ran mm thi datct irwwa BRINGING UP FATHER By George Mcty THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUY Wallpapers UwcoSSSSM imJ ferret ah. Bty.u.y "gd tts 7 J -T ... -LI tr K Paints Window Glass I II II I I 1 1 PICTURE FRAMINQ LIBERALS HAVE ' ,, , ,. M ,- ,,- , . A speciality. TO REPORT ON NEW OFFICERS -rv,s NURSES' HOME C.oiiliiitjed from I!)? Our Daily News Classified Ads. SILVERSIDES wa in sigh! the large gathering 3 CENTS PER WOHD IN ADVANCE, No Ad-ertlsmv.nt Take, for LaM tHan HOc nugifred.wrll for ueee whon- BROS. Commlttee Delegated by Hospital over it rti.l come. Ilr ioke of Ihe N0TKS TO COsTSlfT Board Last Night to Bring In newly-formed provincial parK WANTED FOR nCMT : HMIl, I Phone 22. P.O. Rox 120. - - lan iw n Plans With View to ami suggested th.il always" belter Early Start iresujl could Im obtained by NVH tiil: TO Til A.NSFFH MV.S. n nr a 1 .'leam-iteareii. .IflMMtr 1 .4 . .... . ! 1 j . intVi Ik , 'working uilhln one of Ihe prrsen Icndc will tsf rereived up I, I " "r it t.t.ii. 1 A special nnr-e home mm. ,an , jnin, new p.m. M'nlay for Hie eon J "r with ..11 IwwrU. Huftte "t'JK"' . millee co,,..,l,rg of I. I. '-...,,e. Hark ent Ihey had lie-n veynce 4Jf pupri from Iti lHikinK. Also aoMerartiiajr rvreas r 1 art. N K. t.atnphell, . 1.. Uil- ..eo.peroi, an,, a,trthu!e. Ur .-rvi,w ehoo t In Iblen suite. XCTrratt Huoata. iieW'W BUY YOUR liam an. Mr. . I.arlon. wa targH t( ,eir j.,.e-im. S'. -chrtoi. an,1 hoie nmia in IHm4 tt. ' WThr li,n.i. 1.mini nt last flight meeting Of, Comrillm.nted Pe.sld.nl ihe eveninr. Tor fiirffier ptr- I.ksrta.Tll H 1111' iMinni iri orins in a P HK.XT. entire Mnor or nnpiiai Mr. Mdtlymonl reviewed somv tieulr le,hry Ih unieer- , Siioes definite report a I arr early dale any oHion of il a occupied t of the epilalion of the pa-i nn ! npnni, the of erecting b in Wanderer liri fmmrt. i. 1 n quelin ji. it I Ihjil the UrMirnla h:.o v. i. Ar.r, Ihi Reaied mk club IsrS h C- 1: nurse home spring. 7T'"jrm,.l no! awdcwin or a mi-take in shuti.n,. J feerrtnry SO rriri l-f, from inimitl ill ro-oiwralr ith down Ihe P.n.lC fiefore inn li J;dge ro me. M t sHrpbca. .S-l-ll , ' (ho rillKMi" romrrirlf wliirh WITH.- Man for areeN a-W- . K,t-i.-m money had heen penl. He com rlMMllHKH A mT I 1 U' W Hew. l Shoemaker a ainKiintf! ImI yt?( In ?o into Ihe and market ranen. fine w!m Im fr r , piimented new preident o a , auacP Hioca. Enirancc I lrfc.tr r u Ihr rnatlrr. Will invest iOllK l.( M up e'l. trfcSVi hi el eel ion and aid he Ihouchl Ion HI reel, p reseat . . ... , rfoIiilion lo thi- pff-l a ' more ?U nttal work nfi half eceupani. rr Sr,, . him well uited In the poiliun. II !! tn "mt R. .Moor. Men's Fine Goodyear Welt ia"ir1 at Ihr tncrliiiK lnl niplil ieferr-i to Die old day hfi,i share. U. K. Kuonell. Krn-i ApH Mr. Mums. Thr rfcrtw. . Wallace' omi -,i Shoes, in lush or recede, Ion rrint of I'rr'itlcnl Slrwarf l,iherMlim wa not alway tniini- ! Lake P.O.. II.C. 39 Mior. if iltxu IS ' 1 , i..' $5.50 who wtnlrd that it i ilMra!ife I A I FOR rlKXTl for ... pliant. en at that lime tlier. W.XTi:D. Men and Women -1Hr m.HMs ii'S H! .-. l 'hat artual rondrurlion o Ih Ukr sn ,i ; Z Men's Brown Calf Brogue wre alway plenty who were no1 imn: Ihat ua Uikinic plac in learn Harherin. Paid while nished coltaye. .Vptily tH S I rwOw J , r Z Oxfords . . . . $7.50 iiiuiic .hnul, start hy May I. Mr. ahamed to hnw Ihe ide th-v the north and f ill fai t Ihat ihe learning and tool free. Writ Suninrti Avei.ue. eer Honie Sr.l Mi-wart that ImiMinir u?pi.Hl a lere on. 1 hey could alway " b- llliibi i lmioeM was t-'Oios to do tree! scbuol. EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING. Willi IS I ii I rooms anI rolinp proud Ihat it wa the l.il-ersls heilerjhi year than il bad since for catalogue. Moler Hirler Calir W"l ' wr.uM College. Vancouver. II.C !KAM Heale.1 Fiat for rral, alxiiit 0.0flft proliahly vkho Mikhetl all the pei(ie to hae I'.MH. 'Hie interior wa Ihe t'l th nwnt. Iteer fsparlmeMs. M. M. fne'l prriipnl a oe. ipriciillural eounlry weT of the VOrXO la.ty desire to hr GEO. HILL !ttr from A. A. Cox. Van- V. K. William real Lake. should HlaptrMit. -vke 0 al- They have ntmlern nil f nge with quiet ronr arrhilwl. latin? Ihat Iim (erxlin? me of the earliest I.literal olhinc but -oplimi-iii and r,ir. lady ci nn 1 si 11 ion. Partjcularw FOR m'-VrV-Kour fooieed steam ' The Shoeman. -ould in 1h rily parly in Ihr Sf( I ineelina in the eity when Alhol use. apply Itos 79, hail .News office. heated flaL Arpt'r mitU auJ Third Ave. yrnr an1 iiffrrinc hi jKnir Must'be Liberal Kraer wa eleeted preidenl. II MaMel. Opp. C.N.R. Ticket Office, in ronnertion with lh planning if Colonel Me.Mnrdie welemet the yntin? Liberal said it wa' 1 v--' -jys of (lie hnmr -a rfprr( lo the and said none welcomed Idem n Itffirull to . be other tlrau a W..Vn:iijL: iliri tr WTiman lo TUITION I .rommittw. T. Ho Markay nwn l.itieral Prince help In ltMe. Mr. J. O. kotici to cerwtrM. warmly a be. lie believe I in in lliifsert. U" that A. M. Jpffor. thr VA XMRTMUflX W)t.YTT4IMC In- Itionwl WUUaai.oa. ;ix Hltlb IM SCMOCS. inenlione (lemnerary where eaeh man had Hip kind of ronsidera. tei arrhilwt. JlilHUl of UT. KsslafMiHr UI. ,cnoiiion ,planiiini: a rmieh to ay a the other. If Ibn they tmd when lite oilier 1 THE rlalilili in tlx' i ily ainl nz Com men ial. Household and ; w-isse the eounlry wa iwd wiell irovern- jiarty wa in power. Their re- jrptl ihai he aNo t gin a 11r11.i1i.vo 1.0 r WAXTF.o. cioc tlci.eral I ditcation. 1 homwgh. iL n'i ULTIMATE CONCLUSION n it ww lite fault of individual uil niir enlallve in llltawa w 'thutw in work inMhio in. Stale lowe! price for ralb ly and tics I any con-lirrf up-lo-daie prat .;"5tlt lie knew' Ihey were all plean on the jtdi all the lime. K. (i. (on. lo P.O. Hot STB. 15 nourwrs given by tittaMrlM in- mi-' In welcome Ihe new men he aw I law son bad been anirfiiote.1 Ir1 SEND IT (here. Til older men tendel to the railway board aind Ihi wa FOR SALE Iruelnra. Indents prefsared ,.T':.i '!' tar rxrogMiaed tfldard COLD WEATHER SNOW riw ntale. The o,l timer had ven more IrtUMirtant than if be Hdu-rMional. pat-Led Ihe burden a if I fought lb" had Iwn. inlufsler ol railway. I'Olt r-Al.R.- 3 s in worabnai. I'jigineenng and ' 1 ! AND GALES MAKE AN ttalile ami they hl not vet lol In the provincial siluation. Ihe tillable fir halibut fisJiing r Conuiesrrial rum iuaIkkis. j r" to the failll. He I hol(.'lit at Ihe prenent colonel sai.1 be rould not Iim; flli collwlor; !" b.p.i heavy Kvenlng classes eonduclol at 'j?. , AVERAGE JOHN TRIP Anmi anil lpoua ,lluiwW tSr ImiOLK I lime Ihcir hofie for I'rinee H11-nifi romoflrinc the two atrprrssive duly engine in A I rowdHion: had more foundalion than mefnliers at present represenlintf am. storage' iMtltery anil further isttrtirulars apply to is u i The fi.T.I. !aurr I'rinri' iynamii; :MI giilton fuel; 3 J. W. Utr1ln. local ancat. ever lefore. He thought one of ihein aixt alwia figbliiiR for Laundry John, f'.apiain Harry XciMen. ar- Ihe pralet ioilake of the pa! their riahl witli Hie fonuT rep gallon water laak; uMin ail Anyot. Hi:, or the Hlrrtor t' noi la' nitrhl at ft o'rl'x-k from wa building Ihe I...VII. to arl- resentation. . and Jib. Snaa If sold lbi nauare iiiocs, rnnoe nupen, Voiirouver ia I he Char- fjuecn -Miver. I.aurier had turn! II. y. I'ullen staled be consid riHiolh. I prSSrUMr. 1 A lolle Ularnlx. Sh- had tn firol. W t H salmon I roller; S " 1 " I Ofl ' SOFT FINISH down the charter hut il had later! ered the sotcromenl al Virlnria b.p. NURSlNQ i la iafeni!erK. 8 ett-erape ami lieen irrauted by the tfoverniiicnt IHtHy to remain in power until Itegal engine; II. K. Witanl lo set 7c per lb. tort ton of sa for llii fMirl. The Ihat 'followed him. The railwuv Ihe cud of Ihoir allotted lime Ult-ie inagfieln; stove, tooN: etc. (HAIU'ATK M'HSI! avalurble fr iiiis m 'i- ! h-i piece, j Hi,-,', foal, wliirh wii luaill.at I'liion Migfne less than tw old .u : - ' Weill broke. Ihey ch.isp lo JTO 111 tin! year nany viaji or mam nunsing. miiii 1 ,, imiiii, ;iI wash way. Itay on Smiilay am -nii-l I In Optimism for Future eounlry before then. At lb same in fine csosdtlinn. Matcrnily nursing a sUlty. ' ' ' lirt of a eriei of ilelayx on the tS 5H a. aM.a i e - ., . . Mr. William poke of Ihe lime it wu r pivsf tJilnif nlMny x pleasure fcoal; 3S Phone lieu, jas. t - i- V'ljat' noilh lliin week, i lieiiiji propecl for Ihe fuliire. The eily lo 1 ready, lie roufpliinented li.p. Oray engine; snap for ef Vsjaein,rr 1 Canadian Steam Laundry iinloailnl 1'ilay for I'eier Mack al wonlc.l terminal facil.li.-. lie Krel itobeme on hi rtwtion to lSJ)o. 7 amp. 7 voil Dayton SEWINO Xo. I wharf. The John maile an pnl lsni"' believed there IkhiM be ul Ihe presidency of Ihe aeaoeiallon dynamo; roJ fSA.nO; ue, PI.AIX HKWI.XO Hone. Prices tS.''L , ilra rail al l.airomi l!ay. Mnre. Phone 8. bunker, an ainlly wharf, ioid aid he was ftartleularty glad -ry lillle, price rt.00. raasonntol. Phone IHue 70fl. ,ijijfr I.y Nlaml, lo unload lurnher and Krain elevator. They all raiur lo e renewed life In the asso. Xew ilory. SOO fathom one , 1'iiililiiiK f ii iil iM for I he C.nna IS imi f r,in - here on Ihe governmeiilV prom. cialn.11. II Wh Hie touiiK men inch line, rto faUioms inrlj AUCTION SALES. t I linn l inliifi? Co.' eannery. and ie and today Ihey depended on of Ihe eomuiunily who were il line. 10 dory arvislior. Other Conducted in your humt or at ran into a heavy mihw florni al lite government to fullill lhoe lif;. I In was tha age nt thi Msar ami engine al low prices. rur rooms, wood also sold imi W American Express I'nrl e:i.'innU whii-h cnade it priifiiisen. I'.illier Ihe govern, yonn? loon, lie jiord the pre See 11 for bargains in murine i oinmlssion. "14 J'i for her lo lie 13 ncreary oer ment would make pood Ihe prom. enl inlere.t in Liberalism would equipment, iel car ami onr H. H. HEMMtHOS, Auctioneer, hour I here Thursday niahl on ie or Ihey had !eeii mi-li d. lie be kept up. part. -Xorthwrn Kvchanr". 823 Third Ave., Orders In-fore InrliriK out (he aero Money -trait for Ihi port. Tlie wait pleased lo nee a new fitliter Revival of Interest I'hojie Old. ' , Phones: Black S15) Orean 471. voa(re in I lie ranks. Ha meed Ihein In r. I.. Parker stioke of Ihe re TM"1' (loin Vanromer In the Islands IIAI.IIIt'T HO AT for sale. 35 Issued on aiid t ft TAXI I salt or tausea en into it wilh opIimUru in vival of interest llirotipli the 1 ua rold with nuicli unow and Ihat wiay Ihey wrnild make prt-pre. younp f.iberal. Liberalism gMM condition. It-IS ti.Ii Phone Number Changed to I nrvuii tr 1 r Sweden Norway, & (he ai-rii lleeaje engine, full set f ia.ai.c lrai(r) year. Make C7 r Isnnrh i Here Ihe meant nolh-im.'. Ihey were nearer provressivenes nr lh MSlrfSlOS ! Denmark at Lowest 10 prince mipert pIi'nlay wa me an olfer.- A.O.I'., p.fi. Hot (Hnll fleiirire llossl world' market I ban at any older He felt sure Hie present officer . iiw rin imrrfiaae Itl Ilie I1 made ilh a ttlronK oullifat Current Rates port on the roat. would liae Hie heartiest rive.passeriger inuring i;r .uissv-j i ale lilowifitr. I Veil lo rmirh Imf. The speaker ad he was fciiiiiiort froirr Ihe Liberal in BOARD. Prompt Hay and Mabt Service. I" J', ' n'i Ictintr and inelemeitey ut Die In 1 He Mr. Maekrn-inlojle Stands Boston Grill Third Avenue ;eri. t iiwi - for pleased lo see. new filthier 1 own. eiilolied Agents HOAHO,-Inlander. . , ' . hand of Hie element, officer K.in Second 1 1 - far tlx-re vr0l ul ' the rank. They could pA King and John Oliver and Ihe I tyuivwr ii o Norwegian American Line of I he hip fpporl it an avrrajie , venue. Phone 137. If MUSIC 1' I '. . Il'" H 1 Ihe fray with optimism aii'iiwork Ihey doing. were Swedish American Line " iaaye from the weather xlamU Hob Arthur ami hit Orchestra 1!!,7! sfiould make propres. 1 Theo. fVillarl urged that they Scandinavian American point. The Kleamer idue lo re in Ihe association but needed He organized Hint IS tlll'SM Ihe Line. Mr. William spoke of III" be ready nil the lime even if n't Ijn rlts-4li I I ft turn koulh via I he NlamN ft l old BANQUETS, EU) well. DANCES, a i urged lhalfll h ir nirihcr i natural alantace of this port, election was not in night. TJiey , 't.ser ivsubir. r Oliver Typewriter i-'eloek thin evening. Latest Music could all blood I"""Vinclal convention the-c 'llnlTt. It I i! of tin' wonderful miniiiir levebtp- no' have young , Cary Safes i should be a larger representation. Reasonable Prices . I im hil r ...il. i,tfcl FIRC INSURANCE TEA PLANTATIONS T iroin 1 111 part or ihe round y. Phone 4tl.vk IHS or I HO, "'""--ayi I Id T Oeorge Johnstone cnngritj. an'Mts 51,1 SUFFER FROM BLIGHT luted Ihe new president 8 CirHmn on his Dybhavn & Hanson For tho rnnvpnipnro BOfl" election. He was glad lo see new .CITY OF PRINCC Third ! In India, mid lo quite an ex-1 blood In Ihe organlinlion. He Avenue Ht-ni 111 iylon, thn Iwo largest of Your Wife W wsi ai me nrst meeting or ihe "s f.- r' Prince Applloation , ( Rupert, B. O. t' a producing countries in (hoi nssociatt,in. He ; slated Dial they i'V Ihe under'il" " world. Hie tea crop or the cur-! l.nd found thai organization 1 wB, l '. -hruary '0 icnl year bar been dikuppnint.t 'T'JIE handiest form of Hank Account for the great fucior in winning elec. minimum ai ji ingly s.iuall, largely owing to llioj A man who is frequently away from home is a ,llon. When Ihey had u kirs slenographrrs ""'' ilabor trouble fnmeujeri by III"; Iotnt Account in the name of hinixlf and Ms wife, jlhey should gel up and say en at EPSON COAL '"iioii-fr-otf allon" iloc'lrines of ni'iy be withdrawn or ijefxjsitul by ,lhe rneellnps of h assnriatoui, Those rti-"",. Uiliandi, but also to a (vmsiderable! either party. A"k our Managti for explanatory jThey were fortunate (n having ins.de ihe t;i'v "' cilenl due lo cllnulic adversrlie.! ;. MJtT. eiich men a Mackenzie IH'ouglit al King nn. flPrincc (Sorgc ihe Oitv Hal "I W cat- now Suply our lime, etcessive uiiver oi me nead of ihe party ihe nil "M.in fr THE msy ruins ul others, coupled wilh lad ROYAL HANK V-dm of rouriderue jr. - FAMOUS EDSON COAL wcie- pas-, otcl from ' Udighli- in tome districts have cd In lh Liberal . necessary OF CANADA leaders ami In In vo. 1 with respect 111 any quantity. ,tery seriously affected the output Uie ret li lug nrricer. Sonus TORONTO juf good leas this year. I'rice were In Centred Shopping Kneloee PP'"'"".r by O. rilllg Couture. Ilflrrv Prince Rupert Feed Co for oil frade ar very high now, ft. J. MAfXKOfJ, Munager, lnria and other, and the gather.A. and Uutinesi 250 ROOMS Owtrk.1 envelope markru .but all indication Preui lo point I'riuco llupert llrauch, nig broke up oon after thn too ,IS SDV.H SltS f.ir position." -.1, W Phone 61. rr. I ttUHUPl M I'LAN All nrmrr lo slill furlher udvanee ; yery or the VOluiH hud jMirH ,e ar I s isMSiilCMSs.sisri.eia. '' Soon, 1 noiinccd, 44 apply ffXT ,cir