Well Mother! The children re ictiiea oown in tcnooi gtin but the old' problem till fcei you, It it up to cu to provide; cverything'for utumn and winter from boon o a bottle of cough mixture. It'i a buiy time for you. i. .. -I-.U.. I.J uitihi wim i.w kiiii. iiiuic jbiuntial food tor cool days ... L- .L....L. .1 I I Jal mt frtr I K a nnrAirKln. -i.v.rt -r Let your newspaper help vui i v ami iuic prill very day ,i,o reading the i v unrr iirwi in in aniyar. uemeni which the mer Unit have inserted for your ' i .: ...:il .. a wi in-, i ivi mil v v ivu I r i . Which ttcrei can lupply - Learn all thii by reading he ditly store news .rem LI.. I . , , . . - - - nrr in vniir awn raw -n ir REAp THE DVERTISEM ENTS TU Molhr-' Ti'm Sr 2 TIMBER SALE X 5388. 1 m-n1 li the f Vlrturlt, !( Ulr . lit) nr trptrmtirr. I- I . ol l.lrvnr, tint, f Sr-nic. Hli Url lluatnt b liar hlit-r. at lb ! wmI ' Hint I, Onl land i t - allm far re- T- lUr i.f lit- i:hl-r l.rr-fl.' . or Ol.lrlrl t'i.n-lrr. -1, II TIMBE.R SALE X 6430. T . , , u ill . . . . .... .. .. TIMBER SALE X 5478. . . iiiirii villi I"- iTTrnni in ii- - if 1ikU, II WliTK. Id. I Utrr il ii ) Mh diy i.f iH-lnlirr, . I : lite iurrh r l.ii-rarr X i i.i-i..eiis fi i.f Hriiiliwk. naloiu, rxl rerftr. i ki lu im Itualnl nrar r llwrvp li f. Mill llUrrr. IUti 3 ijnd intirh-i. ytt Hl If :irl fur re- 'I " lltlilirr . tlw p4rtlrnUr uf the Chkf rrr- i;-i'tl, ti.- ijr liuirtri orliT. '"171. e,e. j- , ' TIMBER SALE X 5266. 1.1 ....... ..... 1 . . . I .. 1- .. .... in i. im im. at iriiiria. mil m.r IK III Ml Itllf tAtll ft uf f.lltITlliP 1 IIh-. iiiirrlu jif .ft-ii-f N t. I oh'i r !nirp, mur mi' . .mi ..iimii im.ai ii : Miirnrai -iiiiiii, riuiur. -im an am iiuaipa llllMllPU ft- -nhl AiiMin rliarlnlln ,l1tf I ... . ... . . . - iiiiii tnt4nri. '. I yi-ar tiii m iIIhwH fur re- "i iniiiwr. .. iwr iiarllrn a of llm riilff rnrra. it :i)l-la II i1 IKirwrt, It.C. GAME BOARD t..i. i - mriini ij KIT" . n ii inn uar r )-.irniir.i inr purring or urtui-t x iit. . J. iWl JIM, Ml 1(1 r-4 :i ifl ikmIIi afturr uf rrtniH r. ,( Uiwl liUif I. ' irtlt III be llor-l for tr- l llmlr ' 'IV.- wttirliUm nf lb Tblr for- m, n.i: or puiiiri nrirr. f uri, Ha:. . HELD MEETING Irupector Parsons Returna Prom rrince aeorge and Tells or Gathering 'I'. V. H, I'arxmiK, lri,Tor if ii iiiiiini or the I'riivfnrial l'Hiri. r lurii.M in ,,. rjy jast nltrlit liiiviiJK alli'n.l.-il a nifrtlug of Hie I'rnvlncliil (IniDM Itoiihl, hphi jii rrinrp uorKi mi iilim l'r 1.1 iiikI II. In.pr,r ar.,nM Mine mm 1114. liU'Clllilf of the fill line friiiu lln tmiut of vi-v or lln iiifiiiln'r of lln IihopI, ami Hint In fiilurc I'riiiff liiTt ami poinlM ial U'fiuM ! im-liiileil in Iho itinerary of fnlurc iiicUiiiia. 1h' iSiimi' Moanl nii'l miilor thr .liHlrmuiiliii ' nf 51. II, Jarkwin, K.C M.I..A.. 'ami anionic lho in-i'iil wim-i 'I'. Hoolli. (l. n. William ninl I'. It. iitlr, Mrr- Inry lo Hie lioanl. K. Ilyilo, or llaii'lloii, amMW. J. MrCallan, Fori l'raT. fi'M'fiiliNl, Hip it-- (.arlinnnl nf Imlian arrair. A larjtp iiuiiiIht or lrn'ri amj fur trailr-ri ueri1 jirpiil at tin inpl- injr. Subjects Olscuaasdi AiiiViiir Ho MilijiM-U liriucil wpr tin' rpilralion of trap liiw, on wliloli Mihjprl Hie opin. Ion n In Hip itpfrnliilily nf xuch action wn iiiiammiii. 'YU- ojipii! mid olon paon it ml Hip px(ii. ion or all pxrept Hrilili uli. jprt In llio rlBhl o IrnohinK wllliin Hie proini-p piv milijiVN illriipit at IpiikHi. The nup- tion or fur royally ram- up. II wn aKronl Mint n liffcrpnl form or olampinir rrom that now ur-( on fur. woiil.l tp fnliltitPil. ImpretMd With Success TIip lpa or the In hip Moanl iitiiiK li'" iiftrlhern poinli. hn o liiiprrxpil Hip menii'er i hat on Iprmiiiftlint? Ihe pnrppilinci al I'rlnre (iPorKe JIip rhairinlin nnnotinrpil that IIk tinrtlivrn lour wouM Iktoiiip tin of IhVir rixpil riitoin ami Hint Hie tietl Itinerary or Hi- honrt uoiiht inplmle Priiipp lluperl ami hihIh phI. The me in I ip r nt the Imanl left I'riupe OeorKe on Salnnlay for Qiipiip wln'r another iiippllfw l In lp hi'lil. I'lw'il.WMPlr.U.n.PfJ Hip norlliorn (our Hie hoanl will meet In VanNiiixer ami will for mulaic n policy haei unon-Hie Iota iihiniliil al lit- iinrlhoru Ten Yean Ago In Ptlnc Ruprt A. A. Otx, architect, Arrived loduy oh the 1'rlnce (leorRe. fnilii Vanrmiver In inojiecl the new leinpnriiry court houe on Third Axciiue ami the excavation for Hie pnpoei jiermauent luiildinir on Market Mace. Mr. and Mrof C. A. Rinilli re-turned In I lie town Ihi niorninx aller a Ivsn mouth' trip, In (lie TIMBER SALE X 6308. -Ho.l Mine Hi Hie course .of ll Tt'iMh-r lll lie rrrlrd by the 'Which Hiey Vllled hnilMUd l.iyr, ...T1'? ? iJ i cnirn, SI. I.oui. Denver nnd IUI III SrlilrlMaT. ltd. fur Ihr ' . ' ' - . ' uf UifiK x un. ilmiii III .caille. ' in Urtmi th.ln -krl lU in-hr..,. , l( mini. Hhrr. Ch. 4, i imi.iwij, t lif ilpriir itln. " lrr uill li uliisnl fur rm. 'i 't im.iu'r ' ill iiariiciii.ir air 1 1 i niar a, . -nt, fix er i ruiriri rurij-, lliijurf. ii ,r.. 1 l.eui Kens- will hux with Hilly William in Hie Mclnlyre Hall on Seplenifier 23. FUNERAL TODAY Lats Donald. Macasnila, Was Laid to Rest In Falnrlsw CsmsUrf, Rev. Dr. M. n. Orant Officiating .The ruirnl of Hie lnlc lonald Mnckeiir ie took place thl. ftHer or tii inotrici t'nrfiirr, luniu lit 3 o clock rrom I lie n. . L ndcrUkeri' Parlor In hatrylew, TIMBER SALE X 6515. Cemetery, llcv. Dr. II II. firntit 'N TriKlcra will lie 'rprrlvml !)' tlie of f icial ill(f . The pallliPurer Were ..i'r.,""i!e' A'h "Vr'o'r T.ri I ''''''' Alncl.eo.1. John MacLeod. 1 f'El I tit' nun liniM of I tip ur VSIIS. flnnl. Muolatti.I I. lliil.Ar ' -Til. 1111ft raaufl 'nf I'laa a.n.1 htt. Mitral ami I'lr and lafltrtltia Tla .n all r John MacI.ean nnd John Mncau- II Mil .... .a.. .. ... a . .. a a.. a .... in 1 1 an it. i -ni iiiaiaiei '. . mrc vni lie iihiweii fr it" Dl -T t 1.. a . ' iiinifr, "ftlllT narlUliUk.. tu- M.Ur ruM.B. . - rMMiaii l Hie- -.niri r"-- 1-v fJ a" - .. . TIMBER SALE X52S0. ""ii Triu li-. Villi l..' Mi,...lirt lit- I In. TtNOKRS WaNTtD, from Mr. and Mrs. C. F.dwiirl. Mr. nnd Mrs. D Olennie, Mr-ft nil ccaod. II. 1.. . . . . . . r.lTII ll lll.ri. Y.III II nTniMi IIT 11 i m i.aiiii! al vii-inria inn lairr - ... .. ... -. - n i .-v:-T.". miiim ii. r in i.auti.. ai t irmria. nni in li i;il i.Vr,'.;r2i"r.0.r 5. Tr Hie pinrMte or Llronre X 54. ii iav in rill ijm.iiiiii pei ir iir nil an ari'a 'li.h-ninM.r- i: . .l. . ..".,r 'f tnnroi i . . -i '. i. i ii.., nii.tMi-. i.k.-' . "nil., Tuvii ttt vi.ara uui n aiiiiu--. rm r- r lMliulir ' of. Hi Chl-r Kirr nii.nl uf lllntier, 1 Piiriher rarllriiUr of he Chief rri" Vlriiin. ii I.I.I..I..', i...i.-.ii. " Vl.ii.na. lit;., or lil.lrln loril-r, l.,- '. . .1 "i .j . . .r nru iiiiiiii. il. TIMBER SALE X 141. Qa.ailaa.f Tull.laaPB Will tl&k ntpluai.l tsi. llu m ! M'Ci-lxi.! liv tint l.l IV or m iiMir nr ,i.bhh,- anuria, not uirr IIIIIMTI r..H 11. -..I... I a. la a sj lliall lt.ka.ll all! 1114- llfl flSV Itr I lalnl.aa I) II UK. i. A . Ua.ll..i. I. at... I I alt 75. IOV :l fair II " 11 Uaaa.ll .. I a i H IV I . Hi --- punhia r - if. MiPi.i'r 1)0 v s. ha aiini la. -i prt-i t-v TT '(lliliiM ... a . ...... . v - . ah.. I, .. ... .1 raM MM mmm .la... .. .... - m mi , iihi li a a laa 1 TTimwi i nr nm i nv mum r ini rm uir t i r i-iina iru iiii -. ....1.1.(1 "Tiinl.r fur l.ol.." IMil Hie wiHIil -iniiT in ma- uaar, r,n-rll- i:iuin- Inail . ..... . . . i ...i ii..,.- Tna.l lllalrlrl. VI - i vniia, ni-iirnrr n, -, i. iii . . ... H,. .. i-' l'l I ln (Il ,.rar. ..in un aiwwi-u inr r n ahu.i ... ..... .. . . ...i mull,, B, r. JONES, n-r. Viriorla. H c.. nr DUirlci roreit-r, City CUrk. frinc nupert, B.C. T ' zrtM.smm a ni , aapmivaaa.aaiaa'.- -m ir-m WEEK AT THEATRE Mmiilay 'ami Tueeilay Owen Mo ire in "lleporloil MlMinr." ' Vilnpraph fioincily. , I'allie lleiew. WeiliiPiiilay ami Thursday. Kallipriiip Manlotinhl in "The Woman fionrpipr." The Npia- l.rallior I'unherM, Ilounil Xo. 3. "The' C.liiralia noiie-CrunliPr." l-'ox pwf-(iaipp. Friday ami Saturday Toploe of Hip Day. anil Saliirday Matinee. Marion Davie in "When Kiilylithood wan In Kower." DMi?la Fairhank hPcnmp Hie h'ich HuhU nf Uic picture ''Mcporled M i r r i ii p are a race he. Iween a, hydroplane and a hydni- aeroplnne, a shipwnvk, a ami t tm.lp ripht in the villain's hoiie a series of coiniNly scenes made only as Henry Lehrman, master of lauitlifcr, knows how (o make them, apd Hie pnwns worn hy the statuesilhc Nita Nalili and Hie flapper like Pauline fiarnn, Vllcported MissinK" is n movinp piclure that moves every minute. II is crowih'd Tull or aclion and ex- youmr ntrnln in "Sleplienj ppn Htil," Jlio lalenl. I'ola pRri a Hie ?nani.L Danrer l naid lo be a revplalion.1 Hi r.liildreir Children"' t a piiational slory of .New York ofiely HpIip DanleU i Hie .lar , Klplinp' I.f slif Hial Failed ha heen done' inn iirlure hy rteorve Mi'lfonl and Hie lory ha Hie' happy endintr wilh whirh Kiplin? replared the Iragir cloe or Hiej novel when he wrote il nrl. "; Theodore Holier! and I.ealripe loy with a nuiiilier of oilier ! er litfliU luil nol inurh es have uniled to prodiipe "The Ten Commandment" under the ex-perl itiildanre or Cecil deMille. 4 VtifJU aUiatV lildbstliiS Movies and Movie People Devoted to the doings and sayings of those who entertain the public. -J drah of everyday exigence Into a world or laiiftlilT aid,fornanre. J'oni Wilgnn, ,a a valel, (rives Hie Tomedy perfiirnianre tif hig career. Tii' eeiie In which he . - fiiiciiipia in wreaK vemfeanci on a pinup or Oriental xrliemer op Trauma uKaini pi, '-niasipr are inaKlerpieceH, or comedy. Tom mirely wield a wfckpij razor, lie could Irini the Thrcr Mukeleer inifle handed hy Jii chakinfr hi weapon In rrnnl of llicir raceH. KATHERINE MACDONALD IN WOMAN CONQUERS A a rule screen lieaulieH arc not ralleiiipon p du fii.uch except lo he pholocraplied lo the ie.l errect. It i a ntiiler which uu-ally involvpk loiich' ii-iii( elah- orale liRhling erfcci ami purge-on Cliollimilic-. hill ill "Tlie Woman C-uniuern. " Hie Firt Na tional attraction which will he een her ' i!npday Kalherine Mac Donald, Hie American SniHjHjHSBJBBJb The levered Wagon wilhjhenuty or the screen, ' doe some Madjre Kennedy a leadinir lady ijactiiilf ll.at i. aid to rank among " " " - i - m-ie ine fiiient or hpr motion iicluw in .i im iun . j perrnrmaiici'i lii it cmotionaVer . . iferlivenpi Ilulcr Kpaloii ,ha made a. Mi MacDonald aNo.pivc hal. i.n.un- ..-..(,.., -.n.-.iy raiieil Jp 0 n t j w hrule or a man, loads i in.-.- ..-p. inert- nre iiinre Ihp mmi u-liorti I,..!.- ..,l.. iMUKii in me wipjare lucli n it .,.t.' ,,., fit,!,!. I, Ihrtii HI any oilier piece or film aclfiiK pholosraplicd on the lot. The life or A he Lincoln I he-fnir depjcled In many million picture Imuseii every night. Can her way through a hliiidins? I'lizzai'd Kiiiiimir the dos tram, and then draifs Hie man to afely. Such are menial and physical demand made UMin Miss Mac- DonaM and Hiey IcH her far ouf adian a wen a American areor the "creen heauty" cfn craning their neck In ee Jhejihe fank or leadins creen mill-J llll llldll. Jackie Coupau' Circu Days i till goinp strong ami day by day Jackie is jtHHnjr richer and richer. IS MOVlLNG PICTURE THAT REALLY MOVES Action Is Ons of Features of This Comedy Drama "Reported Missing I icsses. BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaataaiaaaaaaaaaB lilherine Ma)onali and BiiniVasKlnirn TluVoman CoS At Weslholme Theatre Wednesday and Thurdaj. i into ac- WHEN, KNIGHTHOOD WAS IN FLOWER IS COMING AT WEEK END Famous Play Appeals Very Strongly to Women Who See . Its Inwardness ' Who says women have not n sense of humor? They say "il lakes a Ihier In catch a thief." and hy the same token it lake n woman In catch a woman in the subtle little trick rnufrhhicb are used to outwit. a man. That's why women who see "When Knighthood Was in Flower," starring Marion Davies, will ihucte with, enjoyment in cerlnin scenes where the men are silcnl, ; These reinlrijiuy outbursts or nlerriinent coimij al various' limes when Marion Uavjp, as Princess Mnrv Tnilnr ireu Ilia- Jt inn.. . - - f ......... 1,.!.' l.1. I I 11 I . Ml cllenieiil. l assays a renlshpnestl;novn lo all lliViislers nr Kve in lo phoiliies Iniigli n riiinule. It is 'ordcf lo cajole her stubborn one or thine aimusenienl mediums' hrnlhcr. King Henry VIII. Mary's which IHI people rrom I he dull inlroO appeal lo Henry's vanity ll------ ' - . - - A worthwhile Reputation slaaaaaBaaaaaalaaaBaaaaaBmaaaaaa when she wants him lo "BIRTH OF A NATION" The head of one of this country's great institutions says: BANNED IN PARIS days lierore, and had indeed pre viously heen shown in Pnri.s reproduces, as is well known, certain episodes uf (he War of Secession, ami nlso depicts ex- esses of the negroes alter their liberation from slavery. II traces also the origin ni the Ku Klux Klan movement. Its presentation has not provoked any public demonsl nil ton nf protest, but Hie Prefecture nf Police, In conform ity, il Is slated, with M. Poin-care's recent declaration of prin- iple, hft suppressed the pre. senlalion "for the good .of (ho people." ' . ' " MOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert. W. K. Draney, Mill Day; F. Weelman,. Prtishead. Somerset- "The Man who builds and the man who buys are both beneficiaries of reputation. To the one it is a continuous spur and incentive--to the other, the strongest of all guarantees -that what he buys is worthy." Patronize the manufacturer or merchant who ha a reputation for honesty and fair dealing. Such motives must actuate the consistent advertiser. The man who invests real money in building a reputation for himself and his merchandise cannot afford to risk any of it by taking unfair advantage of his customers, lie must retain the good-will of the buying public -Without this, his business cannot succeed Every time he advertises he puts his reputation in your hands. His products or the wares he has for sale must make good. His service must be as advertised. That is why it pays to read advertisements, to deal with advertisers and to buy advertised goods. Yes, it is worth your while to Read The Advertisements . rcleaelcouver; William Charles Hraiulon, whom she .Mrs. Then. Trogslad and Wash.: Wash,; Arney, Kent, loves; her clever trick, or remain-. A, Holmgren, Seatlle; Alice liar uig m bed when (he t renchain- 'ris and Heuben Harris. Massell: hassailors calls and shocking W. Middleton and F. G. fa recti. King Henry hy pretending she is; Victoria; fieorge F. . Wiggan, about lo junvji out scantily clad ; Philadelphia, penn.; A. T. Kck-these and similar incidents unite jnlT and J. A. Williams, 8tewnrl: the women or the audience in a common bond or understanding and amusement. "The liirth or a Nation," D, W. (irinilh's Tamou film, which was presented at the Marivauxl Cinema on the ,(1rand Boulevard, has been banned by the French aulhorilies. This Is the lasl innnifeslalion pr French solicitude for "men of color." The film, which was passed by jhe censor only ten Fred Nash, Terrace; Mrs. A. II. Hayne ami chilil, .I.akelse Lake; Mr. nnd4.Mr,s, George Matheison, Alice Anil H -II Fihch.Calgary; Pred Orey, 11. Nalph and A. II. Tomlinsoii, .Thurston Harbor; J. Mac.Millau, Cumshewa; Mrs, llerryman, Inverness. Central It. V. Ilumidireys, Kdmonloh; J. Mather, Xewcasllef J. .1. Hovvey land M. Oershfield. C.N.H.: O..S. Filxmaiirice, Digby Island; W. Smith and J. Moodlg, Dundas Island; Hoy Newlon-and Mr. and Mrs. F. Could, Slew-art; W. Jar-man, city; (i. W,. Jenkins, Jas. per; John Mat son, porcher Is. land; C. II. rtoss and Joe Fadhol," Vancouver, PRINCE RUPERT TID Monday, September 17 . High (1:32 aim. Irt.fi fti 18:32 p.nu 18.3 " Low (1:08 a.m. 1,7 " I2M7 p.m. 8.0 " shire, Kngland; V. Wrlm.. at 1 1 1 1 ; t a . a. ..a . . v iniains i.nKe; ii, ,. layiorana ' MAIL CONTRA0T. SEALED TENDERS, eddr-iavd to lh Pomniast-r Ornrril, will bo rer-lvrd tt Ollawt until D.XHI, on Frlilty. lb tilt fKrlctH-r, lets, ror lb conveyance of II e Maj-nij'i miih, m t pmtMweii Contract for four yar, tlilrtr-D lira per wtk on I he rout btw-4i ITIIH- ynrl alxl i'rlnl-J notices ronumint fUMher hi' A. M. Ki,.p, Pnrl Rssingtont John iSTnV, & SguS S Ulterslrotit, J, A. Hobdays . "Dr. Tn' niy,be ott4ini it in idi urrire Qeorge Hanson. II. G. nurinlng.'Sr Jiwit u. II. B. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Mowatl, C. 11. Chong. H. I, Drown and James Lawlcr, Van irlrt B.C. S.via ma. up-rinitndi.iii Ofnce, Vencouv.r, i. F. MURRAY, .... Auruit. t.!0!."'1" !rln,od- ttfi put,' rt..if ..-'flit Loggers & Mfztiik BOOTS Men's Pine Shorn from $4.50 Men's Brown Calf Shoes, in Goodyear WelU wide r narrow toe, from . $5.50 i.-- Hand Miide LttflgeiMStyots from 4 . (, '$8.50 REPAIRING. 5EO. i3EE The Shoe man. Next St. flegls Cafe. SUITS Made (o Individual measure from various fabrics for you to cjioosc, from, In all (he very latest colors and materials, tjvery suit made exactly to your measure,. Guaranteed To PM, Come in today und we will hnwTrou our new fabrics. Prices Are Moderate, DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING BY STEAM. Service night. LING The Tai.tr Uoond Avt. Prion 4S. Opp. prist Office Comer.