f 101 TWO THl DAJLT jriW'8 SIHONDS SAWS ANYOX LEAGUE The most economical saws to use HOLDS MEETING Simoads Canada Saw Co. Limited,St.Reml St.and Acorn Ave. Vumh,, b.c MOHTPE-At. St.4ka, H.B. 3 Various Matters Dlscusssd of Wt My iWl i! vm Interest to People of Smelter Town ' AN VOX. Feb. IT. At the resr- The Daily News ulnr weekly rHeetina of the I'.oni pniNtt-: nuPKitT - hhitlsii Columbia muiiily League Council for thi Published Rvery Afternoon. except Sunday, the Prince week, tbe secretary reported profit ami it Malemenl a to Hupert Daily News Limited. Third Avenue. t'Ms-iiri!r being ready for dilft. J I. F. PULLKN. .Maniifrin Rditir. ti lion. H rertrd a mhH Kmi for me rviMidiM .vijrw en Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. 'rtainMionl. Thi w cawM by Ibe rwrcHy r eorutteh A t lu bavin? t l made for the DAILY EDITION tfS5?iII Saturday. Fob. IT. 102.1. will Mvaion. but thi equipment be available fir future entertain an fid talon-m ilnly of niton I in ienl of a like nature ami houM In the Letter Box i per. .-cut, with a further pmtcrl- not be charred in full attain! the ing i-latic. If thin indtilry Uvl uMmns nisiit. ihe .Mine itieiMh" been declared l be opemfcit a machine had been inlalled in lb TARIFF REVISION :i .-..intimation for the iiurpOM new btiiktin? anl Ihe firl bw IMttor. Ilail Nv: i.f extortion and liw hl.tced on would Iw given on Friday mailt. Ai .he fe-l l finnion h. Iki the free 4 even the blinr ronUl It w decided that Ihe annual the hi-f plnnk in Hie I.ibral have .tber.-d (he relation thatJ Meeting of the rmHMiniiy platform wa III ibiwnwMrii re- exit ln-tween a hiifli pndeeiive Lenrue would take place oti Wednesday. viion of the tariff. The Nue Inrin and pr'e. Sho are nol February I. wtien nom wtt tre'e,( irv i he eandidsree dffer.Tt( from diier rreeHiea ination wnakl Ke received for the in Ihe varum ronxliluenriex a in thi- apri and lite method new WHineil. Tbe Anyn im well a Ibe Liberal pres in- "ld'ine.l i not advnraleti; but nntnil) Ieatrue cwsineH cnil rludinire I think, the I tally New. nien-ly reenlcd m an illu-lliey of Iwelve members wbo are applied the trw "Avenue traliin. lecled by tbe member of Ihe larifT' or a tariff, for revenue There would, mi doubt, be an eamie. Sit councillor are elect. rurpoe. nly, tn their prrjoel alletn.t o defend the present I every i ifwnrb for a periol brand. laritT on the trround f ex. f ne .year, n that half of the A tariff for revenue purpose plienrv and ii"-cary revenue, 'ounrtl l atway eovernt with only in the atrirl wne "t Ihe A prolertive lariff iroteelj but a the Miioe and orial activate, wonl an he impned "nly mi nitn. rity and i a tat on Ihe rnn-.nnielliinji- df the test srue, and a a' result that i iii prndured -uiht. to whocn it i a direel there i n'i break in it opera in thl country. When. h..- lav and i m-h (Mrfite of a tion... wr, this lai i (la-i , .n any -.impnlory natural law that re-imported Roller Skating rnirunodily that i- pr.i- dliire that they hiih eat and In connection with the ite of divred here, it become to Ihe "-lollie lhemelve and provide roller kate in the new pymna-; extent of that lax a protective aKitin-l want, ia arder l live. -inm. it wa tlwucht that if rub-j larifT and liuld te mi dei- and in iibdntr are by renaon her tired rotlcr kate roubi le nafed. A protective lariff. if "f lhi ureeo of l?iWina, xiib-not erured. a eniilerabie revenue' prohibii ive. ,beinz a revenue je-let lefrilinuile extortion, tfoiild airrne without any materi producing tariff. People do not A prohibitive lrnT return no al iUmn?e o tbe floor. letter ncl any pelt-biawlin? politic- revenue and "a tiirrh larifT but H-ere ent out to eeral biff lian-ufaeliirerH ian tell lillle. neither of roller kates anl to them hw Ibe tariff consequently can a it ha been, in force for h jmdifiei! on thi ground, an answer reeeiel rmm (be year and there are time wiien Tariff protect certain producer Rirhartn Mali-1 tear-in? Skatr if It Were Not for thH can be bervel cloetyr. (aeaint firH(rn rompetrtiom. but Cttnipany. of Chiraeo. The Hkh. Slump In Prices ,men free trade for tabor, and arrt.on lU.m.any ntatei that they ,"n eeaere. reull in hfcrti ijkt not RKinHfarlure a kate of In the fall,of HflT after a Women and Children period of hish price which re- Peen and bisb eot -f prKlue. the yM wanted at present; Dial they had dne n ime asm. eulted as uwal in ovev-urodac- ,ym which miniate ajraint a year tion and indutrial Matumtion. Miintry export trade, tml it a fo;ind imprartieabto price of ttu. baie cornmoditiex. Moderate Import Duties and f.tHy available for expert. tiieli a IK nHhtn.li .1 1 . I The rt r-i ic.r.l it f nmlMllitn Tbey .'itmte.t a pri of per farm, rore-t' ami nirae an.1 -an lie defended ..ly becaue,lnp,ir tfTr r"'1! '"" Uh'Z. ,","t nHe of life insurance watch today standing "guardian angel" is .h, f,.-; i.a . i, ini .... ..nh. . ..rte ftji (.b tea jro. The matter ouly. The ,.0-calle.l predion ry. in-lividudl mud be prepared I" I''" over thousands of Canadian homes. It is the great protector and afforded bv the tariff coubj not ! make .aerifiee. bnl lm dr""' r rrv-en-f thi a fhe price of not neceoarily imply that they! r friand of the women and children. It stands ready with three Fs thee Ihina- were largely de- 'hotiW become mere rnntru-termined Jlr. McKay Gymnasium brousht lb- billion dollars for the of the of those on world markr-l and meftl. For variou reaoon.free up to care dependents vast army matter of rhol children the producer of oeh ronld not trade i out of Ibe qeion and a over control litem. Ob fhe other hand moderate nnnort duly wsuM reprice the -ase of ixteen lin? oblised insured, to provide rent, food, clothing, education, and the other of the necearie of life lieve the conttmer of npprex-remaified In pay Ihe priv monthly ibcre. fee Thi for cause.1 JOtn-na-iurn things that become even more necessary when the breadwinner is hirti Vrati" ibey nu. anl ?ranl Ibe manufacturer were mmlrolled artifically by all the protection he j entitled ome dicuion, in which Mr. removed. Hoffman, of Ihe I'ftrent rea)B of a barrier erected tti to. Thoe who conduct enter-prevent preidenl Teacher' Aoriatin. and Mrs. " oataide coiupeiiii.iK. pric that cannot thrive on an Kve alo A the JoineL constitution CxfleHtk.ir m price within, im,ad valorem doty of 30 pr rent looser existed tesMie Ibe folly impocd on comnvHlitje ucb a of the Jcatrti tftte that .Take stock of your provision for those whom you love and who are of ueh a coure wax clearly nn- ttiey nroducr afe7uarde1 atrain! rveryloly over ixWn taking eU entrusted for for but for derood. The ailualion then. 4unf"injr practice, and import vantage of the privilege of Ihe to you protection, not so long as you live, wa that the earnin? power of from count rie where monetary lea amount,a ue Ibe rnut council pay' decided a uionthly that as tangos they live. Let it notbe said: "Me provided so well for about 'Si "f standard per cent the poiila- are depreciated. pImiuM thi iini.t be done. Mr. Hoffman himself, his wife and children, that he his widow tion. not excepting editor of amalgamate their interet in entirely forgot then u 2 pen ted that the Parent ncwupaper. a (f really reduced, "tiler to reduce pnoductinn col. Teacher' .Wociation mi slit and while the hipb cot of Iiiiik or abandon their project and Mty orphans." for chnd the continued, and bail the effect of expend their encrpie in another pupils planir nn llih School tearri who were over impnveriahins many of the peo- direction ami it wmiM be to Ihe sixteen and not paying member pie. ilitereU of tbe country that they of the league. Thi wa accepta Consult any life inturanee repreitntative, and you will b mir In Ihe 'all of 1020 a similar tirnM do o. ituafkn aroe ami aain ' The Finance Miniter, a re. ble u the council and the matter pristd to Itarn what adequate provision can be mad through It left in aleyance until it I decided brought poverty hi it wake, and ported by Ihe pre a tnkin? ex-nayin? by the Parent Teacher's Aoela-' insurance, and how simply it can be done. thai had been effected ception to peopocaU to reduce tion a tn whether Ihi were won swept away hecalwe of citatoni diltie, U under the roure will be adopted. exorbitant price placed on all neeeity of further explaining j t wa decided by the rmiucil liviis reimireiiienti. In the year hi coure a it wa thi plank of iletreMn that follow tbee hi party rode Into ffice. A that all lhne who avited with IF IT WERE NOT FOR WOMEN AND CHILDREN THERE WOULD BE the npVnins night at the economic reaeilon, UanlWilfi tariff reduclion of 2 per rent with the cxeeplion of the roun.'jryni, NO LIFE INSURANCE. HA VE YOU ENOUGH LIFE INSURANCE FOR are iiilrnlfiYi and relrencbmenl no I beiny Miffirient. In fulfill it eillorx, houbl be (riven little and economy in bolli.public and pb-d?e. Thi viand i pretty a YOUR FAMILY? token of appreciation In the private affair become a)rnot well undervlood. .fur with u it i.i ape of a pa to the picture, impnihlc. . leeeni to be no i wiser a uetion tliow for a. week, this ticket tn Prices of Shoees of right or wrmi?, of jiit Ice or How ' tariff affect pricea Injustice, but of jnlliience ami rover privilege for Iwo. i LIFE INSURANCE SERVICE. rnjt-lil have been etiown by an .influence alone thnl determine Charley' Aunt j experiment with any of Hie hizli- the character of legislation, In connection with the Klk' ly protected mmtnH . .boe II, J. fiL'M.IVAN. preparation for th performance for intam-e. which in lOl'O had Anyoi. JI.C, Feb. 15, 1023. of "Charley' Aunt" Harry Sife told the council that the club had rcrpietcd otne change in ibe ' V . ... ...... ttr lave arrangements, and if the proposal wui be made before any cainp on.a bljr scale. There ap. alions for Immediate buiu iiik mud ror a cis - fm "I Avoided council asrreed tn make the alter, tWimie action I taken. pearcd to be at least four work, and, on the utremtth of this, beinr einnlovcd an,l a . an Operation alion the IHk would auino inir beside the premier that year' development, there wus al now beinir built pr Wf4',K ixty per cent of the'enst. This had been prrrvfii genuine mine, present fpiile a bullJinff boom on1 ntodaiion for lo vtJ4 Appendicitis Disappeared" wa ayreed to. MINING CAMP Tbe.c were the H.C. Hllver. the in Hydcr. Lverybody, the doctor-biK Missouri, winch up t" ih' "" Mrs. James WelU, Udora, OnL, write) A barn dance wa proposed for Miourt. the Indian and the staled, was properou aad buU ha beeu a iilirun'1' I "' tie end of the rryinth in the nrv Fish flreek mine. There was a nes was good both lu KleWat wu now to work " ' (j "I tool a tcveit pain in my IS BOOMING irreat spirit of wcr rm )yninaiuuv. The date wa not opiimum prevalent and lldr. , round. Hupplie , right xJ. It ' wi very bad in the camp inln (he Indian m c" tef, but will be announced in a development ii.i!' PW ff Individual at timei, I tried oili and taLleii rmtieinatlna ,u proper. snow. ! fifw day. rijin fit llairna .nisi ltlrl 1sJiri . without gaining any relief. The Mr. heife reported on hi re. srythlna Pc-lnta to Sis- Year at year up both the Halmon t ioiiiv ..a.UM.c r " "r Um' "They ore pa-1 ' 't .1 doctor pronounced it chronic l ent trip In Vancouver and what BUwart, Says Visiting Dsntlsl Hear Itiver.. The Hear lliver bad V.', speculation and at J'reinkr Irr. Th ppendicitU, I dreaded so not yet been so we proven Bathe canrj htewart now." I'f I11-'11 tiad been acenrttplUhed (here on Ir. A. H. Itayne, the local den-IUI ... Was di rsviAf inn fn film. Ihn a operation and a friend advued Hfilmin t,til a I 1 behalf of the league. He had 'Ileal mine hate interviewed who returned yesterday U a f Dr, Chatc'i Kidney-Liver PJ1. Ka.tern J1" M? a ,rU,r""J tf!3n the bUf picture ditru c.pil was beinK put In a ix I more rapital innrniiiir from HI wart where he e I uied them and not or.ly ob-Uined hulor and had booked their bct tn its development nd if it proved '""'T"1 ,',,,4,ity wa tr.VM uvalluble aud rr!J petit Ihe fnrtniifbt on Tbe al I're- pat pro-feifmaJ ramp relief fyom pain, but I m, U... aiej.1 r,n,,r- r u..... ,'" BDunuance. offering a far ahejid a hep. dtelrirt, , - buiue, is very opli-mitdii aulpiieil with steam believe it hal completely freed would be a foreKone oonclu-imj. n"f lember. He bad also invest Jjrnled tn future of lh a ttm l,'",t 8nd bnt an1 fo1'' Vf' The eulmon rae of appendicitit, it it Itiver develonn enl at now the matter of bowling alleys, and rninintf InduMry and the iirunedi-alo fir. llama Miiirlr..ld ,'here wa rood t oinmunleatioo Uv a lince I have had u. over year loiitid'lhut it would cot onui-where protpeet mr thi summer in the licuch with a daily "tK r. tributary to of the old uuirn llydr any tymptomt, in tliM neigliboihooij of the Portland Canal district. 'town tbau hlewurt vice. Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver PilU !,U(ii to luctul and cjuip two I)r. Payne told a Oaily News I tv.- II ei Li,,. rw nM. Pills, allevs as rniilempUted by the representative yesterday after, Making Prpae.tUn, sitM Mutf. fiii m wfw, iiu. All artirra ir f.101 OMIQ, llu a r jw. m t im. i, ri .....w, iwijruB Further tnveti(ration In noon I hat there was n quesllou The people, at tJtewurt or,d D(t properties in the ifislrlft at rou connection wHi bowltnir alley an In the openin? up f Ctewutt Hyder were making great prep.,r jtlih time, preparations wire be.)