here lo lake charge of u,n nal pnblln school, Miss Helen Nuclch anl Miss Christina Xuclch ' are attending school in Prlnco Hupert. Tim forpier is goii,K to I lin K, School mid utter lo Al. Joseph's convent. NATIVES HAVE CHARGE . OF ANGLICAN SERVICES Music and Preaching Are of High Order and Proved InlereeWna to Congregations ,Mot inlcrestuijr e,-ice were held at Hie Church of Knitlnnd eenlay. The nalivr of the district who had twisti here UiF )he Fair did all the singing and preaching. At the morning ier-; vice Alfred Adams f Massed ( gave a gii addre. speaking of the cioiuiik of the goii to Massed and what it hail done for tltef native there. lit uirticularJy j ake that the while ople nl. rentember that while there werej many giMMl Indian thai there were alo many weak ie tefore: whom they should not put temp-j lation. llii wa a Mint people, of Prince lliiwri should take to i heart. At llu service a olo was! finely un by Hepjamin Mtinro! of Aiyansli. J In the i-vetilng tbe chief nd-dres wa given, by Paul Merrerl of Alyanoh who spoke of the workj on die Nna and deeply impreedj the people presefil lj the splendid; .spiritual tone of what be said- In ! addition to this a spirited five minute addre wa given by! ,CaIeb Mathers, a native if Alaska.! A good oo was Ming by Alfred' Adam and at Ixith enice the I Aiyanh choir had charge of the muic and in the evening rendered a very mcellenl ant hem. Tli organ!! of the Aiyanh choir is an expert, and hi playing wa greatly enjoyed. The whole day; gave an exhibition tt the native at hi het and that bei was f an exeofdmgly high standard ! MEMORIAL SERVICE LATE MAGNUS BERG Good Turnout In Salvation Army Citadel Last Night and Collection to Japanese fU-II. f Tbe Salvation Army ervlce in the citadel last night liok die form of a memorial for the lair Magnus O. Berg, pioneer worker of the Army in this city who met a tragic death tat wek. Capt tiletnau presidwl, Cipl. Chalk of Anyox tKik the leson and Mrs. Coleman, Lieut. Hena and Bro.. A. Martin sjKike, referring filling-j ly to the memory of deceased. ! There was a vical duet hy ripl. and Mr. Coleman. 'Onlr "lie. membered by Whal We Have Done." There was a good turnout and the collection .went tow ard Jap anese relief. I SMALL ACCOUNTS i WILLINGLY HANDLED ' TT is the aim of tlie Dank of Montreal to J- serve willingly in little things as well ai Urge to be. generally helpful to its cuk tomrrs rrgardless of the she ami extent of their dealings with the Dank. For years the Bank of Montreal has co-operated with its customers, assixting in various ways in matters of finance and business. If you requlrt Information or any other banking xniVr, you fune mrrtlj to uiite or calL II. ST. (I. LEE, MansK-i Prince Huert Branch RANK OF MONTREAL Established' 1817 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert 1 DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OpcreUng O. T. P. 10,000 Ton Floating Or Dk Engineers, Machinists, Kollermakere, laeksmitlit, Piiura makers, rounder. Woodworkers, Its. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Our plant is equipped to V-adle all kinds of Marine and Commercial Work PHONII 43 and m A real health breakfast An orange, or disli of fresh fruit, tvo Shredded Wheut Biscuits with milk or cream, a cup of , coffee or tea you can work a half day on this breakfast and feel fine and fit. Shredded Wheat. 100 per cent, whole wheat ready-cooked and ready-to-eut no kitchen worry or work. A light, wholesome diet that gi'es the mind a chance to think and keeps the body alert and active. Shredded Wheat contains all the bran in the whole wheat grain just enough to stimulate bowel exercise in a natural way. p THISGUIT is the Shredded Wheat crsckci h real vvliolo wheut loat eaten with butler, solt cheese or msr maladct. The CsnsdUa Shrrddrd Wheat Comptny, Mmu rn. ObImU Ltd. Shredded Wheat Cut out the heaxtyjoods