P ilitrilnv M FAOE TWO TTTE DAILY 5TTWS l"1 i SICKENING HEADACHES ENDED aier's. Re"or! s??ws , I BY "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Remarkable Increase in mineral A BIG Production of District in 1922 MURDER Effect was splendid when she tried 1922 OUTPUT OF DISTRICT MINES. this Fruit Medicine Xsrse f Prertjr. Ore Mlrmt. OaM. SHvec. of Shoe Prices Tun. oi. ua. Ik. lb rt Ship Hartar, S'A Msi.lcflrin IT 1 l.se-S tl.WS "Foryears, I aadreadfulsuflrtr iranb On4Mtld . . . . . . ttl.tM J.MI J.M.I IMH !. l.tSI.Wa from Constipation and Headaches, I)lm.l l-remier Surf Inlrl i.:i a.H itH '. and, I tu miserable la every way. I'I'nnil .til ft Xothlng- in the way of medicines ratrrMt trunp ........ I" l ' tm Shoe irfmM to help me and I M almost Sunblne ...... Tt Extraordinary Sale discourared. 0...kHh . tf ls Then I tried Trnlt-t-tlTM" and farl Bled ...... tl- the elect was splendid; and after stores. M taking one box, 1 ran uWy My I 'Barter'hn4er ! t.m V.t.i Commences Friday Morning, May lllh, until May 31st am well. I feel like a new person In ever)- ay and t am deeply thankful TnUW tnt I St I.MS.J1 I,l.ll s i .:..) H.i We h:ie di-jnised of our lease nnd fixture lo Mr. (iawlhorne nnd . to hate relief from those iekeninf M'.iii (rf ttti i.i.an . i.ef.a? n.sn.:: . iiiirc iock at Ho- following bargain prues. heaJacl.es". - v" ' 1 ' Id Pairs Ladies' (Irey nnd llniwn High Si,... Mrs. MARTHA DE WOLFE. tnere : Ml S.ll.ltt - ll.ta ?,n0. Sale Price S4.50 piff Iwrretw .:. ... S.TS".? .1.1 Pairs Indies' Patent lonil Ptinipv . "Fniit-a-tlvei"wlii a ways reliere I leailaehes due to Constipation because I 4ow nf fJtrrt. i nil sites. Value lo 0.uo. Hale Pro ,' 3.25 they aet ilirrrtly on tho liter and cause (be bowels to mote recularly ami Pair, ua'unlly. This rids the system of Impurities ami keeps the t4oud pure and mineral Pairs Indies' (dark ami llniwn l'..ih-i ..i "II wns pointed out in last jear's report lhat Ihe Values In sii.on. Sale Price ... ricii. "Knilt-a-ties"-are) mad) of fruit Juices combined with tonica, axe $4.25 rif. if lilri-t So, I Ihe in Hie hilr f tin" lnIurliin frrnlel pleasant to take and mild and fen tie In action. 80 Pair J. A, T. IteJI HUek Kid lllu. h r Hf We. a but, G for$5J0, trial iie 23c. At all dealers or sent by Iaiar dilri"l and an npllrhili fnrerl vn-s inaile fur Ihe :ir Ochioii Sole. In Ihrbflid we hate ..niv 1 1 028. Tdal of nnlpiil fur the ar 1088 slittw Ihe er remark-aide . , iriee I8.0. FRClT-A-TIVrS LIMITED, OTT A IV A, O.VT. to . Originnl To u $5.00 of 50 rent in value lat in'reae per over year' pntdiiHion. 11 Pair Udie.' lILXS.KUr' WTiiie K. t t London, Knj. Ojdensburg, N.Y. Christehureh, X.Z. rarhinfr n mark hardly dreamed f a few yenr The ton Pump. Vftlnes lo f.H.RO. Itolng ..i $445 i lhan I'.t8l t.ll." Ion and i Ihe 1.000. riir. napt greater by over . 10 Pair IjNlle' (Irey or While itarivA 1 1 , ooo Ion mark." lirey and Stning. Values i., i Thus read Hie report of Qeorge A. Clothier, resident min Irisr eimineer for the prnvinriitl ' Price $2.00 Pj. Daily News The il Pairs l.adic- or flirU" While Onva Iln ilor Soles ami Ileel, (lulmi.' s yoprnrrient nlililioil in the an. Wiipper of hivhirrade r.p r PHINOK RUPKHT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Lit . All -i.e. S.-ite Pro-e $1.70 P. i.iii)! rfrl of Ihe Miitlder of .-res. I.. I ;.u While Ciiiv.t Leather Sole and II el' Kdher in Slmji or tl Published Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince MifK". whieti has jnl been lnf. be In.liaji mines in the Salmo'i .ii.-, l..-.i. Side Pro e $2-e0 Pair. from VHoria. ilier e-lion i l-Mikum -r. Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. 25'. DISCOUNT OFF ANY OTHER LADIES' SHOE IN THE STORE. wik The refrl rontinues: prnmiMnp for Ibe .imouxl of II. P. PUI.LKN, Managing Kditcr The jiul.l nulpMl ha prarlienllv duhe and Is d-veopins l-tru- loubleit thai nf last yar ur i .xlies of ritillinff.jrrade ore. I"- SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Ihiw limes ihe unovint proliwl liealioii art- lhat this prnr.prt Misses' Specials City Delivery, by mail or carrier, r month Jt.ito in l!;n. ii is ine ereate.t pro. will jiilry it h twine eipiif-i' 1 eY By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stale. iloelion eer made in one year by with a ronreillratinic 4aat mMioi 81 Paint White Canv llubber Soir Human S...idj-S.xes ft in advance, per year r Ifl.tt" any one ilUtriel in Ihe prninre. a yea lo 8. At $U) Pair. advance . This remarkable increase is due B.C. Stiver To all olher countries, in per year .S7.M' I Pan- While C-)iia Sites H Shfipcr.. lo 10 s. S.o TELEPHONE 88 to the Premier Jold Minlnjr (Von. Tl, ,, p .iUer Mines' recent al Slewarl ami (lie Iran by I'riee $1.00 Pair. pnny rjk in rnllfnc Hm eleni..n of .'17 Pairs (Jiiblreo" SIiim--. Sees rang' from I 7'. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Lompany. the llelinonl.siirf Inlet ,. ( litt, ir,i,riimt ore-prolm-- Value lo 8.7.Y Sale Pn- e. $1.50 Pair. ininna snpniiy Miort or iat yenr. jnr riiire of Ihe premier none. DAILY EDITION Saturday, May IS, 1023. Sller Output Pm . .nlUfaelory tallies oh. AND 25-, DISCOUNT OFF ANY OTHER PAIR OF i The phenomenal otjlpul of oil- ained arros. a width of .. f.-el. MISSES' OR CHILDREN'S SHOE IN THE STORE er, t.r.81.911 o.. or three lime lirn,.lf nr indirate it. Inrlon. Fielding Optimistic Ihe of laot is nl- oiilpul year, tB ii n -ry imnorl.tnl i.ro. Over Finances. due lo Ihe sensational production diicer. Ill epile of the faet lhat Ihe estimated result of the present 1(f the Premier fiold Mininn- Comi Die aeoiil-itinn nf ihe IMly year operation.-, in the Dominion will result in a deficit of -oe pany. I lie dranby nonsnln!alNl urden hv Hip iere Winsfield Men! Here is Bargain lo fifty million dollars,. lion. V. S. Fielding, minister of finance, rontrihuted an inereae of TJ.Ofifi ii,.r,.i by I lie ior-eloure ir a a is tnj .j.iiiinin i.iic ijrurii ! iirin rupiuij rriinrru rarn ''7.. wuiie ine itrimoni-Miri miei niortltatie. clear Ihe air sonfe. year and if the railways are able- lo show anything- approarhing Ml a lillle below it D8 f out put. w,al. and this pro(erly niuy h-an All Rubber 0 Kyclel Ilia, k L.o-e llools. I'-. even break, the income and. expenditure will meet. OiiUirtu Thi- Is also the preale.i ro. r,i,. operiition. All site. Sale Price OK of the railways the elimideil income i fourteen millions more onction nf slher ever made in w;n, a sll( ehance of nieniiis up man ine eiunaien expenoiiiirc.Mi vuai on,tne wiioie ine linances n" year any one In ny Usirifl H tonnaze of milling ore nnd nf AND 251 DISCOUNT OFF ANY OTHER LEATWIM or ine rounir.r'mflr im"Mid tn ve In it'heallhj- fondilion.- Th- be' province ihe'-hepret' a(- fiii.liuv more shoot of hiyh-nalional railway is the only preenl drtiwhack and is rapidly be- t-roach lo it Iinp lhat of Vel pr8;P ier ores, RUBBER BOOT IN THE STORE. ing plaeedon a paying bais.. .Koolenay Iilricl in 1013. rt The Drum Luiiirnoii on Ooiifla .Mr. fielding is a ma-ler of finance and he has Ihe cofi-i?.'i.on', oz. ' In facl. ii I over cbaioiH is in gol sliajwi for 10'. Off All Regular'Lines of CanvM Running Shoes For Men. Women. Bon aalCML nence not only or parliament but of Ihe people of the country. !""''."'"' " greater llun the handling ore now. and the nwin-lle Special During The Month- lle.t ipiahly Kogb-li K....IP..II is o be 4Vingralula(ed on the manner in which he is rapidly eilver output of Hie entire pro- element has announced thai reg-bringirig Hool- - make ine-e .iippucs I oi :enii.-iui Jlol-pur n h' til l I... .tcri li financial order oul of chaos. in since IfJOiy iZC ' jinee any ne jvr ublantial shipmeU will Im l.il t $5.25. A guaraiileed hoot. .' '"n prixhielion of copper ha made lo the (irnnby smeller al Still Preparing For decreased hyjihout i.nooinrt lb.l.uyo rn.ni now on. (due lo Ihe decreased of the' Reciprocity. output B) mi,,0uP ..u''" Jrin"1Jian r'vernmenl Is Mill preparing for reciprocity "ranby iinolidald H.imont-j ,hn , Miourj on f.aImnil ROYAL SHOE STORE With Ihe. I'niled .Males and Prince Rupert will be one of Ihe f""rf shows a slmhl falling h.r un,,nv..nt considerable d- slrong barkers in (he carrying out of such a policy, Helng right frr" 'i- Uep,UHt this summer, will, en- nn Ihe l .h. bonier we shall welcome nnylhing whirh will lead lo "'"Ion Dollars !couraing j r.-iills II is the opm rlo.fr Irade relalions. There must, however, be a policy of give Tn" "MA bdals aive a value ion of nlan (a Phone 666. Third Avenue (Next to Wallaces). P.O. Boi IK- and lake and not all take, as has been Hie isilicv rerenllv. Anv '"'l'"1 of IM .Ml. an increase r. . , ... '.... jusl arrangement will meel wilh our approval but it must be r 3.7J.0RO over I02f, or about ,v(, a, , pOMi,i,j of ,,. rlearly underslil lhat the arrangement must not be made by ''ff 'n, u i!i "'"'"'"ndinp 4 .,r.t4.tly. rji,er ge dosicrl Ihp f ran r.i riitv.ii nnli. .ill. .n i.. :..:..: n... r ... . the hlshesl yearly value "mluc : ..... - . ; "b- i... ..,, -.ui tii-w iMjinoife- in- iMinirs 01 Hiaia rcMii ro Ihe ore deposi the. weaker. Hon eter made by one district. ima put an entirely diff-r-i I ' II will be noted lhat Ihe alilo,complexion on thinas. Ten Years Ago FISHERMEN! Judge Young And Hie ihree rneials prntiicel iin Hie de.(,prnenl of Ihe prince In Pilnc Rupsrl j Boys Of City. .IMrlrll eaefi a.n.M.nled lo'j,.!,,, ,.e gr,..,p on Hear lliver and Ho New Season's jougc joung spviKe very nearly and earneslly IH the Itolary - '"' T 1 1 lunwell mines on nia. ier creek May 12. 113. Lino on me laiiure nr the criminal niaehuiery o pieel Hie eae ."7 is. Iwing f.dlwe. wilh great tn Mayor I'alliilh. sailed llua of J. ' J AJIoaeiher. the dislricl n v I FROZEN the bov. lie nrired that liislend of dpioiin -if ..... HERRING BA1I inoriiiiitr on Hie prince lluperi to dealing wilh Ihe criminal we devote lh irrei.ier nAPi ,.r ii i...'1"'"'1 Vr """ nf Hie , rI. ll f . rro 7S..UII. .n liana -- - mm Iftisrsiir vif - I for Vaiieouter with t'.ily Solicitor preventing crime. He unfed lhat morn alle.itinn l.e r.nid ih. innnage mined, yielding HI. PP".riilJbp ftnil Wlin...ia cr..c Just Frozen I'elers. Their mission is l sell Beautiful Quality i.oy in ine iiome, in ine church and I hrouirh such ,...-;,..:,., "-em 01 ine loiai Olaeier eeeek 1...11. Mnul. IL. I ... . . . . " " ".' ' m. nf ha I..I0I .il.. fl' . I ' inuniciial tmnds. in- oo, scoiii, in inai way ias win olherwjse might lend '1 V --.irtics. are under bond lo the NEW ENGLAND FISH Companj lo become criminally inHined were likely lo lead useful lives. 1 7"' ,hp "JPIj; PjHriinlry IV.npany nnd will he Miss Teresa Kelly nnd E. M. ' Katohlkan, Slasae Branoa nooi put ine i.reenmg place of crime" was Ins advice. r ' 7 ", ''""" llhoimidhly explored. They each Hoop werH married yesterday Breeding Place. (-nderf,,, .xpans.on of the mln-j-lSS- Z? by Jlishop IIiinoi. Miss Moore and Miss liarbeau were Ibe wil-i i urime nere. j- """"y"1'"1 Iheir further detrjopmenl. nesses. A Tier honeymooning In wiioge lonng urn nni go into Ihe mailer of what were . , -.. . 7 ' """ Mobile Mines, l.imile-1. Is Portland, Mr. and Mrs. Hoops MR. FISHERMAN! "co'oS orrcimg places or crime. That is where veed interesU are .' ' h' ... .'"'IM' H.e Mobile group on will reside al Alderrnere. touched and where npposilioi, shows itself. Where in this rilv ' orlar (liter, which has Ihe up- We Unv been are ihe bree Img places of crimeT There must be loeflrnne) ..r n .. fit.11. making Innks for boala during piacea or Ihe Judge would not hate troubled lo some audi Prospects For Future afcYnV Mason Itamsay left this morn leu years and w hate yet lo gel a i-ouiplaiul refer to them The .... iiia on a vacation trip to his worktnaiishiri. rpieslion naturally comes, ... 11 1 worth pernaps thinking nboul. If there r.e! are any such .' " hopie in l-'redcrlelnii, X.H. WHAT WE HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS WE CAN holes as Hie Judge mentions, it might be well fnr Ihe .ani L ,'7 ,"11"l.l"'linn' Arm i. making steady, small Jleparlmenl lo doe Ihem up. lo .-over them will, chloride 7l 'T.-.'t", """"A""" ,"l''L of l,l. grad- silver Mrs. . NV. I'earsnn arrited DO FOR YOU. nnd bun Ihem ami let Ihem nr.r-,.- .... Hiree,.lr. . ,,.,. .,.,,, t. 00 r-n. jirmiurere, ,, last night' train froElm Creek. ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORKS. Inlet. Ihe firanby rAn.olM.tnd'Z ! ". Manitoba, lo lake op her rri ami Ihe Premier Oold Mininvi 'i! .L . ... ' . ' ' ". .. . . " . deuce hem joining Mr. Pearson. 8econd Ave. Phoni J4 "My Hands f...,pny. give etery reason tn I. " n.'"" ?' " Hie new 1 ily engin-r. Trembled :iete lhat Iheir preent outputs ,.,.. .1.1..,... a and I an be maintained for some years I " Could Not Sleep" to come, hut are probably up to' ud 'owth . Mr. Thomaj Honey, Rrantford. Ont., write t iiir.acilv ut- conditions.- i.rodiiclinn ofi.lee....i..ii- r...--- ii.. ""nning 11 seems rensoniibht llirt wiio to allua e- Any ..iai.vi mi 1 iiicrras n output muat lherefn. "IH- ,'"' l-resenl larg "UTitn I Uia taking Or. mniniainiii iff it nan be looke.1 for from pew hippern. Chue'a Ntrve .. . .... ll.ii ..r.l..lu 1 Food, I was hi Ihe one that appears to gite Hi "'"l""" "r -..oil. that ,xwr" ,0 th"rt' wl" ,m ,,,'",f nervous when I picked up nosl promise for Ihe near fultirc. a cup of t my land would I from all reports, is the Kngineer , " ,M" ,nH ray lo.Ine nl Allln Tl.l. n...l, I. "' "fy proflljsin lookfuif Km, trtmble like t leaf. could now- free of litigation nnd in nil '7lK ".'' ,""'"r ,,,,W',0I",",''I not sleep well, could not re. .rohabilily will e put under ae. will mean Ihe gradual audi gggM ssLgi gBBV BtBBBBaBaav SagSB fBBHf mrmber lhini, and there were (live ofM-railon. le-jnliiiued urowlh of Ihe output VACUUM PACKED neuralgic pains through rny body. The Maid of Lrm in Ihe Itainy 1 1 lie nislrlet." After taking seven boxes of Dr. Hollow ec ion, wIiiIh under . Chase's Nerve Food, however, I I'leaty baitdieap of long lraupor. Olgflt of Good Health am in perfect health." llation by motor truck. (. I roc tor. uri,'J,kf o.unt.ifro.iuj.rir COFFEE and trailers. developing ttl ion. I - DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD siderabht depth fine showing1 Mr. Martel i remale nils t boin.te and rhah-oeit and, tVhtii? ZLtTL" cruta a tsis, all daalrra or Iktiuauaon, llmlea A Co, 4d.. Toronto. ' Ivr one goHj reaona to believe! r.rs tihimm $iu irr,,.i,,w.t t MMr- KELLY. tbULA A iffTlrmmmtU hai it will h iome an Important iZr" "-