nai fowi Full Range of Hurlbut Shoes For Children and Misses. We are now sole agents for hi. oily Ask about our rebuilt service whereby we repair HlRLHl'T shoes ami make Jhem. a size larger. Family SHOE Store Third Ave 'I I I" Buy a HOUSE I Twenty acre tract, fronting on Fraser River, one mile from-railway station, with 5, room' - house. barn ami chickei house, five acres cultivated ami fenced. Two acres slashed. Five acres with commercial limber, flood school, etc. This home can be had for $2,000.00 Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Stove WOOD r . We have Just received i car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry.. Size cut to order. . Also Kindling In Sacks. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 580. Service and Quality our Motto. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 6S. Cartage, Warehousing, and ' Distributing. Team or Motor .Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize lii Piano and Furniture Moving. EDSON COAL - ,rsnrT" r We f,an no; Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL (u any quantity. Princf Rr tttaUrf Feed Co KINGHEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Prices Reasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Aye. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVINQ. Eliminate the draught around your windows and Use less coal, ' 8EE OUR PATENT WEATHER .STRIP For Doors and Window, (lluss and M)rror of all 1 kinds,, T, ROSS MACKAY. Phone Blue 165. . I "" THI DAILT HWB Monday, September i? 19;j BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM anm Tta Man in the Moes SAYS:- Every political parly wishes to save Ihe country or the province! or the cily as the case 'may be.1 Perhaps Ihe mosl humorous idea1 is for V. J. Bowser to offer to' sav'p BriiH, Columbia. . .(UST think; what would happen j if Mr. Bowser were In liohUhe destinies, id jiec province in Ihe hollow of ..his head, says a contemporary; : v . i . WHE.N a woman won't talk, she sick, says .lake. ' BEIXf!" an angel in the next world doe.s not appeal very much to a man, but living with one wel( thai is a different mailer altogether. A' FKW years aro there were! politicians who suggested that if women (rot the vole, all the in j uie world wouiii ie cured, rtiey liave Ihe vole and tjfe curin? process jtiM's ot just about as usual. MtlXCK Ituperl, people some-limes snd away for otlicials ami when they get them I hey find that- l)ie otlicials' 'send out- of town forjtjifir. good's, thus do we all enciurase;(home industry. ' - SOMK women inny n foolish but they never so to functions in Ihe summer dressed in a broailflolh suit heavy enoush for the Arctic reyigm. ONE of the subjects for debate at the next meeting of the local oratorical society should be "He-solved Ilia! Crass Willows are not green." 1'jtlZK fighting once was a sport but today it is a commercial enterprize. ' rill'.HK were Iwo winners at Ihe big fight last week. One of Ihen was Firpo who pulled down one hundred and fifty thousand American men. MRS. LEE WINNER OF FRENCH MIRROR; MRS. LA1DLAW WATCH Mrs, Jauus l.'ee of this cily as t tie winner of the French dressing mirror donated to the Trades Ai Labor Council by T. Boss Mackay fir Ihe Labor llay celebrajion in conneclioil with Ihe Nurses' Home campaign. The gold wrist w'ulcli presented by Kx-Mayor Harry Rochester was won by Mrs. James Laidlaw of Alice Arm. The drawings look place Saturday night. No one has" yet. claimed Ihe fisjiing" rod donated by Stork's Hardware and there will be a redrawing at the end of this week unless the holder of lirkel 27 lums up. WINNERS OF L0J).E. EXHIBITION RAFFLES Aid. Smith Qets Half Ton of Coal and Howard Prlngle Collection of Prize Aid. J. A. Smith won Ihe hulf- lon of coal preseuled by the Prince. Rnperl Coal Co. and raf fled by the Daughters of Ihe Em Id re at their lea room in con nection with (he. Exhibition last. w eek. The collect ion of uarden i vegetables, which took llm first prize In Ihe AHije-Huiliee coin-petjjlon and yvhicji was preseuled by. D. McD. Hunter, was won by Howard Pringle. The drawing look place at the Jitney dance on Saturday night. DEER HUNTING bfirmanpnl SS I WI IIIUIIUIIl Friends SI botsford. B. C. REPORTED GOOD1 i They say came i abundant in the neighborhood of Jap Inlet and ihe country open but the deer are still far up on the mountain. RIFLE RANGE W. M. Brown Madd North B.C. Sweet and wholesome and un- Rqlment Marksmen With .commonly rich Pacific Milk Score of 87 W. Brass by Us merits has won Triends Won Spoon won Ihenv permanently. The letter we have run into hun-i William Brown with a score of IreiN ami goodness knows h.v M heade.1 the marksmen at Ihe many say they never intend to MrNiehoH Creek range yesterday ue any other but Pacific Milk. afternoon and W. Brass, with a "Panifin Afillr Cr M 83 woiffilie regimerilal 1(111111, JLTlllJi LiO. spoon for Ihe 'u Limited ' Seores were.? Head Office, Vancouver, B. C. vino 500 T.00 Factories at Ladner and Ab- M Brown 2; 32 Jirt 87 W. Bras . A. M. avis .. M. Mr Lamb v... H. W. Caiuentn It. Wilson V. n. Wilsin .. R. F. Hudson... IMvies IT 17 ?i IT 28 Y. I.eveqrie.: t;j 20 17 JO 44 18 IS III 27 H3 5ft -80 SO 75 2165 l rt5 210.1 1 2 51 8 rrt 10 1 3 A. WyBe, uing a Ros Hfle with eei sight, sdnred a total of Parties to Kennedy Island and 97. The usual eun is the regular Splller River Both Returned service rifle. With Good Baps j Next Sunday a .rerd allend- , .ance of marksmen is nxpecled riiougb it was neces-ary loifll nIllinl ,..,,, ,,.,, climb hUh for their quarr Boodl,,,,, T,jrp wi fw(, uccp is reyorien i(y pal .ler',., ni Bn,i . hunters who out Ihe over ftM wr al(, ,(rnle week-end on the .K-cas.on of the W). , rk wiR , f opening of Ihe reason. Among Ihe parlies which were ' out was one C4tnistiiig of )r. --n J. P. Cade. J. C Brady. H. Kal- ( Cnyf f'Uof t man and I), fi. Stuart. They went sT XJM- VAACI. J lo Kenneily Island and each of - -. u Ihe first three mentioned bagged Angel Ltii Firpo, "Hie wild a deer, the party also getting bull of the pampas, " got the some grouse. There were plenty lailTing of ln inete(ric carver at of does they report, but bucks the hands nl Jack Dempsey, the were not so plentiful. Hunting "Manassa man killer," in Uie vvasjiard work aud the members New York Polo Grounds on Fri-of'lhe party had to climb lo the day'eveulng. He buulesl his horns lop of the mountain. There were into the trk wall of modern also some parties from Port F.s- pugilism and the antlers of Ihe sington on Kenne4ly Island but Argentinean's ainlilions bne (hey did md seem to be having thereby been shattered. Jle went much luck. !lhe same route a"leorxes tlar. Douglas Stork, J. Farmihar, penlier, the "superman of Howard Cringle and Norris Prin-' France," Irnvelled und it is like, gle comprisetl another parly'ly that, nfler Ins brief but bril- which went to Sniller River. Hant oerioil f cUirv. he will, like Porelier Island. They got Iwoiihe Frenchman, sink gently Into deer. riuir history. He mav have caused Aid. M. M. Stephens ami Masleritbe champion a Mllle worry but Klgood Stephens amf iMnald'il is apparent thai liempsey was llalheison were out, on Tsim-Jout lo,urel him mid it ilid not lake sean peninsula via Tiicks Inlet. (iiiii long lo do so. They bagged two bucks not furj f-om Ihe water and saw plenty1, Willi the defeat of Firpo, the of tracks low down. siecululinu again arises as to Jack Lindsay, lion Creraf and who eventually is going In wrest Harry Wei ford have returned the world's heavyweight from from a trip lo Poreher Island this licnipscy who has now held where I hey secured a deer each II lo himself for Ihe past four as well as n nice bag of grouse, year's and more. Two names Im MILLBANK" HZJ tt Imtx fuluu Svcl. Inc. FOR SALE. Six roomed modern house, concrete basement, fireplace, til"d bathroom. Pari cash, balance under Soldiers Homing Scheme. Mrs. Peyton, Phone Red 703. 220 TYPEWRITER for sale. I.. O. Smith. Excellent condition. 12.00 Other goods, phone Black 2H. mediately come lo the fore. One is that of Tom Oihhon; ,tbe other, Wills, the Negro, Oibbout had his chance at Midliy on July I. His showing on thai occasion III slaying with Dempsey until the hitler end of Ihe ifleeji rounds earned him the right It; another go at Ihe title which he will likely gel in Dm not too dis tant future. Oibbons will nt lease hold Ihe popularity of llio great majority of fight fans somelliiug thai Firpo did not have. 4. As far as Wills is will also have a good follow ing on account of his record. The color line, which ' for the past four years, bus been strong ly drawn Is beginning lo dim out somewhat, not so much that a negro is popular but because the boxing world wants lo see the title transfer and Is beginning lo feel that it iIocm not care much who gets il. There is one thing that seems pretty certain loo and thai is, if Wills ever gets lh rrown, he will not hold it very long. PORT SIMPSON BEAT INTERMEDIATE COLTS a. Native Team Oontalnad Several Players of Senior Class ; Score was 13 lo 3 ,. 'Xt Tin Port Kimjison native team, contining several players of Senior class, proved loo good for Ihe local 'liilfnnc'llatu Colts in Saturday afternoon's match am) (won by a scoe of I .'I lo 3. P-Uii port! ucted-as l,,fi,n,i'.,Tlierr'vis 'a good attendance of spec! a lots, especially natives. i ' 1 iW I VAJZ. OOtT LOOKiN LETT Hewe HEWC lOU LMKHlrV IT-1 WANT "TO H CfciUMT I'LL UUISO row UU WSO tMD HE CE fou Thp www- TR-t OUT AM UM1 IT SfM o WRONC tUL HE t lis DlrHTX? toe, rve COT Ut-F OK "TOO XL oot ro : v C0 1 - oiu rvi nuMft f-A I S I 1 wi t ) r 1 TAXI Tail rj Phene, UUU Oeorg) or Gust) Rosa reUvere. I Brut Service in die Cily. Anywhere, Anytime. Day or Night Stand: Boston Orlll Third Asnut AUCTION SALS 8. Conducted in your home or i-ur rooms. Oood alio sold On ommlsilon. H. H. HEMMSHaS, Awetloneer, Third Avenue (Dei.ny Allen's Old Store) Phono attack IM.and Oreen 471. CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE, D.O. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue, princw Runerl. B.C. Hours: 10 lo 12: 2 to I: 7 to ft. Phono Blue (125. Residence. (Ireen 136. EXPERIENCED C0RETIRE Orders laken for -Splrelln Hoods Mrs. J. M. Orahlmsn Knlen Shoe Slore, 711 Second Avenue sl. MAIL SCHEDULE For' the East- Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, closes at p.m. From the East Moiidays, Thursdays and Saturdays. 4:30 p.m. From Vancouver., Sundays p, . .Mondays 3 P.M. Wednesday JljZiL. 3 'P.M. FrJJays A.M. Fridays 3 P.M. (2.P.R. Sepl, JO and 21. To Vancouver Mondays .'.,..y,r..10 P.M; Tuesdays, Moll closes at ,M, Thursdays .... 10 P.M. .Saturdays A.M. Saturdays 10 p.M O.P.R. Bept. 8, 11, and 25, sr. aiu-w a 1 1 a. iniirsuays tj To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox and Arrandate. Sundays 7 p.M, From Port Simpler!, A I lee Arm Anyox and Arrandale Tuesdays To Stewart and Premier "Fridays 0 Mundays , 7 11 u Vr in Daily News Classified Ads. 3 CSNTS PEK WOKO IN ADVANCE. Mo A4vrUMmA Tl.n lor L-.. th BOt WANTED ISLAND LOCATION WANTF.D, W ill lease or pun'liae and reward locator for islaml or group with a thousand acres or more, or finance owner In v development of -fur farm. T. (iernnl. C0:i Seaboanl Building. Seattle, WANTED. Men and women lo learn barm-ring. Paid while WANTED.a-Woman for half day work. Phone 137, The In. lander. WANTED. Oarjieiiter wauls job work. Phone Red fi. 22 1 FOR SALE FOR SALE. - Pipele.s furnace, practically new, suitable for hall or 5 to 7 roomed hutine. Heating rapacity of M.OOII to 15,000 culiie feel. Can lie seen in operation. Apply Box 1 1.1 Daily News. If I learning and tools free. Write! for catalogue. Moler Barber College, Vancouver. H.G. WANTED by middle aj;is woman, position as ' housekeeper or Mother's hejp. Willing to do plain sewing or mending. Box 1 15 Daily New 'otWce. WANTED. r.irl for general housework. Inquire jj; Four Hi Avenue Wel or Phone Rrd 500. tf ROOM AND ftOARO PALMKIt HOISH FOR RCftT tnc Sevenllil v.ticr u io.i. Avenue W esl. phone Had 9. 'w',', .! Furnisbetl suilei, OARO, HOARD. The Inlander, 830 .Second Avenue. Minne 137. If FOR IlKXT.- Furm.hed r.m with or without board. Home rooking. Near Eihlblllon build-in?. MiHleralf rale. .Norfolk Room. Phone Black 329. If - , irrinr nwf-rn Ilk . . t rf ihm 1-rvtllK "f Unu... J nrtt I'rtlir Kuirl liiHi iu.n.,. Ih AM f ti mUt !kutiuli ,4 tls ryr .,1 41 liw flrlswlilm b 14 l4ral iifrntm tnn Ssn -r rw. i ,. . IA,. Ilsl It M rit, f i iiii iiiii (j m fii.i . 'MKttar for Hi. Cm NOTICC m im att in r i UMl IIK.M. - MX riMUiieil lioile.,l,s mim r fri c,n wtll. lu.ll.roo,.. 'fJl ! '' fh-k - .... at iuci rxiotts. ii - Borden Street. Apply Me- tMvtr sm ..i .M renin s. hitmi r,.k ... trtHkm U I mm. ilwt SI KAM Healed Flat for rent, r ' ' w Besnr apartments, Hleptiemt. M. MODERN four room rial for rent. Westenlmver Bros. tf .'as 5 M, und la lb miw r T LAND ACT, aw ' i' i M ' ' u I .:, t-; i n ;. i.i' t t Mi--. r i. . ITlVOAll. k -.ft lrimt U tt1tt IW un : -o iiia ihI it (HiMwrw utt'.i ltl iwtuiry orri'r i ? ttft B.C. tlrt Jeljr. ifi H r. Mat', htwrtrtt fiu. US "ID CT. Ntk l Ul(s t U I mm tn tiff Lnd OWiri'i F ' i I:: irici f tmmtr lisv . :! u CMU 0r. rtlt l.i.: Tu flik Uui W -t Tm rourrr, brwepsllna c -i. it tu tnlf tar- iw ' w l t"l Nioiwl mi IM il t f Ulni Cat. thriK Ml in ' . f fb4l(; 1A I tbur: Itmvr roUuvltf ' t rtmaumnm ami cum. ' P. nnit pr W. I lt fTM' Sim at l2 Ol t 7m ir. nti MIMIMAL CT ciaririCATt or irsoiMT aoTici. Hair. Half .. I. M.'f ! ? n' I Mtlf l. anrf in it v CUIina. SlloalwJ la IN S'Hl ' (IIOii T IMH In. ifn i W'' SYtHir llilrl dm Wlamatq UtUra VirUi tr lri H"" Tti llr that I. T'Mia. rrs'. rrtifimr Irtul, HUT dl ft f ra IV 1at Ifiir in llw MIMxt tvr- 'if or ii.ia.iDim a Q (Irani And fnrlhr lai ins " w UtfUt VfI.A H hum I p ' rure lh li(biKe .f n4 'j-rti"'w ln.K.nien. pair4 UJ fill) oav m ",r. in.4ii.ln. .1 a blilllra ' 'i or tipirll llanl at owl irvpi tftr lurhl ur war liallaar. and cnlamlnf I n 1 . . Ar-et pnric i.f iiliiaminir i.r .tiiivs rlalin Ami rurilwr Us isllf U r-t al- i M SIV' it, r - for rrank T i. F. VVIlmoe. Ilarbrl Dttad (I 8lu. AMI, II". O". Dial .... Matlta ( IsUslks U alr r.r-. ts. .... III.. In Skwna lalM MMrirt. A" inn or i-rinre nurri. and "i- IU mt a.ill..t FXLt. Ilallnar and rMilamint ' 'V "J., 5 1ak nnllep thai I rank I PIT IUI- !"' ,- ; , rh th fiillnlnt drsi nwi " oil ...... menl. Ihriir. folkmlnr lh 'jTanl iiM l.laiul lo isrtnl f" p inrluamr all ut H It'.'" '""..'i'.cT i art. 1" MINIRAL ACT, , cMTiricATiTor we soviT kirtTICf V. ... .l . I.U,i. .Illlt" . l f ItV'tf m.lrlrl Wlsre hs-alf.t .Vi Kiifrt We'lnesdays 0 P.M.' tVs siir, ihai vmi.' r. a an.. . flmilml. rm Miner' 1 '" ' am ' W,M n" i. i..,j ainv u mmi .v. ";,. o amy w i fof in Fiire IUp lanuainr f UtU "'rV'r f w s liiilrcMiHnia. A ... mi, paied mis toiu uy A.r'n. QUSIN CHARLOTTE IKANOI 01"' .M. ruhinl From Stewart and Premier tc ' iiih inn,ion to i-''iir SalunlayH 8 fixf lWWrlS!X Tuusdays m ih ii-iriai rortirr f U l!j,t,M m To Alaska Points Sept. o and 21. Prom Alaska Points Sct1. H, 1 1 and 25, TP Queen Ch.rlotu Island Polnt.'.'rrV Wcdnesilays From Queen Sundays Charlotte In i mirihwMifriy a"rr,':", itt'i"' . law airr mark f Plon iniMWJ.' f ouihw-atrly 'L rollott', i,m, to. ir mark 10 rl.ain. mow or ''"".f. I.0HU l rhm norm"! Iron u " Ur Lot l.oal on IMa itir Thlinl. .Q.JU s nn J i .ol.i.n,,,.!.,!-. t ,u ' nJ H,ln, arrr. or nior ... or iV. i..u,i mit luih djy f "'t.iSb co. i a.miaiia lis iino rAL' , m A,.u, H, i), uibiolo.