When Vou Want A AXI! lie Suits measure made to 99 In the Latest spring ami a hurry Bummer Styles ami Fabrics Phone AT MODERATE PRICES. PRINCE RUPERT STEVE KING lest Car nd Bait Service i the City. Rales Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Opp. C.IMl. Ticket Office. ll XIII Ml II I'MNUU III I'LHT. II.U. SATI IIHAY, MAY 12. 1020. fnt.rlii'i Ci'caUtlon IMS trail ! M4. I'MCIi FIVB CENTS. IE IS PREPARING FOR RECIPROCITY iWER LIGHT RATES PROPOSED BIT CITY COUNCIL AND BYLAW IS READY lelding Proposes Reciprocity ISIXTY WOMEN ARE PROTEST AT Caribou Rode to Death Down , SUMMONED TO ACT j AS ASSIZE JURORS) THE BRITISH Yukon River on Ice Floes and and Mentions in Budget Speech Sheriff Shirley Stated This Morn Others Passed Through City That Notices do not Demonstration In Moscow at ing Ap- l ply for Session of Neit I Ultimatum Note: Factories Fish as Negotiation Commodity Month I Closed ! HAWSO.V. May 12. A ilriiniiilii- cjn-rlaele vu witnessed licrr ytslenluy when with a mifflily rah million of Ions of ice 1 Sivly Moiiii'ii f t'te eilr re , MOSCOW, May 12. . All fw'jl pusl Hie. cily followiiifr the breakup ye?lerday. OTTWVV ,M;. IS. Hum. W. H. lidding in Ins l.udgcl j 1. i i ( uiiini'Mi4 l reKKleieil , Moscow's factories and government I . On an ice floe amidt Hie inoving mass wen Hiree young rh - i -,t i . .iiiniiiiiirdl steps which li said lie hoped would HOSPITAL WILL iiih:I fleeilny ly i'rr un Hi.', Institutions closed 'i-ariboii, whitli were swept to death in a jam a short distance Hi i ipr Willi Ihc I intj-d Slides. He projio-ed lo in jSnpiei i l'..mrt a'iif next fall. today to permit employees to , from here. They were prohnbly Mirviors of a herd of several it him: hi tin' (".iiiiulnm tariff milliori'iiig any Canadian Sliii'iff Mini'-v lull 1 1 h I a)- II111II take part In a great demonstration hundred, which attempted lo cross Ihc mer just as the ice , ACCEPT OFFER ul lout ulrial rrfumil !' against the British ! broke. it,-., r .,,... ,Min n.-iroliJitioiis wiMi u rcpresenlulive of tin- 1 fil Ha(' - WiMi .i view In making J commercial agreement. arl. i Mner Hit Mew refill jl inn -(iniv note. Surging crowds early j Tens of thousands nf earilxm lutve ieei rmiging in ii?i 'Mr I- ding further pnipo.cd that if Hie president of (lit iiliuir for noinen jnnir. tln began to fill the streets. The vicinity lately and several hundred swam Hie river yesterday, r-d St under uulhorily of I In I'.S. Arl determined In re MADE BY CITY mi' ulen the ptfvil ve In refu' Intent of the demonstrators (passing IliroilKli Hie outskirts of I he rily iinm'olesled. ; liv per ill Km' ililtW on cattle, flour, wheut. uals, b;ir- jln iiil viiliin lenJay after r-f'iit seemed peaceful but ft appended Ice floes grounded on Ihc Haw-on front a distance of hajr evident they meant lo Ja mile, the heaviest in Thousands u.t in: ttii.ti. tor.oi. I.i.v mill inli. Hie I unimliuii liuv- i mil Ire. years. of tons piled high on Stcnl Imuld b. ..olhorue.l lo make compensatory reduction. flp Defeating Seeral Resolu- 1 lie sheriff alo lalitl Ih.it make the demonstration Impressive. (lie licacu. LTIn' in ii'-'i r spoke optimistically, refusing lo add In the lions Board Accepts soe. Hi - nolii-eit iln nut upply In llic utiort f Hie 'omilry dr-pite t lie furl tlntl lie hud a defied of Conditionally sin iitf assici'a Veniii7 here li'j; FISH ARRIVALS OBSERVING '-i w. ,1 are ,.. SOVIET WOULD LIKE OF . iirlv f 'v Millions lo nmmuuec. He looked lo increasing loms .mil en-' office revenue and heller conditions under After drfeuliiii; several icsolu- I?; o u' iur" TO CONFER FURTHER Nine Boats Sold a Total of 137,- lirli Hie ( ..in (ili.iii National Itailvvuy was being operated lo lion In.luJIny one to accept Hie 000 Pounds at the Fish Exchange HOSPITAL DAY pp miming Ho' deficits year lv cnr. sixty renin per rapiln offered by This Morning .. . . .,.. . ... r it a j m I ! .i.. r i i Accept British Ultimatum opccilic unanges rviauo in normuii ine cny, 1117 nosiiiiui jinuni iusi PLASKETT HONORED (Cannot r Mr. FieUhiig's iiiniii oiiuoiiiicenienls'Avere: night deelde.l lo accept the offer But Has no Wish to Break I-airly "M-ii price tor American institution l e.lnn Th.n n... All liirrr.ise in Die llritili preference oil fin! shipped conditionally ft Houirwlml Hie fot- i With Britain nml raiimliaii halibut, with tin- Made Member of Royal Society This Afternoon for Public tlirtniffli (JoiiO'Jian river nml n iMirU. 'low Inn vmitiJi.: l ufilii'.f. '...HIV...ii,.! ?5alplii lo lie i'ollerl(l ul (In onri'i' nl Hie nitc ijf I "'riniJJfiU liminl l uf opinion Foe Discovering Twin Suns MOH'.iiV May I.'. Tin- .oiel ,.,,1,1 :,i m'.- vi.i. lirl.u.,...'. Inspection Refresh- ,rr rffllUy llial ".'raniiul nperiilr uitliotit liov. riiliieiil .l.'s not de-ire lb 11, ,..., ...,!.... n..i. VA?intlii' 'mo 111 Hie mtinr ilulii' uinl I lie rrie ilulii- oil iniin in lo Uehl 011 rlsly centK. 1.1 IN I MIX Miiy 1 3. Anionx tli- break Willi lii-eat llrilaln ami i. i,i '1 ..r ,1-1 , , ,u I liri'iTw,r '" 'roppe. x-lr eitiilla, hut. in I lie lllef that hew fellow of (lie Itnyal Sm-ietv willing to ronfiT with that couil.lun.i rime lllitiii.llniitf 1 1 urn il In iiril..r lo rilllm-lv ..l.uan p.'J " ,J jmxite rignreiir ia to i rwnirci in uic inrnn'r raiP. . ine ciiy eouiien is lrnff In put - -r; " " ' h .in'i ni m. -Jp'iuii.ls, a total r 2'.Ji0 nt.iiiids.lalltinal llo-nilul l)av iusl jLi Ihe milir ' '''i 'iniiw u i"r n-uiicwi uj .1 ut "11 riii"..,,,- mm riin-j mraMirr" i eroiinnij; 1 , . - ,' Arrival n. sales: tsanie lime Jlve'tlie public atl ... ........ icniRus. c iirr nwrii iup mjiy emu. - - .1 American poriunlly to familiarize llicm- - lo lie grniile.1 on hemp nml copper Willi Hie la day nml li-IJ nut the hope Ihat ; ,'. - "' neioii, ii.i.ii.ier 01 mr- .. Wireless, i.l.iiui) trf.iiii.ls. a: selves with the working of the elltniinli. 011 iiiiiiiitH. linen tlirc.1 and petroleum. if it shall berome i.eceary Hi" ' " ,,"",,';r, " 'ffairs. , )3 lr n(( H , r , K,,,,a, alll, ,arn of I in i t"- 'if crrutcj u give pruiecnoii 10 ine uriiiriai imnusi win laier come i our iw. 1 W . .. .. rn. i .... rn...M.. Ihii..I. at i:i.?c aul Kr. to the porlance of the institution to the MLIHhI v ... "is was eurried will, only II. .L ,.""' , .."'"to . lloyal Kisl. li.. ieommuiiily at large. Die P rfnea 1111 In hi. -.-.ist'd on mioiiis to allow a uliltiiial pre- Mellae vollnit ajaiiisl il. Hi t ' " ? - oie 011 itriii-.'u-olil. C.unii ponn.ls. and Hupert General Hospital from ice i' (! in ul.' lo .MisiraltH. ni"eil by t. K. l.Miiiibell, jb'. l.nnu hmiii.Is, nl.ISc an.l s.ao Uil. aflenioon is beins A . . .. . .. 1 1.11.11.IOiu ...: 1.-I.-111H1..1..-1.I acliii've- liiH-k the House of . I r 1 . 1-. on Onailiau wines, raw fur- ami drum tile M...k..i..l h W 11 I i.m. n I I " pa-se.1 Com- 8e. to the Canadian fish A Cold thrown oiMrn for iiisneetion. ... ,., ... , IIK'Ilt of IT.'.'liI limes. liu.iis la-t nilil. arm .iiicp'i Mliiunni uj 1. ... 1.0....i... . St..mac Co. Members of the. nursing stall IM ft Hid newspriiil to lie exempt from sale- lu, Itoss Maekay, I'.. II. Mortimer and Kndiak. On.oon ...11 11.I, al 12.7c will eseorl the Visitors to the Hit if ,K gcii'-nillv of the rhullges made. Mr. I'ieJdilig Ablermati Then. Ilollarl. and Xe. to the llovlh Fisheries various deparliiieul such as the I the tin iff slnliililv in order nut In di-nrganize First Motion Light and Power Rate Reduction (Uiuadian Co. ioiu'raliuir theatre, case room. 1- 11 " Mir roiinlrv. The flrt motion by Abl.i Canadlan I ray room and kitchen and de- r.ollarl, seconde.1 by Mr. Morli-! Proposed in By-Law Laid Before I'air of Jacks. U.nnii puiiud-'.'iiioiislralions will be iven where DORIS CHAMBERS IS mer that Ilie sivly cent, offer be! at 13.le and U.fe ami Atli. 1 1.".i.uijf. ISWILLARD iicr.'j.le.l. II was discussed at liouii.N. al IJ..'!c 1111.I l'e. lo Hi" Tea and refreshments wj b GOLF CHAMPION AT some leiigHi, Mr. Mrllae ndo. I City Council at Meeting Today Caiiioliaii I'isli .V C.,1.1 I rf'oraae Ufnril under the sunervision and DIIDLIII AM CUn A kin anwras " aliernatlve eliarsing: Selma. Hi.niui pound, at I '; munauemeiil of the Ladles' Aux NOCKED OUT DUnnllAlll, tilULAHU ;.5o a day and was defeated. ' and t'.tc. ami Cape Spcm-er. ti.nno jijary, ri. ,. t:. parrtuI1(i( presi-poumls. resilient l. II. Stewart favor- new hUvv providing for considerable icdm lion- or light at l:i..le and Ve. lo the ,nt. UI,j ,. umdu-jt,! .Urse' III It.MI AM. I'liiirliind. May II. nl accepting the olTeras he fear- and wi'r rales now charged by Ihc city was presculcd lo the Alllll Fisheries. illiil. MU. Ilorolliv liillinirloit.. FLOYD JOHNSON Mi-- lions Mininbci - of W nrul, e.J the collection uf CS.50 a day city council for ils information al a special inccling at noon today. piesi.lf nl. llliili School girls and I In -Inn-, won the Jlnluli "prn,would lead lu cniifusioti and frie- On .Monday evening il will be dcall willi bv Ihc council HAVE BEEN FEW FIRES other ladies will also give as. . nir .'Imnipiuiisliip tolay defeat 'tion. The city hud ulwiiys been when the viipcriulfiidciit of utilities will be called into conference. sistanee. J" Flght at New York inu Mrs. Allan Mrllrlh fn JO tiuler Iwhliid Hie hoard and would bo IN INTERIOR DISTRICT fleneral armugemeiit for Hie kleventh Round With one up. avniu. The following proposed rales lire embodied in the new reception and eiilerlaiuuienl of Right Uppercut. Mrs. Mellelh. wlii'ii Mi Muriel Mr. Mavkay did mil see how it h)I aw: 1 I'. S. Iloiiuey. district forester,1 1 lie visitors have been made by Ki SJIH M AOIIK. Mnv Mi'il'l won Hie i'haiiiiionship Uijeiiuld be said Ihe cily was bo- Ilesblealial lighting including 3,&u for t.uuu wall healers, reports thai lliere have been Hie Ladies' Auxiliary. l' W illnnl iiinr bark lo MM I mid i ieali'd 11 sur rise. e- hind them. Ordinarily when irons, toasters, washing nia-,artfer ulll Mllller heaters on i.bout seven rather serious fins. fiiinc defciitiiiK Hoyd tenlay w js eliimiiale.i a til" special new work was yoiiig 011 in clihies, etc. not of more Ihuu . .,.,,. ruiu ,f lira Monies, a Hum I.older by Miss Jove Wrllicred. a cily such as was at present bor (Kill walls each, connected lo one Street Signs !".llir.r',r1i,,.l,:r.i:T....l,:,.l.s .im.iint. ii.ui.a!in i:ui.?..iiif rrA CANADIAN FOOTBALL III. t In . here this af-' - - - inu initialed by Ihe board. I ho meter. He. per kilowatt hour, Approved situs or individual any worry. Small crews haw TEAM MAY TOUR IN gradouleil ilwi to tic. according r w.iuni sc.,, johiison QUIMET WAS BEATEN cily made a special u'raiit to- lumps lover i'Oll candle power lieeu emploe. in exliiucuishinu u u r.l il I,nl iiiHleM,t .if lln.l tlie lo rousuiiiplioii. ANTIPODES IN 1924 id 'lie i 11 1 11 it .1. in" a.l.lintt lo illumiualioii of streets, those which huve so far broken Commercial light Ink' rales for !ii ifuml with a ritfhl up-I BY ENGLAND'S BESTi ' all business He. 50c. flat per 150 candlepowcr out ami no Inkilerlul dumaiie has JiiIiiisoii was iinahln lo knew uiai 1 lie council was rircicn puriioscs, per been done so far. kilowatt hour, maximum to Ce. for day and Cue. for nip-lit. V WIN.MI'KO. May li. The pos--i (11 fir Mm Iw el fib round, .... ,... i i on an economy platform and OwiiiLr to Die rulhcr couliiiucd ;l, i:,lu m,,v Kruii. minimum. Street lililin-, al actual cost l i I i t y of a Canadian football hi"' ii'it IhiMiiir crowded the .......... 1 ,.r.i.n every department had been crill- ory spell in the interior Ihey have team loiiriiiir New Zealand cost of maintenance u of production plus Small rales un. lo see the l,euvyweil.l 1 1.7 iiriii.l. Ihe bospilal had coino in power on connected and renewals. bad lo be watchful but the u.lvem IUJI is coulaiiied in an announce, load less than m. ti the f.rsi bout Harry ., ..inIm,i,,shli. went ""- "" uul be had hot one horsepower df rain would make the situation nu'iit by Sam laidson, secretary '''-""u" '' f,,ul' tin Ihe same basis as business lii.M'uuiiU. 10 per cent before u''' safe. ! :JI rnrnni .no arier.1 reasonably oT the Dominion Football Asso. r.UKilllIll, ,1,,,, (,, d-real yeslerdav ... la.esl l.lrf flitirne 1.11 niit.' lit I PnvutrMllt liyhlliig rales. I5lh of . 111011II1, ranges and flat : ileeislon over jiiiiii .nc- " ' ialioii. which has been invited t..u... lM.fie lli.ifer We held. Ilia I"". by Power lu rules, I '.'0 Cc. commercial h.p., rales no discount, 1. Newark, N.J , in a fur 11. r I ..1 I after Oilllliet llad.'''",, RUMORS IN TURKEY OF New Zealand to send a leant lo Mr. Williams said lie hud look, In Ue. lighting IU ler cent under 25 1,1 l'tit 'ov.-ruh.-liikeil Tolley. who Is Ihe antipodes. llvrll I '"" "'' rinaiicUl slatemenl I'ower rales, 21 to loo h.p., and 15 per cent over, jiower 10 iij Her,,,,,,, ..f Omaha, beat ,..,.,,,., i nland's best player. le. lo (c. per cent. BULGARIA REVOLUTION in n ir M-w loik in. ine .u. III. ni .i.u ivuuu 1.11.1 .it .....I 11.. i. r....- 1 id last I'.iuiul of Ihelr spile of the various irrauls they Imliislrial plunl liidiliu where Connection charges are also BREACH OF PROMISE had been rumiiiitf behind '.'.Sn0. power is also supplied by Hie provided for. Meier rents are CONSTANTINOI'Ll:. May I:'. , 1. 'k Iiiiii down to the :- i iih FOR cily, lo be measured abolished and minimum rates It II HfiiTM urn rirt-ikl U I inu- 1 1 ii' a1 for Ihe count. RATES BYLAW The Inrmne was less than Ihe expenditure. by separate Qet '"O0 Heart He was in favor of meter. 5.5c. lo He. are also filed. serious revotulionary even I a lak-jToronl I'dc.l ami Hie,r t:i,e.h..i,.'oiliest tjue. was yPAR,u"n .'.""--IMTRnnilfRn itcccpliiitf the silly cent olTer but For all cooking and healing The pmpoe. changes shall be iuir place in lliilyurla but tlio Balm From Doctor's Son witlij'rcd; .on nf Minnc-iilu In" Ihe was kll'unjily of opinion I hut they devices used for iiitermilleiil ser- made for all liuht and power cauiiol be coufinued. Ih f uinl, The lercree claim-.City Council Had special meev-l could lint finance nil it and would vice w ith a rating of a.S kilowatts supplied !' Hie cily except where the Toito.NTO.breach May I:'. A jury in of actio., promise or over. :i.ac. lu Jf.ac. 'different rules were set by spec- LEAGUE Pur- huvn In eiiine back fur 11 bonus. BASEBALL . i' 111 fouled llenaull wills Ing at Noon Today For drought b Marielle Yauhoord.i Water healers at Hut rate of.lul contract. Mr. liampbcll was satisfied the 'I vwuig llenaull had Ihe pose Figures Not Out auaiust Waller WihmIs McKeowu, institution could not be run 011 irr r r , r,u 1,1 nu until I lie American League sou of a Toronto physician, re. vtt- ' ..iiiinilleil. Ihe rily iiinril had a siiii'iiil less than 7uc. but lie did not I'hiladelphia ;i, SI. Louis 1 1. lui'tie.l a v .'ill ic t for Hie idaintiff 11 Anr J irpn, pcldc uf llu ineeliiiu at 1 today lo nic III" favor colled liilf Ihe J..'(l. W'ushiimt.iii t, Del roil . on all cniiiil. The i-ourt awarded eif ie. knocked out .lack .,.1.. 1 uv v lt lltW for Hie year IU:M Friendly to Board Old Estate (Olhers iiostponed) Miss Vanhoorde 1.000 heart Cull it did not Ihlnk I Winding Op an Country tUlitrrv Delroll. III Ihc thildiu fr, reailinv ami put it into Aid. a hey National League IktIih. id. the ciiliililillee slane. II will be (tad a rlifht lo assume that (he Chicago t, New York 7. The case will be uppealed. wi ii 0f altiichiiieiil coiisiileie.l al .Monday council was not friendly to (lie Cincinnati 1, Iloslou 5. 011 any fintlier W e are uiilhnrued lu sell Ihe following choice lluild-iug liovd Ho far no figure board. The feeling of the council I'iltsburg 0, Ilrooklyn 7. TENNIS CHAMPION J.'linsnn may cam liivhl's meeting. Lots, close in, 011 sewer, and in good district. Kituittc f'ev lir Imul wilh Willard was have been placed in Hie bylaw was (hut more attention on Dili Ave. Kasl. neur Young rilreet. Lots 17-18. Hlk. IS, SI. Louis , Philadelphia 20. I'd ll JnhllS'ill in behair of as eslimales are not ulle completed. should be paid to mailers of col-lecllou uiul Lots U-10, Hlk. Id, Hcction Six. I'riie $450.00 each Coast League IJIMMlN. .May IS. Oeorge II. l I lukcu up al and finance this year. If Yeriiuu 35, Salt Luke II (correct ? in AHilciii' Club which II has mid Ifiius In suit jou, Covey, liiulan.l, retained Hut Imeil uirered 3.U0O duma- this lime in niiler In comply with they knew I lie financial condition . world's iii'.ifessiiinul court leiutlM ' iiuli'i'iiii'ii's wlilch ne- f Ihc cily Ihey would nut ask for 1'orlluiid Lo Angeles 5. 'liuiiii.nisliii High Julius in s failure lo Mil- llUlll li T. McCLYMONT tiwlay defeating car for the UOut Willi t red ce.sitalc Hn Inlaw being cuiii more money He urged that (bo Seal lie 0, Ban Frauctsco a. Waller Kiiisi lU nf New York 7 'f-'-iti ur 'J ' ill l'uge 0', Oi ' 1 Sm eJr ..uv. y