,lr Mar 10" TUB DAILY NFAVH PAOB. TIinKH AWMIlKiriATinW fUADCI ii innnuiUsirtiiun v-uni uu No. 2 C .Local and Personal I k wvtiv nF WFnniNfi 73art(et4 MUCH LOCAL INTEREST Autographic II. tt. Unctl lakers, phone 41. tf 1 Miss Patricia Meagher United In Hayuera, TJndei takers. 1'hnue EAGLE Marriage to J. J. Muldoon, 381. tf KODAK Father McOrath Officiating liny your vegetable: and fruit BRAND ul llio (31 1 y .Market. If Junior Mm' of I In' iiiiivI inlerr.tiiiK I I'Rncr Valley Ice Cream. Condensed Milk wi-iinK of Hi' uprtntt nenon Equipped with Anaitigrr.al Lens, virw lee Cream l'ai-lnr. wax li'iniiifi'il al H.:k lii'l iilnlil contains all the nutritious element in tin- Aiiiiimrliihoii (killiutic $25.00 l or Plumbing and IICAMNii. necessary to make baby i.lmpcl. Ili-v. l-'nllifr P. J. Mr-liiutli thoroughly healthy. It is the ofririaliinr. wlicn Sli V. I.ougwlll. I'hone Itlue 210 Safe food one absolutely to use P.H. Uux 130. . If Marpari't Alice Patricia .Mciiali-r. when Mother's milk (ails. As-your IT'S HERE doctor. of thin rily. heruiiic lite liriilc oT V. J. l.iiRkwurfliy, of New John Jo-u-pli M,mIiIooii. noli of Mi . Hi .i of Ihe ca-un lli' one nii hiive Iwern irwl Send for free Baby Books Mill. of loon, iiml Mi. IIiiiiiuik lllli'llnll, Hull II passl'IIJfrl fur t ..IxhiI ill every magazine "iu pick up. Vaill'OIIVel' nil Mil- PrilK'C lllipCI'l 9fo'fficitktu CaJIrTulai Mollll'I'lll. IJilchiH. K i k mid it'- autographic. 'I'lii- i- tut iiinlriitneiil who (ii-l night, ' 'I he liriilc. at ai,-n VANCOUVER Hid vc lllglllv ri'l'tlllinicilil. her fullicr. - iiH.v i won- ii navy (Ionic mi iiikI sec it. Condensary at South Sums, B.C. Mi-- li. Mcftair, who arrived I.ho li;iM'llinu .nil Ailli pirtnrc Photo Finishing. 1 1 'mi N t ii n r on Wednesday, lull In in-ilrli ami .1 cor;ipc hou- or lillii- of lli- alli' in ') Ilnn'l lake left mi lal niffht's I nil n for lin'1 I'l o irmly -iillir day. nnned'nsni) ,1111k Ili nlal roio-o. Mi. Krli- - I In- nlil I he the Hind i liniif. Mi line llros., reliable, art' re nil inomlr 1.11 Truci). the briili'iiiiani, j,IS: ti Pine- right. i. W. . ickernoii .ri on Ih-i woi'i- a -oil of tuiy hhi- Irn uloif iiulif - I rain for Terrace 1 1 c- villi Ii a I 10 niHlrh ami u ioi-k" McRAE BROS., LTD. I el In viH l.krln I.ak a lioii'im ! of pink nw.. I'i i'iI Hi" fi-liing I t-lfi. t 1 Hi'. -iiiioili-il Ihc iiroi.m. Tin I'hilpi'l wan rrowilt'il VritM in.line Hunhby, niiiif1 ' iy. II ui-Iuiiu fri'inl of Mo- iS) I 1 ,lrf 11 i iliili'. tin- Prince ltiiirrt lli-l'i. i - Ci VV(I M pasnCIIKrl l"l Nil" 'I III' k-i ooiii n pri-.i-ni lii lhj' omvVr on the Prince Hup- i i l.i-' 1 1 nil- u;i- a lii-Hilllfol -Oltoir Im l.i'l inol Ihc hrith- n pn-ncnl lo ui.ht. I.-. Frozen Fancy Mm' iii ooiii wiit an unu lliy.t , iti-ij 1 1. i.i ..in ,Mj.-. iiaiy,4M. Cdcnslutw. of in'kiiti. The ncciil lo lhJ I 1 nli'i.inai'1 mm a trot 1 1 i.ii' ft Ma--' ll. arrived from I In- Inland ...1....1 1...1 Ml-. Jim- lil''- i 1 1 i , .... ... ... tin' Prince John III in morning ""i' rrin, iiwt 10 mr- hi inirhl on Ihe Pi im Itupcrl fort ami ii reginfered t the Hole! Vancouver, dere she will viall BTiHimnian. h nun im. ' Served lernnfif I'riuri' lluvrt. fur a Hbw. Supper --. After the ceremony, the liiolal larrc iiumiicr of llij.-o parly ami It. W. Slevrnlon, who vlnilflif Morlcy igkk aiiicl Uiie nt-lerriooii livl Ihc wclilinn who alien. re. ui-ini-i uiilU IM. week lo place or til Venture from jiairnl lo the home ol Ihc hritlc'n iinrrii for ini4 luHtlxf ahip-iiiiiiiI Surf Inlet and will be in the ciiy wiiere Inif fel r parent a iipH In iaMiu thriHidh Ihi Hilf few tfajr. fur a nervTil. I'aiicni ami nilinie niiirnel lo Vanroiavar an - Wan lJ ciijoxctl unlil the happy JO. ii JL vm iiiicht'e train. The Prinee John baa arrived I 4. r oud lefl for ihe -leanier Peine- General Cidar Co. Limited llepeaf ordure alumJy coiuinfc lis m . port witb a a .1 i.ari,'o 11.tll..of the Hupcrt on which lliey eiiiharkiil Controlled and Operated hy lammiH i.uj - i"' 1,. ....i ii.e... .L'- i,ev. $30.00 ton in fur .Nanaimo-Weilingloii Nut liGO Oli.M. for Prince Hu- , Vancouver ami S Limited per m Tobacco Co. of Canada Coal for kil"hi'n range and sum- perl Coal Co., which lliey are ( ,Up(l ., )0. wt.,.p a ,.. Imperial nicr ue. Quick fire. Coa name quoliiiKal f t3 a Iwi'deiivere.!. WI.fr. an inferior AuaU. Albert i. Me-CafTery, ' '"' " Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Go., Ltd. I.tJ. Phone 561. U I r, I.m." '.... lilav-.'.'.Al.tlie.'t aAhfr(9'.innihcr 1. -recent. ion of erc In-autiful on ilin- 14 j Hiillrll-lrvinji. -rtil.liill- Vifl i,.',jfvd to Ihc .Viljcb ev- , li.-orjii' p. Hale, nevrrlary jfl iait f iMinnerten for 'tbo. A,l.n. ONE DOLLAR PRINCE RUPERT- Jmw au Mtiu-li . Ihe lirnlc. ai-T Mo' Mnixfll I'imltnr V.it., ami jj packinjii Co, and William limit - j,,. - W(rM. itiiirihlMiL (l wl...VJi M O'ltrii-n. loKBinti at- Illlgn. iiii-urau. - inoii-.r, i ... ,,. r rPJOn,i. ... .riusee liM-lin i '1 for a genuine on. nrriNi 2r"i Miiciey nuy on Bcll-lrv Co- returned inw-Uroery ,.i.,Vr. ,. Ba'. chiua. lim n m il Mm' iJiiirp J.'lfl I hi iiiornifv nouth lunt niirht after having ' B,IIMi, vare. tl i-fii,'l' w..- :uij --ipd oiT.Vi'' I'rilit'O KuprH Razor ,4-i- vinnciLinc aceme 01 uic n.v. can- u ,,fnkn et AnoStrop t Experience! for Vancouvea, J3 iH-ry at lort J-UMidgtuo. I the bride by , liyr Lt-y iniin"Un'i f ?lm. Alice .Muau-r. " .1: H. MiIIt, illrtor of ru- Rev. ArlbierlMiriier, of Caluary. f a'w,.; ,r. "awvl-nn"'- Guaranteed by the N.iiiK jitiiPf ii.r, MMil J. .Mawii, aH-rnlenileai of Imlian Mbv- jlirrM.,. vvn. wanl, Mi ;i-i-lunl iniVlor, are iu lw manufacturers to nioim ior 111c .viciiiouibi iiun-n jicukIot Willi Iter ovvii liaml.t jii i AC Vn,, IN THE GRAIN AND i ll) on Mllii'iul I'hoy r- for Aew cntuiiiiHlcr Wbcre he without Ihc if of j.-la--. Mm contain same features ho J ears iiw'il f r.mi ifhirrn via (he Oiiitii feed business Will at lead the iliurrli confcirncc Meawher can- here from Vatir that made the $5.00 Sixteen Branches in B.C. :ii;u-lolu- l.lHinlii on IhV) PriniT ne week. Mr. Barner baa bwn vci- eiMTially , .. .aU "fl (!' w set famous. vimlliHr Uarelloii, Kinpiox, uihI ioiik and wild rcni liii.iierc ioilil Our Business has been built on 11. m or lr it her polirti. up the line. Ibi;,ctMUtlC return. ., . .Minion, iiaimiccr Quality, Price and4&rvice ybti-air ilefat'"pi TIJi. a faiM Th .T.P. nleantcr PrineV .Viler( Will the lioiieyiiiooii.Reside Here.Mr. 11 n THE BIGGEST RAZOR rVi'iinlir iiiamitHi'luriiiK i'omi'i Cant. II. arrK'ci VALUE EVER OFFERED rini. .eWfn, Mm. Mllldooll will lake up lliri Write I'hone for Pricrs. We RttaiFirfy'QQuantiiy l 111 I In' rlly laul cciiIiik 1 or frrtrti' Vancouver ylM 'Hi 'Ijileen re-idem-e in Ihe Itanil Apart menl TO THE PUBLIC nil- from Kal to Vancoiuer. CbArVitfeA l.laMs a':!::!!! thin 011 Kullon Slr-'i-l. Mc. M it l'l-hi i Id' hitimhI on Ihc I rniu ami ail- morning. 1 lie tMmI had clo-c hi-i ntii'il for P. Itiirnn ,V Co The Erackman-Ker Milling Co. Lid 'I 011 Ihc iiiiihiiKHl nleaincr. Here's your chance lo 5il paHKCflpsM for thin port II.Id. here. - - liioitt of tbem from lliickley I lay. RAZOR STROP-3 to eliminate the 5' Special ihirinijTlie moiitk, Llaaf Home of I hem continued to Van BLADES CIVIC EMPLOYEES constant inulily KiiIImIi foolhall ImmiIh. purchasing couver, on Ihc Prince 1 1 11 ue if. If I'lif firm ihul inakcn COMPLETE of blades llicao ftp- new to feed Klie bad alno a carvo coiinmlin)? CONSIDER STRIKE PACIFIC RAILWAY roitcuhaiii Ilia FOR CANADIAN plio llolanur in of coal for Ihc prince lluiieil your old Raror. old All mIicm. . W hile nniiilry. ijial 1.0. ami lumber for Albeil ONE DOLLAR B.C. Coast Services Ihi-y ImI al 5..'5. A auaVanlccd Power to Act on Matter Left With V McCatfery and the railway. ORMES LIMITED liool. Slioe Thin I Hoyal gtore, Men were hroiixht from Valicou-ver Executive Committee New Avenue. 1.1 wink 111 Ihe mill ill lluek-le Officers Are Elected The Rexall Stores Phones 200, 82 and 134 Saijingsfrom PrinceRupcrt Hay mn I the IncKinu raiiinn TO lieorjie A. Chilliicr, 1 1.It-1 1 1 ' The Civic I al Kinplov S.S. PRINCESS Wl A M V al I hiii'nloii Harbor. A KomJIi-ip num. liiininii enKineci', in Icumiik on Ihecoanl with it- regular tni'iil lily meeliii lu-l and up in reported fo-at Victoria Seattle, For Vancouver. Hie I ii 1 ni- Joint lomorrow niuhl 20. Skideyilic which cuiim'iI oiiic uivlil, coimidf red the action -f 18, April 27, May 7, In pay lii jiiiiiiimI vimI of 111- the council in lim.- Ihc delay. eily rejei For Ketchikan, Wrangoll, Juneau and Skagway, , MR. FISHERMAN! "'cooSKd lion lo Die Oiieeii Chaiiol le I liinliiiu of Ihc Hoard of tuicilia- April 23, May 3, 14, 25. , IkIjiioI- lie will lake in nil oail' linu Ihe di-pulc on wuae and S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. SELECTING We have been in-iking tanks for bouts' during the of Ihe I-I.iiiiI- anil i'V I- lo I"- PEDIGREE Miled on Ihc mailer of a ntrik pu.-t For Butedale, Swanson Bay, Eait Bella Bella, Ocean j HWtlV .lli'Mll 11 (m l u it:III . leavins the Hiwer in Ihc huiuN of leu years ami we have ycl to get a complaint uf fuully Falls, JVamu, Alert Bay, campDen mver, ana van- j CATTLE FROM PRINCE a 1'oinliiillee of three from the ex- workman-hip. at 1 i WHAT WE HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS WE CAN couver, every Saturday p.m. ODDS ARE AGAINST "' " OF WALES HOME FARM tlUt Agency ror an ieamsmp iino. .... DO FOR YOU. Full ml. in 1 1 Hi 1 1 -III WILLARD TOMORROW Mliiafiuii vyurrnutn it al any time. W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. 11.V Ml ll I II. M.l) I I Pl iife.M.i Action uovv i. Io-hik deferred un ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. MAV VltltK. May II. Je.v W. I.. 1'ai'lvic. niitnaxei' of Ihe til next MoiMluy uiuht n coiini'il illaril. Hie loMfenl and oldenl l-riiic of Walen' Alberta ranch, i. meet i ui.- nl which lime the nitua- Second Ave. Phone 340. of the active lieav vveiahl. who 1- vi-niiiK tiie 1'rtue home farm luui as utffCliliK the employees in meel I'loyd Johimon , ii man nt M..I.I i iiui-lauil. t:ornwall. ami will be ileall Willi aviiill. Tin lull! hin own hhi-. louioiiow . ban In iiti.uiK a -elcclinii fitiiu pc li nll-ike collllllillec cull-i-lH of J. A lunt III) I'liuu-. i ni'-nl . I'.iuhleen pree lieiil- lo leiol In Cana-la. Mt'ltaa, fieoi'vif l.clln ami 1'red Phone 376. Phone 376. "I In- oppoiicnl were knockeil Allloilit olln rn choneli in the Clarke. - 'THE HOUSE OF QUALITY' STEAMSHIP SERVICE "Hi. TolllUl l "V. however, mill- on of Ihe hiiimun nhorlhol'll hull J. A, Mvllar wan cleclcd pic- iiMiii-l illaril ' I :hri-l mn Ivina'" w hich won din-fiiiclion- ilent of Ihe union in place of . miNCI 0I0R0I ml PaiKCC RUeCRT will -ml I ii"" ll"lll Co.. i'V al ihc principal acri-i iconic II. liii-cy who ban rcniun SHOPPING BAGS 1 Thurdi m M ' -i - lu. o, . uu I all., i n iilliiial l.nul.iu.l Sunday " (.. -(KKIUUUUUUUUUtKIUlUiUUtJUUlj .-lii.w- in l.i-l I. ami tleorite Ij IU wan clecleii II,'.. VANCOUVIB, VICTORIA, StATTtC. V ice-pi-eniilcnl. nuceeediiiK l. S. A Itla. k l.i'.i lii'c Folding Hng. very .'ouipai l. Two jroa stiwart s.mr, ia r.m. Cameron, ulu reniulied. pliable leather handle-. vnt -ixe. folded ize II' x 8'", ojivli iron anvox w""i r-"- i TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 12" x It)". A vi-i'y m at. stylish, evtyy day ueoenity, with S.S, raiNCI iOHX I I mn.101l l. N 1 aiMl Si.iilli yui'i'li i;Urliill lUinl Mr. Patuihom, formerly Mm. iiulMiie sin.ill i hange pni'e. securely pisileclcil with nolid A "I III. M. Kill. ' Maruarel Morgan, arrived mi Ihe iluine fasteni i . A regular $I.7T value tlur Price $1.35. U M Kli l lo 5 h.p. marine Ven Mi re thin afleinooii from AIR CUSHIONS. , PAS8EN0EII TRAIN SERVICE. '""I' p-n-oliiic cnyiiic iii u'.mh! eon-; Surf lulcl with a man named An Air liill.ileil Cushion, siiilaHc for Imating, picnic I'l'lii'i' l- i-i.i,.. ... 11 il.ll m.il n Ia il "' I'"' '"I II .'Iii.ii. .11 "in- l.'iiii' 1 .iwiu nan ilium III mn. line roiinlele deci'ip-l.I'.lin-mi. for udiui.niou to the iug, veraiulah. clc. Carry one v(ili you to the Toulhal! v inni ii.iui. i' i-i Hon and iic-l price lo I'll. t.. 'ni'lal ilu.pilul. Johlinou ha. gniiic clc. Kohls lo vest Mckct sixc llcg. iirici.' 1.50. AOINCV FOR ALU OCCAM STIAMSHIF LINKS. ""' m hi- head injured while loypiiij;. Due price $1.00. I Ctr Tlct.i Oltlc., B2J Thlr. A... Crlnct Rufi.rl. riiant 60. i.I NKIIAI. rl ItVAM' V.NTKI lie wan workmy for M'i'UII X Visit Our Boot and Shoe Dept. Spec fa I ultyulioii prince (&coirjc 1 1 1 1.nun. given to all i'i ii it ail live ii Is. If our Shoe Department cannot Apply Huya i:.'c Circle. -upply need, will order for your we specially you. Phone lllai k a ii i NOTHIMi TOO S.U NOITIINc TOO LAIUiK Im,la H bkm OF U.C., LTD, S UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY TORONTO I i II Ml. licnileu an - vol.I i.i,, CATARRH plea-orc to be o service to toil. Hindi ff.m rrlnc. Rup.rl. ri Centre of Shopping Third Lades' and Bloomer Suits In Khaki. f'of Tu.d, T.. ni Aval, in- Apply I :t Sport Hiking $9.50, VAMCOUVIR, VICTORIA, o. i 411 I .11- .ml u Hi-"" I' o and BusinotS District BLADDER A VAloouwm wiDToiMi. li. . i h.ii urn! -U4II..-II H o Saturday Woo.. 291 ROOMS I'.anne ILakciy. Ut.1 al UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. r"f .. l -""I ui SlId'M. too kith rrtvata B.th HI W - -v.av ANVOX, AtlCf ARM, miUli'. W.li - I'l "H A.M. BUHOPli AN PLAN I.l 1ST Soldier' Service liiilloii. Huh IBManl. AjlhiA frlH f0f NAAS RIVIR CAN.'Jir.lH ' " "I"m ' k WINNtu IHOMI-.QM. MAN'O. Dili, ih I' inili i il .i - return to iu iy We Prepay Mall Orders. Satisfaction or Money Back. I'l' "'HA' JACK aHNSLIV, Aaanl. nwHKWwnwiotMintitKHHWMwwKnS .aj