lM I lr TIT1 IUTT.T NEWS page ms h.p, ritiffalo- hpfiTy' duly In place. nf I lie Wlnlnn Hli which orl-pinnlly dll the propelling honor. A I rlnl trip wn madp n Tnea-day nlghl and everything proved afillafnrlnry, mprhnnlrally. Willi Hit Insinuation the giirvheam will not travel fast quite. o but will Irnvel more, often, What is the Price f'.apl. A. flwanaon, of the Prince flnpert Ilnalhouae, lefl on the f$G Uoln ' Moaqullo Plt which U lh mTW Meaner Prince Iltiperl on Wed- neadny evening on a hufnea (Centre TORONTO of Shopping ' umrm.sv , I rip lo Anyox; of Good Clothes ? uuitnets uuirM The Admiral of Ihe I l In wlvej nnd aweelhearla. lo a slnn' N'" ,ow'r l,ofl- 1w"' M,,n'' 1 10 ROOMS hitrh ni.ini-. Iln- week. Iinvifi.iiii Iii.i -iitiiier iii rlphrniii.ii rjl',,ftln l.ockr. arrival in erihinie. a ihiIIi.Iiiv. nn.l la of In i)ii ii.,i!1v u i.i.i m. l',,r " I'hiiraiUy ninrrilnp from ' tl.OI.PaOI.,MA-, di. we'.h.ni ,'Ian'1 f'V h',ng buying public today demands.fair prices the lowest prices , lll U Pill I- I It'll Willi lilt- 111111111111,11141 man J know and KXKMsmxxmnuaaofx or fiati luiini.a pnl IhroiiKli. II have pf In locale Hie man or pile THE for quality merchandise. People will not buy an article repnrla lliiil Hie romlnp of mini woman who ha the nerve In they believe it Is "high-priced." Unfortunately many jmer wi'allior Iiiih materially liii-ak him. Jud?iiig hy caper Flra. Fir. Flral and merchants have taken this to mean that people ifii riimlilioiia fur t)if hUh uurlncr Hip funrllofi wonM lliPrry of fir ranx nlontr Hip want only goods "made down lo a price." t ilirml n,iim iiornlinu on 1 ho hish ay hn la ahoul fiflppn ypara in w.ifprfronl on gunilay pvpninn ,-ipola nnl Ihal I In lialilml havi Hip top alOrry ami ohoiil fifly-; In' whrn Hip fiMjf if lor Clap- That Is not the belief of William H. Lelshman and Company, of oes: ripiinifil milliinlly In i linil-,ril np ypara in hia iirlhpr p.lrpml- pTlon'a rraiilpripp, ailualPil ovpp Toronto. They believe there Is nothing the public buys In which quality liol. 'Mm Humility nf fih IIp. TIip npwly npjMiinlPil in-'"" l'rvinrlal jrovprninpnl ilook, is so Important as It is in clothing. That is why they have steadfastly InihIoiI Ihm wwk ha i inlrrlnr of ' rniillin rlonJa of nrr ( lh flarohip lonl il- "n refused lo lower the high quality of Lelshman Clothes. 7jJ;llK hnn yii'J rr It prvitMi wk, nllhfiiinli arlf mlmlrahly In Hip nrroinmn-' "iokP. ami n prply array of smlr mm neys worth. ilho piirr. have ti nl n iMnMnry lo lallon of Hip laryp rrowil prp- pnrk. 'Hip flrat alarm waa The four essentials of "good" clothes good material, good design, lilily ilr. Inn-. I Iip I'.iininliaii pnl. whllp llfp ipw pilot honp hlown on Hip mouth nri?an hy good fit, and (best of all) good tailoring are embodied in every liirtiinT i i'i'imipiI hiulicr prir" inmlp nn pn-plfpnl rPllrinn room ',',', Polrm, uho aflprwarila aal Lelshman garment. ir Prices ilium Mi AiiM-ricNii on Tlitirfilay for Ihp iiPtillPniPn, whpro ilrink l'wn In wrilp a poalranl In Hip liit.'ii-r for firl ninl anil hort loria ronht hp rn- firo hrivmlp. llowppr. Hill Skimping the quality of the workmanship, the material or the u idered, rnn'l ho i'.-iiu ,lu fi. win riaiil lo Joypil willioiil fpr of molpala- Shrulmall ahowpd tii prppnrp trimmings will lower the price but it also lowers the quality and the leal l Ik lml ui I In- Iiiiiiii1 Heel on lion hy Initioa. Honip umiilppri of in in.l hy itPlnilin? a nian lo' character of the garment. rr.mill nf I In' iimII nriiAiinl nf lalip nnil ypullPiiiPii, many of phonp up Hip firp hriirnp an.l lo for Inn from 55.50.i.nir, llniimliiin fih hITitimk for IliPrWhom ttiMrf'aip.l In I.p in fanry inform Hip rhipf Ihal aoniPlhinir1 A Lelshman garment Is not built to look at on a form. It Citimiliuii murk)'!. ilrpaa, aal ilnwn lo a rtiyal aprpail !iiniinal waa happpninir down is built to "stand up" to every test, and it always gives "that well dressed" Rpim ;.k :.( Hie fainou The I'lAji iiuiiii'ii i.nnn pounl- if hot ilhtfa lu(To.I wild aprinar "'"I way whirli miBhl inlprpl. ! appearance. rili' V elta Hie fyr nf loii anlnuMi umt ton pound of (iniona anil rl pppfipr. .Many of MiPfii. A rrowil aoon framrrPrt lo i Mi, fnk. mIiiip ii I huroilay. ih only al- Hip ilinpra rpinntkpil Ihal il waa walrh Hip fun ami IhPir ravinpa The difference In price Is not great but the difference in satisfaction REPAIRED WHILE liinii niilXMl "I Hip we. A niliil- Hip hotlpal llilnj Ihpy had PVPr nwokP lofl who waa apppin(rj to the wearer Is Immeasurable. -YOU WAIT. :liori.f IiiIIpi huvV-trnno furlher iippn forppd lo awallow. pop waa iniiPlly undpr Mip kilrhpn alovp, nfirlil lo vHinrr in Hirtr harrl pnpl in jrrp'iit ijuanlily lo Hip Pourh hnvinir lppn npwiyl Lelshman Clothe appeal to the man who knows the value of thur Shoe Store of i In- iiipp. several of Hip lilll ldip whilp Hip naiilirnl IoiipiI posprpil. l'uin llor' appparanrp'' quality tailoring. They make satisfied customers, because the wearer frl..w- Imvp nlri'Hl iron mil n down Hip IipmI of Hip niPnl wilh ' "'P window lo app wiat all Hip gets full value for the price he pays. There Is the same guaranteed .n, ottn-e act Ave. far ii- ilii! llipiMi llnni nml will tlip rptnilalioii fpp alimiilant. At f"" waa nl.oiil Hm rrowd in- value iq Lelshman "Ready-for-Service" and "Made-to-Your-Measure" .'iiillmiji' Irollina; in Aitjiironl lh oiipuain of Hip aolid and fomiPit him that hia aboilP waa clothes. w.ilfr - fur III" (Muon. liiniil Hip lahlp waa rlparpd for on firp. I hal lpiri(t Hip rap Ii.w Triin'1 tii'lwppn I In O'ippii IpppIip and rlojf danrinir. TIip iliouPd Hip iii.lllpr ovpr I ho This store will sell you a Lelshman suit or overcoat with confidence Ch.irlolli IIiimI liy Hie liiirvr firal f ppak waa orolhy Mitiy, phonp wilh Hip firp dpparlniPnl. you will wear it with satisfaction. And the price of good clothes Hip promtapil hrnip' of Sam Span-,whirh forlnnalply had pfl fur im-mI IiiiiiIk i 'loailily ineruimr. is in the satisfaction you get. 72 Seymour SL tin- ii--IOiin4tl of Hip ilmnl opr. Hip fpp niPPhanir. Miaa Hip appnp of arli.ni Hip prpviona llu.ii ii Hay Slor), .1. l' l ; .: . )i(y IimipIipiI upon Hip aplpndid dny, nlid Hip .IioIp firp fi2hlinir lir-llfl-r '.Iflllllllllll-MI IOTI VANCOUVER, B.C. ijll'lllulliIIIK iorl, MaH. Ilurk- neid IipiiUiI aprpad providpd hy forrp itrritPd Joiforp Hip phonp Weateyyanl, ManapiT. l' Hay. ami I'orl (UpiupiiIh. TIip Ikp old man and aa a lokon of ronvprnlion hint hppn ouipIpI- "( YVIw'l" llrandoii j Parhelia. Uapl. Swanon, nl Hip ciMMlwill on hphalf of thop aa- pd. TIip firp flctilPra soon jrol Bryant Company Ltd. aid,,Muin Jaw. jWiiruiim. IhmI. Krlrtiiim, Iiiivp PtnldiNl prppnp'l IhP supat nf huy and itirovpro.1 (hat Hip lrn-Flrp roof-Central 'holli puiil lili In Ihn lniy i-jlanil honor wilh a auhrriplion rard rhitniipy had tippn oMTw.irkc.l We Apim-lat Your pnrln nn Hip rpiill of Hip fin liPhair or HlP'Xurapa' HomP wilh Hip riinPfiiPtiPP Ihal il had UujJncn. iiniTPaonl nPlKlti- of Hip Ma. Hnmpaipn 1'iind. TIip Admiral. rrlipd in h mol untrninly Sixth Street 'pii l.iiiiilipr Oimpajiy. .till lPr of Ihnnka In hia pypa. fahinn. TIip ponflairmlion wn I Mr!.An t any notliinf nf Ihnap ,n hia piniii hi lid up.t and kv rPtifPd TIip X. M. hipyr;l iHiiidkPrrliiPf, trip.1 lo rcinnd forlhwiHi lo hia untie dnAmi te- jar liiimly tHfuifpl in repair h4ll Piooli.in mrrraniP him and iipnlh Hip alip.p bpfnrpiilliP rnl IN GOAL work "n Hip KIpbiW Map. Whilp wua forrpil In ait doun ami.1 t'nl uip tn it. l.nl. .in.l. n hpw mapp mihI l many puiply lMtllie. )owppr, ! J uii.Ipi- onulrwplkHi. 'Hip Suga mil In Im oil I ilon p. Hip olj hoyi Bulldlna Koaad Boat ivanl ii rp iiln fully Piilploypal. rM)i;nuw Hupply-our nlppppd lo jfhp a poTdamp v u 'vii ..... i. i....i.i....r ,. ... on IhP UhlP lo Hip nppompani-1 ,),;,u,"? JS EDSON COAL Admiral's Birthday ,,, a, ,,i!t ow) I'liny it HppI niPnl ..f Hip wolii, in Hip unpjp- jnp(N T( ,,,, In.aMlr ;2 fl. for lhrpof hpr rrpw lo makp for pxpprirnppd pvp i I i ilillirull to Of Hip gjun Tin- nhlP hanl of Sum .Mrpy. Hip . -. ...n M.MI,.. trr-i. llll.l,... ...:,. Hutlpr'a Covp in a dor- In try what has hppn donP-. TIip i See Yourself as Others See Hip pi'pim- nf ii Ktvul jwmlioicp on Feei Co tl' i. . . .l . . al. .It tt(.(.rw,.jaM Ii n. k'prtnnfli unpins if a r.n.l- and ohtain aid. TIip akipper and inlprior ia a maslprpipcp of hi jiupert t Pfliii'Miiiiy niyiii wui-n nit 'fffcPl IIip lirp.ikina- ,l.iun nf H.p , . . .. '. . .' . imiai ,.r i ii rippi i'niTininp hia . . . .. . , '. . inp opal gif iimmn aaii-irar- anollipr inpiiJpr of Hip tpw arlialir art and Hip windows of Phooa 58. '-mpaiiiPil Ihnr lorily. If aurli an piipinp i in- liwk In Hip. hoat. TIip Azorpa IhP ratlin arp lo he filled with; lnii-pv hy lrin on Hip violin, bronjiht for MIRRORS ilnllPi ll woulil Hip float a happpii to not ire. mm wavinir flnwrr hoxp in which ar tin lorn lo ik.Ipii li-riiiinalion. a rMpil of from 25 In 30 niilp from Hip ahorp and on lakin? planted spring nniona and par-1 Tin flimr aa IIipii rlparp.1 for ippr hour and wotid hring Hip Salt Hiem alxiard learned of Hip iiiU- tick. This fa a new innovation' Sen In Spring and diii'i iiit; lo IhP miaprnhlp alraina.l.akPa rifhl to Man'a door, ko lo hap and made at onrp for Hip I" hp decorating of imata and' Summer. of Hip fpp orrliPalra. TIip Jump. pppak. I lit l. ml iri for Mm slrieken hoat. Afler a little dif- will undoulitPdly rause a flurry T. ROSS MACKAY ready- nip ur..iin.i .oniinui iiniil hip j,r,na .,, fjcully Hip Vesln waa towp.1 off of pxritpment when ahe apppar Fulton Ilinii'i. iii-."iii wrir i. n f-ii-iiior - - Hip rorka and ia now on Hip dry- at local holiday reaorta. St. hy llo'ir apirila llial no parlnpr Phone Blue 165. cir apparel Rotl M. In Port diek undprpoinff neipary re- i.ir.'r.'d fur Dip ladiPa. Hy W''i.il TIip .orr taun.-h Hoaio II.. Iiair. I Fish Business tat Arrlvad. Hip of Hiop SiaaoM QUMJTY ivi,iu'-t iiauipa pr--'. Dunne Hip wppk "05,700 lha. .Mallhrw ml view our ttoek HAND X nol napl. Yromun'a, nrrivisl l Hiv puhliliPd. from ,laill on Tui'day wilh The tujr Marmon, Capl. of halibut hn hppn markele.1 Readu-to-wear A. Drown, A. ljlar.N, and .rx. Cameron, arrived in port, from Ihrotiph Hip Kih Kxrhamrp. The aB lla)1 New Engine Sunbeam II. lYpomuna' alma ri I. TIip flmip II. Yanrouver on Thursday tiioriiiny hiphpsl pricp paid waa UJJe. and h(rd Avenu. tiaoass li.nn uw to. UaiTf Tlir .'onslal rruisrr Kunhp.im ia a UHPful tonkins iIppo spa boat w ii ii :io omnia oi ammonia r i".' uno me j.ri i-.ir. uou, KING GEORGE liaiiK of Montreal. M.m iucm.H.&ii I.e.( am..k.Mai.t.1.XmIitvi, fw, ; II, .s.piHTi-d hy .our. Stork, has unJ n,oai.rpa 15 fppt longr liy in Hip Kennpernl Copppr romiany of r. Hip arrival pre: IlPlpc-h'pfrhiknn. i-p.prnv i.im'h i.no.i mm a u-ian, i jn. .pam. SIip dprivr hpr TIip ainmonia will land, Kaalern I'oinl, Teddy J., (power from a IS h.p. Yale rn frinc he Irnnshipppd In Kelehiknn ia Imperial, Kram, llelianre, I.iv-Hip CAFE whirlt fhra lior a apppi) if 8 I'rinrpsa Mary nn Monday. injratmip, Jop linker, Xuha, Ajrnpa Fiahpr. Anna First Class It., Kinpeome, hour.- The hoal ppr waa fmiip I YrllowalonP, HrolliPra, Clara X CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. at Old Maai.pU and will hp Bob Take PMunaa ., ... . . , Kayouau, llepuhlic, Itoyul, He Furnished Room to Rent. ilPii or apiniujr WIiiIp Rupert Store and in Him llnaip-purpospa.II. will liance .No. I. Ilpform, Hi iill, Prices Iteaannahla port nee Cigar go on per at Hip Prince Itupert Hoat- Sentinel, IMoneer. Constitution, Phone Blue 471. I In dry dock for mprhaniral houap ia tired tif the hard hoard h Second Ave. Valorous, Tahoina, Lincoln, Ade. f iiiihinr I our lira, and whrn roni. on land and necaionally lakVa' fcreation for ppPil will pap for lhr''.Vua a pinner in the drink Ju!'tn line, Tom and Al. Tillie S., Aores, Seandia, Silka, Seattle, ripr dislricl. allow how rlper he ia nt walking Billiard Serivua, Viola, Murineaj, D.CI., the Weary Mind Parlor, on Hip water in hia new ten TIip Ciih, Capl. Yii Marklund. hooa. The latest plunpe hap K. I.ipselt, op. i on Hip Ward witya for gpnpral pened on Wednesday when, wilh Dr.A.H.Bayne WhltleChangee Hands Third Avenue iprhaulin purpose. the asaislancp nf Hurry (iilhcrt The romhined aailinp nnd nml Hip pood ship Provincial, lloh A iow loa.lo.1 with lumlipr ar. wua endeavorinf lo loose power yacht WJiilie, owned hy "WE ARE NOT LEAVING TOWN rivi'd from Swnnoa llay' iu Ihn some logs in n. ,tl..i..pry.r- .Corporal U I' I IB Thorn!Ml.nnAI hwaile,l.-n.lj of I ho DENTIST lup Darl on Thursday for I ho dry dock. All werft well until one ":' - Rooms 4, 5, 6 Helpers on rhuraday vhen it waa sold tn Mr. Alhprl-MrCafTery ,.,. intcrPts. ni .....a...- ,.a .i Block. Phone 109 lloh started to'flx II. Forpellinp Eleanor Mac's New Engine store for the Pacific Mills, UdJ Office Hours, 9 to 6 that hia numher (ena were pot for Oeoan Falla. Mr. Conklin ahip-l Igents The lialilml schooner i'.leannr Wpiked hia font illpped nnd he- ....i i.i ......i.. ... i . Tuesday, Thursday, Satur. -Mar, owned hy skipper .JarvU fore ho ronld shin hU J.alance lo '"' " " """' ."J V." . 1" day Evenings, 7 to 9 Me Deo,J, u on Hip X. M. McLean do the waler walkfus alunt he' ' ""'" """" , . and S 8 BBiiBBBV waya for the inalallation of a waa preeipitatPd into the , ' " " " 0 h.p, Manduftl heay duly Chuck. Hut for the gallant ef-1 m piilfino. It Im aaid hy the fleet fort at rearue hy Harry ll i on aeeiel aerviep Ihal 1lu tliia the card that Hob would ho igines power ahoard it ia the Intention walking the hotloni of the hay A Whole Year's Shines. of her owner ia run cheap ej yl. and ji'iiralona la I jil;uij un.l.Me.liler- Get "NUGGRT" Outfit-Hrush, a x ruiteuu health rfkorla., on't Maeve Looking Swell tinot poliiJiand polishing pad card crowd fr ticket a, please, The "apeed ealer Maevr, skippered wSlKrwfffffhttf''' liSaBBM board boxes,60c metal boxes, 75c supplies m -'-- o-Vesta hy Ales. McDonald of fire and with three extra tins,45c, you In Tow fishtin? fame, la reclining gruce. can have athine every day for a year. The American achoouer Vesta, fully in Cow llay. This tilth ! ily for terms i.upi. rwunaon urrnci in port ou crafl I jjrudijally uanuinln- a Thursday momiiitr in low of the Jieullhy outlook on lir hy thej Aiorea. i'.upl. IMwarda, havlni,' application of paint, He, nt the' ie Blue 91 run umuck on the meks between hand of her owner. Alex, has1 Srioe Polish t .upp Heorr and rnul llocl. 'heen upendluK a lot at fpare time While fisliliifcr olf Cupe Ueorfie lo any nothing of pure change, LiCK TAN TONCT r Hip esta climbed on to the in filing- Hip hoat up fr Hie bk saunw an man corks AhlcJi made irftnedient sunny day although to the tin