SHOT FOREMAN LOGGING CAMP Qeorae Banks of Port Albernl Says MoDanlels Smashed In His Door POUT M.IIKIINI. Sept. 13. feorae hanks was arrested yes terday on a charae of shooting ami injuring Jim McOanlels log-Kititc camp foreman. Hanks was Irleased on bail of 2.00. Iff rlaiins Mchauiels suuislied In the 'lour of hs home when he was denied admittance nf two o'clock it Ihe moiuliiir. McKanlels was bitojicalcd .Hanks claims and demanded a drink. When Mr-I'anlels ifsnrled to violence. Hanks s"a that ho drew a re-'-Uer and fired, hitting the man hi the groin. TELEPHONE DIRECTORY A new Issue of Hie Telephone Hiieclory is about lo go lo pres. Ml those desiring changes or additions lo present listings, please ' do! ify Hie Supeilnlemlent in writing by September 20lh. 217 OF GRAIN COMMISSION Committee of Board Trade and Entertainment Committee Met of SHOT HIMSELF its data ready for stilimlssion lo .i,0siilal. SETTLERS FOR CANADA F. C. Wade Writes London Times In Regard to Method of Overcoming Difficulties LONDON, Sept. 13 F. C. Wade. agent general for Hritish C.olum Ida, writes o the Times pointing out the. disappointing results of the soldier settlement act in Canada so far as Hritish eV-service men nriv concerned despite its generous provisions. Mr. Wade suggests as a remedy Hud difriclly is round in the in. ability of the Imperial ex-service men to contribute 20 per cent of his total loan as reiuired under Die F.inpire Settlement Act. lie Miys he thinks that If the provisions of thci two acts were Mended many unemployed Hritish ex-service men would find com- ftablo homes In Canada. graph Operator at Hole In Wall, Yesterday Iiiek lioodinp. telegraph at llolc-fn.thc-Wall on Hie Skeena lliver. met with what came near belli.' a fatal accident yesterday and loday is in the s'en-nl hosnilal here nursiuif his Ihe sitecial couunillee of theL. ..,. n w.., m,i H. wuw Hoanl or trade appointiil in con- jt.,.,,,jjt 22 rifle which was nectiou with the. forthcoming visit , oailI. It went ofr with t lie burnt Ihe Jloyal drain Comjnissron ,c ( 1 1 t 1 at his head ami the ami Ihe entertainnieul comniitteo )Uu,;i entered his mouth coming met yesterday afternoon lo pre- oul ni,0Ve the eye. He was pare, for the arrival of the t'oaru.!,,.,,,,,,! m . ruiu yesterday I lie special commuiee is peiium Bf,.hiooii and is doing well al llie the commission and the enter- Mr Cooding was formerly op-tainmenl comlnillee is also busy.'cruor t .shcroft and is' well The commissioners will le shown rxv innonir the fraternity of the harbor, waterfront and facilities here. The special comm ittee consists ofVred Slork.M.I1., II. St. O., S. I'. I'aiker. IV . Haw-snn, W..K. Williams. President H. C. (lilibons, and Vice-president S. J. Mrl.cod. British Ex-service key tappers. FISH ARRIVALS Six halibut boats sold catches totalling IK.nnn pounds al the Fish Exchange- Ibis morning Canadian boats received best nriees both for first and' second class fares. Arrivals and sales: American Wireless. pound, and Eastern Point, 5.000 pounds, al lie and 10c. to the Pacific Fish erics. Canadian M, M. Christopher. 21.000 iiduuds, at 13.1c and I lie. lo the Canadian Fish A. Cold Storage Co. Dolphin. 10.000 pounds, al t.7c and II.Vc, to Hie PacHio Fisheries. Mayflower. 3.000 pounds, al I l ilii and I l.7c. to tfio Allin Fisheries. Mali, -.000 pounds, at ll.ftc and 1 1.8c, lo the lloyal Fish Co. mriln i ' I i : .' WITH RIFLE Accident to Dick Gooding, Tele A. 0. McDougall, who has been spending since lhev first oT tho rirst of the week in the city l returning south on the Prince Hupert tonight. ocial iou and M. Mochida. Mayor Newton explained the object of calling them together. He thought they might seek the co-operalion of I ho v arious or ganiialions in the city. rclideacon Hix said there was iM'lhing that appealed to Ihe peo- pie of Prince Rupert more than lo come lo Hie aid of people in the time of disaster such as at present. He proposed that the Hoard, or Trade should undertake the collections aided by Hie other organizations. They would be U central committee. E. C. iiibbons, president or Ihe Hoard, said they were all willing to dig ill and help, but he di'Uuol know if the Hoard would under lake the responsibility of manag ing it. They would have lo be consulted. He suggested a com millee from the various organ! zalions. It was nol in- Ihe lino of work of Ihe Hoard of Trade which was a purely commercial organization. Gyros to Help . Douglas Stork 'explained llial he and Norris Cringle' and M. Mcl.achlan had been delegated by the Oyi-o Club" to altend the meeting and to pledge the sup port of the (iyro to the campaign. Among other things they proposed a bcncHl hall game with Hie Hilary Club, but 1 1 icy were willing to co-operate in every .way. The meeting could (continued on page six) bbbbbbbbbbjl''' ' bbbbbMbbbW. AsVBBWIBBBBa BP BBBBBBBBBBBBBBn. 'BBBBBBVBiiL bbbbbbbbbbb9 XMtSStKSt JvStKBB VaiBBBBBBBBBBSf acVJjil BBrlBBBWBBBBBBB?llLr IMEbF KKmVAMM l The KaM-iti lyubrella" i the latest crra.ftoii'jjlo lie brought Tiion Italy, ll i' josl an ordinary umbrella, hoi a liny dagger" is u'lai'hed which is In -uper.-edc the hatpin as un instrument of feminine defence. Shipment ofiCanned Salmon will be Sent from Here on Canadian Skirmisher for Japad t At the meeting culled for last night in the city hall to discuss the advisability or sending aid lo the Japanese suTferers from t tic recent disaster, it was decided to raise money by public subscription and with the proceeds to ship canned salmon pur chased in the district and gel it away ouvlh'e Canadian' Skirmisher about September 20. the Japanese in this di-tricl have already collected l.500 for the same purpose and the city council has el aside ."00 winch will also he ueil in the same way. Those present at last night's meeting were Maor Newton. Alderman Perry. Ev C. Cibbous, llev. Archdeacon IHx, llev. O. (!. Hacker. Douglas Slork, Norris Prlngle. and M, M. Mct.aelilan, Mr. ami Mrs. Hrady, 11. F. Pollen. Fred Scadden. Clarence Obatu, secretary of the --Japanese As FUR FARMING ON ISLANDS Chairman of Game Conservation Board Has Matter In Hand Already " M. H. Jackson, member Tor the Islands in the provincial legislature and chairman of the dame Conservation Hoard, passed through here yesterday on his way lo attend Hie inee!? of Hie Hoard this week at Prince lleorge Asked regarding the possibility or establishing fur farms on the Islands here, Mr. Jackson said his department had been gather ing data and had many inquiries. He thought farms where foxes, mink and marten were raised in semi-captivily might be made very profitable. He thought some such farms would be established in this neighborhood in the near future. He believed Ihe mink and marten and blue and cross foxes would be most profitable. LEAGUE BASEBALL National League Brooklyn (i, Philadelphia I. Cincinnati I. Chicago 0. American League Chicago I -I, New York 2-5. Detroit 0, Washington l. Coast League Oakland II, Salt Lake 1 1. Vernon 0, Sacramento 10. Portland 'J, San Francisco J-os Angeles-Seattle, rain. A fine concert was staged in the Exhibition liall lasl night and a large number ol people were pre- eut in the building I'vliear it in n'tx-nL H (act iiiai 4iyaJ"; a numiHT oi counter awraciioiu down town. The program included singing bv Mrs. Higashi and a sextette or Ml. ti il TAXI P.R.FISH MARKET mm QQ Phone 871. FRESH CRIBS A OYSTERS. in a hurry Wm Prime BEEF, LAMB VEAL Plane tt FRESH KILLED POULTRY. Beet Cara and Best Service PRINCE RUPERT In lha City. Rates Reasonable A Trial Order Solicited. Northern and Central British Columbia's NewspaJer VOI, XIII., NO, 210, CIUNCB HUPKHT,, TIILjtSDAY. SKI'TKMHEIl 13, lU-'a. rUrf' ClroiUUon 1SS3 SlMrt Salta 3(2. PIIICE FIVE CENTS. MILITARY REVOLT BREAKS OUT IN SPAIN FIRST NIGHT PASSES IN THE ORIENT ; WITHOUT EARTHQUAKE SHOCKS FET Rebels Seize Barcelona and Movement Likely to Spread; Directed Against Government MADIlll). Sepl. I;- A military revolution has broken iul hi ItarrrliMiii ami M-cm likely In spread throughout Spain. Word has been received here llial 1 1 1 erniy if firero of Barcelona have revolted against I lie government and Dial martial law lias leen declared. Tlif rank and ril of I lie army ha joined in (lie revolt hut the navy personnel i quie!. HAHCEl.O.NA, Sepl. HI. A slate or seige wu- proclaimed here lhi morning and military jui'horil look possession of the rein of power hi the city. It is believed the revolutionary movement will signalize Ihe outbreak in other town of Spain. .MADIlll), Sepl. I l. King Alfonxi returned to Madrid this morning The station is surrounded hy troops and every prc-r I .'in being tjikeii ' prevent any tinauthorizeil persons hav- 1 ssrsa I j(f (, , vicinity. LWIMfiO MIICT I MAIHIIIi. Sept. I3.-Tl.e .gov- r.MMITlll.l lllllil I eri.inenl Oil afternoon Mr- uvsw , , Kra(M.( (,,j (;rnera Hivrr H 1 T nril k I TV of Harcrlona, considered the rill .1 Lrillliil I l'"'l " revolt move- ineiit. appealing to til patriotism land asking him to abandon hi Two Will be Hanged on Decern- ..n,,j,H),. ,,r ri..ii." IJe re- btr II it Merechel litand; w, ull,,Ualifie,l d'Miial another Imprisoned f ,e,iie-l. The government 'tliert'iiMMi decreed hi demotion EXECUTIONER THERE ',, Injary governor of Harc'e- .. . .... llona. M'MONTo.N. (m'I'I. I a. - Judc Analnet Government IHii'U.- ami hi parly, which con- HAHCEI.ONA, Sept. 13.- In ft sii'tdrd a special rourl at Iter- ,Heiuenl issued hy the military Ih'I Maud, arc en route to lit- ( Ujntr mrr ier here, it U ncnlon lhl week ahoard the .i,,,,, ,t n. movement N oamer Sale liner. Ailanre j)IJa, o ,(, Kjlli? j,om(f irrcU-il iirteiK hrlnninii iiwh that the ,,,,, Ui(MiM.r ..ereu.'ii hu: dge had eomlemiieil two M?kl- l4snUl u,c Rovernmenl. Hie inn pruoiier- to death and the vx- mw..i ,a, not met with dif-r utioner who aeeompaninl rioultl in the Catalan region parly rriiiain at ller!chel Mand ,IU, uf. , (C rt., of t carry out Hie M'ulenre of tll,i ,,. ,Pri,iilel known. Iinimhitf oil lieremher 7. Auuther ( sculrnrrtl to three 'yearn iiulpvU- PREPARING FOR VISIT on men l. The executioner, after carrying out the teiileiicr. IM probably iiael throiiuh the Yukon ami Special Ala-lcu hy dK team on his way hoine to Montreal. tine of the r.nktmon sentenced killed :nulahle loak of the Mouiileit Pollen who wan taklnp him Into culndy mid alio Otto llimler. a white trader who ADMISSIONS TO FAIR WERE HIGH Paiil Hilmilinie lo I Ins lair lluilduu yeMerday, exclusive ol ieaou lic- kel. lolalled 1 050 a compared with '.'(10 on the. feroud day of (he Fa'lr Iut year and 57 1 on Tuesday. The Itahy Show iireieiilatiou ami I li e concert lal ni?lil, coupled with Ihe fart I hat the day wiik a school holiday, were iei-MMiilde for Ihe larjie atlejidance. .. Adrnlioui lo Ihe pportw lotallcil r7l a aaiuvl I'.'H on Ihe porrepimliu ay ImI or and' 17'.' on Tuesday. Willi Jhc haehall final ttelweeit Anyox and Prince itut'crt hciui Uvcd at 3 ..'10 Ihli" alleriUKni, a re- cord al tendance is cd on the Kruundn today. Japan Relieved but Situation in Tokio and Yokohama Awful TOKIO, Sept. la. ISelief is to he ecn on the faces of people here loday for last night wes Ihe fiit that has been free mini earthquake .-iiue the fatal September I. It js estimated thai, during the week Ihere were .more than one thousand hocks, 700 of them being plainly felt and some severe enough o bring fear of Tresh destruction. The situation in Yokohama is still appalling. Thousands of people arc encamped in Ihe parks with very scanty; supplies of food and water. Three days were needed to cremate the bodies taken from he Siimada lliver which flows through Tokio. Hundreds, of bodies are slill floating in adjacent rivers and bays. FINE CONCERT AT FAIR LAST NIGHT Many People Present at Exhibi tion Building In Spite of Counter Attractions Japanese boys ami girls in Oriental costume. Maurice Corkillj or Ocean Falls, as a reinale im-' personator representing Madame X, sang ballads and comic songs. Mrs. Laidlaw gave an exhibition of the Highland Fliiig and Sword Dance. James Sturgeon accom panying on the pipes, .vureii Adams of Masetl sang ballads and there was an inf cresting monologue by one of the members or Ihe crew of the steamer Prince llupert- The Aiyansh ami Oreen-ville Hands Tendered .elections. WOMEN'S AUXILIARY OF ANGLICAN CHURCH HOLD TEA AND SALE The Women's Auxiliary of St. Andrew's Anglican Church held a very successful tea and sale of home cooking in the McLachlau Hlock on Third Avenue yesterday afternoon, the sum of 12 being realized. Mrs. A. E. Wright was con vener of Ihe committee being as sisled at the home cooking booth by Mrs. E. C. LaTrace. al the candy stall by Mrs. Jack Harnsley and Mrs. C. 0. Mills and in the tea room by Mrs. J. II. Pillsbury who poured, and Mrs. II. T. Wil- lf II. Mrs. Adam Mackie. Mrs. It Heaumunt, Mrs. W. C. Orchard. The roym was beautifully de coraled with flowers and crepe paper. The affair is being repealed this afternoon with Hie same holies in charge. GRAIN COMMISSION HERE NEXT WEEK WW be In City Thursday and Friday and Then Leave For Edmonton VANCOLVEIt, Sepl. 13. Changes are announced in Ihe itinerary of the grain conunis sum. ifinier a rearranged scneii ule Ihe commission will, not leave for Prince llupert until Monday night and arrive Ihere on W'ednescluy. Sittings will be held there Thursday and Friday and Ihe party will then leave Tor Ed inonton. WOMEN WERE CHALLENGED JURY TRIAL V I, Verdict Given In' Favor of Nurses Accused of Neglect In North Vancouver VA.NCOL VEIt, Sepl. 13. MIsS Hilda Parks and Mrs. Edith M. I'aull. who would have been the first women lo serve?ori a Hritish Columbia jury, vvere ' challenged hy the counsel for Ihe defense yesterday ami were ultimately replaced by men. I'he case was a suit for dam ages in which joint 11. waiter alleged that nurses jn the North Vancouver Oeneral Hospital were negligent and aggravated the in jury sustained by Ids ten-year-old son . vcnuci was given lor inc. defendants. GOOD FAITH OF GERMANY Chancellor Stresemen Says Nation Willing to Enlist Private Property as Guarantee HEHI.IN. Sept. l3.--!ermany is preparing lo enlist privala properly in industry, commerce, finance and agriculture as 1 a pledge for Hie payment Of her re parations if she is assured that the Until- and llliinelaud will h restored. Chancellor Streseman declares. ANOTHER TIDAL WAVE MEXICAl.r, Lower California, ?ept. 13. Tin fishing village of San Jose Decaber was destroyed bv a tidal wave. Most of Ihe 500 inhabitants are believed lo have escaped to higher ground. JAPANESE RELIEF EFFORT TONIGHT Al a meeting last night, tl was decided I should ask Ihe heads of all civic organizations to.Juin in a meeting tonight in the City Council. Chamber at 8.30 p. in. Tor' Ihe purpose? or raising funds to aid in relieving the Japanese Disaster. Will Ihe heads of such organizations, therefore, please attend tonight's meeting or else name a substitute to represent them? W S. M. NEWTOX, Mayor. 4