— CGOODYEAR TIRES Are better, last longer, ride easier and the famous Goodyear tread makes them safer, KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Chevrolet Dealers phone 52 @nd Black 379 290 - = mi. XXII No = ? oe 7 bal . 2 a 2 ”, é ‘e RAI ¢ mare 4 etos NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH SRE N eee COMMISSi® eeting of Obligation Has Only Been Delayed, Premier-Elect Asserts Situation and Endorse Payment Formula—Dis- amille Chautemps Urges Chamber of Deputies to Rise = cussion in Washington Deferred | ' . ; : ‘ | IS. Dee. 16: (Canadian Press)—Camille Chau no is endeavoring to form a new government fol- the resignation o! Premier Herriot’s cabinet, told roa ociated Press today that he believed France will} ar debt installment of $20,000,000 to the United} States and that peviment has merely heen delayed. He said wXPAID = 7 Wal BERT Sess ee Defaulted Vesterday } \athons Obligations Due to United Wa IN ‘ Le f PL an ie : , A proposer The home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E WAMINGTON, D.C., Dec. 16 ‘ : ’ vas within | J wck. Fraser Street, was the scene Six Furopean nations made war ' Harrison, Demo-| 4: 9 o'clock Jast night of dhe quiet) iebt payments totalling $98,700, (cF*t, Mississij ith. We 8M | put “interesting iirriage.ceremony m to the United States yester " Senat ‘tlof two well known and popular lo- | thy. A total of $124,000,000 was ave ar cal young folk in the persons of | v e It seem best to/Miss Leila Mabel McIntyre RN.,| ] ations honoring their ob ' daughter vi Mr. and Mrs. J; on the due date were R. McIntyre of Smithers, and may BRirtain Italy, Crecho +e+e¢+444440 4 4 mmons, son of Mr. and Mrs wil-| s Latvia, Lithuania and @\iiam Commons of Fernie ana ac- Finland HERRIOT REFUSES TO + intant in the local branch of the | France, Greeee, Hangar Bs ACCEPT COMMISSION @/ oval Bank of Canada. Only rela- and Belgium failed to ro FORM NEW CABINET ives and a few imate friends of ma myment and were classed he contracting. couple attended the » defaullers BEER | BILL | state? Lauder ao Se | Committee EMARRIED | — . EEE —— — = EE I= IS PASSED | | Refers New Measure to House of Representatives For Consideration WASHINGTON, D.C., Dee, 16:-- | The ways and means committee yesterday passed upon a beer bill for the consideration of the | House of Representatives. The measure was due to be introduced today but will probably not be | discussed or acted upon before to morrow or, possibly, next week | The proposed bill provides a federal tax of S85 per barrel on beer and leaves the means of sale to individual states. LAST EVE Miss Mabel McIntyre R.N. Becomes bride of Ray Commons at Quict But Interesting Ceremony i y which was mon} performed by} Cc. & Clarke There is still hope that France : : Her R re : pastor of First nitead Ghuren yet pay | | The couple were unattended and; Have ye no’ heard o' t i n, man?” asked Sir Harry Lau- i the bride wor 1 brown travelling} der. whet Lu pressin is kilt in the room of a Los ACTOR IN ess with hat and footwear to) Angejes hotel. Sir Harry seldom wears “breeks” because he, says iateh She carried a bouquet of} 1 MacLennan tartan Ca whelia r TROUBLE ete eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereererer e+ eeeeeeeeeeee eee eeeeeeereree* in Donalde May Have to Geo to } ‘ tupe i jail or May Be Deported to aki hate ok, Yetuie. IRREGULA R CONVICTED Roumania ) nme Fernie, They | 4 ' A retul hi ake up WOOD, Dec. It ib Ir nee Louk The happy couple will the} early Strength Turned to Weakness N. G. Robinson Found Guilty in picture eart congratulation ind best In Trading at New York Seattle on Statutory Charge lor f P wishes of many friends In the: cll Yesterday Against Young Girl ‘ rhe t ie, W i i h a $500 Smithers girl, graduated a year or KW YORK i N EATTLE, Dec. 16:—N. G. Robin native la {} fron Prince Rupert Gen Vor. ethos jn eal who was elected a state repre of falsil sl Hospita training how for) rel f tl DE i t ve ist monti despite the nd iegall ‘ nure rhe groom, who has been arly trad ry } tact t he was it ill on election oes sccountant in the Royal Bank here] ,_ voakne ' . wo mvicted yesterday on a sith layi leo oo 000000 @ @ for the last couple of years and = | becam ; me thee clos stutory charge against. a youns jalso prominent h ithlet ircles i. a ao frit ie e we . ed by the nst him by his v lha also beer tationed at various; off hn ‘ on ! judge Paylor f | DROP ‘aaa rr point busin Ave H. Malkin Co. I ‘Bl ’ ee tr ry far rs TRACKING ee!" WHEAT MINISTER ACK! ‘ few aay vi . jr ; | " local branc! New All-Time Lows Ree orded, at 1S NAMED MU p ‘ innipeg Today With Some z ¢¢ aww 2 2 2 © i rs Saseein Before Close ye on ACTIVITY aoe ; Mae s s No > . * AMY JOHNSON DUE IN | ade ' Canadian PROT we seat meeielnthes " FOR IST ANDS "yor dhaves'de Wathen SU : LONDON TOMOKRON +| ny ,- a ikness at b a Ottawa i AWas eas For Slayer of William Heyworth ’ od oT i United States iia. | a In Kamloops District ® LONDON, Dec, 16:—A Fe ai ss sales, the} WASHINGTON, D.C, Dec. 16: | ; : n Mollison, Britain's # ’ Ae \ k to new all-time! (Canadian Press)—Col, Nathan | 5*idesate oe oe There May i: AMLOOPS, Dec, 16:—Int saws : ayiatrix, succes ; : yws with losse early four cents) William MacChesney of Illinois Be a a are beir used by the provinel + ng Baediterrance! + | in all three futures early trading] was named Thursday by Presi- Ba ; e in their attempt to cook lay and rested last! here today dent Herbert Hoover to be the down the unknown killer of Wil- . Marseilles, accordins 2 Substantial purchases of Cana-| new! United States minister to | SKIDEGATE, Dec. 16—~It js re- liam Heywarth, farmer reeluge, who! : received by her husband, *| | oe wheat overseas, however, C€MC| Canada in succession to Col, Han- | ported here there will be found slain a few days ago in| + James Mollison, It wa + ‘a + e rescue, bringing prices back] ford Macnider, who resigned a j much activity during 1933 on th house at Birch Island, north of : ted that Mrs, Mollison : ' » at 2%c lower in each future.| eouple of months ago. } oil showings of the Queen Cha et ’ | make the last lap Satu! December closed at 39% %c May at Col, MacChesney is 54 years of |lotte Islands. According to what is Heyworth is believed to have been : n her flight from Capt ? 49 and July at 434 age and was born in Chicago, He iheard here, one of the best ol] ex- shot by a bullet which went : to London. She made the * Vancouver Price was formerly a Chicago judge |perts of the United States who through the window from a point : from Beni Cunif to Oran, * VAN( OUVER Dec. 16: (Canadian} and, during gollege days, was a |looked over Island showings re- about twenty yards away from the . A 1, yesterday Z p Wheat was quoted at 405% c| well known f otball star of the |cently has given 4 favorable report, house. The killer's tracks have been #4 eeee0e0¢? , the local exchange today ' University of Mlinois, on them |traced for some distance sete’ ote TRADING IS SOLON IS Tomorrow’s Tides High . 4:05 a.m. 165 ft. 15:35 p.m. 19-7 ft. SNP iia, dooce 9:50 am. 9.0 ft. 22:46 pm. 42 ft. ER NAMED FOR NORTH VANCOUVER DISTRICT Charles Tisdall Is To Take Control of Municipal Business 'Fermer Minister of Public Works and Ex-Mayor of Van- | couver Delegated By Government to Put Southern Municipality Back on its Feet Financially VICTORIA, Dec. 16: (Canadian Press)—Charles E. _ Tisdall, prominent Vancouver business man, who was min- |ister of public works in the government of the late Sir Ri- chard McBride in 1916 and who was twice mayor of Vah- couver, was last night appointed commissioner for the dis- trict municipality of North Vancouver which has been in Miimancial difficulties for some ¢ *+444640444F ¢| time, having defaulted on its bon- @\ ‘ded indebtedness and otherwise + failed to meet its corporate obliga- |# MEXICO WITHDRAWING FROM NATIONS LEAGUE ¢ | tions. Mr. Tisdall will start his du- > ties tomorrow. MEXICO CITY, Dec. 16:— ‘+ + + + + |# Owing to heavy membership | : SCHLEICHER ;# dues, Mexico yesterday an- # + + + a are SS nounced its temporary with- # drawal from the League of Na- + IS HEARD tions of which it has been a #| withdraw {rom the League and #)_ : it ts hoped that, when that ¢, Gereitin Chbbiiiine # member for only one year. It #| + > + # time has elapsed, the financial #! . anaes + + \* + : requires two years’ notice to # outlook may be so improved as #| BERLIN, Dec. 16:—Addressing ee yea, con- ©! tne nation over the radio yesterday, . : — Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher made his first pronouncement of | governmental policy since his re- cent elevation to6 the chancellor- | ship. Von Schleicher disclaimed that his administration would be a mili- RESPONSE. SURPRISING 22°. .22.c"" ;ment although he did express cri- | ticism of Communistic principles. The new chancellor declared that he was in favor of disarmament but (he made it clear that Germany could not be expected to arm itself with “wooden swords and paper shields” unless its neighbors were prepared to do likewise. LAUNCHING OF APPEAL Further Efforts to Be Made to Save Mrs. Winnie Ruth Judd From the Gallows @#¢¢¢%&&¢¢ @ @; i Salvation Army Had Wonderful Collection of Clothing Yester- day and is Now Sorting . The Salvation,Army had a won- ierful clothes collection yesterday The amount contributed surprised scheme and doing their best to of garments of kinds, qualities and hues Steele announces that if iny were overlooked yesterday they may yet send their bundles to the Army C where they can be ised to advantage. S. E. Parker donated the use of a car for the day ind two of the Salvation Army boys | lid the collecting. The Salvation wishes to thank Mr. Parker They are glad that they will now be in a position to relieve who otherwise would have been cold this Christ- mas he promoters of the miny they are wt out the piles \rious Captain itadel PHOENIX, Ariz., Dec. 16:—Attor- neys for Mrs. Winnie Ruth Judd, convicted “trunk murderess” of Agnes Leroi, are making prepara- tions to take habeas corpus pro- ceedings to the federal Court of Ap- peal in an effort to save the con- demned woman from the gallows. to the The Arizona Supreme Court this | fund follow week denied an appeal on behalf of Army and all who donated many Donors Christmas Cheer Previously acknowledged $56.00 Mrs. Judd for a new trial and sen- W'lliams, Manson, Brown tenced her to be hanged on Feb- & Harvey 15.00 ruary 17 W. HK 2,00 —* a L. W. Patmore 10.00 T UT Donation 1.00 \ AGE C Acme Importers, clothing } Girls’ High School Club, clothing CONTINUED \'Ten Percent Reduction For Rail- waymen Will Not Be Lifted, It Is Reported Fails in in Effort To Make Record. | MONTREAL, Dec. 16: |Press)—Rail union chiefs from CROYDON, Eng., Dec. 16:—Lieut.|coast to coast, representing some | Victor Smith, young South African | forty thousand men in the Domin- aviator, left here yesterday with the |ion, have been informed by the object of setting up a new flight re-| railway companies that the 10% cord between England and Cape-|wage cut now in effect will not be town but his plan was frustrated | lifted on February 1 when the pre- when he was foreed down on his sent agreement terminates, it was .first day out, reported Thursday, —_— — (Canadian + ——— - ge $ nl