Monday, September 17, 1923. r I - ''1 Trrmr- 1 Most efficient for the washing machine This Is the New Improved Model 10 Typewriter I what it menu t V"? 4'rwnler Mm I will j' '-Jiii m) of ' j ill Im-U he umiiiI ftiu aiitl them In ;! and uivkcr than ecr be for'. $155.00 Take'half a cake of Sunlijht Soap, pare it into hot water in your washing machine and atir into a rich audi. Put in the clothes and operate the machine. Later, rime the clothes and you will find them beautifully clean and snowy white. The blending of rich cocoa, nut and palm oils in Sunlight is the secret of its cleansing power also of its economy. Sunlight Iks purest laundry ioap in Canada. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED Toronto TYPEWRITERS BsBrFuBr Remington Portable , With Standard Keyboard. Just.t-Jke Operating a SUndard Remington. 11ic ideal for Hn' Tjuveller. tin- Iteportcr he Writer. Ui' r.lrnryiiuiii. Hit- I tot-tor. the PnrtrrMhe Office the Honte. Sold on easy monthly payments. S5.00. - , McRAE BROS., LTD. DENTISTRY '4 - a Dr. Jos. Maguire ;Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to 9 Phone 575 Lady Assistant Special Teapot Sale Wo have been forlnualo in securing an assorted crate of Old Knglish Teapots which we have priced exceptionally low. There are several styles and sizes to choose from. Prices run front 00c to $1,50. They are now on display in our window. WKAIEN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1646. 603 Third Ave. Tel. 3. Sgtect ELECTRIC BREAD. SUPPER-TIME SUGGESTION The Whole Family Will Appreciate It. Made Fresh Every Day at the Electric Window Bakeries. Third Avenue i Local and Personal U.G. Undertakers. Phone 11. Hayners, Undertakers. 351. u Plus 1c Per Piece i 7 . 1 a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Serpice All of jour wihlng80 ptr cnt or your ironinp vtrythtng rtturned dry , You Imply touch' up a f.w outtr Rirmnts uch s waists, blouss, hous dresits, with hand-Iron. Phon us today. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phona 8. TBI DAILY NIWB PAO" THRU Pboue tf ( steamer Prince llupert t;j.f . I). .)iruld("i. due from Vancouver and way noru at this afternoon. ' J. K. Ashman and J. Ashman. Snnthen mining men, nailed for Vancouver by the steamer Prince Ueurjfe, Saturday night. Knight of Pythias, their I adieu and J'ythian Sisters! Tonight is iho night. Kmad Hlock is the Place. 8.U0 Vclock i the lime! Cars of our famous Move coal ajxain arriving. You'll like it. We hau no sub-agents. CO.V-StMKHS COAL CO., Ltd. 1'hJne 7. 21i Mrs. A. H. Hayne and child ar- ned on Saturday nights train ii'om Lakce Lake and are rc-iiisleied at the Hotel l'rince ltu- pert. '-'al suessinjr. The lump of ia! al the l. It. Pee.1 Co.'s Fair Ixm 'Ii weighed 232i His. Thor. J'linson and W. .Marshall both kmcsmm iM3 lbs. Mi and Mrs. (ieurge Mathei-s ii jf Alice Arm spent the weekend In I own on their return .home after vi-iliug with friends in Stewart fr a week. liium steamer Canlcna, Capl. A. K. Ihcknon, was in orl from 7 .in to :30 last eteiiing north-iioiind frtin Vaneotiwr and way-ix.ris to Aiiym, 'Alice Arm and Stewart. li I'ete Tremajue, who has lieen spending-the summer vaca- ' tisiling with friends in Soul hern Alberta, returned home tiy the Princess Ileal rice Satur- dii aderinion. .Mis P.. It. Plower. ll.N.. who has Itet'ii on Ihe nursing staff of i ne i ai Imsuilnl for some i Hi?, is rWurninz to her lionie in Vuili'Miver' h.v the steamer Pi nice Huperf this evening. J'M' l adflof. forifierly ihlrTelir cf (lie Asia I railing II. ndviiirffV recently located in aiuoiiWi arrieil in the i-iiv from the soulh oil I he Canlena last evrniui- and is revislered ul the l.entrai Hotel. Mrs. Mi-CiilrheoH. H.. who lias i cMned from the nursing I nil f the llaiellou Hosidla! will arrive in the cilyhy tonight's train ami sail by the steamer rriliee Iluierl for Yaneouver en route to Pastern Canada. 4- James Hunter of Spokaiu, member or (he well-known firm f Hunter Hros. whidh ooerales a rliain of deiiartmenlal stores Hie West kootenay country, passed through the city Saturday evening , enroule iou'th 4from Hums Lake when lie visited his son who- is ranching in that -dis trict. C.N. II. steamer Prince John. 0,'ipl. Harry ' Nedden, arrived from the southern Uueen Char- lololle Islands at t:3ll Sunday moiiiing and returned to (he Is. lands at H. The vessel is due back here tonight lo pick up tier regular schedule after making Die special (rip to Mnsselt with visitors to the Pair returning to Iheir home. I Have you inquired about your Government Annuity ? On !very easy terms you may secure a Canadian Government Annuity, payable at any age you choose. If you wish, it can be placed jointly on VOUr Own life anrl nn that nf annihor (vmir wifo for instance), to last as long as cither lives. No medical examination is required. The terms upon which an Annuity may be had are astonishingly favorable. The wonder of. it is that hundreds of thousands of people hae not taken advantage of this means of providing an income for their later years. This advertisement is published to encourage everyone fn send for full particulars of Canadian Government Annuities. These narllrill!rs ari rnntninprl ?n !ii hnnklot here illustrated. .Send and Ret a copy of it fre. Use (his coupon nnd nddrr. as shovnt. 'o pv app is nocesfary, as it is Dominion Govcrii-nent business. Mail this Coupon NO POSTAGE NEKDED. To lKIMUTli:T UV I.MUHll, AXflTIK JMMXCII. OTTAWA. OVT. lleM mrtul f K MlnlwwL- nt JnJnmn'U.n" ntI fnll rtrulr to r-t of a Kit Mr.. lr. or Vn tII Aidlns t ( ' Co.. w aid Alexander and Cecil C.N.H. steamer Prince John is H"ss. natives, were each assesseI due back from the Queen ,Char-?lil and eosls in the police court Jolte Islands tomorrow morning this iiiurniiitr for intoxication, lat 8 o'clock. lagrmf, who aUi'JuJt'J assejl Indian (lie rair here last week, returned to the Islands on the Prince John yes ferday morning. P. (5. liawsou leaes for the Past tonight (i) ..attend a meet-in? of directors of ihe Cauadidu National llailways at Uueliec citv on September t'l. i The Ketchikan molorshiit P.- ('.. Haines was in port las evenin unloading 1.000 cases of canned allium for transshipment east oer the Canadian .National Hail ways. Mr. and .Mrs. p. V. Mackintosh ailed Saturday night by the steamer Prince tieorge for Seat tle enroute lo San Pranciseo where it is their intention to lotats. Mrs. A. J. Cur ran is sailintr for Vancouver on Hie steamer Prince Mupert tonight accompanied by tier little daughter. Mrs. Curran expects to spend the winter in Ihe south. .Miss Adeline Heiiriksen. uueen of Hie Pair carnival here last week, and her mother, Mrs. C, Heiiriksen, are sailing tonight by Ihe steamer Prince Itupert for Seattle and Yaiieouir whi . ii.v ff . j will spend some time visiting be fore they go (o .Toronto. This Irip is Ihe first prue for the re cent conteet.' j The (ireenville native band J gave a concert last night in the jWeslholme TJiealre. ' It was j thoroughly enjoyed by a crowd of 300 persons or more. The band rendered six selections. He fore leaving for their homes on the Naa Iliver this morning, mem. hers of Ihe (ireenville Hand through their manager renuesled the Hally News to convey an expression of their appreciation of I be treatment nnd courtesy .hovii them while here by the Pxhibitioii board. . JUVENILE CURIOSITY Mother Yes. darling, fish no about in schools. . Why? Hobby. I was just wonderiiiir what school does if sonvn fisherman . happens to catc-'i the (Hioher. HoaUm Thin script. Tjli'i.cliarge of, .suinilying. littuor lo Indians preferred a?aiusl Olof Knud-ou was dismissed in the police court this morniiig. Joiui Lsier, charged with in toxication, forfeited bail of S30 in the police court this murniii by not appearing to answer to Ihe charge. E m Olive Stokes appeared in the police court this niorninx on a charge of vagrancy and was re maiided until tomorrow. She was arrested on Piglitht Avenue West oy Sergeant .Meluinchy. ' The jitney dance on Saturday evening nrougiu the fair o a close and was a well attended and enjoyable affair. II. K. Hen son was in charge and music was furnisjied by Passon's orcifcslra. Several cups awarded at the Pair were presertted to their winners in the course of- the evening. CARD OF THANKS Miss Adeline lteurikseu wishes to thank Ihe Pishcnnen and Moose and oilier friends, who so generously aided in her election as the Queen of Hie Carnival in the recent competition, as well as to express, appreciation for -the many kindnesses shown her during I lie contest . FULLER'S SPECIALS For the Week-end Prunes, per box $1.25 Peaches, per iiox $1.50 Pears, per box 3.50 Urahapple.; per lb 05c. Hulk Cocoa, per lb .15o Special Presh Pggs 500 Adverti In the Daily News. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hill o0, I.O.D.K., Hallowe'en Hazaar, October 20. to. Pythian Sisters Haiaar. Nov. CZEIUIA You are not e j p e rtnifti t-tni when luu use lr. mrnt for Eotrru nd skin Irtlt- ally hrls Ui kln. Humpl. box lr. viuiuiru, urn 11 juu uicuuuil pwr mi s-h.l 2. stamp fur lwln(ir. OOP. ft ooix lldfUrs or Kdiimnaiin, tus & (.. Uuilt"-!. Torunn- I t: Maoat if ,1 luueJ by: I I Department ef Labour, Annuities Branch, Ottawa. I Have You Tried ? Rupert Brand SOCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT I I i Premier- Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way to prove that PltKMIEIt "GOLD MK1I.VL" HKKIl Is best THY IT. Order from the Qovernment Vendor Today. This advertisement is nut published or ilisplnynk, by the Liquor Control Iloai,tI or by the Government of British Coin in lia. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: - VV N. and S. ENGINES' Term Arranged To Suit Furchwori. fhont Blue 91. c 3