PAOI SIX HOUSEHOLD LINENS and Linens for Fancy Work Pur "Meadow Bleach" Easy Drawing Linen, in 30, I and oi inch widths, from . , $1.75 a yard Handkerchief Linens, white and colored al . . $1.75 a yard Pure Linen Huck Towelling, 18 inch, guest width, 'in ,Iiiue and Pink, al $1.00 a yard Embroidered Linen Luncheon Sets, in honey color fadeless linen at per set of 5 pieces $7.00 Various other items in pure Linen, Table Damask, Table Cloths, Towels, Towellings, etc., latel) 'arrived.- Ask to see them. H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd. We stick V tonal Review and Home Journal Pattern?. We Prepay Mail Orders. DANCE Al the' Auditorium Every Wcflsday and Saturday Evenings ' From 9 till 12 o'clock. Pryce's Orchestra. Admission- Gentlemen 50c; Ladles 25c. Come and dance jour sorrow away, and remember jour miseries no more. , L. J, MAHIIKN, Proprietor. Phone Mack VJ. FURS at BENT'S READY-TO-WEAR STORE A representative .of the Yukon Fur Company, for which we are asrents, will arrive on the boat on Saturday and will put on display Saturday afternoon a selection of Fur Coats and Neck Pieces. Orders for rnakiny pr rernodellfn? of fur will be taken by this eiperL BENT'S Ladies' RencJy-to-wtar Third Avenue. Agents for Yukon. Fur Company Summer COAL Great satisfaction! Repeal order, bcinjr filled every day for Nanaimo-Wellingt on AcMloal Uuick Tirf1 Lasts Longer! CosU same as other Kit Coals. Phfjne 116 or 564. Albert & McCaftery ....- , LIMITED Dr.E.S.TAIT DENTIST. Helgsrson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, 9 to 8. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only For pedal Appointments. NEW BOSTON Grill Third Ave. The Latest In Ilesluumiils. Private Boxes for Ladles. Best Food Best Service. : "Take her to the Huston." OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. m CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. ISOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVES, tbit I Po- thm of ibe Hum lilDd Rfrr?e urryM ti Lot Ji. Hint i. Coait District. U G. R. .AtEV - Vrputj Miailr of Laud. Land Drpartairnt. . . ... Vlrioru. B.C. Illh Jaljr. In. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. SOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES lbt tbe re-m eilstinr orer tb land forwrlf btld Bodrr Timber Uceore .Vo. 1SSSI P U tiacelled. O. B. MDE.X. Deputy Minuter or Landa. Ltaii Department. Ylcloru. B.C. tUtt Juljr. I9IJ. "I'LL JOIN A CLASS TO MORROlA1" ! YOU'RE FIRED . TOMORROW! Tomorrow's too late Do It Now JOIN THE TECH! Class Commence Oct. 1st. al Prince Hupert, Terrace, llazeltoil. New Ilazellon, rjniilliers, Telkwa, Prince George, Surf Inlet, Swanson Hay, Anyox, Alice Ann Slewarl. Northern Polytechnic B.C. Syllabus issued shortly. U'rilc for particulars to the Registrar, Hoi 882, I'rineo Itupert, or see the Local Ilepresentativc. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Kmprcss Hotel Hullding. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated, Hot and Cold ' Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. Thelittle Doherty Coapvrd with ordinary tlted pltno WHY DO WITHOUT YOUR REGULAR PRAOTICE? You can have this little favorite right in your own room at less than 23o a day. Walker's Music Store Lid. EXHIBITION AT S1THERS Smlthers Fair Is to be Held on Thursday and Friday This Week. Horse Racing Big Feature Xext Thursday and Friday are biy days in the Hulkley Valley. when the Sinitliers Exhibition will be lield. Tins ear the num ber of entries is larger than ever before and everything promises well for a good time for the Smithereens and their visitor. The oi'enlnp ceremonies will tale place Thursday at 1 o'clock in front .of Hie new grandstand and among the speakers will be he Hon. V. J. Bouer. The two days will be full ones as a splendid program has been ar ranged. A Priuee Hupert base ball team will play the jMnitlier ram and football will also be a feature. On both occasions horse raeing. will start at 3:30 with enough entries to last until 5 n.m. Hoth night a 9 o'clock, there will be a big dance in the town liall and the Suiilher people are aying themselves out for a re cord crowd of visitors. Many Prince Huirt people have already signified their in tention of again enjoying Hulk ley Valley lnpifaliiy on TJiurs day and Friday. REV. DR. GRANT SPEAKS - ON LOCAL CONDITIONS In the ronrse of hi emion lat night Itev. Hr. (irant referral to ocial conditions in tlns.rlly and particularly with refeA-BHetO the red light district. He madtv some trong .lateiueiits and llme who card him say that. if his utate- ments are true an investigation hotild follow. MR. ANDMRS.WINGHAM HONORED BY FRIENDS Presentations Were Made at Surprise Party Which Took Place Saturday Evening A jolly surprise parly 'took place on Saturday evening when a host f friends mvadnl l ho ,home or Mr. and Mrs. p. Wing-ifiaiii, ZOl Kiglilli Avenue Knl. Uhe occasion fx'irig their birthday. iA, Hunter on iK-lialf of the com- ( "LECKIE'S" Boys' Boots at kBBBw BBBBBTX School and Everyday Leckie'tr Hoys HooIh are ideal for school and playtime. They are built of good solid leather, rein forced to stand the knocks uud bumps' brass hooks ahd eyelets iieii MitciieiJ Ieck e wear louver (huh you imagine. All sizes up tit 5 Vi . YOUR SHOE STORE. MAS THEM J. LECKIE A CO., LTD. Vancouver, B.O. Til DAILY HIW8 Monday, StptemW it )j FRUIT JARS SPECIAL. For Tuesday and Wednesday only. Perfect Seal Preserving Jars at a price wtu.h will teau our stock up ijun-kly. as we will not earn1 'his stock over for next year 30 dozen only Quart size, per do. $1.40 24 dozen only. Pint size, per doz. . $1.15 F.vrry jar will be examined , before sending out. and we will not credit anyone with broken jars. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211-212-281. pany. preenlei) Mr. ami .Mrs. NViiigham with a set of hand- ome dining t-oiii chairs, a beautiful siher set and spgar set and purse of.miiey. The eveuing way spent in singing, dicing and music nod delightful re-fresiimenl were served. There were atoul 70 person present. C C. MILLS WON FAIR PHONOGRAPH Held Ticket No. 1 Which Was Drawn on Saturday Evening ' at Jitney Dance ' Hemg the lucky le.l.ler of In krt Xo. I. C C. Mill, wmi th" I5I Ilrun-wick phoingraih given by the Inhibition ItoaM in roiinei'-t ion with I lie advance sale of season tickets for the rcent pair. 'I he drawing took place at the rair iHiililins on .-atunlay eveiilmc; at ' the jilnry daiue. Mr-.' Mc.i LMordie taking Uie lucky ticket out of the box. MrMill was sold thei winning ticket' by Mrs. II. F.j (ilaey who wh working on" b-i half or Mks .May Heid. the Klks condidate in lbt-contest. BEER PLEBISCITE IS LIKELY TO BE ASKED Government Urged to Submit Referendum It Is Slated In . Victoria VICTUHt.V. Sept. 15. Strong repreculalion. m favor nf .i plebiscite on open b-cr sale ini Hrilish Columbia afe being made to the Provincial (iovernnnMil. The ueslion lias not been hs- cussed hy the Executive Council yet. but the whole iueliou will be giveii ron-iilcralioii before the House ineels, ( is understood. Pressure i beiny brought to bear by private members of the House ror the holding or a beer plfbicile. everal membera yho have visiled Vjcloria lately have urged this course upon I he (!ov- ernmeut. Some of these members formerly voted against miv moc to allow for more open sale f beer in the Province. They have changed their minds, it wa explained, because the licjuor sit uation, in their opinion, has altered complekry since the matter asl came before the legislature. l'he spread of beer clubs all over Hie Province, Ijiey lecjaie, lias made it tire rn.ui-v 10 iril u imlilli expression on he'whoe beer iii- sue. 9 Iteporls from VaTfcouver thai the Covernineut has fecbled to bring down legislation arranging- for a beer plebcscile was denied ollicially at the parliament build. Ings, An slaled, I he Kxecutlvf Council has not considered llio mailer. II ts unlikely that nn,v, policy on Hie beer question will be announced until the llousn meets and the 'views of outside members has been iiscerlamcd. 't he beer question Is expected to loom large In .Iho legislature al lis Fall session ' POOR CHAP Jubhs Wliat'iT-wrong with rjinilh? Nubbs Neivous'hreakdow'ii, I tjtuess. t Jubhs What?. Has lie taken his vacation already,?, American Legion Weekly, Why not subscribe for the Daily ew and' havp it enl lo lyour home regularlyf If SKIRMISHER IS DUE TONIGH FROM SOUTH Will Load Over S00.0O0 Feet of Lumber and Several Hundred Cases of Salmon for Japan steamer Canadian Skirmisher is due tit V o'clock this evening from the south to luatl omrtliinir oxer 500.0110 feet of hemlock lumber and several hundred rases of canned salmon for Julian, (hi arrival III the har bor, the Skirmisher will proceed to the imperial Oil ilocs to lake on IiiI hjmI in I he moriifiis will drop down to the lutiiberaf ni tilv wharf to start loading' there Capt Hilton is in command of the Skirmisher ami (-apt. Ihiticaii Mr Ken nr. onrtianv Pilot. I bringing her up the coat. BODY OF NATIVE WOMAN IS FOUND Provincial Police Office Is Advised by Lowe Inlet Cannery Identity Not Disclosed Word wa received at the pro-Miitial police of fur lat ulghf that the body of a native woman hail Iteen found floating on the water at Lowe Inlet cannery. The identity of "the dead woman and particulars are not sum Chief Miutv aid this morning that the matter would probably be iutes- tisialeil by his forre. dvertl In h DaIIt Nmm. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS Minimum ptUt k of nrtt-etu rdud to II It l an arrt lT-rat4ltfa o wn4 t ur trd Urxli omj, Hkw1 win S fTnt4 eerlS oalf tend eultibl for crioiltur! parpnM ltd hlch U Boo-OmtxT Ul rartnrhlp pr-mplwn (hottrhf Vut pnl f mi mr th4B four ntf rranc for i4Jcnt jr.mptloo wlih Oil rMlor. but eii nklt nrMr7 linproTmaU on rvrtv cUlin rr-mp(ftr mvrt ciipy lwf tot fl fft nd mk tnprovrmviiK U vain of lit pr ct. Inchxllaa clir-lac mix) cultlTtkfi of ( Ut k rr bfor rlTtrg Crown Oioit Khn prnpOr In orrupaltna M Im than I yrara. ae4 ha maS prw portlral Imprwrtmfita. ha maj, ba-eaa of lll-Btatth. or oihr rauta. w rranlrd Irltrmdkala rritfW-l of Ira pmrmnt and Iranafar hla claim. Rccorda wtthnat parmaaanl rt dnca may l-a lamiad. prarldad appU rant makra trnprorvinatila to attani of III prr aannm and racorda aama tocti Tar, Fa liar to m tanproatmaala ar rcrd am win oprai at fo f.Ubr. Till ranaat ka aaiainH la a than t rr. and Imarovamaau of tltM par ana, Irxtudlfig I acrat rUarad and roltlTattd. and ratldanca A at aat t ar ar riilrd rra-amptor haVtls( Crown Orant may rt.rd anothar pra-amptlan. If ha lu'r land In ronjuncltan with hi farm, without actual occupation, rldad alalotorjr lnprvmnt mad and malnlalnad an Crow rranlad land Uraurvarad raa. not irdln IS Mrraa. mar ta aa hnmaaita. J till to pa ortair4 ariar rjirililrf rail, drntlal and Improvamant aondlllona. For vraitrf and IndjotrUI pvrpnaad araaa ricaadlnc aj-r mtr bo IraMl b on paraon or Cumpanr, Mill, factory or doatrlal tllaa llmbar land not otcaadma it araa majr ba purchaaad: condlllona Inctada pamanl of alnmpaga. w Natural hajr madowa tracwulbl bj aiKtlng roaSa mar bo parthaoid conditional upon conatroctlon ef a road lo thm. Rata of ono-half of coat of road, not ateaadlng half of purrha Kir, ta mada. PRCCMPToas rnec grants act, Th acopa of thla Art I anlar4 'v Includ all parann Jotnlrt and arv Ing with Hi Majaaiy'a Forcaa. Tha llm wltlilti which th hlra or dl of a dacaaaad pr.mptor mar applr for tllla undr tha Act I ltndd from for ona rr from tb dath A auch paraon. aa formarlr, untu en jrar aftrr Iba eoncluaton of tha gtaat war. ThU prlTtlaga la Jo mad ra-Irocatlva. No fa ralattng to pra.ampllon ara du or parabla br aoldlara on pro mptlona rcordd aftr Jun , fu Taiaa ara ramlliad for fl rr. rrorlalon for rat urn of monara an-trurt, dua and baan paid alnea August I, 1111. oo account of par mania. ? r taic on aoldi.ra' pr-mptlona. Intaraat on agraamanla to purchaaa town or cltr lota hald br roambora of Alllad Forcaa. or 4pandnt. acqulrad dlract or Indlrart. ramttttd from on. Ilstmtnt to March II, Ilia. . SUB. PURCHASERS Of CROWN LANDS ProrUlon mad for latuanra of Crown rranli to aub'prrhaara of Crown Lnd. acquiring rtghtt from purchar who fallad to eomplato parcha. Involrlng Jorfltur. on ful. fUlmant of conoltior. of purchaao. Ia laraat and tana Whara aub-purchaa. r do not claim whola of original par ral, purchaaa prtca du and tataa mar ba dlatnbuUd proportlonatatr orar whola ara. Application muat ba mada of Mar I. Hit. ORAZINO Orating Act. ISIS, for . aratamallc davalopmant of llvatock Induatrr pro. Tlda for graitng districts and ranga admlnutrmtlon undr Commlaalonar. AnnuAj grating parmltt laauad baatd on numUti ranged, prloiitjr for aatab llahad omrara Stock -ownr mar form Aaaoclaliona for ranga managa. mant. Fraa. or partlaJI fraa, parmlta for aatUara. oampara or travollara, up St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert' Udln ResUuravnL , 4 A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBeaeB,, Hone 376 The House COATS For ditinrlion and ataa f 111 V-a a - la rtllulall S-a f lasa-a sign ami all are hi the latest material), mi. h 0. Bolivia, DuVetyn and Suede Cloth onie-havr Collar ami ruffs of real skunk : while others are in plant (dark Bolivia. If vim are looking for "something different it in Ihese late fall stjles. Prices within the ranee of all. $27.50 to $100.00 'UNIVERSAL TRADING CO? Outfitters to th Whole Family. SatlifacAlot. or Money Back. We Prepay Mall Ordsa Pnimpt deliver)' l H perl of Pritiee II jp WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9 Owen Moore lit the jienert t-onihinal um of cotneilv i "Reported Missing" Tliejdiolopiav (he age ll drama roiilatning upwrek teur and a r its ,t sea-rd rare, une of the btggel thrill , , !:: ) he crren Large rul uirlude ROBERT CAIN, PAULINE 0AR0N AND NITA WALOf. VITAGRAPH COMEDY. PATHE RCVISW. Admission 35c and 10c X Shockley's mii Are now Sole Agents for (he lumber ofitp Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. DIMEN8I0N LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPLAP. 8pruco Planking and Cedar for Foundstlon Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 3S3. COAST TOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermedin Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 Pm . FOR ANYOX . WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m- FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. 88. PRINCE ALBERT or PRINCE JOHN ft fori Slmptan and Slawart .'. . Vancaaitr tla Qun Cnarlatl laland PASSENGER TRAIN, I ae Prlnr ttuiwrl 6 IH p in. nil'I.U, all point Mtlrrn Canad, AQKNOr ALL OCtAN STtAMSMI till Cltr Tick! Offlt. S2S Third At, CANADIAN B.C. Coast Sriilincrs a - 8.8. PRINCESS LOUISE, 8.8. PRINCES8 For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, , 5 Oct. Sept.1, 8, 14, 25 For Katchlkan, Wrangell, Juneau and kt 0tu I, 8.8. PRINCE88 BEATRICE. , For Butedaie, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Rler, ana couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship L1n l.'nll Infnrmnlinn from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. 0 Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, -"" nunen, UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD- Sailinri from frlnre imprrl. Tu..r. ' Sor VANCOUVER, VI0T0RIA, 0n for VANOOUVIR. Victoria. Alan b. auuMu ... PhoneJJS of Qualit innii our uM jri t - . lltl'Ull la a STEAMSHIPS 8AILINQS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. 8.8. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE QEOROE. wd4ir " DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. . . for mi.V K OMHltir. ' niM(Mt I'nilml Sutra. ft.. frlsc Nwpr. PACIFIC RAILWAY Servicei from Prince Rupert , irr. all, aiS Swnon ?. aa. ana Swann (aVJu ,-i a aunaa S r1 rrlnc nuptrl. rar anroi, ALII1K ARM, STIWART, Wilt! liana, '--' Por PORT SISIRSON an Nit Rlff Oannarlii, Pftaif " ... tS Inn A km . . . TI A'enut. t. BarniUy. A(nL