PAQI BIX THI DAILY HIWB 5555 - i II. II ram 11 g HEADQUARTERS FOR LADIES AND CHILDREN'S WEAR. COATS If yon are thinking of a new coat, we can show you a pleasing variety and help you make a satisfactory selection. Our prices are very reasonable". Our style and quality the best-procurable. Special assortment for Fair Week from $25.00 lo $75.00 Coats for Girls from 8 to J I year?-, made in beautiful cloths, fur collars and all the requirements of style. From $12.50 to $16.00. Sweaters Just arrived, a special selection of Ladies' and Misses' Sweater., pure wool, and in a variety of colors. H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd. Je carry Pictorial Review and Ladies' Home Journal Patlerns Phone 9. Mail Orders Promptly Executed. We Pay Delivery Charges DANCE At the Auditorium Every Wednesday and Saturday Evenings .From till 12 o'clock. Pryce's Orchestra. Admlsslorvr Gentlemen 50c; Ladles 25c. Come and dance your away and remember jour miseries no more. m EX, Proprietor. in uiacw vj. Loggers 8 Prospectors BOOTS Men's Fine Shoes from f $4.50 Men's Brown Calf Shoes, in (ioodjear Welt, wide or narrow toes, frum $5.50 Hand Made Loggers' Boots froiuvq : $8.50 REPAIRING. GEO. HILL The Shoeman: Next St. IlegU Cafe. Summer COAL Ureal satisfaction I Repeal ordcru beiwr filled every day for Nahaimo-Wellington Nut Coal 0.uick Flrel Lasts Longer! Costs same rs other N-jt Coals. Phone 116 or 564. Albert & McCaftery LIMITED Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Hslgerson Block, PRINOE RUPERT, BO. Office Hours, 8 to 0. Phono 688. Ooen Evenings Only For Spsolal Appointment. CANCELLATION Of RttERVE. NOTICE 13 litllEBT GIVES, Uut 1 po- HoD of the kiltn IsUnd Rrterie iurvryrd is Lot S3S. linte S. Cotsl DIMrlcl. l cancelled. 0. R. Mbt-V Deputy Minister of Land. Ltodi Department, Victoria. B.C. IStb July. tot. CANCELLATION OF RCSCJtVC. AUTICE IS HEREBY GIVES tblt the re-ne exlstinr over tbe lands formerly belt taitr Timber, Licence. So. I P If ctneeUed. O. R. .VVDE.V Deputy Mlnliter or Landi. Lands Department. Victoria. B.C. JJin July. MM. At 7 a.m. Saturday Morning Our telephone service, starting Saturday, Sept. 15, will commence one hour earlier than other week days In order to speed up Saturday morning deliveries. We' find it Impossible to get our orders out on time by starting at 8 a.m. Our store will open at the usual time. FAIR WEEK SPECIALS. Swift" Premium Bacon, per Ih. 47Vic. Average 5 lb. sides. Maid of Clover Creamery Mutter, in bulk. 3 lbs. for 81 .25. American lteauly Ginger 'i i a i us a 1 1 if Lejii o r?u ap rl i ( small barrels. Fresh shipment in. 60c per' barrel. Lynn Valley (lorn 3 tins 25c. EXTRA SPECIAL. 1.000 HaskeU Choice Mixed Fruit. 50c per basket. The biggest value In town. Cooking Apples. Extra" large size 'and guaranteed sound slock. 4 lbs. fur 25c. l'er caes $2.25. Fresh Touialo, 0c per basket. Last Saturday we sold 125 baskets of Tomalos and we had to pay 50c per basket wholesale towards (veiling, to fill orders when we found our stock oversold. phone your order early. Golden lianlam Corn, 200 dozen at 26c per doz. Phone your order early. Large Green Cabbage, I lbs. for 25c. Ited Cabbage, per. lb. 6e. Citron, per lb, 8c. Vegetable Marrow, per lb. 8c. Hubbard Squash, per lb. 6o. .gg 1'lanl, per lb, 15c. Sweet Potato, 2 lbs. for 25c I'umpkin, per lb, 8c. MALAGA Q RAPES. Fair Week Special, lb. 20c. It will be worth your while coining down on Saturday this week. Special attract ions galore. Do not miss the free show. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211-212-281. ABOUQUETFOR HON. JOHN HART English Municipal Publication Speaks Appreciatively of B.C. Method Id Hs issue of July 20 the Mu nicipal Journal, published in England, has an appreciative article on the llrilisti i.olumina puuuc accounts under the heading "Col. onial Accounts: A lesson for Kng land,'.' as follows: British Columbia it a typical example of efficiency and loyalty in colouisalion. From the accounting poiitt of View it is also good instance of that freedom aim elasticity which youth mi freely imparls into the rigidity of (lie home .systems of an Old Coun try. We have before us. in setting lown these reflections, the pub lished accounts of HritUh Colum bia, printed by authority of the Legislative Assembly for I he fis cal year 31 si March, ll'JS After the formal prefaiy to the volumes. ronsNting of two lines of print fpm the Minister of Fi nance and the Comptroller Gen eral. respectively, the whole spirit of the publication may be under stood from the unofficial prefare at the head of the index "The form of the aerounts should bring In light extravagance nnd in efficiency, and enable criticism lo be usefully applied." Education of Public It can be said wilbout reservation thai Ihc volume consistently maintain this note, namely, that Ihe account- are for the education of the public and give them Hie maximum assistance in apply ing useful and constructive, as well as destructive criticism. Those familiar with many similar publications al home will realise the force of this judgment of the British Columbia, statement, but the book proves j worth When leled either" by general or spe cific inlances. In ireneral lerrn-. Ihe arrangement of the volume is simple, tbe sections are sequential and loci- cal in order and in form, until we get to the statistical appendices, winch might be improved in classification and. indent, would lorm the nucleus of a separate lection of the book, capable of arrangement in as zood a form a the accounts themselves which precede the statistics. Lo, a Balance Sheet Here i- a government which submits a balance shed!, Moreover. 0 is an nnderslaudable balance sheet which even govern-fnent officials cimJil understand. There is a summarised statement of the me me ami outgoings of SUITS Made to individual measure from various fabrics for yiu tc choose from, in all the very lalcst colors and materials. Kvery suit made exactly lo your measure. Guaranteed To Fit. Come in today and we will fchow you our new fabrics. Prices Are Moderate. DRY CLEANINQ AND PRESSINO BY 8TEAM. Service Itight. LING The Tailor Second Ave. Phone 649. Opp. Post Office Corner. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Kmpiess Hotel Iluibling. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Healed. Hot and Cold Water. . ' POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. Her Baby Suffered with SUMMER COMPLAINT V fact moltwr nul far I Uut turn mer ruiiipUltit lik lae frustration, vftra terflnr uu ettllapx, which fomeUiu e ruittunir. this disrtw. nuke. It one of tbe null trrluut tad Utieroul to coottixt miia aunnr D raw". Thousand of InUnli ill annually bo llei ruuM tart Do doubt brra Mrd by tbe tlnwly ue of Dr. I"ler' Eitract of WII4 strawberry. anl It bat tern tbe eiperlenrt of thousands of tnulbtr dtirlnr tbe rati 71 Tear Ihia taluabte preparation has been on tbe nur- art. Uut It l tbe rl and boat trrettUe reuieOj- for ue In all raes or looaenet tf tlw bowels. Mr. S. Larontaine. Creat Peert. Ont- rltea: ".Vj babr. ben year old, a turterinr with aunuuer coniplamt. To dottora attended hint, but Dothinr would top tbe vouiiUnr and diarrhoea. A Irtend told me to try Dr. fowler' Extract ot WlM i Ira berry and alter tbe terotid due tbe babr waa better and I ran r It aed my babr life. "I wouldn't be lltKMjl j bottle of 'Dr. row ler'a' In tbe bouie For untold, ruld. rrlce ic ovttte-. put up only br Th T. NiUiurn Co- limited, Torooto, onl. the government superior to anything published irt liritaiii, and even making allowance for ttie comparative simplicity by a legis lative assembly in British Columbia, there Is .sufficient lo prove Ihal the n k ire complex conditions of national life in Great itritain do not render the publication of simple slalemnts of accounts civiug the nation's financial position, and its annual turnover in a simple form which could be un derstood by the people. Ihe details of the expenditure given in full, down lo the humbles! messenger's salary, would of course be too great at home for publication in a handy volume. but the way in which one can lust Ihe cost of various branches of the government of the province in relation to Ihe return in cash form obtained from Mich outlay. is surprising. I here is always. of course, the element of public benefit not to be expressed in cash form, to be derived from, the outlay of a department like the public works, which has lo tie borne in miild and which no format utroiinls, ran satisfactorily illustrate. This, however, is a difficulty inherent in local gov ernment accounts and can only he tested, even approximately, by statistics as o the volume of work done, docks and harbors built. . streets , and roads constructed, and so on. The volume is capable of im provement in this particular, ami Ihe statistical rcsull or facts expressed in summarised ,state-inenls of work done or in the form f costs per suitable unit of work done, might advantageously be incorporated in .future These accounts are, howvver, so far ahead of any publication by the Ilrili-h governii"iit. that it might almost appear caption to suggest the improvements mentioned. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert Miss A. McCarthy and Ml Nathalie McCarthy, Mellakatla; Mr. and Mrs William Wallace, Mrs. I. Wakefield. J. McNeill, W. W. Noouau. W. K. Mack, G. Ileireriiaii, F. II. Chellleburgh, F-. Owen, il. . Urandon, T. Hran- dou, A. Ilaig. 1-7 Me I Ion a Id ami James Graham'. Telkwa: S Maguire and C. Hanbury Wilt Hams; George McAfee, George town; A. C. (lllberl. John Hums, Mr. an.) Mi. W. A. Akhursl. C Williams and A. C. Knight. Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. I.n I'enoliere. Toronto; Miss M Winslone, Aiyansh, Mr. and Mrs A. II. Malheson, W. If. IMerce. II. Ciintiiiihaui and A. Lctucs I'oil Hssliulon; .1. K. Lord, North Pacific: S. W. Hums, Vaiiiirsdol .loliu Ashman ami J. K. AhIhiuii Sinilhers: Mr. and Mrs. C. .1 llrillafn, M on real; Cyril G. Jack son, Stewarl; A. Anderson, Seat tle. Central A. Smith, , Hell, F. .1. Woran W. Marshall, J. Klllin, S. G. Hest W. I.. Smith, I). Johnston, J. W (dark and S. McClyinoul, Ocean Falls; Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Little Woodcock; fl ' Sbeard, Prluc George; A sal Hanson and daugh ler, Inverness; J. . Ilowey and F Mantels, ; N.H.; Hoy Churchill ami Charles Hi'owu. Ketrhikan N. M. Moberls. Montreal; Mary V Scbrlfl ami Jainen l,eoiians, rily Why not nubscribo for tbe Daily Newx and have II sent lo your home regularly? tf SHIPMENT OF CANNED SALMON WILL BE SENT FROM HERE ON CANADIAN SKIRMISHER FOR JAPAN. (continued from paire one) counl on the Gyros for support. Alderman I'erry favored a combiucsl committee. Fred Scadden said tie was un- otllcially representing the Moose Unlge which would help the cause along. II. F. I'ullen suggested lliul the .Mayor apooint a eommltlre from Ihe various orgunimlions which we-udl gel busy al once. Hev. li. G. Hacker said there would undoribtedly be an appeal made through Ihe churches and he was uwailing thai appeal. ' He and all menders of his church would, however, aid this, drive. J. C. Ilrady favored a general appeal lo which he thought everyone would respond. He liked Ihe idett of voluntary' contributions wild. -(it having to put a drive on for funds. A determined organized elforl in a matter of this kind seemed a pitiable affair. Karh club might asis in the Wy il leu wouwi ue easiest, lie though! they should strike a high chord in this appeal- Committee to' be Formed Afler several of Ihose present hud sHkea Baraiir it was decided Ihal Ihe mayor should get III touch with the various orgaitiza. (Ions and fonn a rommitlee to gel In work at onte, osstbly to- lay. The secretary of Ihe Japtn- ese .sstieiation staie.1 niai iney had already collected fnjm their own temple 11300 which would he spent on canned salmon to be shipped from here on Ihe Canadian .Skirmisher about Sept. 20. so it was decided Ihal Ihe same thing should be done with other local funds. 'I'LL JOIN A CLASS TO- MORROWI" YOU'RE FIRED TOMORROW! Tomorrow's too late Do It Now JOIN THE TECHI Class Commence OcL 1sL at Prince llupert. Terrace, llazelton, New llaieltou, Smitbers. Telkwa, Prltire George. Surf Inlet. Swaiison Hay. Anyox, Alice Arm Stewart. Northern Poluteclinic Institute o B.C. Syllabus Issued shortly. Wrilc for particulars lo the Itegistrar. Hox HH', Prince llupert. or eo the Local Iteprcsentatlve. Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Helgerson Blook. Phone 109 For Appointment. P.O. Box 953, Prlnoo RupsrL VlieUitle Dolirrly . Compared with ordinary llifj plans . WHY DO WITHOUT YOUR REGULAR PRA0TI0E? You can have this little favorite right In your own room at less than 23o a day. Walker's Music Store Ltd. Phone 376 The House Thuridsy, StpUmttr n of Quality Wool Hosiery The new arrivals In Wool Hosiery are uncommonly smart. The time fop the comfort of Wool Hose will soon be with us and when you these new arrivals, you will speed the day. There are some new heather mixtures In silk and wool, guaranteeing a snug tidy fit and little shrinkage, also stunning all wool sport numbers, heavily ribbed than which nothing Is smarter with low shoes. j UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Outfitters to the Whole Family. Satisfaction or Money Back. We Prepay Mall Ordta Pminpl delivery lo all jarC of Prince Hnp-rL WEST HOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Thursday, 7 and 9 SPECIAL FAIR WEEK ATTRACTIONS. THOMAS MEIGHAN The Good-Luck 8Ur In 'Back Home & Broke' Adapted from George c s well ko v name. Jnl a lop vvlioicoitu story of ret drama thai takes m ta k home. t-iab -i g LI LA LEE. TOPICS OF THE DAY. Admission 35c and 10c Shockley's " Mi Are flow Sole Agents for Uie lumber ou'l -1 i ' ne Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. DIMENSION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPLAP. Spruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET 0UR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phono 3 S3. Welcome, Our Visitors! labour llhithcrs lepartiiieiitn Store vslnvJ uinlniimi In visilorv In Hit. ,'ilv iloeioif tills 1'illC 1 '" riv Fur !(! It!' ... ,. , ... ..... 0 i their convenience, j-vcry departiiifiit is hniuf' 1 .,f dale iiiercliaiidisf, Ihe Inle-l Hi style and the ln-sl I' ? in iiiulily. ,r In the Ladles' Rcady-to-Wear DepL a lrg Ladies trials is displayed at prices from $20.00 lo $iuv.w, mill for Girls, ninging; from $7.00 to $15.00. In Ladles' Underwear vvc stork the fainoii 'f' f giuirniilceil pure wool Underwear, and WaUoii s. ". them in one piece ami roiiijiiunliiiii. We curry a largi or Drygooils, hrcsh Goods, Hosiery, elc, ,l",t J""r need may be. snppliei). .t Our 8hoe Dept. is hilly ytocknl. We vattv Hie ' ' ' CLAS8IC.SHOE fnr la1ie liml girl al prices raiiRi? ( $3.75 lo $10.00 mill Slippers (,( every descrpli'i. . have also the eiiially famous "LIBERTY" SHOE for nun prices from $5.00 lo $12.50. . no Tor Ihe wet wriilher we lire excln-ivc ""'"f r".r j MINION RUBBERS- the best riibt.eis made in 8f'or we giiariiulee every pair and Ave have RAINCOAio Men, Women and the Boys and Olrls. NVc can whole family. Our store is nl your ilisposal. , Jabour Bros., Ltd. Your Money, bark if nol snlisfarory. We prepay M'til ()rltr' Phono 645. Corner Third and s"""