PAdl TWO nra uailt mrxn THE FINEST GREEN TEA BONE TALKS OF Df jfKLEYS LIBRARY MEMBERSHIP ! IS STEADILY GROWING produced in the world is grown I SHOE BUSINESS PrCHITIS on the mountain slopes of Stvtnl New Velum Ma Bon Ceylon and India. These rare Placed en Shtlttt of Popular teas, specially blended, give to Tells Why Hide In Thl Part of , Institution Country No Use; Pretty lli.- m. nihership of lh- prim-o Legend ;.i..-ri Irt.rary -i.-a.l.I ...aniii a 1 1.1 lo kHe W.ifi r..u.-",.i. ' "SAMOA" "l am often ak'1 mti it.inr- j... n.-.t. Mis Urani l... lie hMes are i ihc.ti ri u I . a iw m n - i l.ra'iaii. rep""- jirraiie Ih are n Hear." si: i Svral new volitfH. are n.w W. law a f tlie Panrilt Sh.... le fon. Mi ibe library. H371 Slre. in an addes be fori- Hi J' nlW GREEN TEA I to V'iKint ihem In l'hili. s Alias Itolap :iuh vcsienlay after' ritQ 0 mJ . leer of Ihe wnrl.l. a ... a.flavor beyond compare-JUST TRY IT. Hie reason is that liiaes in ' M lit .1. fine mscrn enmpendium f pro- tart of the ciHintry .ire n I Icrapbtcal 4nfnrfnalion. Other' a .1 ii j t. iii Kinned that n.-n tiiey a re t I SO gsei try MI sci song, ins wsiu l, gauj jj, . aMili.ins to I tie shelxe worse than uel.. They will ..f h- in.titMlHn are: DRINK The Daily News LlH.I Inn up and arr useful for Merl K.lslhl White'. "fin nl Ihe cheaper criute ..I . IMtlNI.K HL'PKHT MUTISM COLUMBIA leather such as . ueii in cer I i.-Te." PiiblUhed Kvery Afternoon, exrept Sunday, the l'rince tain of upholstery. II to.ib' Walfnla's. "Ilia iUiA-leal. Baker's Cocoa News. Third Avenue. rwiM pay the farmers in aet a Illir.ert lunly Limited, man lo enaw lo the i-oiiiitry anJ Sold in Prince Ruprt by 5. s. lliehnioHt'. "I'.Mir-Stuare." II. F. PUI.I.KN. Managing Kditir. hw lli-m how I" skin amnial- W. J. McCUTCHEON. t.It If warming orvi i susta:; r". (tj pmeHy. In Anrenline aut some U . T. Ioka's. "Tale of r SUBSCRIPTION RATES: of the I lai rope n count rie Ihr cpril le eiMii- shsli ina-h- Ihff.i I YMIU4. luw genuine Jood value, an J ma?I, City Delivery, by mail or carrier. ;r month . $ oerniNieats have siaent a lot nf:l""k to ttie in:-re-l ..f Ibe ehit (r-en JohnsoWs. -!lpiy Ite- safely induljjed in tm) L ;r of k Oy mail lo all arts of ibe llnlish Knpire and the United Stales. NMtttey in teaching how lo take a a whole atwl ltirHih that (lee tdelle.'- ! in ndvanre, per year . ffl.tiO ff the IimW properly. Arren- welfare of lb- city. abe rtrayX Vlerer of ihe da$ for it u stimulaun t : .. . OT To all other countries, in advance ir year . .-$7.M' line and I'm.nee are the chief WasMawl. v sense that pure food a stimulate TELEPHONE 88 hile exnnrtina ri' for tlf: Jefery Farnofs "Ivrenae inakinz of shne.' Ten Years HtMaraiss." It JJidout too. Ago All advertising should he in The Daily Nws. Ofllre on day preceding Mr. I lone said that tfeoe mak. Is. IhMSclas' -,Hi anl Her a ... publication. AH advertising received subject to approval. ins was ofte of tne oittesl Itnsi- in t In co Kupsrt Mother." , mil ..m MADE IN QkNADA BT ws. nie weariac- of hon nail John IbJfsrs " Huntlntfl WALTER BAKER & CO. LIMITED Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. hoes ly Ihe Romans in thei Februarv 23. 1913. rower." J ' LaOHa..! na LVa mountain was aM t be tbej .nl. I.. Muli.--k-U.-ir.ier and J. Rex IKsarWs "llowlnir OoW." CANADIAN MIU5 AT UOKTJL cane of their vtrtnries over th- . :bai.iwile -.1 the A. Ilennett's " - and DAILY EDITION tn Fri.lay. I '"tirnary 7.1, I0S3. ..v i rn. coul. in lb.- r. nyleriaii Hall i Mr. Prohack." Technical Work . last- uivbt. s.-oiiiinaier C. V Power Of Advertising luseussillC Ihe technicalities Kill I and A ilanl J. Ken- Shown In Dog Race. or tne tMistness. Mr. Ilnne total i.r naiiab were in i-banre i.f ;he My The Man in the Mood The general interest taken throughout Die eownlry in The the ilitrerenee nctmen the welled .log team r.--e i an example or the mrr of advertising. hoe and ihe McKay sewn or A Jotty kaiioa Mrty was en. SAYSi- DENTISTRY; X-Ray Service I he Vits is not an easily accessible place nor is it plre lhat cheap, r grades. He told of tb 'joyed at Ike Auditorium lat The only reh .file and s. icnUftc ric t uoiii.i ortiuiariiv come into Ibe limelight. They have had. t.irmws npepwiions oi wort in a Ilia-II I a rrrtup of Ibe cilv til itronle ht bate I..-en ex .. ! .ond Hon of Ihe teeth an-l j though, a good publicity agent who ha kept the wi trial poleU he faeinry such as cullina. yotmsnr fotk after which re-luing the nie system f..r re.lur bony stru. lure on I he activity of the rarhp and the result has been lhat eaerv- lasims. solmg. pntiinc .mi the, fr.-4taiefU .were eerved at Ihe n. do not ,eem mli.-h one knows of it Mid moM people of a sporting turn of mind are heets ami fini-hing. Most of Ibe!home of the Misses Jeans than Ihev used lo he. interested in the dog learn race which are run every year over wfrt was done by machinery al- Among those nreaent were Miss DR. BAYNE 4 wo iMiwireii mile coarse. tho.izll Ihe CHlline Hs mosllr k Jemu. Mi.. VI ln. u... ii I MOM: ab.1 the honorable Office Ibmrs: 0-rt, Tiles Th S - r Willionl advertising, the World Series hatelaall would not none ny Hand. IJcnir-. Mm J. Jeans. Miss li metober for MeMakalla ill Dental N'urae Alway in amount to anything. Already the newspaper of the whole mn-tinent The address concluded with an Oirtin. Mias Knorh. Miss I., evnd a resolutiiMi that free Rooms 4, 5, 6, Hslgerson Blk. have laeea eiiptilied with nirefy printed schedules of wi '-'3 .lian eindeeetla legend oflKlsher. Misa A. huVernat Mi Ham and jrz be pfnide for nil game for the base I tl season and there ha Irren a good deal a slave girt who because of li-r ll.ranl. Miss J Mereer. Mis Hiet. Ibnse wtio hate m ;et up iii ihe of advance ropy sent out. Thi it a lyr of advertising lhat posnion uias m allnre. to ear:ch.-l. Mis I.. Itotlby and Meescs. iiM.roiatr to wort. I'jrricl a.ih count a greal deal. H i begun early aud carried on all Ihe an-ials. Her diity v..i to affix itami v ti.rS n t silbuslasin time. There i wo let up. the sandals of the other.. son. A. I. li'dden. C. O. Purdy, So it i willi U.e big boxing matches. The pnhlieily i ever, she crept away into the U . It. lippens. . Sl.wkell. J I'O.sslttl.Y we mlghl all g-en DURITY FLO UK ril carefully (4anned am vety expensive ht jt brings result. and made sandals for her Pe,ers. J. U . ChapfMe. H. O by Use re.oliiiion r. ule 1 R. Rr K. PaslrvFlouA self and became very exoert at Mutter. Mrs tee, H. H. 1 1. Hewuoel. Or Uie (jieUe system. Prince Rupert May Ibe wwk. On day an eatrlc pick-e.t Vsi Marsbwll and A. I.illle Th quality la always of rtf suss Copy Methods. 2. up one of the beanliful little U'lli:. you eouie to Ihiuk f it. high standard. AM Crotm mure imparl may ropy the methods of the "learn sandals which she had ma.te and dog A. Fell of ihe pro-land il .eero- kwful wate thai afiily POKITY a.nd n. K, PKODUCT4 rarer and of Ihe baseball magnate to karried it He sorie extent. Sometimes away. happened to vineiai sroverni nnVe, bear, should wear I ho... fme 1 0 ire- avert(Miig can he secured bul it has to be rarefull planned lrnil. u in Hie srr.Hind ..f tmMurmHt l.slav the Prtnee sfler Upped cost Is when a rnuih Brackman'Kcr Milling ami hiiiiniry exeruien. rne diinciillv Is to grl Ihe lime King s palace and Ihe prince went'j,,, fpoB 's m w, viest lo lb cheaper gra.e would answer 'lie undertake Ihe work. Most mest of ahililv are also busy peor! to look a I for its. owner. Finally he iwe.. n..rt.i. Islands on ile pnrpae Jtjst as well. hmi unurniip in wotr. , rufiiiniy mn is worth o m.i ner aiHi made ner a prin. jiarlioenial busin-s. . .. . . i i i i i i it - 0FB.CITJ 'r" - im-r urn ii ne i- goori ne i an expensive jierson ce. I'tMII.IC. serviee earrK-d I., the UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY n mi. izr iiiios ii oiiim'iiii to linanre. r n ciif rf f n , i f f t. t. extreme stums rroaw r-m a v w ine mean at Wir disposal, however, DR. GRANT URGES PEOPLE TAKtWtLL BAWUUt means no .eri.-e al r lumw, VHUtu, rmu.i si Its; . something can SIMs Sea, borne. i fsr rsel lliia, N.M aitsr, ssS l.e done ami is being done. We are keeping fairly well before u nusiLt. BUSINESS FOR) CAPTAIN NICHOLSON! CsiMsf al Ossssm ss irif penpie oi ianaoa lH ir we i-onl.l what THEMSELVES INSTEAD OFi get we have lo offe WIHI hrw lhat apple r in. Chh t SssxrtUls,, ft.4 Bill Bar piareu serMmsiy neiore 4lie who LOOKING TO OTHERS. rMof4e mighl help n finanriallv las r-vaaa T u ire.I Sir Isaae Nw1hi. l (--n' aVn S. S.mss. jaca sattr, assk and industrially it would he mittinz off in a rtoiliin in t.r-a IWIII be Held Nsit Monday at further inuiry' II found whether what we have keen saying about oir advantages over .ntinu.'d from putfe me! Vancouver on Steamer hae'.een w a woman and he has oiiirr places correct. Prin.ce Ceome loyalty to Ihe club and to each !ern throw in apples ever sjn-e. j olJier. lie l old ,,r Im-Lhiu-iiiu to From Developing Within. football team thai w never n, X.-M M"ii'lat Prince nl Vaiii-i.mcr iv.rne on In Manitoba tit Tax !ommi-sloii King George Cafe rin.iimi exceni raise the aasesstnent on once when For many year our aim here 'II t.iTiniii-t will Shoa! seemed to be to import be aiven any tliev, u ere. ...l.l ....i 1... the fann and so when the farmers --- - - , ... . ... "i a oi 1 1 lit r.i i - t, v;.... e ... wuiig wamen. sent Ut the mitside for it. We imported v ..rtjii. ... . ,111-niiiMin. marker. Into come power they alsilish our employees and we inirled Hir ortrneii. Now we are relirmt! ii'nnaffer of Ibe O.T.P. NEW CAFE The value of friend'hiii Ihe eornmisniAii. That is one of iHiiiKiiig mmgs. we are developing -'."isbip Service who is otirown and will soon efophasiicd. All Uie thins Ihey in .nlitir writers avreed are be on the export market. y I.. Montreal lo We serve the Reit CHOP on this whether for. They have fang lo a ancienl. in.-.lie- sharpen. An example, of the value of developing home product wa ,.,., niiinaer of the Canadian - .SUEY and, N00DLRS tin or m.Miern. II had heen ilcs- seen in the basketball game played at Any yeenly. The Allanli.- Ii,m-il t:o. The inajor-iiy rrted l'i:rtll.Pis have heard a Uie con.tanl attiliHlc you of wiiimiig lean was very largely home of tli. O.II.M.M. for mis product. The boys were of two people lo each olber for n on llhal iluui jall.l !.. VII.. Csr. Sib Sirs.I ssd 'ad Arss Prices t "rrr "ttl Bv a gooij account of Ihcrnseltes. They Ihe -ori-t Our .l.i.'AI 41..1 Ii.: n . . . ruullial henent. He spoke or il Phone Blue 471 itihit iiuj.nn can pronnce jiisi as gooil as is lo I cludniK -.. ... ...e;.. ......... as Ihe mortar that hin.N human w n 1( linyf wajl , kiiiiki anywnere. vv lien we senl Mir sliidiwiU lo lfi. lliiiver.ily as.i.lani general fr-iilit and soiills together. Ihe counter has a bill In read! m.ic koou in meir rsrctive liims. So Ihey are making (ia...-nei- ag-cnl here, and Itegi. Friendship ofleued ripeneal in lies for your emblem of peace. gfnl in sNirl himI there seenia tiald Hcainooul, every probability Ihey will mak iii.-nnleilenl to love. There was not only Ihe ni.o-k " "' nrc svfHiiiH me cOIIU-sls. of tin- I V It I Klentn.t.ii. &9 lve of man for woman hoi Unlove i, . .. i.ut r... ii... .....ii. " r. an wani to work, but we Make GooW lle. of man for man such as n... i. n. n... .rn. !' net at least a modi. New Of What We Have. Ihe relationships existing between ma. I'lllll of compensation for our Tr )ni. ami Jonalhan, labors. ioc iii.iiM iiniig inr any place is in make good use of what l;i liion and Pythias, Johns.. REPI" u os. i urveiop us luieiit powera, In givw Ihe boy a rhanre and aorict to coaraacToas. 8H0CS WAIT in life and Ihe girls iMl. y oflen Ho.well, Alfrml Tcimys'in YOU express Ihe belief IhaC TO ACT ON BOARD Prince riii.rt has and Arthur Dallam. Friend- USK SCHOOL. wonderful prosper!, thai her rufiire is and that she i de.Uncd lo assured hips have n tremendous in. SHIIll TlVrilli. ..urvHII T McArlhurStioeSlr berome n greal cily f Wl. fluence oer r I ak l M rereltavl hi gn us .A liersoll niusl Timber-men's Association ..I..-W mi. wc mum inriMer ask ourselves (he nueslion Ap Its. H.SMMir.bla- II. u.itl.l.. iJ CuLllr what hae W'.iri, up in ly n'rUiri nuM of thunslis N a very slrwia character not Xcvl i "r'y 'louigJo make goo, our failh. If Ihe people sit back points J. R. Morgan to be Its or lb lib alar or Mtrrb. ist). Ir ll to he infllicrrced hv his fricnrl. a-r.rli iihI mMi.,riun ..( a ! ee am (nisi lo luck, they may der.end thai tfiey will get nowhere RapressnUtlvs at Victoria "il na laUlbailMllir al I ak, IS IM ' r ""r exneci io l.e Choice of Friends 'EAGLE I'rne-s hsiwn S lr-inal I.l.lnrl. a anything more than a fish- I'Ufla. snaaririr.ll.Mi.. lnir.rl and r-'peakinif of the choii- p iiiKijit-. ii ii-l' i:i'gc Willi lit. The Northern Ilritish Columbia I 11.1 r Tenajrr 111.I- la lea .41 slhl .. y Irieud., the sticaker menl ioticil Timherii.en's Association fir Hi isiii air or irtiruan. k.??. at h a, rt no D has appointed la OIIUT. ol -J. Ullaail, ih.t. 1-aivQI lint any that had a brwcrinz J. It. Morgan of this arni, irniri lloaiM, vaiir.ur: I. II. ( BRAND rlly alslllfl. (iMtrmnanl A r. l a aaurl IT.tiia.1. endetiey should he drripped. lo represent ikem on the Forest I rlnrs Aunerl; i. I. Marlv.tlf.rll, f f. r, trie did not have to eat ! lo lb Srltasii Saiard. I .k i.r lb l.ri.alt- "There a Protection Hoard which meets n lurni nr 1-uLllr Wnrka. Vlriairis. M Were Many Things f lamt) In know if ii was. fresh. Condensed Milk Victoria on February 28, Inlii4ins iriuirrrra ran i.uin rw gosjoN ci.y or plans ami a-wirii-ili-n n Which I Could uo mouthful was enough. K.i Ins In lb uiulrr allied us lit, a trM.. ut Not Eat" was with friend.. They -..on In ihe past 66 yeara more healthy PISH SALES vn issiara . siiirn sn us rt .si iiieir rrmra In rM! ordrr Mrs. H. Robert Wells, Enlish Harbour,Trinity Bay, ndicaled whal Ihey really were. children have been raised on The lr..t f.r any triitirr i.i ntfn Eagle Brand all larlly srrf.ld. . GRILL, Nfld., writes i i. "ii weui wuil wolves y..u than on other The fnllowlntr fish was sold a- i-iiii ir. would soon haru to bark. infant foods combined. Pure, PuMli- Wiark. I iilnr.- and "'rr, ye.terrtay uflsrnoon: O.rntnf.r,. txpartnini nl tut.ti Wwla, Open Day "I was troubled with nervous i-i.-nd who... prim-iili-s were of uniform, digestible, nourishing. weallh 15,000 lo Cold Slnrage, llrtotu, a.c., Irtirusry ih. Ill, 3rd Ave. rw1 dyiprpsu- so much so that low order had a had influence. Send for free Baby Book$ M.IOe. and He. Gape. Clear, l.l,.' uasasL 0T there were a great many things There were fri.-n.l-lnji. fortii'-d mm. iiooin Muheriew, t.70n. and esaTiricTi"or laeaovfuisaTs. I could not cat at all on account mon? men eiiyayiil in common Hr. West JoM 1,000 IUhiIIi of the dittreised feeling afterwards. I.imiiu in a small MONTREAL Fisheries, 1S0. Und 8c. Fre-tnoiit. lord kllrbmer N0TICC Unit. trl.S Him I uied different town all were i-nua.-.i in It.e IS.U0U, Oriirral l.rffr aiut Vrrila Minrral Claim', many pairifio Fl.heries. alluat In lh ska-rna Mmtiiv l.lvltlian 1I St. Reg's remedies, but they did me little nlerprine t i -wn huildmtr. c 11 is I'S-v.Hk... I ili.MOc, and He. Alll. 7.000. Cold lianas S fa In.lrlrl. mla on baM good. Finally I tried Dr. Chaie's Those livinu Ih. i-i. ,t,..hi to bl Storage, I3.5IK'. and fe. HAiiniiin.laka. Snor.fiirrlvr 1 1..I lalaml.l. ilfrrn C nar.l Nerve Food and KidneyJJr II friendly. lnl. t tier ciliea I'.U.l. Mkky.. acliaia for inv.rir anal fn Urtrrlrsi tirmvsi I' M l sisal f ont H4vl Pills, and was surpriied at the eeuusl lo h Wi-a,ii il up ill Power Of Press c. ss&a i, a. : vvrij.n, r.a.c. Cafe relief this combined treatment 1 1 heir own atTalt - Uii v were only SSSTS.M'l a.l l.0n.n. I'.M.C Halh, 4 r 1 VI IT r I. IIITO.S.ll MrTat1l.Mlrti.rl ('if what we wej-c iIhjiik. I lie Mr S177. and John . Mrlro.1, r,M r. Lss gave me in such a short time." He hugged her In Ihe shsdowy SsStl. Inlrnil. diis from Ihe Sala. Prince Rupsrt' hiiix for prince II u pert people .iDllway. ai'fly m ins Mliiins- nremr fs la nr tar 11 tinr HSSiau.- , DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD do wa lo play lhi-ir wn Ott,'' she glgie-J brealhlessly !. ut i4iiaiiilnt a nrsni ft lb 0 Ceuta a boa, all drslrrs. or IVInuiisou. Ilaira A Co., lAd.t 1'oroaio kuiiir and irk togeilici , I in vcr ifaliicj the power of lh. sti'it Ant) rlalm.rurilr lake n-HIre thai srilsn. Da.srr Un-""'"" lit the IIMary f.lub they wvre pteiis uuui this moment " i .mm. .a( a" "a a -. a- Third Ifnra lh Hi1l Crrlinrala iMaues ut bound oy Mernal t irndolnp and American l.eyloti Weekly i sntl. Hits till 1 r.r Isiuisry, till P.