V i in tot want iiwi pa mi rm Dolnaeof the Mnanultn Float wl.lri, t. chief iourc of Prince Rupart's proaperlty III MlKlUl. Ilier. will w nil r.iilu ,.r hatnl-Iiv9injf crow- from llin p.,rt. GDEN'S u M. h pre ailed Ainfifi lhne nnii.ipalnur en-Baging ii week, ha nil I m Ihie hu-ino nre I he im -ini'- rorn- 1 MrTadden llrnlhcr t0 li iniii. ' ;i- fnr a" Inunrh Oh Hoy nii.l John Wnl- I! tinppp ha-.tfreeii nn. paMmt Wllll '..."il nr'i uud IhoirtPowor bo.il Yfner. her Hii' lin.ld.Hl ? 'ii Hie jiitti . Troller Karen Finished H '.a 'In- weal Iter! Iho troller Karen, rwfid,hy V v lif .11111 hip. j!(J. Hilly Thane. ntnVh . it a l , rfli pof f.-p irliheen entirely rnhilill ill Hie hand CUT PLUG W' hil. i ft. . of lir imnr on iwii way. a inr;itro w ilh in ohim,deled. ,e Karen wan a: '.ui un, i-n,i. Iin fHiiiH"l lnt fill hy.ilnp win. .. ' hoon "it fl )m Mil In a I'd at Ikne and 111 - tii.-ik.list p..if money on her ami nbo cerlniiily i l n orV prrlff ha roimld him well Ju.inf I their .. eiaffil from hr nnpp appi-nranro I ji ! alth .w-oh Tlil nonl. rrafl l now nmnna f:..- n.'i i..'.'n very (he nwnit'"fiifidern and tei equip. "li, f -li nif n anl t litdlere in I ho Miu.iiiii ' Tir. ! w-nk In a illloet. lHipli -1 1 1 rr ni a tipli nf nipH i-vnli'iilly f.nlPinplalifi yi-lhnv , Mm. li I. "I'll" appln-al nn ram l.afhall and fool ball player. ', Willi ill'lll I lllki- Ii. my wllf bit uti'i activi" frlff nvaiii th iih- rrmn variuii iwin m i.rinii i no !aiari." nk ran trmn r.i ln'' lh fh-n uf wHI ni.'ii ii I fun. Ymi cm- it iii'nr fiiluro. t'.i.liinrbia, and lhir wrp aln.(in a month in 3,rrto a year. im" tiwn iif Jack Toner Ltd. Dry Kindling wun thi way. I anil my chum (.iiK from Kdmonloii a well a and the follnwjnsr wore aln ap woMttto Th retail paniiry piifrhil v ipilltl wrf aft of hiinirry I'ho halHuit IvmI .. S.. Oapl.lfmm Iho city. Many jrwn.1 ero-jpliranl: V. I'.. Thompson,. i' i'W are in nt ; yw hy Jack. Tonor, nw o mi my day nit, whirti nin'l un-it'iiaj. II. Ijffir, h nn Iho'X. M. Mc-.denlial and rooonniieiiilaltn Prince lluporl: fionre Kerr. p.. vroiirhin kilu.ils ill Sal Cof, da irr and nnly hAvin Iwn hil) l,oan wa tlKdercoinp a'woro ubmitlod hy. the variou Prinoo lluporl: J. T. I.illle, Yan-lln.rwiiali i. il ti r 7.i. rnnga nre pnllrily r"imMflNl and painlf. lHlwnin u c wint lit In A :iiii ovorliiitira'Tbo bull i.'apdioanU and the lnnr.l w.1 in comer: Alfred l. Slurrork. Kd- RODGHLUMBER and lltll IhltiB l In ivry llp-Inp f-M.) tiniw li ftft a nifl. 'I'll in hriit'4 rooniilkoirapiTlronirlhenoii:oinn frmn 'Ho-k milH monlon ; William S, Simpon.i I I.' f. !t..w Mln nnlcr fnr opiraUon In eotn-mmrn. For Sala Cheap. wiirn wa my firl lint in China and from -U-m In liw; Tho online nearly midniirht before a ohoico Xew Weidmincfer; W. liyan. j The kindlinc i dry Jut will Mcrnv i honi" hnvn Iho planl cw.i:- n iinilrlnd roaehoil. The balloting fin- North Y"iinouvor: I.. If. lleamWh. i I dirtn'l Ihoir ha boon rtmpl4y ovorhauloil wa frun the Dry he full Mal Na nut lumber -lioc'i i.. ,.... he- running A itnt :il iwx to m falipe and i at! ready"Tor the htsh laity rooo. ifelf ilown In Mr. Wrnon; firanl Wrinht, Victoria; j hod. Tho lumber N U: i lli'e who .!! doflnilfly nrlllnl l.ul il W Maokinlnh and ". i. Vance. if iiln V. Jackon, Xorlh Vanenu-midelfil ship iMiir nrl or maalM'alnl Irtpo ar- pot. The repair work will Ik two and Ihreo inch roiijb .;- I: nw ' w hen the iin.lT-lfWfl Hint a Ixwiril nn"lina fnir wi!4i a atMiple of dmiiinlirk. in ib'o noiir" Tuliife. Ihi city, nd ,. It. Itn, nf l. cr:Ji. lUhbill.'Kdmmilnn; Allan! in different widtlm l b.v." remain!, io In he hfli) hrllr wtifn I hi plankinir ii if Il wa plnylnz ti mtri'Af Iiiik to iiionlrui, a n.l rurally llio oMviion i;. iin, Kolowna: .. .Mfllao. HiiilnMe for framinp. aide, II i v r 'he iirow at ninilr. annum lhir, wit I l umde unanimous Tberi. wa Prince K. K. I.a liilliAplf tiul kept il Up R hit Inn Pete Solem Retl-ea wa Huio-rt: r.ao, walk, etc. iv l av n ' ?ipi'ii il anil dflnMrty dridM ufn. Tti" linn and 1 akl Mm In fliansf Pete Solem, moclwiiiral .i?j,or- a full a Morula nee of ln dk-oolor Vancouver; Harry Vilon Van-, ! h' ' .m in dlv- plant Ixiaul of a iruwlornly ihf rM-m-il. At tlml h dl frh inli'ii.t.-nl at 4he It.A.lh rimhorlo. wild C II. Ormo, provident, in rotior': Stanley II. J.ilnii.nn. 'an- ' Pacific Cartage, Ltd I" ll it if hiiiii'1 nMwii- Hiuipprl nfftw" flint liviiifr iuart-er, a in I nearly iMksi nif in th iki ha rotiro.l. .Veor am in will wo the chair, and rrank lirlib. onuvprf l.. . Walker, nnrnuver; ii ha;i .1 uii't hull Ihi ltlr hrinsr mw i'-rupiml with olio uf hi falinir iirranr- liton in tho old cry Ibal there it (honorary secretary. rirdin Iho h. . Kinley. Vanconvor; Jamo Phone 93. I hy Jak. Tlio lMud of thf Vancouver: I"., f!. Sullior- IMI. nn motioy in Iho fMi. tiHfno. Iprnoooillnfr. Hoy. Ifli t f "jpjur- had lTI drill prflH-l gral lliititf" fur That wa a il ln nmrh for Polo ba cirrulaleil Iho rumor 1 Mi. Ilo. of llmnnton. pro- land. Kdmonlon; O. V. Ilorko, th- rl f!ovr Irrallly whlrh h mo n I up aixl lniK'i liifii nir HM lie i- nnl feotlpa .ry well ented an o-pooially fnlerolin;r Vaminor: A. P. Macdowell. N-i i; nf-'l fr..m r pnVphof uill ti thr hWl (h bnn with lit radUlor wiitrli but wr are in. lliie, lo dUci-mli! nn. wi-ll.qtialirioil -applicalinn. Vancouver; A. I.i.l.llo, Vanoouvor:. A I til,. CMrMflf pol In PM when Hi' rrnli rau-nry, Mirl .if tMihl hi anil.ilion it. II wh well Vnowfi Ibal I'M nti.l ho w ar nrt ravoreii K. II. Simpon, Summorland!' S.i St. Regis rawmill. and pulp aixl lron?ly hy novoral f ir direc II. Vancouver; Charloj fnr M fi inifitilra. Thi tartf.l liad boon ains for muia- lime Lawrence, pitprr mill (rintr. Hnnlhin nil rialil anl Hi pal aiul accord in? to hi lat-oollMjriir. tor. Aao.1 Ji. wn a rofnrno. A. P. Head, Yaiicoiivor; II. . PL Shehan Return ollW-or. bavin? worked himclf Wani-ley, Vancouver; A. A. Miller. r4tiaM miy twhlml lh roiiaMf it wa i Mil of I lie 14110--llon Cafe K" SV' lian. iT lh Whwi la Frneriy? l rim) In -tnp m and my rlnioi In loao a iokel of .-lBr- up In tho Ureal War from tho Vancouver; IU IUhoft. hlj HnkVii I'otnl. ho lVnJwliiM- i riff In rl tnxn aHliiiK out. Itr itiiahl ollo or U I id of .4mi'ni lyin? 'rnrik In Iho 0IT100 or adjutant'. Poarce. Vancouver: W. II. Keary. rti r I nr..in a with hi ffrirt i-rl a tn lh liri- hail Had MKWi" iifr (ryiitir In I a roil n J witlioiil a pliant. In in Hi applnalioo i-hnwoil that ho Now Wolmin.lor: I(avid Wil- Prince Rupert'e Leading jlfr Hie, pai f.-w mnfillr. liilL"nf Ikinl. Krwchy. f thf ! th Miinni I ll Willi n nnlbln? if :nntdio, heii Polo wa well ipniliri.'il in all branch- too. Prince Ilupert : Leonard Restaurant. nis lit h. . Ity ,.n lttrf-- lauiK-fi Snip, lilch wan lal o of and ..ranin- Prince Henry M. fxinm'. Wr wfHv duinir finr iib-I wa nn the Jni. l?ho jronernl accoiinlnnoy W'aido. ituporl: A Bakery Unsurpassed. Aiitop - fc."'n on rrMirnmif Mi in ptrl alMiut rmr nmnlh tin I .miiiiri..il aliMe W. It. E. 4d' jHl mitaidi wtn-ii ti .iiiMI-illin ww llin 1 I'olo wn 11 an. 11 ; Arnaud, Vancouver; Third Avenue. lli avnln : l.lo ami l lr-t.i ttpn. Cap had rn.- happy mint, fbutU nf ntlil ii. H-ii vninar tn cl inarriil bo had Ii...iiiii li'Kb l anndian r.-conN in 2 Neai. Kiliuoiilorr: K. W. Town- ,ffi7l a ndi.-iian'r fr hi tfiir efmmd on Hunla Inland . w.ll boins Ijlmonlon and II. Clyde mil nf hrrtilli wn lakon on on mail ipoufrio u to hoWV"'''' -i".''' a n'lkhend, r In Mi' - nih ' nm! and il IIiimieIiI hi - I-1 ! litiavtMron and wn i"nHl In muoh nrri. life e.l. I'olo Johntono. Y'ancouvet H.iUl.i Ati' "i.luiit In Cap. jtorttlOfl llifrf hut invliffflliulii T m .uhiI'. AuywMy wo at if . o had oflon Jalo, thai if bo oould SERIOUS DISEASES KEEP IN O00D HEALTH tian. -Iiiji in th" Mllh fiavo aill in Itvnie nun. f r rido In Iho innnioipnl hotel. find a srirl who ha.I a real pomi ,D1.V BY EATING GOOD III'' intilllillR Sklpixr Kfiwmuu n-portod hy i They inlmducod mo nrl innrn- job he noul.l pel nmrriAI. II. w-okor. SPRING FROM COLDS lTaS'x. at the wlii' 't - . spri ..-(M-intr a radwi lhat fif bad nisliifd. Uiir In il kin.il v fid hhhii railo.l wr nro hifluied to think klhr h (if Allli'i'iru. Ili Ibroush .hi imirina ali, at I liLT A lhl KAMHI.K III l.tllll ..n Mr, lii.lai'. I firtnf tn llual I tin I llil ha mllli nay nwt happoncL y... i tailor t.'itiiin Uii rn.li ertiM'iiiiil n ti ard nir' ahniit laL 15., In;r. 31, a craft nnwpr Prompt Attention Necessary 10....1, r ,,1 luir unl ar iuum nl tJtlroi. Boston in llin r wild t'.niiM I n my Ihoro i notliinc ''hoejp nb.i;' i .. e i: hl arrival in iiiK thf d,rljlln of thf snipi. Avoid Lung Trouble ,ifHil) prlnirtl. riiihl hnnd iuiid tip anil thai I'olo' rotlreinonl fnr ho ha TO TRY IT l TO BUT IT, hi hiid hanl atul ii iiihii wa M'fii In 1 r run an ui, piVxonlod mo wrilimr ymi nnn-r. rented a lllxurinu uih ill one Jut -Ull uki fnoi Utile mm fitMii I ti ) a n ar m ar a ak arv ar I. ii li.- wa- in lh I'raukinx lh prill'r a Anvwny lln nld ni'iillf man of 4ho io hotel in tho oily. w." 1 a runiiiK! vroii orteo it int. lruo v.j.virn i, uept. n GRILL v "f I-" npl tradTit fivf) mi .l-'Ck. Ilomir. K. teo.1 Irotn vlllrb iCUl orlau dlfv, ifl vjrlrfllo l.. VumMurrC, H.f. mi tin- liirnno wh"iHor ho . In provoot a M)Olio tronrins t hi' iiini"n that the urmWd lhat Hie inrilM' had nob at pb-uruy. ouni.Hii tnj ouvr! ENQLISH CUP i Open Day and Night. wn all lioloii whon I I nld him upon hi hopiilit.v bo lia 11 hini In.ublo. Ttlen it lis url. cnM . - ' r -in hi" .' w-iiM rniii to i in- on vlrikf ii f ii in and that 3rd'Ave. Phone 4S7. It if lory nf iho fit III and In- niit nnlico on Hie der whirti roa.U: ywll lai .rnirr treainienl. rrler It u0 1 aunt HL ACT. . nt tho nol far frhitp4 l-'rnrhy had rll tn i - rp m II an oaly ra noHoin Inconvenlenr. ! nf Iho ho rou Id make nrnnoy mil 'Ouariiillno.1 Kooji OiM." Wo CEttTITICATC OF IMOROVIMENTa. r u ft n.l dial many man ftMr Inlii'o lo rmitilc hhn . :l in lory mm in aviip win ainetteo NOTICC lory a a niovio play.viind ad-nnroil are inolinl In Ibinlc lhat t'elc hint l. 'i thi' wrl for 14 jtol t" rixilinllnii. Thf crufl birh are rlfbily dreadiMl by all. l i.nl km-lmKM' tmiiiK Hull. IrKb Rrdie. in-for Iho coiyrhibl. riHimoit witTi ubl.fliuitin. Iuwni intrn. aiul VenJi Minrral. Clinn, mo once a That onM ran be relleve.1 in a Inrlt , lii fi li.. iflurti. wan lhin h'ailina it n cmitii-wMinrlr 1.final 1.1 Ilia ki.fli. Vllnln lilvitii.fi nf iil.l Cafe Now wan't lhat nii'o nf him? .Me nlrbl by urlln to lake Orlp-rtt a nH.i i r.vui ln-lrlrt. KH-atrJ uu DaJ-t King George ip jlupi'rf. ' ilirwiimi. Invll(iw- nnd my rhmn nro slill al litv-rly" FUh Arrl.ala a Ihr irnuble ariPe. HtwulaiiL l'..r. Iw r Irlanu. I.no S!ii,i'nan' inlrn- lin :iro i-i ill Ufing inadn. linrliitf l)o week 5fn I II... Tin. niiwsl) .irike. rlibt at lb mot ,m. V.i- mvoir in.1 r..r' --Shad f.f ihr r..ni(alnl. It krep Ibr li-m liicfh! UrnlHi F.MJ :.i.5ii. Lira liobert : ai.' Hi' i,ati' riMtii ' Jud Thurber Sack of liallhut ha boon uiark.-lisl NEW CAFE iob. II r.'lleTr. Ihr iiiii-mlar rlu It : ..i'.ru- I. y ' II :' !' .1 tf lb N. Collapaaa .Our old frtonil Jud Thurtior Ihmuiih the -1 i:chan?P. Tho rene- Ib. rover.,,, eon,lu..,. ,, tw. i.ll-.r,..;;7'",.,!; .WtV. Vitf . , ' nrilK nnl whn fim An old fthrd niUinN-d in Iho put in nn nppoiimi iilantr the biehet price imid wa l7.Kc. nnd la ear-Kiil rnrm. anil irli rrouiplly Two I ..v.i:, and J.Jin , M. . l. I M.r We the Be. CHOP i rnynv m the luill- llrinily of Iho Sfal dtvf Marine uatiTfotiiii diirins Iho work and Pc. 11ml Iho IiiwomI l i.lr. and 9o. ear-ale. taken thr,e b,r. apart H. IfVZJTu. serve 'unit nvnin, If Unna gn Way twr-unif lirfd if life diir. rlho eorl erio' aro takiu Iho The arritol Iliuild .null-mil renlt. and mw rap.iile al l.i , rrlifl.l- of HiHr.oiiHii. rnrth pur- , SUEV and NOODLES roU wort: lHir uitiTiaU Ihirr ifli r fuili-lir- UK- Pe "f i.l.ulnliia a .".nivn Oram of ih Mirk and qulfllv r hi ,kiil wild for hW Intr lal rod lilm. ain. I'laMH. rwilil nf hating room f Amund'on, oinil Ynkalal. Tcs- "r"' n.l hi,ihp l.h. .aiIm fti.f ..Hai. i aw up ,rman,nt laixU in th nik'ht. .W it had the Have h of fn la lh buiiw . . Car. 6th Street end 2nd Aveaae Iinl hn hi-on htiy fUliiir up a, noronoo, iiuminir, Alice 11.. a Orlp i.Mirr U.i 3T, mint bo ennminrel )- i ntrain in tin i ily. not twi'n in um fr muui'timi Id roliahli' linlihul i'Iiukt May. Selnia. ItiKopil, Pair of Jack. Nrver be illK.iit It f Ik- day. On tale r-irr Iho luanr ul aurU Leriinrate i' Phone Blue 471 tlicrf wa nnllilnu of ilnporlunco (lrtwiM- on Hie Waril Way nnd iji Anller, CnVifoniia, Toodie, Kaion. at Ormff prut Siore l.ijil. jr.,- per bra. M1N UiU j,b diy or laauarr. 11.3 0. land inlil' mid It din(ipi.itiMnri will Logqara Prpara Cape Spoor, Pioneer III., Sena- rat outfit nr.- pulling litil l lliirl. tor. l'roho nnd Johanna. it in 'aliii -a in ftiaMo .4. .. i ftifr illnlnnl wali'r The A")" I nor Marmion. 'Jtjit. Skipper John Pi'om-hII ha boon l:W lit Idi nMlllf MIlilAtllo Ilainornn, nrriod in port from hiiMly I'niiiii'iil during (be week King .iili A noon a Iho north mi NVodnoday last j I ov orbaiiliiic I lie laiinoli lliun, or TRIPS MEAN INCREASED for! QUICKER EARNING POWER-Increased I" icnt c Did snap nhali' witli n noiw load of lii-nnl t I'-irrher lJ.inil, in i:w May. thf I'rinco Jluperl llialliniie. Aflor mnlinif the luir mnrnlnir.rolurnoilj and once you hare I Tho C.anudian mdinnner OaiM1 Engine Efficiency Means Less Overhead north on Thumday I tailed this golden ;Hpeai. with I'wipl", l-aao l.oar on brew you will know 'he hi'idKO, iiiado piirt durintr llii I he Sutra yard on H"iie Yard thai the flavor you w x. wuli I'.MlOft pound of ball-buf. r.ierk ore hlllinir a merry clip hiiv alwuyt tap li'in'k iho inavl.et Ion Iho huilillnp of n now linlihul wished for, is when a yxod price wa prevail n? ne 25 packet nrhooner. the 0im I., and th! available In ntid ooiuider thi wut one uf BENZOL hnal in practically cunphdM, hi lie I trip of 'ho Moaon. "mctWLr hut f..r the inlallalion of Hn", INABO incoi'siinry borne .power. II in; Sweet Peas prohnldo that Mr. riia nn.i in TEA MACKINTOSH IS mm Mill riurage in Hie halibut j ' lM WltaliM Im m unto-! -- i fihinir inlitrly hlliniio cmnploifd.when Hie lmal , You'll also, like FAIR MANAGER Now-' - - - 22c per Gallon ni 'mifHiri iin7r.... i NAHOU COFME . rioaala at Laat 1 One Fill Will Convince You lor your p(kct NOWI uf inu Hio' Waa Selected Laat Night by Exhibition Jnpo Aflfr a lung Out of Ut GREATER ENGINE EFFICIENCY AT LESS COST 1 Admiral of the th-ol l In re. elpl Board a of a h-lier from. pilo i... Kllrl.i... ..i.i of i of 37 Applicant! Easy Starting No Carbon Troubles iwiiont I iiiy lame. n ." ' I IhJ t Mif.fl Ull sUo al iMIa Out of n lil uf applicant. uiuii a ftiiiii ii- nn'-'"." I hit of it heienndor. Wo re olT I- W MackiutoMh. iiv-nt maii-lavimr Hour Adnilral: ocrolJiry of Hi'- local I'.lk' Sole Agents - - Prince Rupert Boathouse woiiilci iiiB l:.iljii u.u wmIm.IiiiI bv llm Kjnr i "I giionn you r 1 1. 1 .. .. ... a . 1. . .n iwhul baa beooiiio of your iil'lo m' I TEA ar it 4if liouiii hr 111HT I'J'lllo uiifiir lltipo!"fi' ifr Kxhipltion,fiinimiior Government Wharf Phone Red 391 ilfirl bul ro Should M. I ' fctuT Hiinco In ralarv In io a month utntliiH aoiim loiili fail Uin nnd In iliiii' t iiiunonca 011 wrltinjr you labl . in