Pe as + , } Peal & f f att! pall 7 e ' : : PAGE FO — ews - — iiadighinmineisietiinicmainigs =; =e a aa) : Be nay Get Your - .. ‘f \ | , ating BILLIARDS Green Lake a FINISHED ire Cleaned Up Der- tinging Endeavors te Keep Few Days Skaters Off Billiard SEATT me 5 = ait YOU owes ee : —_~ ~ LeTs r . Tt ene - > d with the 3 5 ot SA o \ anc at : SS e & Jurmei be used for the sport _ +i. pRorm ts The pertae Bi . d Looe. Four .. Billiar Averages Tack Tiree zt > . > a A Zad S 1 + > » Ante aA - ey 3 WER a 1S Ear! Bat: 3 53 i> > © Niek Chenoski ‘£ § lls = J. Mey Ss ’ 1348 182 B Windle ‘Cs ’ 3250 (ts IF Ez S47 1= ? P Prite? ae 1s 5 F W Stene < 407 187 Adirt IS 187 8 eter 2 - Poe Boewers Prives 5 —s " Sindbed Wisteria rs Zz os : Suthe 68 178 Seneun : er — P. Vacet s 34 Ke 7 and you help | — . - a978 | BN your country ae ——— Sheed Tl) Ta ee dle eager Canada's LP coh aa: SH R E D D ED EMULSION WHEAT “seco RRS aah ue Ca ee cerry res + OF CANADIAN WHEAT #: aro LS OT as Because it doesn't pay te advertise poor products, It does pay to huy those advertised A ~> a BASKETBAL! PROSPERITY Procession December 16--Grotto vs. K 'Cardi vs. Comets: Mercha vs. Warriors; Meteors vs. Rovers LEAGUE STANDINGS Seattle Unsafe Police of Purest Sound City Are Qan cis an | Ch - | ea : nessa SCHEDULE . e Prince Rupert Me: | . ' Senior League 5 os ; w L. Pte a CRA - ‘ ‘ Groth 7 . i4 Kaien ‘4 D 4 ; Ladies’ League uy f in 7 Os Carttr 8 5 i, { ‘ Amazor - . | I ce Khu | Comet eh 2 ' [ : Intermediate Learur tet . ty o ' Tuxts 8 . « | . rMereia: ts 7 ee Warrior 2 4 ‘be Janior League ¢ “The 4 Meteor 2 0 16 \ Ay e ‘Rovers 4 5 & ’ » Japanese 3 n 3 \ Bye. AM ™ Boy Scouts se@.4 PARADE G2 Practice Schedule Z E | Dee. 3 Pmprew xiom 14 © Bent ‘ For Basketball a 28 apres of hm Pep. 25 Emre ¢ Canad eee Service Equipme 1 SENATORS — MOVE UP, from Kaien Hardware ¢, ee i” most Skaters do Deleat New York Americans and Disptace Torente Maple Leafs notes Sects Pies SKATE SHARPENING NEM ee fr With our new equipment we ar: a “ ae sharpen skates while you rere 35 cents ogres sl KAIEN HARDWAR va > Aa . ' , , | Phene—3 We Deh iereatnoni owen |S Ruppert Radio Toombs Rad Service OM see coal “ : Repetrs to Any Mak RADIO SET Phone: Blue 932 American Divisien Prince Rupert. B« Phone Blue @ ae i ~~ & Rangers 6 19 #16 Bosion 6 ‘uM 13) cr Z 4 6 2} if ot ag Hard C Internationa! Division asper ar Od Mont 7 9 Niaw : 7 ; . Tor 2 4 2 2. 12 EGG—Per Ton SIL3 Americans 3 62a 4 MINEHEAD LUMP—Per Ton 125 | Oa JASPER LUMP—Per Ton 123 Dry Cedar and Jackpine For = ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSHED HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE ® UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ; Steamers leave Prince tu ~r TSS. CARDENA EVERY TURSDAY, 1:30 PM xe Pails as efter < TSS. VENTURE EVERY THURSDAY MIDNIGHT BIG a “y~ AUTOMATIC ae ae OT a Geen hae BOOKLET SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATE. ROUND reir PRY RUPERT TO VANCOUVER, 5 fe «te Yet Te te Fee TH. reters " Purther mformiawvom fregerdiag afl se'lings and * PRINCe BIPERT AGESNEN: Seemed A tener I eee iiaeeeeemeeeaineeeneeneetniameatenedaaane ere LoW WINTER EXCURSIONS CANADIAN PACIFIC to Vaneouver NE Law PAR BOL NE TRIP WESTER ENACT Peto Return Limit fiwkets ow sale Sovember it twee March 31, 1933 Pinel return Lim:t Ma Por for ma 2 ca r write laa * |. OATES, General Agent rr N L “a A PZ A! CANADL. NATION. CANADIAN PACIFIC ae) tae | ANDO THE CONTINENT ! am wir BATEY sere & wah w ’ Cleeroe Belfast Livernaot Give ! a Subscription to at Half Regular Rates aOetle at Honcoluio y - — oh Sunday 27 > 44; x 12:30 1.00, Rovers Regular Rate, per year se : 4 4 : 40. Kaiens-Warriors . : ‘ . . Ri: te Si f . 4 Va 7 it Th ; ‘a 1 590-92 aeeebeameeeete + Special Christmas Presentation 7 S ar Pe / tte 2 23 00, Grotto-Merchants HOM SANCOLVEM and vieront, Six Months “ 3:00-3:40, Cardinals-Meteor 2 Sa 3 iden he 3°40--4 26, Japanese-Amazons 4°20—5 00. CN R.-Tuxis j een @ued A AE sday practices have beer : ; ‘ ve M ; ’ * . ; Mt © t e Pee 17 a ee rk £9¢ fe 8 ag, "ota: The Daily News j sCndis Ole *gow-Livers ' ; ni ia. » olre y 2 = net ° f this «Lee cia vay" People already subscribers of t Bol nw eh | between now and Christmas Day KOM VINCOURR aner FEE TOR: scription to one or more out of to aw ha No more greatly appreciated presen | given and the cost is little. ee ———__ Apply to agents everywhere of 4.4. POSTER > Gene Passenger Age Ve ver Be eee mee ——!2