Thurdy September 13, 1923, Exhibition Week specials 1 Writing Tablet r ana Package of " Pmralnnoc .-. ""H aa Thl it a 50c Value. Chocolates OANONG'8 CHOCOLATES Mic fiiie-t m the land, G5c lb. 65c per lb. Sponges 80RBO SPONGES. A sponge thai ran fee lliorouglily cleansed williout damaging il. - No. 1 - 25c; formerly iOc. No. a and 1 -75c; rornierly l.u(i and $1.50. A WIDE ASSORTMENT OF TOILET, BATH AND MEDICATED SOAPS AT VERY SPECIAL PRICES. A8SORTED TALCUM POWDERS tor 20c, 2 (or 35c Face Powders 01 While. Flesh and Hr unite Shade 50c box ORMES LTD. The Rexall Stores. Phones 200, 82 and 134. 3rd Ave. and 6th. 3rd Ave. and 2nd. We pay pes'uge on all mail orders. COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. . 8.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX . . WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. SS. PRINCE ALBERT or PRINCE JOHN. ttKFri liwpMfl aad Slaaart Mm,, a.m. Vafunw lit Q..a CharlaHta hiaada . Wadaaaday a pjm. Slaaaa lff "arta Suad. a.m. ..PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNOAY. L l-rtnr HlerJ f fira. t,i MlOftE OCOUi.E. EOI0.TO.V WI.V Mf JO all p u, Mtlrrti :ana4a, I nil-d sutri aOtNCV AIL OCCAM STEAMSHIP LINES. Cltf. TUkti Offtta, Sit ThVd A.., Frlnca M u part. fhaaa 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert 8.8. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.8. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, Sept.1, 8, 14, 25; Oct. 5. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, SepU 3, 10,21 ; Oct, 1. S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For "Butedale, 8wanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General AgenL Corner of 4Ui Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Mlllnr FrwB Prlnc Rupfrt. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Octan rail, and Swanaan Bay, Tutadar, S P.M. fof VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alarl Bar, Soanaan Bar, Saturtfar Noes. Far MVQX, ALICC ARM, STIWART, Waltt latand, lundar S P.M. far PORT SIMPSON and Naaa Rltar Cannarlaa. Tfldar A.M. eU 'tnd Arnu. J. Barnalar, Agant. ITIuce Rupert, B.C Prince Rupert School of Music Musical Director, H. Aubrey-Pryce, professor anil leaclicr 111 Hie art of violin 11 ml piano playing-. Fall Term begins Tuesday, September 4. Pupils may now Ih Vnrolleil for I lie season. Senior 1'raclife Tuesday evenings, 7. HO odock. .Inilio'r (litliesliu 1'int lice IViduy Kveiiings, 7.00 o'clock. For terms, etc., Phone 674. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "Tlie Service Store." J WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES ' ' Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 01. C 1 Local and Personal U.C. Undertakers. I'hone il. Hayners, Uodei taker. Pboue 351. tf Masquerade Costumes at "Ie-iners." pi 0. r Rock Drilling concert at 5.30 this afternoon. at 4.30 p.m. tomorrow, Friday.' Mr. a ii I Mr, (i. A. Woodland arrived from the south yesterday 11 I he Prince Huperl. f. ' K. II. Shock ley was a jtasseuger from I lie aoulh yesterday after noon on the Prince ltuiert. Every dollar buy a bookl The library wl lie closed from Tues day uiilil Friday inclusive during Pi The name?., of ItoMlas Stork William Cruiik-liank and Jack llariolev were inadverlaintly ..iinllrd from Ihe firt ublilied lil of Hie Karat (iyro Club rbar- 'er member. illiaiu Midillelon, asoislanl f ajo t liuk' archil eel of th lro mcial department uf public works, arrived in Ihe city from Victoria yetrr.lay afternoon and made an inspection of Ihe new 'url houe here after which he sailed for Anyox. He Avill u- back 111 town tunipht and will iil the interior on deiarlmenta! buiuc- before reluming south. Jank McNeill uf T'elkwa and H. V. i. l.el'ine of I'nnce Itucit. inlrilueed by W. F. Kobe-rite. W. C. Itreinian. movie man from Vancouver introduced by Norris I'riugle and ISyro Charlie Clulf of Vaucouxer inlroduceil by Joe tln-er were Hie puests of the I'rince Rupert !yn Club al the regular lunclieon lat evening in Hie St. Regis Cafe. Lionel lhdlby was in charjre of the progriim which confuted of an iinproinptu address 011 "Heller' Babies' by Joe lireer, rt'ciUition by Doug. Stork, otory by 1 .01 Waufeh and sonu by Lionel Hollby. In the iibsrnee of President Milt, lion-inles. Vice-President S. K. Camp bell presided. Plus 1c Per Piece, 7- 1 a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of your waahlnp 80 par cant or your Ironing avarylhlng rfturnad drjr You alroply touch up faw outar garmanti auch ai walata, blousas, housa drtaara, with hand-Iron. Thona ui today. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. TBI DAILY NffWfl PA! TFHI1 I .aaaaaaMaaBBBBaaaaaiaaaaaaiaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai WOOD CHOPPING CONTEST lal1 ean ot St the campaign, 2IC .V. II. Trite of F'ernie arrived lieu Joalerday on hi way ) Telkwa ( lonk oer mining in - perll iir which he is interested. " -i 1 Cars of our famous glove cui again arfivjn.-, You'll like 1' We hae nd fub-astteU. COX-SL MHJIS COAL CO, Ltd. Phone 7. 'J"- 211) Provide good, reading matter for the children! More books are rpguirwl in 4 lie Chtklreu's Kec-iK.n in the library. Make your donation today. ;i6 - Cllll.ltllls.VS SPOUTS. Prize's won at the children's sport yes- lenlay will he presented by Chief Vieker at '1 .. clock this afler-iioon al the city police Mai ion. --- I I. Ituri. Canada Itailwajr V aifenl al Suiittiers. passed ilir-Mjali the city jesterday af-i.-nioon rrt ui iinii? to the interior afirr a holiday trip t Vancou-er. If vou would like lo hate a fei of your lawtrile authors, aik the librarian. She will obtain Hie el for you -if you tll her how much you are urenared to t.liarlcK 1 a uuart of ordiiia y milk. tor cream. ue it an it comes to you for milk add sIiBhtly more than equal pari t water. )pler a few can from your jrrocer. Send for Free St, Charles Recipe Book. The Borden Co. Limited VANCOUVER. Condensary at 8outh Sumas, B.C, Rock Drilling this afternoon. contest at 5.30 WOOD CHOPPING CONTEST 4.30 p.m. Tomorrow, Friday. Misf A. H. Mai ''eMu is return ins -oulh on the steamer Prince ltuert lliis evening. Regular monthly meetiu? of SI. Andrew's Society tomorrow, Friday night al X p.m. Herman Haa; was fined I50 in the nolice court this morning for supplying liquor lo Indian?. .Iihh Setback was found guilty of intoxication and fined 50 in Ihe ptrifee courj this morning by Magistrate MeQlymoiiL, r Tlierr was attolher good 1 lance last night al le Luxe Hall with .lohniHin Russflirenville orches Ira provWitig the muic. These ilauees are being continued until (he F"air is uvfr. ;itie charf Jjf, allawiag drunk mhss on Ihe . hreinies of Hie Royal HtWel piefcrmJ by Ihe c i I y police againl A. 11 Henderson was jdisurissetl in eourt (his morning ttn account of insufli cient evkJenre. , Hon. W. J. Howser and R. II I'ooley left on last night's train for Terrace. They will also visit other inn!s along- ihe line of the Canadian National between here and Prince (ieorge in Ihe course of their speaking lour. "4- - - FAIR PROGRAM, TOMORROW, FRIDAY 2 p.m. Football, Telkwa vs. Prince Rupert. 4 p.m. Foot" ball, Indian name. 4.30 p.m, Wood Chopplna. 8 p.m. Mas querade Dance In Exhibition Building. Admission 50c. Mid way attractions. Matt. Videi-a: has mhled Iwo new cars to his ulready popular "25" Taxi Service. Palrous now have Ihe choice uf Reo Seven, Oldsmobile Five and Sedan Five passenger rars.' all bavin,: been well decorated 111 id represented in Wednesday'- parade. Stand, Royal Hotel, Third Avenue and Sixth SI reel. Il Fire broke out jn the room of Alex. Roy in Hie Royal Hotel last night at midnight- and, before il was extinguished, the mattress nut lied clothing had been des Iroyed as well as a suit of clothes belonging lo Ihe occupant. The blaze was extinguished bv Hie slatf of the hujel williout re course lo the fire department. Murray Clifton, Indian, vas fined 25 in the police court this morning for having' liquor in his possession; Joseph While, also u native, was fined $10 for intoxication, and Hosier Ryan, another Indian, was found guilty of vagrancy and is being held by Ihe polico pending the departure of the next boat for Port Simpson on which she'' Will leave Hie BIRTHS A son was born. .yesterday at the (leneral Hospital lo Mr. and Mrs. (ieorge Anderson, Ho"aeli Place. A daughter waHloru lo Mr. and Mrs. James AlcKay, Sixth Avenue, yesterday at, tint (icneiul PRIZE DOGS Following are the prize win ners at the .local dosr show in connection with the Fair: Wire haired fox terriers I, J.! Hose;. 2. Win. Miller. i well. Airdalc terriers I, Mr. Trin- der: 2. Win.yMiIIr... spanieliT-2, Mrs.J, W. Hond. Kniish bulldojrs l, N t. llob- insini; 2. m. xi. Mepuen. special. bcKt male dog in the how I. W. Sherman. CHALLENGE OCEAN FALLS WINNING C.N.R. CONNECTIONS FOR i " T ! File Prince ituor( !yro Club hereby clialleiit"' the I'rinre Hu-I perl Itotary Club to a panve if Ita.eliall lo be played on Acropolis Hill grounds on Thursday alternoon next. Proceeds of Hie pate lo po to Hie Japanese Relief; Fund. - ! I. 6TOHK. Cliainnan Gyro "Athletie Committee. ! The score of Hie Ocean Falls-' Telkwa football game when Hie half tune whistle blew at 2.30 j was a to nil in favor of I he i paper makers. The scorers were: I achin, Hell and Hlooui. (icorge Waugh-is referee'ing the-match. (!a boat Moira. Capt. Maupiti, was In !'Dii lasi night from Kel-rhikan with 1, 0(1(1 rases of can ned salmon for transshipment easi over uie inauian .anonai Railways. The boat arrived al 5 last evening and returned north early this inorniu?. WHITE STAR SAILINGS Steamships of the While Star line will sail from Montreal as follows: s.s. "Regina," September 2; "Megantic." October 8; Doric," Oct. 13; "Canada." Oct. 20: "Regina," Oct. 27; "loric," November 10. Paen;jers fr these steamers should arrange to leave Prince Rupert via Canadian National Railways on September 22, Oct. I, C, 13, 20. and November 3. F'or rates and reservations, call or write Cily Ticket Olliee. Cana dian National Railways. 528 Third Aveuu, Prince Rupert. H.C. Phone 260. 218 MASQUERADE BALL The commiiipe in charge have decided on a Costume Masque Hall on Friday. September 14. for which numerous prizes are being awarded. No one will be allowed to participate in dancing unless in costume up till 11 p.m. or until the time of unmasking. Costumes can he rented al the Hlldltch Drv Goods Store, Third Avenue. 216 FULLER'SPECIALS ! ' For the Week-end Prunes, per box $1.25 j Peaches, per box $1.50 Pears, per box 3.50 Crabapples. per lb. . .05c. Hulk Cocoa, per Jb. .15c Special Fresh Eggs .50c ANNOUNCEMENTS Hill 00. I.O.IU... Halloween liazaaj. October .'0. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, September 13 Hi git 2:10 a.m. 21.3 ft. 11:59 p.m. 21.7 " Low 8:51 n.m, 2.5 " 21:21 p.m. 2.3 " Friday, September 14 High 3:32 a.m. 20.5 ft. 15:13 p.m. 21.2 " Low i):32 .m. 3.0 " 22;ll p.m. - 2.'J " " ! NOTICE Advertisers are reminded that copy for advertisements should be in the Dally News olllce before p.m. today to ensure insertion in tomorrow's issue, tf H EMORRHOIDS Do not auffer another iy with Itching, OleeJlo. or lVotrudlni; I'lln or llcmorrhotla. aurrlcal operation relu-riL Dr. CJiaaa'a uinimrm win ruva you ai m- ni attord laatlnir tM-nrdt. too a, bo all daalrra. or RJmanaon. Kataa & Co.,, Toronto. Eampla box Xr .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamx i , B aaaaaaaaaaaaaH',' 3 ism, MaaMBHuBlaaaaMBaaW n Soap thatsoaks clothes clean different from anything you have ever used before Rinso it an entirely new kind of aoap, every granule made of pure materials perfectly combined. Jutt by Booking, in its big lasting suds, the most ground-in dirt is gently loosened and dissolved. Only the very dirtiest places need to be rubbed at all NOTEs la kmrd water it take, hmm 1 " 1 w 1 paekaa o Km t a tab t uk aood mid, la i.ry 4.rW wtr I'M will ne4 ham U I 2 aackaa " to a tab to ( tb b Uauag rad tbal looaea all lb dirt. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO RJ04W Have You Tried? . ... i iii- - . " I - 1 !' Rupert Brand aOOCKEYE V ALMON y Jandwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT ' $ Prince Rupert Music Store ' "music "Kvers thing in Music" The' Latest in Popular Music. ORCHESTRAL MUSIC. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AND MUSICAL NOVELTIES. .GRAMOPHONES AND GRAMOPHONE RECORDS. The Lntest in everything in the Musical Line at the Lowest Prices, Prince Rupert Music Store. Next Wallace's. SUPPER-TIME SUGGESTION The Whole Family Will Appreciate. . Serve Electric-bake Raisin Bread Wo use Thompson Seedless Itaisius lo enrich this de. lieious cuko-broad. They ure rich in iron, high ill energy value nnd gfcutly ndd to the wiiok'someiiess of liread. THE CHILDREN LIKE IT BETWEEN MEALS. Made Fresh Every Day at the Electric Window Bakeries Third Avenue