Tin? IJAILT hews PAQE TWO The Largest because Sale in America MISSIONARIES The Man SAYSh in the Moon -a J PLAYER S lll'N Imiei nre had 1 1 nwlii- h ad NAVY CUT AIkan Indians Once Came to Aimill the iii.I 4o HitMk "SALADA" ; Kill and Entire Br,"0 WlMI might fcuve lHen Message of Paaco llaal I hill iseeii llyyontl llw chasm" CIGARETTES CHOIR OF FORTY, VOICES - KiHIUKT it, mv frieml. M"- Hill Choir of Forty Natives Wold jtM it . Win rHiini wlieii PVMAr. tastes. HiHur I lull U ifi-sl i alieait Of Pleases the most exacting EvanollttJo Sarvleai at Port1 us nwl the nnw is nol Inn I Quality Economy Purity Flavor Simpson' -- Always Assured. Itl'T Vsxmie ims' Jsinl Ui Oe litHT SIMPSON. .I1H1. il. A rctiiiMrent wmeliines. Hen1 tu hand of unlives, fmiit Ketcliiknj W'iiiiiMm rliyBM' .cr lookiwr tind Kimiiiug.. Ii the hllmrel tMik wMti I HI what ttiisrh' lrll arrtveITienl few days ik. The Daily News lia" tieen I he an- out Mn aiVexaligelMi'" finiTlrlll COLUMBIA and as they i "I" .PHINRB ilIJI'KUT - trip, caii1 IIK shwul ImmkmiHi Hie mWilw. lubliheil Kvery Afternoon, exce.pl Sunday, the Prince' e.vpreiis Hieir llinliks in imi ani "kh litem I nw my ehrtiiee. the iniMiwfis who tne.1 here Huperf Daily News. Limited, Third Avenue. eiirTlr and especially'l r. Ilrns- WiH eiHrerness lllOT. I erawwl ll' II. F. t'UM.KN. Managing Editcr. hy. . II wasrrfiu IJieHatter lliey Then -aske.1 Iter for ill aiice. first heard Ihe (rnpel In Hie ll heholuilic to the -iel 'Iiimim' TELEPHONE 98 A WOIlli 1 the Hlhik HhiIsoIi's Hay Cxi. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. lielier ami v II el IHMtr. (In the ctming of (lie VHn liev I'M. Marsilen from Mcllakatla DAILY EDITION j(, !m -nili.v,.lan. St Clll I. in :!ie iwnrowiy, Alaska: with over forty liu-infier Unite vim ymt em;' nf .lHs choir landeit here. They IT you Cotie alt Ike h(e, Difference Between ' uase a sarrcd uiceft J 11 tlrace in live wHI he a treat, Government antf-Opposition. friurrh to a well fJIMl house time n 'lie street car. In Alheilu the furmers have liml n nouveiilion ami they have is s-'riillfvinir In -see and know IVxii' oh the hll; heen ousting resolutions. jnl .1- ll other convention ! resu I Uat in Ihe few. years stare th If vmi'it know wha! time iloes. lnlinii Thev haw heen askiuir for a uunihej of things which establishment of missions on lln !k lt Nniiil 4ielter u. thev re linl li'kHv to get. Jiil one. instance nf wlwl is aked may northwest coul -the Tlalive trilH-- mutch In illustrate Hie FHiitil. They ak dial a uruvilicial have 'Iteen so transforms that hank lie clah1idiel and thai Hit- hank print enrnrgh Holes loerfver I lie nli Ifpji lien soups hae Keen I Ihe dmoiiiit required liy farm horrnwer. They seemed lo haw eplaveil hy some of Hie. .el nui Ten' Years Ago fiscLi& of JO lluuiiloa thai if Ihp irovernmeiil tin 11 1 in ir presses were sel to work sicfll selections in tlx- wnriu. siicn In Pi'nce Ruparl Ihere Would soon he plenty of imuipy for all. v us ,,rrhe Messiaji. flic Heavens Allornev tieueVal Hrownlee made a plea for going carefully Arc Tellinz," siinrfria in Hxeel- -fl.7S especially nl n linn- when llipy werp finding it iieeessitry lo go lo is. I'n HfUlelujah Chorus." January 24, 1913. the iioiiey market -for thirteen million dollar lo.meel mntiir and many others. In Hie eonc-rl Tlie foHWIIIf exis'lllite has Ih iniw of fhe-e were rieii while tweii eleeleit tv He Prince I tit-perl 1?EAL iug howls'. Hp warned them that if they were not rareful cJgareffc government might have lo cease Juisiness allogeJher. it native Id I IlieVlioir and anotliei' I.ttterul .-ialioii: llftntn'-iary II nml he rpinemhered that the government of Allierlit i .reiilei al Hie organ with an ejji- I'res4ienl, Sir XV-ilfrM liur- farmer government and in ctre sympathy with Ihe aspirations Imrii of knnwleilirc ami prclie; ier: llmi.inan. Vice-President and need-' of Ihe farmer lint they are in office and find Ihem .Oreat Change Ineanttn IPtss; l'reiflnl. A. M Mh(i imhiied willi Ihe repouihilllies of office. Thy have had The fart w-.inenlioncd hy oi' Mait-on: Flesl Viii'-Peesidenl. to look ol all sides of everv uiiestiou. weigh Ihe.pros and cori" ft Ihe visitors fruin AUka Hiat '.J. It.twsoii; Sinint Vce-Pr-iienl and to realize Ilia I rh aelion may he fatal. On Ihe other haivd wheil they canw in former 5 ears II. II." ttemvttcll; SenreJary the farmer at the Vonvenlioii, just as all other convention dele itv as loeii slave or kill hut n; rmisnrer, I'. W. Anderson: rains, have nut had the oniHirtiniilv of weiirhine Ihe eniiseiiueuce. iitti follttwshjfi .prevails eer- llmtHMttlee: II. II. Morrinn, J. J.-Shmn. S. I'. McMonlie. II. I". of anv action Ihey may hike if it should he inlrnmenleii in legis Whefi'. DivSuiklay evening. Jan. i, ii Meilae. W. Peck. Itr. W. T. lalinn. , irace C.liuis'h 'wheiv every avail Keejrtn. (i W. Vik'ersoii. (i. It. WONDERFUL DOG rl1e .eal was filled, .Mr. Wil- .Nnilen, Nl p. I.yitrlt, li. J. Frm- Danger Of Tampering tell. I I l. A. MeKin- liaius, a Klinnt Indian, preaclieil iv, SUxt, With Money Standard. from Burn-Ino Mlttl Raacuea Family A. II. -Allison. I. C !- in the TsiuM'sean laiiuae, wllkh nou. The fallacy of supposing that lo print more money would Bulldlno then Goia Hue ami Kraiik Kippers from cHntAet .Mrily. Jk has acquired make it poihle to get higher prices for erops, to secure loan on ' - , Back foe Mice with.the ieopk of M r. I u nea n easier lerms or to get Jrtgher wages with the same purchasing l.al eeniiH( at the (laljH)ic mwer. dons nol ecni.lo have eutereil into the minds of the far Olissioll. AKItlt.N", .Ohio, Jan. 23. A His sulijerl was the wont Hall Ihe Pri Uuicrt IIMrh mers. Many of Ihem find themselves owing money 10 Niemann, Ihrei'-ninnlh-ohl bnawit terrier i-tteinil Selwl sluilenlls ileltatilful rpnken o llezekiali: "I'ut thy gave a and Ihe hanks waul lo he iaid. That isiatural. The nioyemetit rnclaailMt lie hern hiiuise in order."' To all wk Al Ihtinc.'U A gital niaiiv.nf lo print money seems to lie for the purpose of gelling hark a! Akron. To the paip. wiii' I' cihiIiI follow in the natite U11 Ihe ijmc set of (tie riiy were Ihe hanks. answers In Mte iiailK- ..f Mill I. A Substantial ill lteiaHco. ilisrourse iulerVM giUe the was -iSnremmeiil hanks have:heen tried in mini countries and ' . Mr. aMMl Mrs. : W . ilkiti-.w.l ' in u few cases, il is iiiftler-looil. have heen a success. Where that iug. Mr. ami Mrit. J. J. rJiishohn their Jkpven rtiililien, a- ll a is true is where Ihe stale hanks have heen conducted on the same saihsl for Hie south "ft Hie Imii wtlitc intce. iw' llieo live. and Nutritious ha is as Ihe hiisiue of a chartered hank, here. If they are PRINCE GEORGE Prince lluHrl litis taorn-iuv. Mrs. When fire .taiied in Hi' Uil-kHts careless in making loans and careless iii'making.collections they ChMHrku wHI eoftke mn ei1etl-e. In him' Mill'i hi'1'h..-.i Mi. and Breakfast Food lose money just as any hank umler sVmifcirCircjmrslaitces would The following ' nllliei-s, liav visit with Jier 4rollier in Mrs. U'llkin- hv luvifinv al the Ioe nioiiev. If Ihev do husiiiessMi a proper lnisinestike' hasjs iM-en eli-eleil tty Hie I'riiN-e Angeles. lel eWtlhe. an, Jiurk i n- Ttoey they are not any hetter from Ihe hormwer poiiil Of view Ihan the (ieorxe Fair ,sseatlu : Presc carl list lln'ii I'liiUlri'ii i. a nelajli- Smoked Daily lianks we have. The woct danger in provincial or stale hanking ient, W. U. Oihie; Yice-I'n READY FOR ACTION Issv'-. after wincli tii liheir i thai polilicians or ililienl favorites may get privileges wlncli shlenl. .1. . It. - llkiefc4Hirn : seere tweli- year iil isi misseil by other people cannot get. Slate ownership of utilities is not the Itay. a very maM txty with a MMia. Kii'iim-ii f.Miiil Milli in ITril It. treasurer try, laylitr: solution of all our ills. There is a niucli injustice and lianTshu John Savnjfe. Hie ll?:t Fair will very larv ami, was stamliinr in Hie hotise irjrtns i" remie the Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. under a system of slate ownership as under air individualistic he JieJi) M SepJemtier 3 and a cmriiliy road. ' nice, her plnyinali. sylem. As we develop ve may evolve 11 system that will prov nil an enlhUsaaslrc slnrt Ua "What are ym hunlin. PRINCE RUPERT workahle hut at present il is unwic to enter jnlo any daugeroii already v t"! made in pkaimiirg hulls'" askcil c pej.erl)y. SlltiscriUe fur lit It.iilv New- experiments. for il. 1 " I "I liuiiim." IMth- Itay rndie.1 iiinlilji. - ain't -i-en il yel." Look At Europe , ' The follow-In? iire the ehai; "Tnic of the I ay" K1I1111 For An Example. umi of Hie vi sdaniluig com CHARLOTTC LAUD OlVltlOn. We 011 Iv have lo look al Kuroie for an example of the uilllees for the- tippoinleij year Tlks Sottrr thai A. 1. Ikirilrsi. Ot SkliU- printing of unlimited moii. In the couiili'ies where il Jin hy Mayor Jnlinssm: linaiiee, Aid (. H.i- . mim-r. IoimhU Ui apply I" Ihr heeii done. Ihe countries hae Iten isolaletl financially. II ha) Miniiir nr i.ami4 rr a nrm' to pnisiri lallerson; PI re und wuler, AW Tor roai. HirilHiiiii ami Milural ira utrr lieeu found alniotl imiossiWle to imi-ort tlie necessities of lire 11 Taylor; I.Mil, Aid. Ogilvie; IMrii ami unilrr lit fulloiur drivrihMi lm'. To make room for Our Spring Goods have lieen accustomed.' Oreflt lianUhip and aituai,' ui Rklilcirale Intel, Dreluiiii lulaiul which Hip Teynle : lie Works. Aid. Mclyean; Health Milltlimlirina al a immi! ijlanlH,! al Ihf poverty ha resulted nd liwlay those countries iire in an almos AM. Siiuuders' Housing, Ahl nun li sr.i inriirr of smliui tt. Tinhii offering i, im-iiTB aw rnain ihiniu, as rustii we are hopeless condition. Kven where, as in the cn,e 'of (iermaii)? Uii-lkyer. l. Ilunr an rlialli. li.irlh. Ihi-nrs they are recovering I heir Iraale and commence. Hie people are eiiaiu Iam'1IiI tt.Vin-inw-r to fMiiiit r4 II.roniiiwiM'i.iiiniil.IV1K. not gelling lint henefil. They have lo work for low wages, coim ' The Prince (Seorge eehool Imhui' A. I. IWIIIIION. tiilprinir Ihe niirchuiuir non-er of Ihe'mouev. Thev linve com- has decideil In levy illio (er year QUlt ft CHARLOTTC LAND 0IVI1ION. few of Hie luxuries of life nniUhe)" lire lowering the! pnrnlively auainsl the sc4iim1 lisriels for Tils .Nnilr,- nui A.TrCuriliMi. .f sklifc- sland'oil's of life throughout the. civilized world hy their cheap eueli simlenl allendiiis' Hie huh rl, U.i' . miwr. Inirna. i apply t.i lie- Special Bargains Inhor. II i alwas dangerous to interfere with the ureal economic Mini.irr or l.aikl. rur a ilrrnM- tu prwis-rl HmI of Ihe' dly frtuii the Mil for rual, p.riliuiti anil natural aa. ntrr forces. While we must have changes and iloidilles many of skle. The (lu'il'Ve .will. he levied ami Ilual tiniirr mi lklili-tl ui' n.llosini Inlrl,u.rrilui Oraliam l.laml uniln them Will he henc final. Hie great, danger is in making radical in Hie form of tales ut He UiiiiiiM-mlne at wl .lnll al lis-suutbweni change, in trying to reach the goal rmmealialely Instead of taking fv,riir nf Sis-ilin 11. ToHimhip and i-cJiih) IMricIs seiidiuu pupils. i. ifH'iir,. av i'uallm al, imiw'i an rnain on Friday Saturday Only the natural process. Nature has heen millions of years hringing 4 'nil. Ilwnrr au rliain. si-.l, ihriu-. al clialua auuih In p-.lnl ot reiinimiirriiiHiil, us lit Ihe present point and he will take al least thousands of H. P. Deykiii Is liaek from UHiied Niorinbrr fl. Il. it the following line of Ladies' Reatly.to-wear years currying us 011 lo a point where we sliall find Dial we have Yenmi where he iaUeuleil Ue A. .'lro?. that eipiahie,lHijneramenl where we can .ill do iull iiikI live iiifcrenv of the H.t:. Fanners' OOHn CHARLOTTC LAUD OIVItlON. ill lhal tiloniun condilion of which we sometimes dream. llillftal-party. Mr, lieylln is Talis Mi.lli'i- lhal A. J. Onriliin. nf Sklilr One Dozen Blue Serge and Tricotine DRESSES, sizes 36 and 38 Ills. H i: , iiilnrr. Ililell.l. In apply In Hi' lumfideut that the parly will MiulMrr (if I ami. lor a liren. In prp i Also a few Navy Blue Satin DRESSES, sizes 36 to 42 ' f- nl, Uuki- siH'fl heal-way In he is-trnliuiii 1I4 natural a mn ami uixJi-r lis. Iniliiina' aisH-rllHu! laitiln atde tii iMMilrol Ihe ,nel le?i-kilure. annuo nn kklnVrai Inlrl, nraluiiii llaml: Cmnmrni mv al a swl ilaium al llm Severe Kidney Trouble linrllivr.l i-Htwr (if SM'llnll II, Tmntinliip " - 1. Ilielirr ID rliuln. MiUtll, llvnrr U i lialn. from $8.50 rani, iliMH'a an rhalns nnrlli. Ilieiu'ii au Mr. F. Rinehart, Cmp- .1. II. Dauiell has retlinienl rhmn. nl in miii nf rnliniii'lirl'liu'lit. up Trontii wliere he Jieen 'Uxaloil Kom-inlM-r If. 1111. feoin Jbellville, Ont., writeit ihs A. J. OOBIMiM "I ind had trouble frequent with urination.my ktd-,neyt engaged slalf l-eiMUlr for nil wmii'Hie nioiilli Keling as QUCtN CHARLOTTC LAND DIVI1I0N. A few Fall SUITS in Homespun and Flannel at less than cost price very Tlks Niiilrr I lii I A. I. rinrilnn. nf Iklili-rani, This wit followed by paint which Telegiwui. lie will i'smhhi' his U:. iniiu-r, IiiimhI. In apply In 1 1 if "CANADIAN LADY" HOUSE DRESSES, in all sizes imsiMnll 1111 the ;iliin mlalf here, Minlali'i- nf lainl. fur a lli'enin in priMMri t tiniei were very te(ere. The Inr cisil, ivimlmun ami natural mil O. HI. I- Harris 4ias left for Auu. ami umlir Hi. rniUiMimf ilinirritMsl lamU doctdr said I had inflammation aiiuaii mi fkhli'iaie Jnli'l, oralum I.mm , U iiccii with from uflac- rumrr n of the bladder and that an operation (fimiii.m'iiiir a) a mI plauinil al ilif $2.00 tMiilies n 1. ' aouilisi.l niriiei nf sm-IIisi '.. Tnnlilp up might bcnecenary. To thit t. luniu'- In I'tiama imrlll. llHliri- 111 rlialu. I fail, Jlifli'i- an ,Iimios anulli, llinm i- an, refuted, and began utinr Dr. The !.u.iw Seltleliiint Jluard l limn. ri i. pnim i.r riiiiiiiioni'riueul Chaie'i Kidney-Liver PilU. From ntlk-e in this cilv . leilljr fell. lAH-aicd Nnriul,rr II. 11.1.-..0OHIXJ Don't Forget that Thursday is Early Closing Day ilie tint few dotei I felt the Willi . opeoied Kullotl in QUtIN CHARLOTTC LAND DIVIIION. The leh benefit. paim urination charge. 'laks .nti,',. mat A. i. Unrilnu, nf skiili I wai corrected, and I have had no rata, III , inlnrr. IiiihihU In apply I" ll Minlalrr nf l.aml fur a llrrii.r In irnap i ) recurrence of these ailmenti." The Prince oenre Jloard nl for mal. is-li nli'iim ami natural ' nvei I Ladies' Ready-to-wear ami lii.I.r Hm fnilimlur ilrnrrlln-d lann I BENT'S Trade Is suhlillHuiiij a l-ilnl mn ailuali nn IklilraaiB luletj ilraliam l.iaii'' Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills li, Hie AHMMHttlcil lloarils of u,,riliral r.iiiiiMin. ii.uriisr al nf a pnal hwtlnii plaiunl r.i. T'iulili al the - Third Ave.,opp. Bank of Montreal flu pill dim, JMla. Imii, All dealer, or IUumiumih, llaira Trade ot Hi: eaiimu Hie V',L!:i,-ttf":.VE'.?l.C!!",i'il ft Co.. I4d.. TorunUt early eomjilci.mii ..i ih. I'Di'ifh' liialna earn i pnlnt of rniiiinrniuuirlil fii'i'al ttslei n Hn w n a i. oortno