TM Mrfy If 19?j PAGE TWO TTTE DAILY NFvVS Those Who Drink Japans COMMISSION IS AVERAGE IS EASILY CHILD INFLUENCED NOT BAD BUT BY EXAMPLE JUDOE YOUNG should surely try PROUD OF" WORK TOLD continued THE ROTARY from page A BIG MURDER I. the Siindav Sch.sols. Tin' tram -Clt, "SAMOA" It B.ln, Mad. Uocomfort. bl for Undesirable . , ... , ,.,... (Hi .mr i yr minkri CharscUr Je.t bulwark of after lit--- If 'he hoy. .travel away llwv !. Tlie police rniumi.sHtners at GREEN TEA BUI afternoon Mieir monthly plumed meeting on ram hark.Boy Scout of Shoe Prices It 1 green tea in perfection -fresh, clean Ihe mii-oc" of the elean-un A a meaa. bj which the , and flavory. Superior to the finest rnrnpaiim against undesirable could h liet, Jo.tffe Voini.- Japans you ever tasted. ..-I.IAI. . ln.lilnln.1 MMhllr menliiHted the I toy Scout.. Here! r' VJ. ' feared Ihe in.tlluli.m t no-l Sold by all Grocers. l.rn.ivh lle stimulated i .,f fl.,r,.hinC Shoe Sale Ihe ,1,,-e force, several ebarar.- tr.M Extraordinary er had already found life tin-! , . ,,,., riiiiiriiur in iui" ni) uiki iiau The Daily News Tn"'-.. """" w. -. "V'"" fiwf The I movement t.-tar rank. Commences Friday Morning, May 11th, until May 31st kept on the Wvr mm "',, ,,satvalin Army, the V PHINCK niJPKHT - niUTISH COLUMBIA We have dii.e.l of oor le.-.e and fixture, lo Mr. iathorne and arc Puhli.hed livery Afternoon. fpt Sunday, the Prince ..rr-.l... ..r j.u....... ....... '"I... orraninillon V. ,., f h. our entire Mock al the following bargain pnee. Rupert Daily News, Limited. Third Avenue. jail. The elilef privately pre. jrreat.'"! mrat force, of Ihe I. Pairs I.ndie tirey and llrown High Mh, . sented a list of undesirable to t ?..M. Sale Price $4.50 PjIp. II F. PIJI.I.KN. Managing Rditcr. wortil. Seoul lair i character Ihe cominihhers. The rar :T piiir Ladies' palenl O.lonial Pump- .,t-., tt were hem worke. on at present j pxrn m .ill ..-. Value lo HI 11.00. Sal. ri. .- $3.25 Pilf, TELEPHONE 9S and .1 . hot the destre h (f ir Ijwlies lllaek and Drown Oirkm Si, .. All advertising hti!t in The Daily New (Wire on Hay preceding .1.- wmr. ...n..- ,M.,.,r. II .U..l.... .I.o... ...,ril Value, in IMKl. S.ile Priee $4.25 Pair. publications All advertising received subject to approval. wkitU.-, .Iron- 'hahil of re.oiireefiiine..-i nl ?1 pair. J. T. llefl lllaek Ivid lllilcher H , Member of Audit Bureau or emulations. a.ler,llon lo allepe, ramhl...B r fltrjnjt ,(nflll. Oi.Imm Sole. In (hi. lot we linve oni. K , ..... .... ... .... . ... ,x, f in Ut . Origin! priff I?PL To .h..r $5.00 Pir. DAILY EDIllOH if Friday, May II, 103. nle Ihe it Pair Ilien M.LVS.'.lfr W'liMe Kid I ... if Ihe prarliee wn not prea.. ;, ' .. .............. , Pump. Value, lo M.M1. flutitg al $4.85 Pair. Both Bylaws Were! jinp. lie ili.l n.4 Iim.w why ei?ri "'The A.koeiallon i helpinir to HI Pair. I.tie." (irey or While Otiva High .hi Approved By People, julore fthoiild liaxe a ..peeia! develop llrifi'h unity lhriirhiMil I.4TJTT hreo an.! ..IriiHg. VilHei to Hulh Ihr living rw aitiinived hv the citizen, of Prinre ' .. .. the Kmpire nit.1 under it in.pir- I'rV' $2.00 Pi. HiiKrt, at IheSiMilU jter.liiv .mil Ihe work of r.m.lrurlmfr .i .,H"! houM late .. ..... a""" '. r" lrnimr to erve il Pair. Ladie.' or IlirL' While Canvas !t- I lr Sole, am! Ileer, (tilling Hi,... WYMMlrn lirulffe niirii.. llfiv l.rei'k enn now pnx-ee.1. The rlnMili .. : j I . , .I their hiwr nn.l rouutry. II tle- U4;. Alt -iie.. Male rwe $1.70 Pair. le,I I i .primd ..vef'Mt.iilfeli vear- lo revriil il heiiifr a I.urden mi .lowe.1, Innlav in .,!!!, Z, Zh. U"P wanly men nh honor a. I". .iir While j.iivn leather Sole, and Pi-s. KUher in Slra.s or ll..r.. Ihe K'Ople juil now and Ix-iug ;i hHiltlirnii In Ihe conduct of af- , . ... . their liijrh hlenl. price 5Ct..0. Side price $2.60 Paif, fair. Tlie outi'ome of the vole I ml Mili.farlorv The iie.linn of two pirl who; The nhjerl of Hie nioemenr 25 DISCOUNT OFF ANY OTHER LADIES' SHOE IN THE STORE. r i. In fil .nme of the w il.l ui.ui had heen le a.tray hy a woman Build Trail To Mn ((, (0y. that i to Of Mountain. I.. i..f.... 11.. ......I Top Shoekley xtaleil Ihll the uiolh.T .: Misses V MifirettiMj mi made at 1ie meeting of Ihe publicity , '.,!,.. .,.. ,... linto Iheni, to I 1.11 II III.!. M. Specials comniillee of the Itoanl of Trade Hint .a Imil should he con-; , ,.s .... .. , at home in Ihe wilderne... or al ,l.cted lo the top of .Mo.nU Oldfjeld. It i at present very dif-; wonfan ha), in Ihopen countr, t k, 21 Pmr- While (Uinv;i Iloldier Sun S.indnl-Size. naill lo gel lo the top owiiifcT ver, r-,r Irjld Ihe mud h f ,, , , anntUff care of I hem.elve.. .. I. -.. If 1 1 to ?. Vi $t M Pair. in place, making- il neccr lo wear .jwcial heavy hoot, for . rl rohu.l nn.l natural. Hut ,h a, ,a,i finally I.'. While lm:i- Slipper-. S.e- H I.. 0', S..I Ihe work. There are Vvcml lillle piillie that are difficult lo Jl?., ,.,.i.; "'y Ihe m.Ic ol Price $1.00 Pair. cro. which it would he eay lo hridjre.ivillii .niaJI tree. Il Hie .p. ... r.,.1.1;. rilll.n.l ll.n I Ihe iraiiifmr. There i alo Ihe :t7 Piors llhildreo'- Shirt--. Site from I 71.. ! '" " 'I " '" i lelliioal range e.xjrt ne of the axe for a .horl lime. . iie. iw.lire Value S.7.V Sale Price $1.50 Pair. The cost or making- lh:. Irial would le mfdKvet-il. would i,.l- "Onof' the main purioe ,.f o . it.;,.. i..ik f... -.i.t..,i. ,.i ii.. .: i-W.-.r!-Tr? .. Newlnn reported ha- 1 1 he inoveinent i 1.. eai-h rmir- 1- AND 25'. DISCOUNT OFF ANY OTHER PAIR OF T A .A . , . - "r'L4i": . Ing had a eonver.allon with the k and ileference the r. . me ... ,,r ,. , !,,,. o,n o,lfnohpr aKe. 'why the iley lo weak MISSES' OR CHILDREN'S SHOE IN THE STORE ..... ........ n ,-. fiiwa.. . .."j..... iiir.r . ........E an.l helpleitx. We .eek in ui. iil-IcNit.- police allowe.1 Mich a woman lo would give heller return for the mall amount of money invented a "Mrit of iialriolMiii ( reniairt' in town lo lead jrirlv lhan making that (rail. ' i rnoii tij rliaracler and lo leach a.frny.'" That wd the general I . I tt'n fi.n n.i I Colonel McMullin VI . . .LL. " 'J V" ' ..." ....J"' every hoy ecu! mu.l .h. one Men! Here is Bargain a And Provincial Police. j.. . ,.. ,ir:L.i ..... .........., ffon, turn a .lay to some peron e..iV. niu..ii:.. i 1 m. i.V. i ... ,j . . . -j....n... i-'.. ( 1.1 A ( .lone ... vinii'i viirjiuiinr iini a iirrni iiiM iiiinit m iiihki- u llim,..ii,'j..ii ...i. turn fj.r himself hy seeing that the liquor and oilier laws of the pro-' flP a ui r town a rliihl count. nml; to a woman All It-ihher ft Kyelel Ilia, k ..u e llootv I'sii.n f ' vince are .trictly enforced. There ha lieen a good deal of lakily ' Bt Ui IE Months MioiPlliine more than lo a man: All -ize. Sale Price . .... SIM holh in Ihe cilie and. Itiroughoiif lh Itliorganized districts in raifnni.i6iler liorkley .aid done to a man .omethins more Ihi. regard with the result that the into Jhan lo an animat; hut a iri jroveri.menl gel. 4i- u,n ,f, uneil had fir.l, AND 25': DISCOUNT OFF ANY OTHER LEATHER(A '" ,Mr ihe fmr ncliori to .onic living llunx mil.I rrf''."r .J.rup". l"mli ..r."w.,.r,l romfii'ion .,",v.,!,rr 'he lo down er. mark RUBBER BOOT IN THE STORE. ery.1ay. The i I., " ohject " ' ' T mtfSr "lH!'r pen.e; Then memher. of il fionlrol. They evidenlly Ihink. hey arc vefnj.arly rirhl. ,ia(, PopUine.l of M.rh ra.e, make froo.1 cilien au.l hnna ha in many .-i.e. there very little rontrv.h. t'. except out what i Iw.l in the oy ' thai it is a government monopoly and theprog go o . (, Wi'J lUllt ronfi.lenl that rl),ane(Ihe In the (.coiil there wa. a- 10', Off All Regular Lines or Canvas Running Shoes For Men, Women, Boys and Ct military Iraiiiliif anil ecn il people. JPTI-''MJ .I a a ti I.I elann . a'a 1 hinn While we are prepared lo a.Jmirthnl IhwIprfiiSnl i , iftlli.i there were the .ludge .aid, he r.....I. I ...... 1 1. I.I .: .. ...v .... ......if:. i, . . if vvhiu Wlieve.l in military training for gin to approach Ihe ghiwing pnWk oUfiUipTironlrol haf , Bamblin and hoot-were II nation.. If there had Iicj-m ROYAL SHOE STORE paulled when (he vole wf fir.l Uti .Jlie-n.1 time , , ,, rtjUHn,?. lie of day or night in any own or city or mwl in unrTuTage when he .louhled if there would have lh h, ia, IUe wor!. of (,1P jL persiMi'.whjr. ia thirdly f-Hiiiio wiUuti liurty niiiiulrs rai an Mi: .1 . t . .u- heen fifty per rent of the yutii Phone 60S. Third Avenue (Next to Wallaces). P.O. Bo 1WI ricrommoduliiig hoollegger who will supply Ihe rpinnlily if not ' , w.k- J hai, tn -- - - hel w- "-"in- men of the country unfit to lake the .pialily of gi mm, that may he anked for. J(j up arm. when the war hroke ,ilfh,pln ,, erviee t on J No one i-xrct. lKdleggi,.g lo fie Mopped. That i. loo , ,.,,,,.,. Tl(. former out. He referre.1 lo the "pilTIInu maudlin nonene" often henril .rr. . . . 4 . .. laiuw ni iMMiiiegver. iih.i i lie .,- r.,..r.. .-.. ,,...,... .. ue.rrn, ueu. oe mane 10 r trry 'Mil tne in IliU connei-tion. While he ...... ,,. , , ,,,,.. nrH'"' won hi not wi.h hi. tioy In o-rome . ntivtciinn iwi indinir hree 'i,!' "J 1 H'T r!",,t, 'l,w".,,t;'n,, !ahle. were h-iny Ho.Hy checked a prize fiirhler he wool.!'il and one wi'hdrawii " " Z ,1 f ,:r: i-""11 ,hn hingi ;.- .... . wan I him lo know enough ..f llie convict fur Canadian " " ' ' " .'"""" ahout Three ions were National Railways ,1" , ,u ir.. ; . eregellina uncomlorlahle for Ihe art of self-defence f., " " ' lo prevent irtinkerin.'. ami one i::;; : 7.. . "'rU r I n. Ihey were either gone r H.,r )o coineoiip pummelling him. vnirriincy. The owner, of lw-. riV7 enn,it, moving. One '"1 , .'J,' '.,'.,,:K,,J''.e r,olu" "-'r duty. The law;. ;uofnan ,, tn uM , of Junior Red Croc house, were instructed lo leave Prince '"M"""' " p " ,n. 1 " " week, Another in.lilulion mentioned town. Mine, collected totalled Rupert thev faiLLijLlii it they, are iiefrliireiil of lheir du tev .honlil I . . .... . "'"y . hy Ihe Judje wa. Ihe Junior II..I I and keep of provincial -r V . . nn.l ai .in. loa.-e a i.muioni iroi ilie relieved, n l heller men put in the r place. 1 Cro... Al present Ml t'rmi-harl prisoner, hrousrhl I(ill..'in. a t .. two month rent for two day'n 1 Wtitle here, (.hulcl Mc.Mii in wa. a mol effic en niih c' waa here wilh Ihe object of total revenue of llie DRYDOCK KrvanL' DoiiMIim. ,Jie will i-nrry that unmo degree of efficiency I etf ru4 111;Olv j Information .... forming a Junior lied Cross payroll amounted lo HSj. in... me .oiicc ocparimeui ami will require il of hi. Mihonlin- Oommllnner SlKickley em-phaiied society in the choo, people In roiinecllon of the pa.sinK AND iie, vvp nave gifii riulh in hi. alulily nnd judgment and am here would never regret letting of accounts, Ihe commission ordered Ihe facl that fhe puhlic 'looking fur i-r.ulU their children Join, The goal of lhal recovery of fare and houM he eneoiirageii to give Informal SHIPYARD! ' lhal organization wan: speeial ofllcer'a evpensc. tie oh. fHonnital Ion, They ahould he un- Day lhal the boy. ami girl of lained from Ihe eslule of a person il- -r- ..." il red that their name woulj i uiiiurrowi lixlay might he taught lo think who had been conveyed lo not he siveri mil. If information Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock , Tomorrow If Ilospitnl Day and Prince riuperl people are in-M-ilcd first of olber.. To servp hll- the a.ylum al Ihe expense of Hie were given at the proper lime. Engineers, Machinist, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pitun lo'Vii-iMlie local hospital and see'where Iheir money i. he-ing .t iil.n..,4 hn,1 nianily. To serve the country a 4 eily. makers, Founders, Wood week EM. spoil runt vvhal an efficient iiiHluliou w'e have. The Ladie.' . . ' .. . goo citizen.. T.i care fur the era, ,P ..,i -lhC t'r"i,",t Ni we' Chili will serve lea during i woiiio M wftllM re.uii in roiivn-iion. anil liealllt and cleanliness of body Tlie Cenlrnl Lakes Creameries Electric and Acetylene Welding. fie r. lernoon; :vervoe .hould ee Ihe ho.pilal and incident-! ,,1 ttnrM.uTramnalgn and soul. To cultivate tolerance. I,Id., wflh head nfllce al I'ranroi. al V I lev .hniihl nk to Il, ..n: .i.i. To spread the desire for Lake, has been incorporated " .....,ii- .1. wiiirii p.lllir III peace Our plsnl Is equipped to udle ell kinds of the mime-, have lo sleep mid llieu make a good nized donation amontr nations. 'lo help with wilh a rnpilallznlion of ftlO.flno. lowiint iiiu new urse- II.,me. ) efllclenl love wherever help I Marine and Commercial Work Ten Years Ago ) needed. To think nnd act noldy." In Piinca. Hupr1 He thought it a good thing Liver Trouble PHONES 43 AND 311 . . lha hoy should belong to such "I Now i K Feel Fine" organization nnd lake part in all Mm. P, G. May 11, 113. manly sports. If they got thei Murdoch, Box William Ma ii-on, M.I'.P., natr proper training when young it Pains in Stomach 433, Portage U Prairie, lhal there will he ro change In w ould he all righl lo hand I hern Man., write I the sile of Ihe provincial government a latchkey al twenty and ask no Compound Interest "I wai troubled far yean building. Temlera for M'rft of Ilia rnlnrry and lll-tw-aliti that : with biliouioeii, cooitipatioa, their ererlton will he iuvilcd al qiie.lioiis. , liuiiunMjr i llw burd.n.d liver, atoiaarb with arlm or bow.u,tmn dia-onlert Suppose a boy of 18 detenn"f,!J lidaey and liver troubiti. I once, he aunounrea. 1 ave six dollars a week. Atthrref hied many different kindi of APRIL LIGHT MONTH Itint It la ou ars I Us f.llor aloinarh,out rp:ially of sorlt, after hiv cent compound Interest he will bJ,'J medicine, but aothiof did mt The work of ltmolihing tn-tre ratlaf, aour aloaiara, Lilloiii iM-lb, alrk his twenty-fourth birthday V,W much good until tried Dr. Hlrret ha. eouuoeiu'e.1 and after CITY POLICE COURT ur bHloua IwailarliM, Iwantiurn, it.r which $165 will be interest. tr.h, you ImmjI( lak a tew duMt Cbaie'i KidoeyJver Pilla. t.Hlay nil Iraflle to the O.T.P. of Milbuni'a Lata-I.lvar fill. Th.y will The longer your sarins now feel ia. but am never Hliarf will hate In move hy way Nine Caaaa Dealt With Peaultlng livru up II" loar, rrfuliU tlx UiHi,ao4 grows the larger it grows and tne w without tkeie pilli ia the koute. or )sh'0iii hireet and Ihwover In Four Conviction Fine ww up IBs atoaiara, ) er it grows. Is compound Dr, Chaie'i Ointment hat re head. Totalled $125. Mr. T C. Ilillnian, lllhi, nut.. ; neipiog to make you indepenucu.' leved my kuiband el tlli. rli.i; "I biva 1'1 liver truutils ami " from which he Bitd te luffer A petition is being cirenlul.-d The monlh of April was ex u la tim tioina'O fur a lur lime. I JMaawraMiwi CAN h lo uh your Mllliurn'e laia l.vr' badly." in Hie eily addressed It. H. far I lie i.-.u'l. to ceptionally light aa as IUl lu S .lujrl till. I luillrrf Ik. . l DR. CHASF'S ilements, the local member of police cmirl was rnncernei ae- r lw-iiio( v. Nuw I wuulij twt 1m 1 UNION BANK OF CANADA parliament, urging Hie appoint, 'cording to Hie report submitted ,'"' t's-ia and raauoi racbuiau-ud . v KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS meiil of Jarvis Mcleod us col- hy Chief Vltkera to the police ,,M,", ,g0 Oimuu a-duM, JS Ccau a boa, ail ik.Wt, or, Sau lector It 1111,...,of cusloin.1.1 io succeed II. 'commission ui ifa moulhly meet. L, " " Uia t-ivr or yitia msu.i ara mr-M its u a' Prince Ruperf Brrtnch A. T. Broderfck, Manage! i... i ...i.... t-i... . Co., L44., Toroolo, o iieu mt. twmirmuj j.1 1 -1 ii""ii. , n rfll or irl-a ty Tb T. MlUiuro Co ''-uiiftferiedf jlid been It rases reuniting in 4 liu.iiwl, Turuoui, om,