1'AQE BIX TUB DAILY NEWS DOMESTIC SCIENCE NEW IN THIS WEEK'S SALE AND EXHIBIT "..J'Ji TIMBER SALE X 5081. .aiMt t. ii.it, m i, r. . . iv. il hj um Affair Yesterday Afternoon Was fcUWAKUUFSfcll MALDDNaLLTS Specials MUiioii-r iir Law!', nl U-liiria, ul Inter Most Successful Dlsolav of lliali lh.ii nn tin timl day ut lime, 11(3.1 ... . , - r..i llir imrvlia.e ,,f l.tnnie X Mll. to! or" rnusn vom- (Is the First Canadian Halibut iii j.ioi.nuH fi.-i ..r sprurc ami item-pllmentary Comment Pure Honey, lull tin. Wn h, ami l.vuii.tiuo fri r rrlinl anil Boat of This Port to Have hate li I 100 soil iMirknl siMtier ami HhiiI'mi, mi an ami ' " Seml-Deslel Engine ii hi Inn to inialral on l.iinp.u.iw Ij.iiiw IsUn.t. nay. The haanr ami exhibit of work al the lowest have, i.iiarniur i-Maims i.mihi I'tPirm, Installed price we. Viii-ni of the domestic selenre classes of (ft .want will be allowed tor rf- ever seen Honey sold af lli-al nr niiils-r. Ihe public -nnl Inuh schools which The lialilmt set net- Kdwat'd While I hoy lasl. 3 for 35c. tmllirr narurulara if Hie :hlrf tlirea- lei. Vtrlurla, H i... ur lire Pun-It I I'urHlrr. look place eer.lny aflernoon nl llpsetl r.Hpl. -lobn I'clelsoli, BRIER McCormlck's Sodas, 5 II) I'MiieeHuiwi-l, u.o, Ihe lliMilh Melimrinl School YU leached poll ve-lenlny Willi li,-iiimi rnrlon. $1.15. Wn havi! must successful nrfinr in er ion in I of fi-li, after her first been out of this lino for iTspcel. AImiiiI ISO l.iilies patron- uijHKe to lite Imnks follow in(,a some I mie. beinjf unable, to iel Hie iiffitii it Mil Ihe proceeil reeetil tlmniie of imporlanee in jjel stork. This slock is mm I in In eoiisbl I I n v wei-e her Irttjllyr power. 'lite .Ipse! .ajVffl.j firth ninl 1 1I11I11- will Ik- rec-rlvi-d by llm muter eiMji. linil rir Us- biillilma; nf a J tuit ereii niosl snfisfaclory liy nil now hits the iilili)'lioii or hems Canned Peaches (real lHel lni-en-il l.amir l. concerned. the first r.mm.linii lialibul l"'t - I . (Junker sliced riait aim -is-ruii-aiHiin ran lie uuiainiMi lire exNiioi nr work eaiispi. l rrnin inr in-iriri ihhwht. anrwuvsr. TishitiH out or I'linee lliiperl I'earhcs. 's. lien. uliio IMsirli'l l'iri"-nr. I'rlnre lturl. ami llm inn n inosi enmpiinieuinry re-tii.uk hae a seiti-iei.-l eiiniiie. Ijirly "III. f I nrvii-r. Vithiria. on -a)liH-m bf :ille (in anywhere. Spc- per c mi, uhirli mil be reruiHlrd on rtluru iiinl many of the ladies in April in Ibe soolb she had a till 25c, or 5 tins or $1.15. r IIIH-. presi-t were nnli-erl snrprtseil nl i iiorse-nowei i-rise.1 siintwm iiihIit- win I- t-isHiisI msi. Mar llih, O'Cedar Mops, triangle, ml muni In- reeeoeu un or before Dial I III' results otllttinctl lis l-eflci'lCil ieinl.ileisel enyine Installed. rr- 95c. dale. in Ihe woik on display, 'l ire iitih plaeins Hie former W liorsf y2b. O'Cedar Polish, One sine. arli iiiHiri iiiiisi hr am-miianiM M a rrrlinpd ilM-Ur Tin- l'A of Ibe IMHlrred lie school exhibit Cihim-IciI ut power I risen sumiara a son ue Special 45c, a Inr $1.25. aiii'Xiiil. ml Ik fiirarled In an rnvftuiH" ' linn sewiie tiMiidwork and Itie Snap Hand Cleaner. Hep. aiMiTSH-d In tlx- IN'inily Nmnirr r enume. Tor those Smokers aiKl. n inrta. and marked "Trndera Ipf lin.li school work eoni-.iil She left Ynuenmrr Hr the fish i'5r. Special Hi i n week only. 17 run! Launrh. ' who like their tobacco " Canal's Best 20c. O. 11. .VWIR. chiefly of irttrniettl ami dress imr hanks on April !. arrllii(r Cut Fine or who HI M ' Buy. iMI'iny Minuier of Lamia. ipakiiiH niHchine work. Many of heiv after I:mhb twelve liys out Llbby's Orange Marmalade, roll their own THE ECONOMY PACKACt CITr OF PRINCC aiUPCRT. Karnienls hail h i deitiiie I Her chIcr inciilenlally. pttlled I I'm, jars. Urn. value HAVS CREEK BRIDOC by Ui)' nirls thciii-cle. lown Ihe hinhesl priee paid nl MCDONALD'S Fine Cut lUc. While lliey last, li'J Iiii,Iii- will be reri-led by Ibe cue 15$ jtHiirii nr ifM- i-ri'i'iHm ur a iiinne Miss A. II. Mnrci lliM. ilonnolii ihe I'veluinne yeslerviay, l.'I.Jr (Also Procurable in Packages & 251) jar; nl 25c. Tn-.IK- lirldre arnma llay cn-rk. I'lana, sji'iem-e jiistrm tor. had (finer il and He. ' Tl Llbby's Pork and Beans. niriie. ami siH-rinraiem' rna.-i w nwm siipertision of Hie which affair nnl and further Inruriiiatluti obtained al The lAfwanl l.iirsell i u.iinil Heir. i'Oc. Special, 2 for lii- orfli'i' nf IIh- i lly Ciialiterr M " him in chnrite of Ihe nirls of lire rller lh ryiuneer flsliiim Imai 35c, ; r.n $i.oo. Ifl.r Na Till. IVil. sreuiiii hiirii scIhmJ. Tinder-. ill Is- rmifiuered by lire cue yi-ar mi poly man of aneoiter who PRINCESS BEATRICE Terrace Turnips. . They Hiim-il. M-iidltlona!l un Ihe t-asalnf or lloollis niul llmse in rlmrMi old the rifl halilnit srefir on lite ure Kellinw pretty well cleaned in' m-reiar"i" wviaw. w.r- n follows; BRINGS PASSENGERS WF.STROLMR THTr.ATRt Si-ak-d leiMli-rn. rndorM'il Ti-oder far l"ia'ifie l)ast. His eiislomer whs ii i for this year. This Hrlilai-." nni-l Is- deiHrnllril llh Inr i:UT flat olk-rehb-fs Miss (Hndy tirier I hen for .. SlHiTell inanauer lirk !! 'I Di-rini- .ni May ninrl in possibly a last opportu IVi:t. TpihIit-s utteit im an-uiii-nietl by a Nicliulson. Ihe New lltMilimil fish f.o. at Van- The I'. l'.ll. -I.- iiin l l'i i - - Tonight Only, Saturday, 7 and 9 nity io liny a pood supply of i-rrlifii-d i lleqiii fur fire ivr rfut ( Home cookiiiir Miss IInscI nuer. Mr. starrelt. w4o in al i:iiffe. anio.l .r T IIh auiiMini uf ihe bin. Itentrice. Ilapt. a' I h finest Turnips 'jrrown lieRiile.slone. Tm i ulil I. ri'Ji-i'l any ur all lemkyr resenl ill Sciillle. is now enirnire.1 II o'clock lilts iiioriimi: (inn. money savin? prices. More iMMveil In Oh- Oil r.-iinrll :ttit.v Miss trainees Cross, in Ihe sliirtEi'iin fihitis business w.!:. f. V ITARH'T 'aiteoiinr and over this is- pill-il stoek ami assiste.1 by Ms I.iuit I'.iirric. iftg) i 1 1 v Knrllieer. Vninlerlioof. on Slnart llii-r rieur soernl p,iseiijrers ami l I they nir not .snronicd. 7 lb. Ms Mnlsn Kara and Miss Aileen for 25c, 10 lb. r. r $1.00, per Stephen. fieiiilil. iiii'luihnx m-i i-luil.ii fruits fur the local mnrkcl frum 100 lb. snrk. $2.25. irah table- Miss Alice Nel-oii. GROTTO FOOTBALL Htlf Seattle. The sH ideal el on In- Football Hiiin sewiujr Mia i:iitaiielh CLUB NEW OFFICERS turn soulh iliiineatinlely all William deMille I iro c. Rupert Table Supply u'iIiwi.Iimk whs tinishiil. Tin aoauCTiOH Tea room Miss Alice Pill. . r hail .it iassenei out I.ney. assisted b Miss Aileen I'at-nior-e. James M, Campbell Elected Presi .-leain- 4r "Nice Phones 211-212. I Have an English Kip Football Vaneiiner and 15 in Ihe coiir.. People" Miss Irene iMirham. Mis-Annie dent at Meeting Held Last Boot the Best on uf the iiAatr rnit th. Ami nr. Morrison ami Miss Aane-M.tlh. John Night Campbell, the Market. ( ere were 1. l'.lenr. Mr. ami Milt. ".lens I.KCKIK Oil (irain i -. ' Secretary i:inney. W. Monro. ".. V Mm 3 I.M.-M.IJSl Mi-s M 1 1 1 1 .-i 1 1 ii.biiriic poureil Bool. Waterproof. A Ineelinu ..f tin- urotlo Knot .ris,.n. . liilloion in.in !wn'i. 'i:i. Mi-- lioii.lliy Th i ll 1 1. H i w-;i-Iii.t. at $5.00 Ixtll :tult wa- bebl last nixhl in.son Hay . Miss .Mcholls. w n and Mi-s I ' : l Kvelyn Uriel' i-.il ' tn':!e- : the lirollci Ijttar Store. There was Sni.ei,ii.. Hi It. John-.-n nnl Men's IJrown or lllack Fine was in chai '.-.' of :ili'i li-iio.. j ' Clean Up and Shoes with rtibber soles. BIM..I luin..nl nf menrliers ami ' Viiic. nl. the lailer two . iirootc '.,! j(e ri i'C' 1 - f Xii ut $5.00 the follow inu were eleeted as of u lto. ficers for the eiiHtllllK -season: Comedy Harry Sweet In "In Ajai.x" Hoys' School Shoes, Century Paint Up Now fmiii $3.75 BOILS llliesley.Honorary president. Thomas GEORGE CHARLEY NOT Admission 35c and 10c SUPPORT THE NURSES' Ilonoriiry iee-iresililii. lien GUILTY OF MURDER HOME. s.ir and AU1. S. I. Muratunabi. Made Him Sick jimMw M. OliMlbel. Martln-Senour, Shoe Repairing. I'resiiienJ. m:w wii miss i i n Mil- it t00, J'ure I'ailil. Viee-prciilenl. Ib-rl Morgan. ".Vol irnilly wm- the wnlo-i The Management of, Britannia Brewery is m l tAraV Alabastlne, GEO. HILL and Miserable I Secret jiplaio.a ry.John John(4iinvlell.lUiiiiphell. :i jir Irani or li.i.i.c i lonhv British Columbia's best booster. In rrtura Vw Sanitary Wall Finish. linriii il with nun ill i I'll.- e i Britannia Beer. I iMitlmll execrilite eoliMnilte". Kyanlze, The Shoeman. Third Ave. ilenee showed lloil ftenrii-tla I'an! l.corue Wntmh. John (Uiniplxdl DRINK Varnish Slain. was -.hot ami killcil foliovt'im.- Opp. I.X.II Ticket Of fire. ninl James M. IjinrpUell. Neu-Tone, Mr. luilianl Zalenawal. Mi-Lcau, ak drunken spree. Tbe i-k nleiii e rilr.. " bad hmt aurferlof cunlluu-in-ly. I oi.tball inanaKcr, I ieorR'1 Flat Wall t'iiiisli. irrnnislmiliul and hoImmI) ,i, Britannia Beer villi bulla, fur ttirra yrara, air Watiiih. Vltrallte, whul happencii. durmr ibat tm I Irk inaay dirffrrnt Ilepl'i -i n I ill l I' Ii roolball As loiiK Life KuanieU. reinedief vllhuut any tsrreta baurr. Ilrl Mm Barretts Special, Stove WOOD In Hie ur all my trrurla I nxnprllcl -ocnilion. COLF CHAMPION Shingle Varnish. lo u lu IIm busplial. Tlita aa la the Premier Ale tall ur IIk yrar, awl rlrlH In IIm bualeal REGULAR MEETING lU'AI., Ilniiliiiid. Mir) I .' Hi.hi i nil or Hie aaaon. l'iun oiy rrlurn Kaien Hardware ilstiiic II J u.l took about lo werka until BOARD Wei liens) is the new Itrilisb "THEY CANT BE BEAT." EXHIBITION W liae received l just niy nck arxl anna eer aialn oerti4d iohIciii- k-olf chiOnpion He won 608 Third Ave. tar load of up river wood, !by I lie bulla wbiili tuadc uie reel very Ihe tide by ib-fciil in? lloie c Princa Rupert Government Store always have freh i P.O, Box 1646. Tel. 3. Kuarantet'il eeasoned and Ulck ami lularrabs. Native Football Team Asks For l.rri. IihIu li to 5. ment arrive weekly. dry. bite cut to order. ! One day Hie ut my rrrrmla a'lvlwsl nr. Came Drydock Commissary Tin- .ld ! i-i iiii-iiI i. im,I .iibli-lo .! I 1 I' Also Kindling in SasKs. . In try Burdock Blood B Intra, am arur For Housing Natives HOSPITAL WILL ACCEPT OF- llrih-h r.oluiiibi.i or h (hi I I I bail UM-d lesa lliaii lo Ixitllea 1 a During Fair Week FER MADE BY CITY tery muili auriiruwd at tbe rrault. I'or 1'ricca, call l.lllle i.tlier than roilline lin-l-ness 'cmitliiueil from II la iiuw ovtr two yeara (Hire I "l paye one, Announcement! In luuib llli B. D. B. anil I hare baj vta- Iransactcil al Die ieiti-lar CArUftsI YOUR LIFE UPON HydeTransfer hills In eolleeleii when line instead MAY ONE DAY DEPEND ;ik boilu-iilh bulla Mnre. I m til rrrum-irH-ud ineeliiiy of Hie I air Itoard Having taken over Hie II lu all sraoiia lufftrliif frwn iusi nitiht. It. V. H. I,el'me. ire-prcsldeni. of ttllowiiiu I hi in to run on NURSINQ business of I fie I'aeifie l.arl-uuu Phone 580. any tlrrwt In Ibe blood." vvas in Ihe chair nn l Mr. Mcllae said lhe hud already I.III., we an) now in t Service and (juality our II. B. D. la luarruraFluml only by Tlx) the ilin-clors present inilinleil matle nrruniicmeiilH for Be Generous, position to handle every ils-nrriplion Motto. ,T. Mllburu ;o., Lliuiud. TuruuUi, Out. Joe lireer. II. II. Ilelison. Iten Self eolleelions ami had gien Jin-secretary of cal lage work in-Vltliliuic I'hos. Mi Meeklu. I'. I !. i:. A. 'Inst rnclioii- to ullow m, fin inline ann plan Mann and Milliasniii Secretary K. one in tji private ward without With Your Donation to the Nurses' Home Camp1: remittals, e(e. l'atrons uru W. Markiiilosh. imyttteill in ad v a tire and also li, May 16-10. Uiixureil of efficient ervieo A eomiiiniiii'ulloii from the KJI-hiilla edlel i.bere (Missible from Ihusa In all brunch' of our business. BQSTQN Call Fool ;i I r.luli askitiiT for in Ihe public wurd. Canadian Steam Laundry in iiialeh in the city on May 2t wa Mr. WHIIaiits iimuciI In niiieinl-nirlit Phone 8. passed on lo Ihe sports coiihiiII-lee. ihui tn iH?repliiiK Hie iHu. LINDSAY'S GRILL A Kanie, it i eapeele.1, will Ilie IwiiWil feared II would he im be nirinitf el with a Nnas 1 1 i er lia-live possible lo finance on il but Cartage and Storage SEASONABLE SALADS. and see the leum. would do I heir Jiesl. They feared SEASONABLE FRUITS. would have ) hack I l wii" ieiorled al the ineelliiu hey come ONE DOLLAl 214 Fourth Street.. SEASONABLE MEATS. New Store. that arranueiiienls hud been prue-lii-ally lu Ihe council for a bonus. Phone 68. Cheerful Service. coinideleiJ for Ihe use of This was ib fi ulcil OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. My mm is lo please ou Ihe fi'inn-i cnmiii'ssary biibliiiir Mr. Mcllae mfd Dial for a genuine 3rd Ave. Phone 457. Midi ecrylhni you Iniy bl I he ileyiloek for housing Mil-inic 1 1 icy xlainl mil for ('.'.fill a day lo'ic in Ihe (irocety uud iiiiIim. durinit fair week. for city imliiM'fil palietils. 'this 4Iety4uio-Slrop Veffelaide line. whs mil seconded. Razoj A 1 1 nil oriliu" w ilt be uli-,l FOOTBALL LINE UP. After a ifoiiil ileal or dicu-- St. Ttie line-iiji bill been Regis folowlny i taleil. sIMl Ml'. I illlllphell's i Ion M ils DENTISTRY seleeleil by Ihe Urotlo roolball Guaranteed by pill ami i al l ied and Hie Icunl (.lull for the opening game on BjaaHaBBBBFSBBBBBBBBBBBBBaM .r..lio.fl l iidjoiiineil. Cafe F.W.Moersch Monday night: IIIBIIUIUklsi."smeJWa S, liawlhorn, goal; II. Hanoi -(on contain Hiihscrlhe for ths hIIv New. and A. Hoy, hacka; I. Mc-liowun, that made the 5l Prince Rupert's Leading Dr.J.Maguire He Suln.rici " H. Wuuijh, J. M. Campbell, I Restaurant. Phone 13. P.O. Box 123. hulxes; J. Jarkfoli, II. Howe, let iamoui A Bakery Unsurpassed. Rooms 7 and 8 Smith ilock. iS. Krskine, J, Camrihell and Jas. SILVERSIDES Third Avenue. Office Hours) 9 to 9. REMEMBER THE NURSES' mlrews, fofwanl a; reserved, II. THE BIGGEST M'4 HOME DRIVE. (iHWlhorn, II. Hut 1 1 It and J. Offl Phone 575 Lady Assistant. Trinder, RFIOS. VALUE EVER The Kim of Kiiflaiiii will lie )cali:r in TO THE rVtUi picked ri'.in (he follow Iiik list or FRESH MILK DAILY GOOD FIT players: llemiuoiis, Kelsey, Cameron, Wallpapers, Herc'a your W'l Dr. E. S. TAIT J Cnugs, lloilkinsoii, RAZORSTROP J-ruin 'I'liiker. I'mks, llai'lon. I.ainbe. to eliminate Paint, Glass, Our Gcneniment Tested TAILOR I' urti iiui . Hamilton, 11 all, Kltaw 3 BLADES constant Purch,f DENTIST. Herd of Guernsey Dairy and Itioilter. COMPLETE to Ladles' and dent's Cleaning, Art Supplies, of new blades Helgerson Block, BETTER Cows. Pressing and Repairing. FOR vour old Fnf' PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. MILK. Clolhe- ' alii-.i I 'M and K-1 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Klc. ONE DOLLAR Office Hours, 9 to 6. BETTER SERVICE. 1 ei'i'ii. Out of town orders got Phone 680. STANDARD DAIRY Suits Made to Order. l ull K M.I-:. l uincU ouk 'tine iiiitii' iliati all in mil, ORMES LIMITED Open Evenings Only For Phone 766. 733 Third Ave., .Vmiiih-'i-i- run I mob iiin Only Humpies tt'iil on riniuest. The Reall Stores Phones 200, 82 anJ 34 Special Appointments. Phone Black 51. Opposite Empress Hotel. in-. . v. ur CumIi oi ici'iiif Phone 22. P.O. Box 120. We.- lift. Ui..y New